Top 28 Apps Similar to Restore Deleted Video

Video Recovery 93
Simple To use Video Recovery App with File Browser and Restore
Deleted Video Recovery Worksho 4.5
World Leader in video recovery technology, Just two steps torecoverlost movie.
File Recovery - Photo & Video 2.4
Flying Kat
File Recovery is the most reliable app to rescue your lostdata.Itcan help you to restore your accidentally deletedphotos,videos,documents and others. Currently, the app supportsmany filetypessuch as jpg, jpeg, png, mp4… and more will be addedin thefutureTo undelete a photo or video, tap on the lost photo orvideoyouwant to rescue and tap on the button 'Recover'. Instantly,alltheprocess of photo recovery and video restoration willbeperformed.File Recovery will restore all your rescued data inthefolder/Recovery/ in your phone storage. If the restored filesarevideosor photos, they will also be shown in the gallery app.
Restore Deleted Video 3.5
Restore Deleted VideoRestore Deleted Video is an easy way to back up and restoreallof the photos and videos on your gallery, plus yourcontacts,music, call logs, and text messages.Restore Deleted Video is the fastest data backup and restoretoolon android!You can backup every data as you want.You will never lose your data again!.Features:- Back up everything whenever you want with one tap.- Restore your files to your device.- Save all of data as you want Contacts / Calendar / Call /History/ Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- Quickly backup your files.Restore Deleted Video is in starting and development.You can Download this free.
Videos Photos Recovery 1.33
Restore deleted images, photos thathavebeendeleted due to lack of attention.If you think, why not use this application.You can restore deleted images.Have you ever deleted an important photo or video error?Sometimesithappens when you accidentally delete a photo from yourphone,andstarts looking for a good tool that can restore, you cangiveaheadache to solve this problem, all you have to do isdownloadThesepictures and videos recovery Allow applications anddrag allinternaland external phone memory.Never remove the device by accident; This applicationtriestorecover any lost or deleted on your device, you donotneedroot.This application will help you restore all deleted videosandphotos,recover your deleted now with this androidapplicationsimply thephotos.I am sure that I deleted an important photo by mistake andofcourseI had to take this picture but I do not know the goodorapplicationto recover my deleted photos from the SD card adalsomakessometimes The same and you want deleted photo retrieval soitis theright solution for you if you want to recoverthedeletedphotos.Deleted photo recovery can restore and recover lost photosandimagesfrom your memory card or internal memory if simailartoDiskDiggerretrieve photos.SimpleFree tool and Always possible since sd cardsNo computer required or No recruiting no knowledgeCertainly, restore you your photosIt is also possible to restore photos before installationIs jpg and pngNo root needed or Does not backup recruitHow to use- choose your file and select the image, press restore and soeasytorestore your imagesPhotos of restorationDigital photo recoveryLost photosRecover my deleted photos or videoImagesRecover lost photosHow to recover deleted images or videos and files onallAndroiddevices using public, deleted photo recovery, recoverphotosSDdata recovery software, recovery- the image is small and rough.The raw image is what is saved as a small thumbnail forotherimageapplications, and this extract and restore theapplication,you canchange the settings to not display smallimages.The difference between missing and restoring images that canbetheimage?His image has been stored for a long time is likely toberestoredwill be higher.Recorded after deleted images immediately possible to recoverwillbelower, more or elete cache, put a clean application toremovethecache, because the "restore underlying data" is deleted,theimagecan be restored no less.
recover all video 5.5
Récupérer Toutes les photos suppriméesWikivousguider "Comment restaurer des photos supprimées àpartirdetéléphones Android?"Formater la carte SD négligemment, accidentellementsupprimerdesphotos de famille parfaite, photosdeviennentsoudainementinaccessible .... Des choses comme celaarrive de tempsen temps.Donc, beaucoup de poeple demandé est-il unmoyen derestaurer desphotos supprimées ou perdues depuis untéléphoneAndroid?Actuellement, si la carte ne soit pasendommagéphysiquement, vouspouvez les récupérer sans aucune pertedequalité.Android Data Recovery vous permet de restaurer les imagesperduesàpartir de périphériques Android, ainsi que lesmessages,lescontacts et vidéoLorsque vous supprimez des photos surl'ordinateurexécutantMicrosoft Windows ou sur une carte mémoire, lelien verslesdonnées disparaît, mais les données restent encore quevouslesremplaciez par de nouveaux fichiers. Si vousagissezrapidement,vous pourrez peut-être réussir à récupérer desphotossupprimées devotre ordinateur ou de la carte mémoire. Si vousnepouvez pasrécupérer des photos supprimées sur votre ordinateurvialaCorbeille, vous pouvez essayer de restaurerlesversionsprécédemment enregistrées des fichiers. Pour restaurerdesphotossupprimées sur une carte mémoire, cependant, vousaurezbesoin detélécharger un programme de récupération dephotos....Il est facile de restaurer des fichiers à l'aide delogiciellibreopen source. Voilà comment, tout u besoin de faireestdetélécharger notre Récupérer supprimé tous les guideGRATUITPhotosde l'application et suivez les étapes mentionnéesàl'intérieur decelui-ci.Récupérer des photos supprimées de l'appareilSupportsdestockagePour économiser de la mémoire du téléphone lorsque voussauvegardeetde restauration des applications, recuperer fichierapresformatagevous aides a restauration des données de sauvegardesurla volonténuage de ceux-ci grâce à des services tels que:Dropbox,GoogleDrive, Microsoft onedrive.===========Caractéristiques=========- recuperer fichier apres formatage android,restaurerl'imagesupprimé- logiciel de recuperation de fichier apres formatage- Support pour restaurer la vidéo supprimé, recupererdesphotoseffacées sur la mémoire du téléphone- recuperer fichier supprimé carte memoire- les fichiers de sauvegarde avec une seule touche- Aperçu des photos, vidéos ... avant restauration photosetdesvidéos gratuit- sauvegarde et de restauration des photos- Numériser pour l'appel supprimé, SMS et ou conversations- récupérer des documents, des images, des vidéos, de lamusique,desarchives, des ebooks et binairestypes de fichiers: la numérisation Journal peutdécouvrirdesfichiers avec une extension quelconqueconcevable.Essentiellement,ces fichiers sont toujours sur votrevolume avecleurs données dansles secteurs affectés. scan Journalestdisponible uniquement surEXT4 et les systèmes defichiersdérivés.Deep scan analyse heuristique et récupère les typesdefichierssuivants: BMP, JPEG / JPG, PNG, MNG, JNG, GIF, MP4,AVI,MKV, MP3,OGG, OGM, WAV, FLAC, AMR, mp4a, PDF, SXD , SXI, SXC,SXW,ODT, ODG,ODS, ODP, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ZIP, JAR, APK, EPUB.Recover deletedphotosAllWiki guide you "How to restore deleted photosfromAndroidphones?"Format SD card carelessly, accidentally delete perfectfamilyphoto,photos suddenly become unreachable .... Things likethishappen fromtime to time. So many poeple asked is there a waytorestore deletedor lost photos from an Android phone? Currently,ifthe card is notphysically damaged, you can recover withoutanyquality loss.Android Data Recovery allows you to restore the lostpicturesfromAndroid devices, as well as messages, contacts, andvideoWhen you delete photos on the computer running MicrosoftWindowsoron a memory card, the link to the data disappears, butthedataremain until overwritten by new files. If you act quickly,youmaybe able to successfully recover deleted photos fromyourcomputeror memory card. If you can not recover deleted photosonyourcomputer through the Recycle Bin, you can tryrestoringthepreviously saved versions of files. To recover deletedphotos onamemory card, however, you will need to download aphotorecoveryprogram ....It's easy to restore files using free open sourcesoftware.Here'show, all u need to do is download our Recoverdeleted allFREEguide the implementation of Photos and follow thestepswithinit.Recover deleted photos of the device Storage MediaTo save phone memory when you backup andrestoreapplications,recover files after formatting you supportarestoration of backupdata to the cloud will to themthroughservices such as Dropbox,Google Drive, Microsoft onedrive.Features =========== =========- Recover files after format android, restorethedeletedpicture- After formatting file recovery software- Support to restore the deleted video, recover deleted photosonthephone memory- Recover deleted file Memory Card- Backup files with one touch- View photos, videos ... before restoration photosandvideosfree- Backup and restore photos- Scan for deleted call, SMS or conversations- Retrieve documents, images, videos, music, archive,ebooksandbinaryfile types: scanning Journal can discover files withanyconceivableextension. Essentially, these files are still onyourvolume withtheir data in the affected areas. Journal Scanisavailable only onderivatives and EXT4 file systems.Deep scan heuristics and recovers the following types offiles:BMP,JPEG / JPG, PNG, MNG, JNG, GIF, MP4, AVI, MKV, MP3, OGG,OGM,WAV,FLAC, AMR, mp4a, PDF, SXD SXI, SXC, SXW, ODT, ODG, ODS,ODP,DOCX,XLSX, PPTX, ZIP, JAR, APK, EPUB.
Restore video 2.3.4
Recovery Video Deleted Prime is an good waytorestore and backup all the gallery photos and videos on yourphone,as well as your data in your smartphone as music, call logsandtext messages.A simple to use Recovery Video Deleted application. VideosdataRecovered include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GP ect..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restore toolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your data againvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results and Quality may Vary! Thisisthe app for the video recovery,video recovery which is averycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm could also take a longtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwelcome all feedback on whether it worked for you or not andthephone backup model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever you want with a tap deletedvideos.- sd card backup Restore your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call / History/Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- app restoring Quickly back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. " and tell about to you friendsbyusing thoses keyswods :video backup images recover lost filesfilerecovery get backup android video dictionary recoverphotosundelete android video backupphotos picture recovery android video recovery picturerecoveryrecover my video recover my photobackup video android recover backup video video recoverphotosandroid recover androidphoto recover deleted pictures android recovery video recovervideosvideo recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted video recoverpicturesrecover deleted video android photo sms to calendarscheduled backup recovery android recover deleted filesbackupvideothanks!Recovery DeletedPrimeVideo is an Good Way to backup and restore all the galleryphotosand videos on your phone, as well as your data in yoursmartphoneas music, call logs and text messages.A easy to use Video Deleted Recovery application. VideosRecovereddata include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GP etc ..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restore toolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your data againvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results May Vary and Quality! Thisisthe app for the video recovery, video recovery qui is averycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm Could aussi take a longtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwe welcome all feedback whether it worked for you or not andthebackup phone model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever will you want with a tapdeletedvideos.- Sd card Restore backup your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call / History/Text / Pictures / Videos / Music / ETC.- Quickly restoring app back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. "And tell friends about to youbyusing thoses keyswods: video backup image file recover lostfilesrecovery backup get android video dictionary recoverpicturesundelete video android backupphoto recovery picture recovery android video picturerecoveryrecover recover my video my photobackup video video video android backup recover recoverphotorecover android androidPhoto recover deleted pictures recovery android video recovervideovideos recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted recover videopicturesrecover deleted picture video android sms to calendarScheduled backup recovery recover deleted files androidbackupvideothanks!
Video Recycle Bin 88
Recover Lost Videos with the Video Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin 3.6
Restore and Recover Deleted Photos, Videos and Files - LikeComputer
Recover My Deleted Video 1.4.1
Recovery Video Deleted Prime is an goodwaytorestore and backup all the gallery photos and videos onyourphone,as well as your data in your smartphone as music, calllogsandtext messages.A simple to use Recovery Video Deleted application.VideosdataRecovered include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GPect..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restoretoolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your dataagainvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results and Quality may Vary!Thisisthe app for the video recovery,video recovery which isaverycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm could also take alongtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwelcome all feedback on whether it worked for you or notandthephone backup model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever you want with a tap deletedvideos.- sd card backup Restore your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call /History/Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- app restoring Quickly back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. " and tell about to youfriendsbyusing thoses keyswods :video backup images recover lostfilesfilerecovery get backup android video dictionaryrecoverphotosundelete android video backupphotos picture recovery android video recoverypicturerecoveryrecover my video recover my photobackup video android recover backup video videorecoverphotosandroid recover androidphoto recover deleted pictures android recovery videorecovervideosvideo recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted video recoverpicturesrecoverdeleted video android photo sms to calendarscheduled backup recovery android recover deletedfilesbackupvideothanks!RecoveryDeletedPrimeVideo is an Good Way to backup and restore all thegalleryphotosand videos on your phone, as well as your data inyoursmartphoneas music, call logs and text messages.A easy to use Video Deleted Recovery application.VideosRecovereddata include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GP etc..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restoretoolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your dataagainvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results May Vary and Quality!Thisisthe app for the video recovery, video recovery qui isaverycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm Could aussi take alongtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwe welcome all feedback whether it worked for you or notandthebackup phone model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever will you want with atapdeletedvideos.- Sd card Restore backup your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call /History/Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- Quickly restoring app back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. "And tell friends about to youbyusingthoses keyswods: video backup image file recover lostfilesrecoverybackup get android video dictionary recoverpicturesundelete videoandroid backupphoto recovery picture recovery android videopicturerecoveryrecover recover my video my photobackup video video video android backup recover recoverphotorecoverandroid androidPhoto recover deleted pictures recovery android videorecovervideovideos recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted recover videopicturesrecoverdeleted picture video android sms to calendarScheduled backup recovery recover deleted filesandroidbackupvideothanks!
Recover Videos 2.3.6
Recovery Video Deleted Prime is an good waytorestore and backup all the gallery photos and videos on yourphone,as well as your data in your smartphone as music, call logsandtext messages.A simple to use Recovery Video Deleted application. VideosdataRecovered include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GP ect..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restore toolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your data againvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results and Quality may Vary! Thisisthe app for the video recovery,video recovery which is averycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm could also take a longtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwelcome all feedback on whether it worked for you or not andthephone backup model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever you want with a tap deletedvideos.- sd card backup Restore your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call / History/Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- app restoring Quickly back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. " and tell about to you friendsbyusing thoses keyswods :video backup images recover lost filesfilerecovery get backup android video dictionary recoverphotosundelete android video backupphotos picture recovery android video recovery picturerecoveryrecover my video recover my photobackup video android recover backup video video recoverphotosandroid recover androidphoto recover deleted pictures android recovery video recovervideosvideo recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted video recoverpicturesrecover deleted video android photo sms to calendarscheduled backup recovery android recover deleted filesbackupvideothanks!Recovery DeletedPrimeVideo is an Good Way to backup and restore all the galleryphotosand videos on your phone, as well as your data in yoursmartphoneas music, call logs and text messages.A easy to use Video Deleted Recovery application. VideosRecovereddata include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GP etc ..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restore toolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your data againvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results May Vary and Quality! Thisisthe app for the video recovery, video recovery qui is averycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm Could aussi take a longtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwe welcome all feedback whether it worked for you or not andthebackup phone model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever will you want with a tapdeletedvideos.- Sd card Restore backup your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call / History/Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- Quickly restoring app back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. "And tell friends about to youbyusing thoses keyswods: video backup image file recover lostfilesrecovery backup get android video dictionary recoverpicturesundelete video android backupphoto recovery picture recovery android video picturerecoveryrecover recover my video my photobackup video video video android backup recover recoverphotorecover android androidPhoto recover deleted pictures recovery android video recovervideovideos recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted recover videopicturesrecover deleted picture video android sms to calendarScheduled backup recovery recover deleted files androidbackupvideothanks!
DiskDigger Pro file recovery 1.0-pro-2020-10-31
DiskDigger Pro (for rooted devices!)canundelete and recover lost photos, documents, videos, music,andmore from your memory card or internal memory (see supportedfiletypes below). Whether you accidentally deleted a file, orevenreformatted your memory card, DiskDigger's powerful datarecoveryfeatures can find your lost files and let you restorethem.Note: if your device is not rooted, the app can only performa"limited" scan for for deleted photos. To be able to searchforother types of files, and to search your device's entireinternalmemory, the device needs to be rooted. On a non-rooteddevice, theapp can only recover lower-resolution versions of yourphotos thatit finds in your device's cache and thumbnaildirectories.For complete instructions, pleasesee can upload your recovered files directly to GoogleDrive,Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you touploadthe files to an FTP server, or save them to a differentlocalfolder on your device.DiskDigger can recover the following file types: JPG, PNG, MP4 /M4A/ 3GP / MOV, GIF, MP3, AMR, WAV, TIF, CR2, SR2, NEF, DCR, PEF,DNG,ORF, DOC / DOCX, XLS / XLSX, PPT / PPTX, PDF, XPS, ODT / ODS /ODP /ODG, ZIP, APK, EPUB, SNB, VCF, RAR.
Recover Deleted Video File 3.0
Recover Deleted Video FileRecover Deleted Video File is an easy way to back upandrestoreall of the photos and videos on your gallery, plusyourcontacts,music, call logs, and text messages.Recover Deleted Video File is the fastest data backupandrestoretool on android!You can backup every data as you want.You will never lose your data again!.Features:- Backup Notification- SMS backup & Restore- Contacts Backup & Restore- Call Log backup & Restore- Bookmark backup & Restore- App Backup & Restore- Calendar backup & Restore- Extremely fast backups
Photos Recovery Video Restore 1.32
Recover deleted photo application allowsyoutorecover deleted deleted photos now with this simple photoofAndroidremoved for free!I am sure that eliminated an important image removed bymistakeand,of course, I had to take this picture but I do not knowthecorrector the application to recover deleted photos and wanttorecoverdeleted photos, so it is The right solution for you thatifyou wantto recover deleted photos.Introduction: Photo Recovery Recovers Deleted or photosisanapplication or tool to recover and restore any deleted memoryorSDcard for internal and external photos.Recover deleted images is a very simple process, alldeletedfileswill be recovered in two to three minutes. No need toprocessmore,just press a button to recover.Need a Photo Recovery Application: We all have social mediaonourphones that brings a lot of pictures that we consideruselessatthe time and delete to save space but later realized thatthephotowas An important part of a cherished memory. A memory thatcannotbe recreated or reproduced, but can delete the photo.When the phone card or SD card has crashed and deletedalltheimages, the trash for the photos is required.When you travel to new places and take the picture or youornatureor selfie close and suddenly the phone memory is full,youmustremove unwanted can not find good pictures. But at home,youwantto see all your images or photos to recover andrestorethenrestore the images in the image.Using recovered deleted photos?After installing for the first time, press a searchbuttontoretrieve the load all images for the first time.Wait for the recovery images to be a very long task and ittakesawhile, so be patient.You will see based on their folder and by clicking ontheselectedimages that can restore the backup can take picturesandfileresults.main characteristics:very effectiveSimple and easy to useNo need to use the root of the applicationRecover and restore selected or selected imagesRecovered images will be restored to a specific folderinyourgallery called "recover_photos"Recorded image session to reduce recovery time againwaiverWe do not store user data, this tool is only to help peoplewhoonceagain want their precious memories in the formofphotos.helpPlease only note us if you like our recovery software torecoverallyour deleted photos.
Recover All My Files Free 1.0
This Recover All My Files Free isaeasyrecovery application that can backup or restore orrecoverallapplications or all your files and a few other things onyourphoneinstalled. Yes, You can do it now with a LostDataRecoverySoftware put your photos, SMS , vidoes , calllogs,systemsettings,contacts, nambers phons, recover - textmessagesrecovery, all access points and applications are backedup.Conservationand recovery is very easy, just bdath button.Do you want to find back your lost Photos on your phone?Whatyoumight not know is that you can usually restore thosepicturesfromyour device. Don't worry! The deleted files like photoimagefilescan be restored with this application ( RestorePhotos).This Recover All My Files Free will help to restorealldeletedphotos, Recover your deleted photos now with thissimpleandroidapp for free!Today you can retrieve most of your deleted photos in justafewminutes recovery app for deleted photo and video withouttheneedof ROOT !This Recover Recover All My Files Free application allowyoutoRecover your deleted photos now with this simplerecoverdeletedfiles, recovery for free!I 'm sure that I deleted an important photo by mistake andofcourseI were need this photo but I don't know the right wayoraplicationto recover my deleted photos from sd card ad youtoosometime youwere do the same thingYou can solve this problem all what you have to do istodownloadthis application ( Recover All My Files FREE ) and letitScan allyour phone’s internal and external memory.This app attempts to recover all lost or deleted photosonyourdevice.This app is compatible with Smart Phones and Tablets. Theuserscanrestore all the deleted photos, it can restorethephotosimmediately.-----------A special feature--------recover deleted picturesNeed not the knowledge!Recover deleted messagesNeed not the PC!Recover my deleted photosRecover deleted textsRecover deleted filesRecover deleted messagesRecover deleted photosRecover deleted videos on androidNeed not rooting!Recover deleted texts android no rootNeed not Backup data!You can restore the image from the Device or from the SDcard!Recover formatted sd cardrecovers the following types of files: BMP, JPEG/JPG, PNG,MNG,JNG,GIF, MP4, AVI, MKV, MP3, OGG, OGM, WAV, FLAC, AMR, MP4A,PDF,SXD,SXI, SXC, SXW, ODT,ODG, ODS, ODP, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, ZIP,JAR,APK,EPUB.
Pro Diskdigger recovery 1.0
DiskDigger can undelete and recoverlostphotosand images from your memory card or internal memory.Norootingnecessary.Whether you accidentally deleted a photo, or evenreformattedyourmemory card, DiskDigger's powerful data recoveryfeatures canfindyour lost pictures and let you restore them.Today you can retrieve most of your deleted photos in justafewminutes without the need of ROOT !Photo Pecovery application allow you to Recover yourdeletedPhotosand VIDEO now with this simple android deleted photorecoveryforfree!you can upload your recovered files directly toGoogleDrive,Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allowsyou tosavethe files to a different local folder on your devic★★ FEATURES ★★★easy to use★recovery photo and video★backup and restore photos and video★best data recovery software
Recover Deleted All Files 7.1
Recovery app for deleted Files & Document. RecoverDeletedPhotos & Videos.
Data Recovery - Photo or Video 1.1
Data Recovery is a powerful tool to recover deleted photos,lostfiles and videos on your Android phones and tablets. We aretheexpert in Android with years of experience in data recovery,imageand video restoration. Data recovery will scan the deletedfilesand restore your valuable photos and videos instantly. Torecoveryour lost images, wait until Data Recovery finds the onesyou tryto restore, simply tap on them then tap on the button"Restore".Data Recovery supports many file types including jpg,png, gif,mp4, mkv and more.... Let us help you to recover yourpreciousphotos/videos before it's too late.
Video Image Data Recovery 3.5
Video Image Data RecoveryBackup and Restore app for Android.This app will backup and restore files from your device storedinthe SD CardYou can choose position to save and if you have other backupsdonechoose which backup to restore!Video Image Data Recovery is the easiest way to save allthemobile content well protected in one place.With Video Image Data Recovery mobile content management issosimple - to work with all the content you need only onesingleapplication.Features:- Back up everything whenever you want with one tap.- Restore your files to your device.- Save all of data as you want Contacts / Calendar / Call /History/ Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- Quickly backup your files.Video Image Data Recovery is in starting and development.You can Download this free.
Recover My Files 1.0
Recover my Files: is a RecoveryforAndroidSmartphones and Tablets.This application will enable you to recover accidentallydeletedorafter format or lost photos ,videos , Messages(SMS),Contacts,WhatsApp messages and music a from your phone ,RootingDevice isnot required★ Recover Message (SMS)Recover accidentally delete messages (SMS) or after formatfromyourinternal phone databaseRestore deleted messages (SMS) in the originalmessagingAPP,Dropbox, Google Drive.★ Recover ContactsRecover accidentally delete contacts or after formatfromyourinternal phone databaseRestore deleted contacts in the default contact APP,Dropbox,GoogleDrive.Recover deleted contacts to csv★ Recover photos, videos and MusicRecover lost photos , videos and music due to deletiondirectlyonyour device.Supported photo formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, TIF,TIFF.Supported video formats: MP4 (Taken by Camera) , 3GP, MOV,AVI,MPG,WMV, ASF, FLV, RM/RMVB, M4V, 3G2, SWF.Supported Music formats: All formatFile systems supported:FAT16,FAT32,exFAT,EXT1,EXT2,EXT3,EXT4.Ability to restore from the built in storage as well as fromanSDcard installed in the device.★ Recover WhatsApp MessageRecover accidentally delete WhatsApp messages or afterformatfromyour internal phone databaseRestore deleted WhatsApp messages (SMS) in the originalmessagingAPP,Dropbox, Google Drive.GT Recovery can undelete files, recover lost photosthroughscanningthe storage on your phone.If you accidentally deleted something important onyourphone,reformatted your memory card, or restore your phone tothefactorydefault settings, GT Recovery can help you recoverimagesorphotos, recover audios as musics and records,recovervideos,recover lost contacts and messages, which containsfunctionsasinstallation file recovery, package recovery,documentsrecoveryetc.Features:~ Supports mainstream volume formats, as FAT,EXT3,EXT4.~ The scanning results of audios or videos can be previewed.~ Help you find what you want easily.
Photo Recovery - Image Restore 143
Deleted Photo Image can be restored. Pictures, Data and LostFilesRecovery
Mobile Phone Data Recovery DOC 2.5
Mobile Phone Data Recovery Advisor is a Free App that guides youtorestore your deleted pictures or erased Files Photos VideosImagesand other lost data from Cell Phone internal storage ormemory Cardof your mobile using DDR mobile Data Recovery Software.This Apphas following main sections on the basis of major data losscases:Deleted Data from Mobile Phone Formatted Memory Card of yourMobileLost Picture from Cell Phone Erased Mobile Phone VideosFormattedMobile Phone storage or SD Card DDR Mobile Phone DataRecoverySoftware works for Windows as well as Mac. If you requireanyfurther technical assistance from our expert Data RecoveryTeam,You can contact us just by a single tap on contact us buttonwithinthe App.
Restore video deleted 2.3.2
Recovery Video Deleted Prime is an good waytorestore and backup all the gallery photos and videos on yourphone,as well as your data in your smartphone as music, call logsandtext messages.A simple to use Recovery Video Deleted application. VideosdataRecovered include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GP ect..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restore toolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your data againvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results and Quality may Vary! Thisisthe app for the video recovery,video recovery which is averycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm could also take a longtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwelcome all feedback on whether it worked for you or not andthephone backup model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever you want with a tap deletedvideos.- sd card backup Restore your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call / History/Text / Photos / Videos / Music / ETC.- app restoring Quickly back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. " and tell about to you friendsbyusing thoses keyswods :video backup images recover lost filesfilerecovery get backup android video dictionary recoverphotosundelete android video backupphotos picture recovery android video recovery picturerecoveryrecover my video recover my photobackup video android recover backup video video recoverphotosandroid recover androidphoto recover deleted pictures android recovery video recovervideosvideo recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted video recoverpicturesrecover deleted video android photo sms to calendarscheduled backup recovery android recover deleted filesbackupvideothanks!Recovery DeletedPrimeVideo is an Good Way to backup and restore all the galleryphotosand videos on your phone, as well as your data in yoursmartphoneas music, call logs and text messages.A easy to use Video Deleted Recovery application. VideosRecovereddata include: FLV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, 3GP etc ..Restore Deleted video is the fastest data backup and restore toolonandroid!You can save all the data you backup You will never lose your data againvideorecovery!phone backup No root required! Results May Vary and Quality! Thisisthe app for the video recovery, video recovery qui is averycomplicated algorithm. The algorithm Could aussi take a longtimedue to the large size of videos.sms to calendarwe welcome all feedback whether it worked for you or not andthebackup phone model name. I really appreciate it!Characteristics:- Save everything whenever will you want with a tapdeletedvideos.- Sd card Restore backup your files to your device.- Save all the data you want Contacts / Calendar / Call / History/Text / Pictures / Videos / Music / ETC.- Quickly restoring app back up your files.Restore Deleted video is in startup and development.You can download it for free. "And tell friends about to youbyusing thoses keyswods: video backup image file recover lostfilesrecovery backup get android video dictionary recoverpicturesundelete video android backupphoto recovery picture recovery android video picturerecoveryrecover recover my video my photobackup video video video android backup recover recoverphotorecover android androidPhoto recover deleted pictures recovery android video recovervideovideos recovery androidandroid video recovery recover deleted recover videopicturesrecover deleted picture video android sms to calendarScheduled backup recovery recover deleted files androidbackupvideothanks!
Recover All My Deleted File 3.11.0
Recover All My Deleted FileRecover All My Deleted File is a very powerful applicationthatcan backup or restore all applications and a few other thingsonyour phone installed. You can do it with a Lost DataRecoverySoftware put your MMS, SMS , bookmarks , call logs,systemsettings, alarm clock, all access points and applicationsarebacked up. Speed ​​Save your work very fast and easy, youjustpress a few buttons , it will start working.Features:- Backup Contacts & SMS & Call logs to SD card- Restore Contacts & SMS & Call logs from SD card- Share your back up through email or other methods.- Backup Contacts on account.- Backup: save a copy of installed applications on thedevice.- Silent & Fast Backup & Restore.Recover All My Deleted File help backup and restore userdata,etc. Professional, stable, and easy to use. Backup &Restore isalways ready to help you from any dangers due to the lossof appand data from your phone.
Deleted Data Recovery 1.0
Scan and recover deleted files, photos, videos, musics andContactson single touch . A powerful Recovery tool that Searchyourinternal storage and SD card for deleted media and contactandrecover them again easily. Restore your deleted Data onsingletouch and its very easy to use this app. Deleted DataRecovery isable to recover all files. Sometimes it happens when youdeleteaccidentally a data from your phone, and start looking for agoodtool that can restore it for you can bring you a headache. Tosolvethis problem all what you have to do is the download this appandlet it Scan all your phone’s internal and external memory. HOWTOUSE : It is easy, just launch the app. A loading screen willshowup. Just be patient and wait until it scans all folders andfilesfor erased media. After searching is completed , it will showa newscreen with folders, each folder contains pictures from aspecificlocation. check them one by one looking for you photos,each foldercontains a list of images inside it. Check images youwant torestore and when you finish doing that hit restore buttontorecover them. Now a dialog will show up telling you in whichfolderto find recovered images. You can either browse this folderorbrowse the gallery where you can find them as well. This appmayshow some pictures even if they are not deleted yet. Thatbecausethere is already an occurrence of this files in hiddenfoldersscanned by this app. Just keep looking and you will findphotos youare looking for. This is not a recycle bin, it astandalone appthat can recover pictures even ones that have beendeleted beforethe app was installed. This application can restore& recoverall your manually deleted data & Contacts. -Restore &recover media & Contact without any backup. - CanRestore &recover one by one or all at once. - Can SearchDeleted Contacts -can Recover all Data form storage like photo,video, musics andfiles. deleted data recovery is the easiest way todeleted datarecovery and restore your data all from your phonewithout needinga computer or synchronization. For free, the appwill restore allsupported image file types and all types of data,includingpicture, video, musics and deleted contact.
New Backup videos and Restore 1.0
New Backup videos and Restore istheleadingfree Android recycle bin, for users prone toaccidentallydeletingdevice files and images. Once the recovery apphas beendownloaded,users can effortlessly undelete and restoredevicedata.Undelete your photosWe’ve all been there. That moment when you realizeyou’vedeletedsomething important from your device, and there’s noway toget itback. Only now there is! New Backup videos and Restoreis afreeandroid recovery app that saves all deleted files,images,videosand more, so that you can restore them later on.Instantly recover lost filesRecovery is simple and instantaneous! Just enter yourNewBackupvideos and Restore recycle bin, click on the files orimagesyouwish to undelete and voila - they’ll instantly appear backonyourdevice.New Backup videos and Restore stores deleted pictures,videos,files,previous app versions, documents and more. No matterwhatyou need toundelete, New Backup videos and Restore caninstantlyrecover andrestore it for you.Free up storage space on your deviceNew Backup videos and Restore offers users a premiumcloudbasedversion, freeing up valuable device storage space. Userscanbackupdeleted pictures, files and videos to the New BackupvideosandRestore cloud, and then effortlessly retrieve andundeletethemlater on. New Backup videos and Restore’s premiumcloudstorageprovides mobile users with a reliable device backup foraminimalfee, and zero device storage space required. Italsoentitles usersto an ad-free experience, and offerslockscreencapabilities.Key features:✔ Effortlessly save deleted items to your device✔ Instantly retrieve important files, photos, imagesandvideos✔ Restore accidentally deleted pictures✔ It’s free✔ Auto clean option available✔ Premium cloud storage option✔ Lock screen option- to protect photos✔ Support for 14 languages✔ Backup Notification after certain contact limit✔ Searching options on Contacts✔ SMS selected contact-numbers✔ SMS Backup link✔ Restore all informations in a contact, even the images✔ Auto Backup system✔ Backup all Contacts to sdcard / gmail / drop-box/googledrive✔ Restore vcf from sd card / gmail / drop-box / googledrivewithoutduplicate / overlap contact.✔video recovery✔photos recovery✔whatsapp chat backup and recoveryBackup, restore to ANY(!) Smart-phone without anyexternalserver.Completely self controlled, safe, secured andfast.
Data Recovery and Restore 1.0
Video Editor
(**)Data Recovery and Restore(**)Data Recovery and Restore is an easy way to back upandrestoreall of the photos and videos on yourgallery, plus your contacts, music, call logs, and textmessagesandother important data.There are plenty of great ways to back up your Androidphonedata,but the Data Recovery and Restoremakes it easy for anyone to do scheduled backups oftheirapps,settings, and data,where you canquickly use it to set up a new phone.The Data Recovery and Restore app is an easy way to backupandrestore all of the photos and videoson your gallery,or also your contacts, music, call logs,andtextmessages and some other file orimportant data.This Data Recovery and Restore application is averypowerfulapplication that can backup or restoreall applications and a few other things on your mobile data.This Data Recovery and Restore application have manytypeoffeatures like- Back up everything whenever you want with one tap.- Backup or recover your data to SD card or internalstorage.- The scanning results of audios or videos or many otherfilecanbe previewed.- Backup Contacts,SMS,Call logs to internal storage orSDcard- Restore Contacts,SMS,Call logs from SD card- Silent & Fast Backup & Restore.- Can download backup files from Google Drive.- User can also change backup folder path in Settings.- This Data Recovery and Restore is fully freedownloadedfromandroid market.
Recover Deleted Photos 2016 3.0
Have you ever deleted an important photobymistake ?!Sometimes it happens when you delete accidently a photo fromyourphone, and start looking for a good tool that can restore itforyou can bring you a headache. To solve this problem all whatyouhave to do is the download recuva data recovery for android andletit Scan all your phone’s internal and external memory.Ever deleted media by accident? This app attempts to recoveralllost or deleted photos on your device. No root required.This application will help to restore all deleted photos,Recoveryour deleted photos now with this simple android appforfree!Today you can retrieve most of your deleted photos in just afewminutes without the need of ROOT !Photo Pecovery application allow you to Recover your deletedphotosnow with this simple android deleted photo recovery forfree!I 'm sure that I deleted an important photo by mistake and ofcourseI were need this photo but I don't know the right way oraplicationto recover my deleted photos from sd card ad you toosometime youwere do the same thingand you want deleted photo recovery so this is the rightsolutionfor you just if you want to get deleted pics back.deleted photo recovery can undelete and recover lost photosandimages from your memory card or internal memory it so simailartodiskdigger photo recovery .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ FEATURES ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ easy to use★ recovery photo★backup and restore photos★best data recovery softwareSo did you delete a photo in your phone with no intention todoit ? photo recovery app deleted photos is the best and therightsolution for you !Have you ever deleted some files in yourphonelike pictures and you regret doing that? photo recoverysoftwarefor android is you hero that can help you to solveyouproblemeand recover my deleted photos.You can also restore old deleted photos and emails.This is the best recover deleted files for anyone,he is workwithall phone like samsung note photo recovery and galaxy s3photorecovery aslo with all android smart phone such as samsungrecoveryphotos.So don’t worry about deleteany photo by mistake , now youcanrecover them all in a minute with memory cardphotosrecovery.Today you can restore sd memory most of your deleted photos injusta few minutes without the need of ROOT !