Top 7 Apps Similar to 四柱推命の万年暦(Standard)

最适合中国人的万年历,集日历、农历、记事、提醒于一身的生活助手。苹果商店同类应用下载量No.1,一亿用户的信赖,最受欢迎的日历,众多电子市场装机必备软件。【产品简介】①日历:黄历宜忌、节日节气、吉日查询、历史查询;② 提醒:会议、记事、待办、日程管理、生日提醒、日记本;③天气:天气动态、未来一周天气、PM2.5污染提示;④ 特色功能:星座运势、资讯卡片、周公解梦、观音灵签、财喜罗盘、安全期管理、人体节律、马年运程。【产品特点】①最全面的日历查看功能,随时掌握日期,您的时间管理专家!②界面简洁,不冗余,凸显中国风,做最优质准确的中国日历万年历!③更多实用功能,将时间与事件结合,高效生活!④完美继承和延续中国传统文化!
萬年曆-日曆農民曆老黃曆吉曆擇吉行事歷節假日 3.7
吉曆日曆萬年曆是一款集合傳統曆法,周易民俗的新型日曆,不僅可以簡單方便地查詢萬年曆,瞭解傳統日曆的種種含義,還可以根據生辰不同擇日擇吉,告訴你什麼時辰(幾點)做事更吉利,讓你趨利避害,事事順利!能定位到城鎮的天氣預報功能更是為生活提供了便捷,日曆中還有完善的備忘提醒功能,讓你在忙碌的時間中,也能記住重要的事。【吉曆萬年曆讓時間更有傳統特色】★每日運勢:每日運勢結合個人生辰八字資訊,打造專屬個人的綜合運勢、財運、事業運、桃花運等,運勢結合八字更適合,更準確。★黃曆:吉曆萬年曆擁有市場上較為完整老黃曆資訊,詳細羅列出農曆節氣變化、每日宜忌、吉神凶神、黃黑道日、生肖沖煞、胎神方位、時辰凶吉、建除十二神、天干地支、納音五行、吉神方位,是居家常備日曆。★萬年曆:可以快速翻閱每個月的節日調休,陽曆與農曆的對照一目了然,還可以定制內容管理或者顯示天干地支,選擇出自己感興趣的日曆資訊。★日程提醒:吉曆萬年曆擁有完善的提醒功能,操作簡單快捷,包含備忘錄、日程提醒、生日紀念,可以方便的管理生活的大小事,隨時隨地提醒重要事項。★八字擇日:吉曆萬年曆依據周易命理和民俗習慣,依據參與人的生辰八字,嚴謹地選擇出合適參與人八字的黃道吉日,並且進行評分解析,讓參與人知道什麼時辰(幾點)做事更吉利。★節日信息:吉曆萬年曆中包含了完整的節日資訊,動態針對國內放假日期進行調整,還有國際節日、國內節日、傳統節日、佛教節日、道教節日、二十四節氣等,讓你不再錯過任何有意義的節日。★天氣預報:可以定位到城鎮的天氣預報功能擁有24小時天氣、一周天氣情況、生活指數、空氣品質、風向風力、日落日出等資訊,一站就能看全吉曆萬年曆,全新的日曆功能,期待你的體驗!Kyrgyzstancalendarcalendar calendar calendar is a collection of traditional,folkBook new calendar, not only easy to check calendar, tounderstandthe meaning of various traditional calendar, you can alsopick anauspicious day according to choose different birthday, tellsyouwhat hour (few) things more auspicious, so youavoidingdisadvantages like success! Can be positioned to weatherforecastfor towns function is to provide a convenient life, as wellasimproved calendar reminder memo feature that lets you busytime,but also remember the important things.    [Kat calendar calendar so that timemoretraditional features]    ★ Daily Horoscope: DailyHoroscopebirthdates combination of personal information, to createexclusivepersonal fortune comprehensive, wealth, businessoperation, peach,etc., combined fortune character is more suitableand moreaccurate.    ★ almanac: Kat calendar calendar have onthemarket LaoHuangLi more complete information, set out in detailthelunar solar terms change daily Taboo, guitar god Xiong Shen,Huangunderworld Day, Lunar New Year red evil, God fetal position,Luckhour, apart from a dozen built the gods, attribution,inclusive tonefive elements, guitar god orientation, is the homestandingcalendar.    ★ Calendar: You can quickly scrollholidaydays off each month, the solar calendar and lunar controlglance,you can also customize the display content managementorattribution, choose their own interest tocalendarinformation.    ★ calendar reminder: Kyrgyzstan hasaperfect calendar calendar reminders, simple and quickoperation,including memos, schedule reminders, birthdaycommemoration, caneasily manage life size thing, anywhere to remindimportantmatters.    ★ character selection day: Katcalendarcalendar based on the Book of Changes numerology andcustoms and,according to the participant's date of birth, rigorousselection ofthe appropriate person to participate in the auspiciouscharacter,and scoring analysis, let participants know what hour ofthe (few)things more auspicious.    ★ festival information: Katcalendarcalendar contains the complete festival information, thedynamicfor the domestic holiday date adjustment, as well asinternationalfestivals, national festivals, traditional festivals,Buddhistfestivals, Taoist festival twenty-four solar terms, so thatyou nolonger miss any meaningful holiday.    ★ weather forecast: Weatherforecastfunction can be targeted to the town 24 hour weather weekweatherconditions, cost of living, air quality, wind, sunrise andsunsetand other information, a station will be able to seethewhole    Kyrgyzstan calendar calendar, thenewcalendar features, look forward to your experience!
吉运万年历 3.0
万年历,一款日历该有的样子。小身材中的大智慧。精美简洁,让时间回归清新质朴的状态。告别各式各样的插件烦恼;告别繁琐复杂的操作困扰。一目了然的时光记忆,让时光在手心流转;独立直观的节日假期,给未来增添看得到的希冀;贴心人性的阴历提醒,每日宜忌提前知晓。节日节气标注清晰,微博微信同步分享!轻松转告亲朋好友运行流畅,内存占用率极小,小体积,完美适配各种分辨率。提供公历、农历、天气、日程、黄历、笔记,记事、生日、节日、等日历实用功能。Calendar, a calendarthatlooks like.Small stature of great wisdom.Beautifully simple, let time return to pristine condition.Farewell to a wide range of plug-in trouble;Goodbye to cumbersome and complex operations problems.Glance time and memory, so that the circulation time in the palmofthe hand;Independent intuitive holiday season, hope for the future toaddvisible;Close friends of the lunar calendar reminders, daily Taboo knowinadvance.Holiday Feasts clearly marked, microblogging sharing theletter!Easy to tell friends and familyRun smooth, minimal memory usage, small size, perfect fitvariousresolutions.Provide the Gregorian calendar, weather, calendar, almanac,notes,memos, birthdays, holidays, and other usefulfeaturescalendar.
老黃曆-正宗傳統中國老黄历萬年歷順歷日歷陰陽歷農歷 5.0.6
WuKong Inc
Lunar Calendar
Fann Software
Chinese lunar calendar
四柱推命の万年暦(Light) 2.1.5
This is Fortune telling app forPerpetualcalendar of the 4 Pillars of Destiny.This app base language is JapaneseAbout 四柱年柱:Born year of Year post月柱:Born year of Month post日柱:Born day of Day post時柱:Born time of Time postThis app Light version can seeks 年柱(Born year of Year post)Operation check terminal device for Android:HTL22Reference Book暦と占いの科学永田 久(ながた ひさし)新潮社ISBN978-4-10-600228-1定価:本体1200円
万年历日历 6.8.0
万年历,遇见美丽时光!看日期,查农历,明天气,晓凶吉,一指触碰中,细品晴雨岁月;读新闻,赏音乐,购生活,记心情,三版变化间,漫步四季人生。功能全,体积小;速度快,口碑好;免费的云服务,贴心的乐提醒,小图标,大世界,传统与现代的完美融合,走近我,和时光来场不分手的恋爱。 【我们的功能】 1、日历:农历黄历随便看,假日节气道道全。 2、天气:中国天气网战略合作伙伴,支持天气背景随天气变化,提供空气质量、灾害预警等全方位信息; 3、个性阅读:新闻、亲子、情感、旅行、赛事…定制个人阅读口味,你在乎的,我们都懂; 4、生日、纪念日、倒数日:支持通讯录、社交网络上的重要日期一键导入; 5、记事:支持多次、周期性重复提醒,支持添加涂鸦、录音等信息; 6、云同步:支持手机、Pad、网页端实时同步; 7、实用工具:解梦月经算吉日,求签铃声换壁纸…传统文化与现代生活完美结合; 8、私人定制:支持全屏半屏日历样式、多种主题皮肤。 【交个朋友吧】 在线帮助:进入设置-反馈,提交问题 QQ交流群:204980346(安卓)、76724787(苹果) 客服电话:010-84159031(工作日09:00~18:00) 微博/微信:@万年历浏览器打开网页:, metbeautifultime!Look date, check the lunar calendar, clear weather, Xiao Luck,afinger touch, the fine chemicals Qingyu years;Read the news, to music, buy life, remember the mood amongthreeeditions of change, walk four seasons of life.Full-featured, small size; fast, good reputation; freecloudservice, intimate music reminder, small icons, World, theperfectblend of tradition and modernity, approached me, and do notbreakup the time to market of love.[We] function1, the calendars: Lunar almanac casual look, round after roundoffull throttle holiday.2. Weather: China Weather Network strategic partners tosupportweather background changes in the weather, providing airquality,such as full disaster warning information;3, personalized reading: news, family, emotional, travel, events...customized personal reading tastes, you care about, weknoweverything;4, birthdays, anniversaries, countdown date: supportcontacts,important dates on the social network a key import;5, note: support many times, periodically repeated reminders,addsupport graffiti, recording information;6, cloud sync: Support phone, Pad, page endreal-timesynchronization;7. Utility: dream menstrual considered auspicious,divinationringtones wallpaper changer traditional culture andmodern life ...the perfect combination;8, private custom: half-screen supports full-screen calendarstyles,a variety of topics skin.【let's make friends】Online help: Go to Settings - Feedback, submit questionsQQ exchange group: 204 980 346 (Andrews), 76,724,787 (Apple)Customer Service Tel: 010-84159031 (weekdays 9:00 - 18:00)Weibo / micro letter: @ calendarBrowser to open the Web page: http: //