1.1 / January 13, 2016
(2.6/5) ()


Color analysis determines an individual's mostharmonious wardrobe and cosmetic colors. The colors of clothing youwear are either working for you or against you, depending on thecolor of your skin, hair and eyes and their harmony or lack ofharmony with your wardrobe. For decades, color analysis was asubjective process with consultants making the determination of aperson's coloring based on their own skills and opinion. ColorConnection has revolutionized the image industry with the SignatureColorPrint™, a color palette chosen exclusively for each client.This color palette is used when shopping to determine the mostflattering, harmonious clothing colors for each individual. Basedon the scientific principles of color and mathematical algorithms,meshed with technology, this customized system is unlike anythingoffered in the marketplace.

App Information Signature ColorPrint™

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Puppy Time. 1.1 APK
There are different types of categories fromsports to science and many other. Game has a capability to make youthink faster by giving a limited time for a quiz with limitednumber of lives. This game provides eye catching graphics with funlearning.
Signature ColorPrint™ 1.1 APK
Color analysis determines an individual's mostharmonious wardrobe and cosmetic colors. The colors of clothing youwear are either working for you or against you, depending on thecolor of your skin, hair and eyes and their harmony or lack ofharmony with your wardrobe. For decades, color analysis was asubjective process with consultants making the determination of aperson's coloring based on their own skills and opinion. ColorConnection has revolutionized the image industry with the SignatureColorPrint™, a color palette chosen exclusively for each client.This color palette is used when shopping to determine the mostflattering, harmonious clothing colors for each individual. Basedon the scientific principles of color and mathematical algorithms,meshed with technology, this customized system is unlike anythingoffered in the marketplace.
GiggleMail 5.0.2 APK
In a world of emoticons and "LOL" intextreplies we lost the purpose for sharing life's moments withtheones we love. GiggleMail lets you send a video or a picturetothose special people in your life and records their authenticlivereaction. Now watch how they really LOL!Want a step up from SnapChat, Shots, Instagram or otherphotosharing apps? That is what GiggleMail is...every experienceisreal, authentic and memorable.Start sharing your life with those you hold close...LaughOutLoud...for real!
WhyApp 1.0.1 APK
Why? is the personal photo album forstoringyour most inspirational images to help remind you why you dowhatyou do. Use it often to focus & draw strength.
BEEamicable Divorce 1.0.3 APK
Don’t let your divorce become a knock-down, all-outwar.“BEEamicable” is your platform to set the right tone foryourdivorce and move its trajectory on a smoother and moreproductivepath. (MORE CONTENTION EQUALS HIGHER COSTS).“BEEamicable” is aFAIR, COST-EFFECTIVE and EXPEDITIOUS way to asettlement. This isnot a whole household application. BEE amicableis central to themost core issue of any divorce… that is thewell-being andorganization of your kids. The ability for all theinvolvedprofessionals in your case (doctors, therapists and, ofcourse, thejudge) to view your communication is a great indicatorofwillingness, accountability, and cooperation. BEEamicableobviouslyencourages the best communication possible between theseparatingspouses. Because when mom and dad are better, the kidsare better.Whether you have kids or pets, whether your financialobligationsare large or small, whether you have disputes overcommunityproperty, or any of a myriad of marital disputes, you havetwooptions: Hire an attorney and fight it out, pointfingers,name-call, yell and scream – which adds tension to analreadystressful situation for everyone involved, and costs extratime andmoney… (NO WINNERS HERE) OR,You can divorce amicably, bykeepingyour focus on the big picture. With both parties’cooperation, amutually agreed-upon mediated settlement will limitcourtappearances and lawyer-driven costly hearings. BEE amicablekeepsyour kids a priority, saves you money, requires less timewithattorneys, and MUCH LESS stress overall. BEEamicableobviouslyencourages the best communication possible between theseparatingspouses, especially when the professionals surroundingyour casemay be viewing your joint communications. (ALL SIDESBENEFIT,ESPECIALLY YOUR CHILDREN.) But, please ask yourself: “Whyshould Ipay an attorney massive amounts of money for things we canagree onand handle willingly?” While mediation is the optimalroute,sometimes it doesn’t go down that path. Sometimes there’s nootheroption except to litigate your case in court. Inasmuch asdivorceis a very emotional and trying time, don’t let your hurtfeelingsand anger dictate how you proceed. Maintaining your focusisparamount. BEE amicable will empower you to move forward in amoreproductive way, taking the sting out of divorce by allowing youandyour spouse time to mediate and resolve issuesrespectfully.BEEamicable has the tools to help you through anemotionallycharged time. It is empowering to have your voice heardas yousettle issues on child custody, child support andeducationalschedules, alimony, division of assets and liabilities,etc. . (Youcan customize your list to include your own, specificneeds.) Ifyou find that your spouse does not share in your desirefor anamicable divorce, BEEamicable is the recourse that allows youtodemonstrate to the court that YOU are willing to resolve theissuesthat are relevant to your Divorce. With “BEEamicable,”atime-stamped and dated entry-log history of your communicationstoresolve issues with your spouse can be printed and presented tothecourt. Remember, it takes courage to extend the Olive Branch.But,with “BEEamicable,” you can proceed without fear, knowing thatyourintention to proactively reach for a peaceful resolution willbepresented in the courtroom on your behalf. Divorce does not havetobe an antagonistic, noisy and cluttered, drawn-out affair.So,let’s do this the BEE amicable way for everyone’s sake.
GetOutPass 1.0.7 APK
GETOUTPASS IS A SUBSCRIPTION-BASED FUN PASS. AS A MEMBER, YOUWILLBE ABLE TO ENJOY FREE ADMISSIONS INTO AWESOME VENUES IN YOURAREA!YOU’LL SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS WHILE HAVING A BLAST AT AVARIETYOF VENUES. THIS IS THE PERFECT WAY TO GET OFF THE COUCH ANDHAVESOME FUN! SIGN UP - You can either sign up now and get accesstoour amazing venues today or buy gift codes to redeem at alatertime. - Your email will be your username. Create a password. -Readour Terms and Conditions - After you’ve purchased, put inyourname, birthday, and gender for yourself and all other membersinyour account SELECT A VENUE - Sign into your GetOutPass accountonyour mobile device - The offers that venues provide on the passcanbe seen in your “Offers” tab - Offers in the “Today” tab canbeimmediately used and enjoyed! If an offer is not there, itislikely in the “View All” tab. You can see in the “Details” oftheoffer when it will be available - Once you pick an offer youwishto redeem, head to the venue and get ready for fun! PRESENTPASS -Have the offer ready on your mobile device as you enter thevenue -Tap “Redeem” on the offer and click off all the names ofthosemembers attending - Tap Redeem and then tap “Yes” as the nextpageopens to start the redemption timer - Once you see the red“VenueAccept” button, have the venue accept your offer bypresenting yourphone to them and having them tap the button - Afterthat, you’regood to enjoy the offer and have fun!