App Information Sakal Vastu
- App NameSakal Vastu
- Package Namecom.sakalvastu.www
- UpdatedJuly 1, 2014
- File Size1.4M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.1 and up
- Version1.0.0
- DeveloperSakal Media Group
- Installs500 - 1,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryTravel & Local
- Developer
- Google Play Link
Sakal Media Group Show More...
Sakal 2.8 APK
This is the official app of Sakal - India'sleading Marathi News daily.Sakal is the largest independently owned Media Business inMaharashtra (India). Based in Pune, Sakal operations consist ofregional newspapers, magazines, and Internet publishing.With its legacy spanning over 82 long years, Sakal today is deeprooted in the lives of Maharashtrians everywhere. Local to Global,from Information to Entertainment, from Education to SocialWelfare, Sakal’s has remained focused on innovating and celebratingthe core values of humanity.Enjoy Reading!
Pune No 1 1.0 APK
Pune features in the Union Government's firstshortlist of 98 potential smart cities in the country. Very soon,twenty cities will be selected in the first phase. For this tohappen, we must all participate wholeheartedly. 'Your voice' willbe playing a crucial role in this venture and we request you tosend your suggestions and opinions to make Pune a 'smartcity'.
Sakal Times 1.1 APK
Sakal is the largest independently owned MediaBusiness in Maharashtra (India). Based in Pune, Sakal operationsconsist of regional newspapers, magazines, and Internet publishing.With its legacy spanning over 78 long years, Sakal is deeprooted in the lives of Maharashtrians everywhere. Local to Global,from Information to Entertainment, from Education to SocialWelfare, Sakal’s has remained focused on innovating and celebratingthe core values of humanity.With its presence across media and geographies, Sakal Group isone of the leading diversified media entities in India.Headquartered in Pune, the Sakal Group is a vast media syndicatethat has made a vivid imprint on the media canvas. With seven corepublications that include three Marathi and two English dailiesbesides two Marathi weeklies Sakal extensively covers Maharashtraand Goa. Sakal enjoys a loyal readership of over six milliondiscerning people. What’s more, its e-paper is assiduously accessedby Netizens all over the globe giving the Sakal Group phenomenallywide penetration and reach. Besides, the Sakal Group also organizesspecial events throughout the year, brings out educational weekly,yellow pages, and also undertakes commercial printing.
Sakal Wari Photo Contest APK
Daily Sakal realizes the urge and responds tovithal bhakts and vitthal bhakti.We all – well almost all – love to clik the camera shutter tocapture precious moments to make them immerorable and immortal.Maharshtra's pride… the Pandharpur Waaree is one such preciousoccasion that comprises millions of immortal moments. Hundreds ofthousands of deities, irrespective of age, sex, social status,financial barriers, just dance down the 220 kms long path bravingthe rains and the countless hardships… all obsessed by just onename, one lord, one feeling… all chanting the mantra gyanbatukaram… The waaree provides great photo opportunities.Download this app, upload your wari photos and you could wingreat prizes.
Gomantak Times ePaper 1.1 APK
Gomantak Times is a daily newspaper in Panjim,India covering local news, sports, business, jobs, and communityevents.This newspaper is owned by Sakaal Media Group.The first online newspaper from Goa, Goa Gomantak Times Daily, asite for Goa News, read about Goa, Panaji, Panjim, Trance,Calangute, Anjuna, Palolem, Beach News about Panaji / Panjim,Vasco, Margao, Ponda, Mapusa
Sakal Vastu 1.0.0 APK
Pune as a city has seen tremendous growthinterms of area and development. It is now the ninthlargestmetropolis of the country and comes second in the stateofMaharashtra after Mumbai.If you are looking for a home or commercial space in Pune,webring you the best the city has to offer on your mobile phone.Getinformation about construction companies, projects, and getintouch with them directly.
Travel & Local Top Show More...
Flightradar24 - Flight Tracker 6.7.1 APK
Turn your phone or tablet into anairtrafficradar and see planes around the world move in real-timeonadetailed map. Or point your Android device at a plane in theskytofind out where it’s going and more. Discover today whymillionsarealready using Flightradar24 - Flight Tracker.Features that have helped make Flightradar24 - FlightTrackerthe#1 selling app in 100+ countries and the #1 Travel appin140+countries (United States, France, United Kingdom, Germanyandmore)include:* Watch planes move in real-time on detailed map* Identify planes flying overhead by simply pointing yourdeviceatthe sky (the augmented reality view requiresrearcamera,accelerometer & magnetic sensor)* Experience what the pilot of a an aircraft sees in real-timeandin3D* Tap on a plane for comprehensive flight andaircraftinformationsuch as route, estimated time of arrival, actualtime ofdeparture,aircraft type, speed, altitude, andhigh-resolutionpicture* Easy to search for individual flights using flightnumber,airport,or airline* Easy to filter by airline, aircraft, altitude,speed,andmore* Easy to set bookmarks to enable quick navigation toareasofinterest* Turn the device into the arrivals and departures board ofanymajorairport and get real-time status updates for flightspluscurrentairport weather conditions (in-app purchase)* Realistic aircraft symbols (in-app purchase)* Set up custom alerts based on airline, aircraft type,flightnumberor registration (in-app purchase)HOW IT WORKSMost aircraft are equipped with so called ADS-Btranspondersthattransmit positional data. Flightradar24 has arapidlygrowingnetwork of several thousand ground stations aroundthe worldtoreceive this data that then shows up as aircraft movingon a mapinthe app. In an expanding number of regions Flightradar24,withthehelp of multilateration, is able to calculate thepositionsofaircraft that don’t have ADS-B transponders.Traditional radar data is also used in the app thanks toadirectfeed from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).***IMPORTANT NOTICES***Minimum required screen resolution is 320x480px.If you are only interested in tracking air traffic inaspecificregion, we suggest that you checkFlightradar24.comBEFOREpurchasing the app. Flightradar24 providesunrivaledpositionalaircraft data coverage around the world butthere areareas wherewe don’t have coverage.Overview of coverage as of January 2016:* Europe: close to 100%* North America: 100% of US and Canada via slightlydelayedradardata. Real-time coverage for most of US, Canada andMexicoforADS-B equipped aircraft* South America: Substantial coverage in mostcountriesincludingArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia,EcuadorandVenezuela.* Asia: Substantial coverage in most major AsiancountriesincludingJapan, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand,UAE,Malaysia,Taiwan and many other countries. Rapidlyexpandingcoverage inChina* Oceania: Nearly complete coverage in AustraliaandNewZealand* Africa: Substantial coverage in Africa with coverageexpandingallthe time.Find out how you can help: is subject to change at any time.HELP & use of this app is strictly limited toentertainmentpurposes.This specifically excludes activities thatmight endangeryourselfor the lives of others. Under nocircumstances will thedeveloperof this app be held responsible forincidents resultingfrom theuse of the data or its interpretation orits use contraryto thisagreement. We reserve the right toanonymously track andreport auser's activity inside of app.
يعد تطبيق وزارة الخارجيةالسعوديةللأجهزةالذكيةهو أحد قنوات الوصول لخدمات الوزارة والتي منخلالهيمكن تنفيذمجموعةمن الخدمات التي تستهدف شرائح مختلفة منالمستفيدين(أفراد،أعمال،وحكومة) كما يتم تحديث التطبيق بشكل دوريبمجموعة منالخدماتالجديدةوالتحسينات التي من شانها رفع مستوى الرضالدىالمستفيدين منخدماتالوزارة.تنفيذ وتطوير التطبيق:تم تطوير التطبيق من قبل الإدارةالعامةلتقنيةالمعلوماتوالاتصالاتالدعم الفني والاقتراحات:يرجى تعبئة الاستبيان الموجود ضمن مشاركاتإلكترونية-استبيانتطبيقالأجهزة الذكية أو مراسلتناعلىالبريدالإلكتروني[email protected]
MakeMyTrip Hotel Extranet 5.0.0 APK
Hoteliers, this one is foryou!MakeMyTrippresents the exclusive Hotel Extranet mobileappspecially designedto keep your hotel details up-to-date.With this app, you can:• Have access to day-wise / calendar view of your hotelrates&inventory• Update your hotel rates & inventory day-wise as well asforalonger period of time• Update ALL your tariffs’ inventory in just 2 steps• Track your important business metrics(likeCheck-InsToday/Tomorrow, Room Night Check-Ins in next 30 days,SoldOut innext 90 days etc.)• Keep a track of all your bookings & also takenecessaryactionslike Confirm a booking, Mark Check-In/No Show fora Pay AtHotelbooking• View complete details of a booking (including the voucher)• Call a Pay At Hotel customer with a single tap• Manage your Hotel Promotions in quick & easy waywithanability to create new promotions• Keep a track of your Payments• View help video tutorials to understand the utilityofourapp• Push Notifications to help you with Sold Out days &summaryofyour BookingsHotel Extranet will set you free from long chain mailsandphonecalls. No matter where you are, you can keep yourhoteldetailsfresh within a few easy steps.Also, there is lot more to come, which will make yourlifeeveneasier!
hottel - Hotel Booking 4.1.20 APK
Everyday hotels give us last-minutediscountsontheir available rooms.Best prices are guaranteed.Hotels are hand-picked to meet your expectation.10 seconds to book a roomPay less enjoy more.8:00 - 24:00 every night we are ready.Contact [email protected]