Top 5 Apps Similar to Clinical Lab ( Osmolality )

Medical Tools Pro 1.3.0
Irtza Sharif
An ad free library of pulmonary tools suchascalculators, test interpretation and scoring systemscatergorizedby system such as pulmonary, critical care, cardiology,neurology,and oncology.Included:ABG interpreter- triple acid base (including anion gap),PaO2/FiO2ratioAa-gradient calculatorBODE index calculationPORT score (pneumonia severity index / PSI)CURB65SMARTCOPtidal volume calculations by ideal body weightTNM staging for lung cancerOxygen content and O2 extraction calculations.Wells score for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonaryembolism(PE)serum and urine osmolarityfree water clearance and deficitFractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa)Corrected CalciumGFR estimates using Cockcroft-Gault and MDRD eGFRCHADS2Glasgow Coma ScaleBody Mass Index (BMI calculator)TIMI for NSTEMICHADS/CHADS2/CHADS2VascCorrected reticulocyte countabsolute neutrophil count (ANC)Corrected sodium (for glucose)corrected phenytoinMELDRockall score for GI bleedTPN calculations and total caloric intake by partsfluid requirements to correct hyponatremia or hypernatremiaPredicted improvement in INR with FFPPFT (spirometry, DLCO and lung volumes) Normal valuesShunt FractionCardiac output by fickChild-Pughsteroid unit conversionGeneral Unit conversion such as kilogram to pounds(weight),distance and volumedue date by LMP (last menstrual period) and by dateofconceptionNarcotic analgesic dose conversion for different opioids anddosingintervalsQTc and short QT interval calculationsMaddrey's Discriminant FunctionThis is for medical students, internal medicineresidents,respiratory therapists, nurses and doctors working in thepulmonaryfield.This has not been clinically verified at this time.
Serum Osmolality Calculator 2.2
Osmolality Estimator to estimate blood serum (mOsm/kg). Serumbloodosmolality test measures the amount of chemicals dissolved intheliquid part (serum) of the blood. The normal range of bloodserumosmolality is 285-295 mOsm/L. Serum Osmolality Calculation isdonebased on Na(Sodium), glucose and BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen).
Medical Formulas 3.0.1
Sanapps Dev
Use intuitively the validated scores and formulas formedicalpractice.
Laboratory Values 1.2
* Languages Português, English Did you saw a laboratory testresultsand did not know what to think? Relaxe RELAB is anapplication thatcomes with the normal values for more than 200laboratory tests andalso comes with a commentary on all examswhich indicates the mainsituations, pathological or physiological,in that they can beincreased or decreased . Divided into "CBC","serum biochemistry andcoagulation", "urinalysis", "stool test","CSF (cerebrospinalfluid)," "pleural fluid", "ascites fluid" and"synovial fluide" theapplication was made thinking for helpprofessionals / students ofhealth are or even people in general tohave a light at the end ofthe tunnel in the test results. BloodCount: Hemoglobin / HematocritMCV MCH / MCHC RDW PlateletsLeukocyte Total Basophils EosinophilsNeutrophils LymphocytesMonocytes Serum Biochemistry &Coagulation: ACE ACTH Alaninetransaminase (ALT) Albumin AldolaseAldosterone AlkalinePhosphatase Alpha-fetoprotein AmylaseAntithrombin III Aspartatetransaminase (AST) Beta2-MicroglobulinBeta-HCG BicarbonateBilirubin Direct (BD) Bilirubin Indirec (BI)Bilirubin TotalBleeding Time BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) C1q C3C4 CA 125 CA15-3 CA 19-9 Calcitonin Calcium (Ca) CEA CeruloplasminCH50Chlorine Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL CholesterolTotalCholesterol VLDL CK-MB CK-MB mass Clotting Time Cobalamin(Vit.B12) Copper Total Cortisone (test) C-peptide C-ReactiveProtein(CRP) Creatine Kinase (CK) Creatinine D-dimer ErythropoietinESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) Ferritin FibrinDegradationProducts (PDF) Fibrinogen Folate Free ErythrocyteProtoporphyrin(FEP) G6PD (erythrocyte) Gammaglutamil transpeptidase(gamma-GT orGGT) Gastrin GH (suppression test) Globulin GlucoseFasting GlucosePostprandial Glycated Haemoglobin HaptoglobinHomocysteine LactateLDH Lead Lipase Magnesium MucoproteinsMyoglobin OsmolalityParathyroid Hormone (PTH) pCO2 pH PhosphoruspO2 Potassium (k)Prolactin Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) ProteinC ProteinElectrophoresis Protein S TAP PTT Resistance to ActivatedProtein C(factor V Leiden) Sodium (Na) Somatomedin C T3 T4 (Free)TBICTestosterone Thrombin Time Thyroglobulin Total ProteinTransferinSaturation Triglycerides (TG) Troponin TSH Urea UricAcidUrinalisys: Aspect Color Density pH Glucose Ketone BodiesProteinsLeukocyte esterase Nitrite Bilirubin UrobilinogenHemoglobin RBCsLeukocytes Cylinders Crystals Epithelial CellsBacteria 24 hoururine Isolated sample (spot urine) Urine 1h or 2hTitratableAcidity (24) Aminolevulínicos Acid (24h)5-hidroxiindoloacéticoacid (5-HIAA) (24h) Homovanillic Acid (24h)Uric Acid (24h)Vanillylmandelic Acid (24) Aldosterone (24) Aluminum(24) Arsenic24) Cadmium (24) Calcium (24) FractionatedCatecholamines (24) Lead(24) Chlorine (24) Copper (24) Creatinine(24) Chromium (24)Phosphorus (24) Hydroxyproline (24) Iodine (24)Magnesium (24)Manganese (24) Mercury (24) Total Metanephrines (24)Oxalate (24)Pyridinoline / deoxypyridinoline (24h) Potassium (24)Selenium (24)Serotonin (24) Sodium (24) Urea (24) Zinc (24) StoolTest: VolumeFats Coproporphyrins Urobilinogen Estercobilina pHOccult BloodLeukocytes Eosinophils Alpha-1 anti-trypsin Trypsin(activity) CSF:Pressure RBCs Leukocytes Total Protein Albumin IgGOligoclonalBands Myelin Basic Protein Glucose Chloride LactateLactate PleuralFluid: Color pH Glucose Cholesterol Proteins LDHAmylase ADA(adenosine deaminase) Interferon-gamma CellularityCytology SectionAscitic Fluid: Aspect Gradient Albumin SerumAscites CellularityCytology Section Synovial Fluid: ViscosityCellularity PolarizedMicroscopy Light Biopsy
Osmolarity Calculator 1.0
Simple calculator for estimatingBloodOsmolarity by Serum Sodium, Glucose and Blood UreaNitrogen.