1.1.3 / September 20, 2013
(5.0/5) (5)


SeaPills es el canal divulgativo del CampusdeExcelencia Internacional del Mar (Cei.mar). La misión deSeaPillses divulgar todas las actividades de Cei.mar, unCampustransfronterizo y altamente especializado en el medio marinoquetiene como objetivo alcanzar la excelencia en susactividadesdocentes, investigadoras y de transferencia y liderarelconocimiento del mar desde el sur de Europa.
Coordinado por la Universidad de Cádiz, Cei.mar cuenta conlaparticipación de todas las universidades de las provinciascosterasde Andalucía, la Universidad do Algarve (Portugal) y laAbdelmalekEssaâdi (Marruecos), así como de un amplio número decolaboradores:centros de investigación nacionales einternacionales, empresas,centros y parques tecnológicos,fundaciones e institucionesrelacionadas con el mar de todo elmundo.
En el canal los usuarios podrán visualizar losaudiovisualesdivulgativos realizados desde el Cei.mar, descargarlopara uso enmodo off-line y crear una lista con sus vídeos deinterés ofavoritos.
SeaPills isinformativechannel of International Excellence Campus del Mar(Cei.mar).SeaPills's mission is to disseminate all Cei.maractivities, acampus borders and highly specialized in the marineenvironmentwhich aims to achieve excellence in teaching, researchandknowledge transfer and lead the sea from southern Europe.
Coordinated by the University of Cádiz, Cei.mar withtheparticipation of universities in the coastal provincesofAndalusia, the University of Algarve (Portugal) andAbdelmalekEssaâdi (Morocco), as well as a large number ofcollaborators:centers national and international research,business, technologyparks and centers, foundations and institutionsin the sea aroundthe world.
In the channel users can view the informative audiovisual madesinceCei.mar, download for use in off-line mode and create a listof yourfavorite videos or interest.

App Information Sea Pills

  • App Name
    Sea Pills
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 20, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Forma Animada
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Calle Trastamara nº 15 1ºC 41001 Sevilla España
  • Google Play Link

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Les Bactéries Buccales APK
Forma Animada
Apprends au moyen de cette amusante aventurede Super Abby l´importance de se laver les dents après chaquerepas.Abby est une enfant très responsable, quoiqu´un peu rêveuse.Elle s´imagine parfois qu´elle est Super Abby une super héroïnecomme celle de ses bandes dessinées favoritesSuper Abby est une série d´un simple amusement éducatif, écritepar des scénaristes et des pédagogues. Un univers d´action auxcontenus amusants qui transmet en outre des valeurs positives etdes enseignements très utiles pour l´épanouissement des enfantsdans des domaines comme la santé, la consommation, l´environnement, les loisirs, la technologie ou la culture.Autre titre de la série est « Super Abby Vs le kiosque Enchanté »versant sur l´importance d´avoir une diète saineProduit et édité : www.forma-animada.comAuteur : Noemi FalconElle se base sur une série populaire de télévision d´un grandsuccès d´audience dans plusieurs pays européens.-Des surprises interactives à chaque page.-Des effets sonores variés.-Les options : «Lis-le moi» et «Je le lis moi-même»-Une musique originale.-Âge : +4-Disponible en plusieurs languesLearn through this funadventure Super Abby the importance of brushing your teeth afterevery meal.Abby is a very responsible child, though a little dreamy.Sometimes she thinks she is Super Abby a superhero like that of hisfavorite comicsSuper Abby is a series of simple educational fun, written bywriters and teachers. An action universe of fun content that alsotransmits valuable lessons and positive values ​​to children'sdevelopment in areas such as health, consumer, environmental,recreation, technology and culture.Another title in the series is "Super Abby Vs booth Enchanted"pouring on the importance of a healthy dietProduced and edited: www.forma-animada.comAuthor: Noemi FalconIt is based on a popular television series a great audiencesuccess in several European countries.-Interactive surprises on every page.-Various sound effects.-Options: "Read to me" and "I read it myself"-An original music.Ages: 4-Available in several languages
Evita vs Las Bacterias Bucales APK
Forma Animada
Evita Percances vs Las bacterias bucales.Aprende con esta divertidísima aventura de Evita Percanceslaimportancia de lavarse los dientes después de cada comida.Evita es una niña responsable, aunque algo soñadora que avecesse imagina que esr Súper Evita, una súper heroína como la desuscomics favoritos.“Evita Percances” es una popular serie educativa deTV,supervisada por pedagogos, cuyas aventuras transmitenenseñanzasmuy útiles para el desarrollo infantil en materias comosalud,consumo, comportamiento cívico o medioambiente, entreotras.Otro título de la serie es “Evita Percances Vs elQuioscoEncantado” sobre la importancia de llevar una dieta sanayequilibrada.Produce y edita: www.forma-animada.comAutora: Noemí Ruiz- Basada en una serie de TV con gran éxito de audiencia envariospaíses europeos- Sorpresas interactivas en cada página- Divertidos efectos sonoros- Opciones “Léemelo” y “Leerlo yo mismo”- Música original- Edad: +4- Disponible en varios idiomasAvoid Mishaps vsoralbacteria.Learn with this hilarious adventure Avoid Mishaps theimportanceof brushing your teeth after every meal.Evita is a responsible girl, but sometimes somethingdreamerimagines esr Super Evita, a superhero as their favoritecomics."Avoid Mishaps" is a popular educational TV series, overseenbyteachers, whose adventures convey useful lessons forchilddevelopment in areas such as health, consumer, environmentalandcivic behavior, among others.Another title in the series is "Avoid Mishaps Vs theKioskEnchanted" about the importance of leading a healthy andbalanceddiet.Produce and edit: www.forma-animada.comAuthor: Naomi Ruiz- Based on a series of TV audience with great success inseveralEuropean countries- Interactive surprises on every page- Funny sound effects- Options "Read it to me" and "read it myself"- Original Music- Age: +4- Available in many languages
The dental destroyers APK
Forma Animada
Abby Careful vs The dental destroyers.Learn how important is to brush your teeth after every meal withthis amusing adventure of Super Abby.Abby is a very responsible although dreamy girl who takesherself for a super heroine like the ones in her favorite comicbook.“Super Abby” is a popular TV series of educational entertainmentwritten by teaching experts. A universe of action with amazingcontents that also transmits very useful lessons for childrendevelopment in areas such as health, environmental protection,consumption, leisure, technology and culture.Other title of the series is “Super Abby Vs the Enchanted SweetStall” about the importance of a healthy and balanced diet.Producer and publisher www.forma-animada.comAuthor: Noemí Ruiz- Based on the original TV series “Super Abby” (“EvitaPercances”)- High quality colourful graphics- Interactive surprises guaranteed- Funny sound effects- “Read to me” and “Read by myself” options- Original music- 4 years and older- Available in several languages
As Bactérias Bucais 1.0.1 APK
Forma Animada
Aprenda com esta divertidíssima aventura deSuper Abby a importância de escovar os dentes depois de cadarefeição.Abby é uma menina muito responsável, mas um pouco sonhadora. Àsvezes, ela imagina que é Super Evita, uma heroína como a das suashistórias em quadrinhos favoritas.“Super Abby” é uma série que pretende educar entretendo, escritapor roteiristas e pedagogos. Um universo de ação com conteúdosdivertidos que, ao mesmo tempo, transmitem valores positivos eensinamentos muito úteis para o desenvolvimento das crianças emmatérias como a saúde, o consumo, o meio ambiente, o lazer, atecnologia e a cultura.Outro título da série é: “Super Abby versus Lourenço, o astroabrasador”, sobre a importância de se proteger do sol.Produz e edita: www.forma-animada.comAutora: Noemí Ruiz- Baseada em uma popular série de televisão com muito sucesso deaudiência em vários países europeus.- Surpresas interativas em cada página.- Divertidos efeitos sonoros.- Opções “Leia para mim” e “Eu mesmo leio”.- Música original.- Idade: + 4.- Disponível em várias línguas.Learn from this amusingadventure Super Abby the importance of brushing your teeth afterevery meal.Abby is a very responsible girl, but a little dreamy. Sometimes sheimagines is Super Evita, as a heroine of their favoritecomics."Super Abby" is a series that aims to educate entertaining, writtenby writers and educators. A universe of action with entertainingcontent, at the same time, transmit positive values ​​and teachingsvery useful for children's development in areas such as health,consumption, environment, leisure, technology and culture.Another title in the series is: "Super Abby vs. Lorenzo the blazingstar", about the importance of sun protection.Produces and edits: www.forma-animada.comAuthor: Noemi Ruiz- Based on a popular series of television audience verysuccessfully in several European countries.- Interactive surprises on every page.- Fun sound effects.- Options "Read to me" and "I read it."- Original music.- Age: 4 +.- Available in several languages.
Danino Oyunu 2.4.13 APK
Forma Animada
Şimdi Danino İçecek ile çocuklar hem sağlıklıbesleniyor hem de Dino şişeleriyle oynayarak meslekleri öğreniyor!24 farklı Dino meslek şişesini toplayın, her şişeyle birbirindeneğlenceli oyunların tadına varın!Now learn the professionas well as playing with the children and eat healthily with DaninoDino Drink bottle! Collect 24 different professions Dino bottle, toenjoy the fun game of each other in every bottle!
Almería en Corto 1.9 APK
Forma Animada
Conviértete en protagonista del carteldelFestival Internacional de Cortometrajes ‘Almería en Corto’.Graciasa la aplicación oficial gratuita, podrás personalizar con tumóviltu propio cartel basado en una película mítica y disfruta delaexperiencia de Realidad Aumentada.Novedades- Actualización imagen visual con cartel ganador 2014- Personalización 2 carteles - Indiana Jones y Cleopatra, contucara. "face in hole"- Conexión al blog Almeria en Corto con toda lainformaciónactualizada- Realidad aumentada sobre las 9 caras de un cubo mágico.Almeriatierra de cine y destino Turístico deslumbrante.(solo descárgate la APP, apunta al cubo y disfruta de la magiaeAlmeria)Para la realización del cartel se han realizado dosilustracionesoriginales basadas en dos de las grandessuperproducciones que sehan rodado en Almería.Elige un cartel, toma una foto y ajústala en el cartel.Después,comparte la foto en Facebook ó Twitter y presume de serelprotagonista del cartel.1. Selecciona el cartel que quieres personalizar.2. Enfoca con la cámara tu cara o la de un amigo y dispara,tienesun botón para cambiar de la cámara trasera a lafrontal.3. Colócala en el marco. Puedes cambiar el tamaño y rotación conlosdedos.4. Cuando esté a tu gusto, Guárdala y Compártela con tus amigosenlas redes sociales.Become posterprotagonistInternational Short Film Festival 'Almería en Corto'.Thanks to theofficial free application, you can customize with yourphone yourown poster based on a mythical movie and enjoy theexperience ofAugmented Reality.News- Updated visual image with winning poster 2014- Personalization two posters - Indiana Jones and Cleopatra,withyour face. "Face in hole"- Connection to Almeria en Corto blog with all theupdatedinformation- Augmented Reality about 9 faces of a magical nature. Almerialandof cinema and dazzling tourist destination.(Please download the APP only points to the nature and enjoythemagic and Almeria)To achieve the cartel were performed two original artwork basedontwo of the biggest blockbusters that have been shotinAlmería.Choose a poster, take a photo and attach it on the poster.Thenshare the photo on Facebook or Twitter and claims to betheprotagonist of the poster.1. Select the poster you want to customize.2. Focus the camera with your face or that of a friend andshoot,you have a button to switch the camera back to thefront.3. Put it in the frame. You can resize and rotate withyourfingers.4. When you are to your liking, Save it and Share it withyourfriends on social networks.
Sea Pills 1.1.3 APK
Forma Animada
SeaPills es el canal divulgativo del CampusdeExcelencia Internacional del Mar (Cei.mar). La misión deSeaPillses divulgar todas las actividades de Cei.mar, unCampustransfronterizo y altamente especializado en el medio marinoquetiene como objetivo alcanzar la excelencia en susactividadesdocentes, investigadoras y de transferencia y liderarelconocimiento del mar desde el sur de Europa.Coordinado por la Universidad de Cádiz, Cei.mar cuenta conlaparticipación de todas las universidades de las provinciascosterasde Andalucía, la Universidad do Algarve (Portugal) y laAbdelmalekEssaâdi (Marruecos), así como de un amplio número decolaboradores:centros de investigación nacionales einternacionales, empresas,centros y parques tecnológicos,fundaciones e institucionesrelacionadas con el mar de todo elmundo.En el canal los usuarios podrán visualizar losaudiovisualesdivulgativos realizados desde el Cei.mar, descargarlopara uso enmodo off-line y crear una lista con sus vídeos deinterés ofavoritos.SeaPills isinformativechannel of International Excellence Campus del Mar(Cei.mar).SeaPills's mission is to disseminate all Cei.maractivities, acampus borders and highly specialized in the marineenvironmentwhich aims to achieve excellence in teaching, researchandknowledge transfer and lead the sea from southern Europe.Coordinated by the University of Cádiz, Cei.mar withtheparticipation of universities in the coastal provincesofAndalusia, the University of Algarve (Portugal) andAbdelmalekEssaâdi (Morocco), as well as a large number ofcollaborators:centers national and international research,business, technologyparks and centers, foundations and institutionsin the sea aroundthe world.In the channel users can view the informative audiovisual madesinceCei.mar, download for use in off-line mode and create a listof yourfavorite videos or interest.
Las Bacterias Bucales (latino) APK
Forma Animada
Aprende con esta divertidísima aventuradeEvita Percances la importancia de lavarse los dientes despuésdecada comida.Evita es una niña responsable, aunque algo soñadora que avecesse imagina que esr Súper Evita, una súper heroína como la desuscomics favoritos.“Evita Percances” es una popular serie educativa deTV,supervisada por pedagogos, cuyas aventuras transmitenenseñanzasmuy útiles para el desarrollo infantil en materias comosalud,consumo, comportamiento cívico o medioambiente, entreotras.Otro título de la serie es “Evita Percances Vs elQuioscoEncantado” sobre la importancia de llevar una dieta sanayequilibrada.Produce y edita: www.forma-animada.comAutora: Noemí Ruiz- Basada en una serie de TV con gran éxito de audiencia envariospaíses europeos- Sorpresas interactivas en cada página- Divertidos efectos sonoros- Opciones “Léemelo” y “Leerlo yo mismo”- Música original- Edad: +4- Disponible en varios idiomasLearn with thishilariousadventure Avoid Mishaps the importance of brushing yourteeth afterevery meal.Evita is a responsible girl, if somewhat dreamy sometimesimagineesr Super Evita, a super hero like their favoritecomics."Avoid Mishaps" is a popular educational TV series, overseenbyteachers, whose adventures convey very useful information forchilddevelopment in areas such as health, consumer, civil behaviororenvironment, among others.Another title in the series is "Avoid Mishaps Vs TheEnchantedKiosk" on the importance of a healthy balanced diet.Produced and published: www.forma-animada.comAuthor: Naomi Ruiz- Based on a series of TV audience with great success inseveralEuropean countries- Interactive surprises on every page- Funny sound effects- Options "Read to Me" and "Read by myself"- Original Music- Age: +4- Available in many languages