1.0 / September 24, 2016
(4.7/5) (3)


resep yang terkandung dalam aplikasiinimerupakan sebagian kumpulan resep sayur mayur khas nusantarayangkaya akan serat dan baik bagi kesehatan
Istilah "sayuran" tidak diberi batasan secara ilmiah.Kebanyakansayuran adalah bagian vegetatif dari tumbuhan, umumnyadaun (jugabeserta tangkainya), tetapi dapat pula batang yang masihmuda(misalnya rebung) atau bonggol umbi. Beberapa sayuran adalahbagiantumbuhan yang tertutup tanah, seperti wortel dan lobak.Terdapatpula sayuran yang berasal dari organ generatif, sepertibunga(misalnya kecombrang dan turi), buah (misalnya terong, tomat,dankapri), dan biji (misalnya buncis dan kacang merah).Bagiantumbuhan lainnya yang juga dianggap sayuran adalah tongkoljagung(baby corn). Meskipun secara ilmiah bukan tumbuhan, bagiancendawanyang dapat dimakan (biasa disebut jamur) juga digolongkansebagaisayuran.

Walaupun berkadar air tinggi, buah-buahan tidak dianggapsebagaisayur-sayuran karena langsung dikonsumsi, biasanya rasanyamanisdan tidak cocok untuk disayur. Beberapa sayuran dapat pulamenjadibagian dari sumber pengobatan, bumbu masak,ataurempah-rempah.
recipes contained inthisapplication is mostly a collection of recipes typicalarchipelagovegetables that are rich in fiber and good forhealth
The term "vegetable" is not given limit scientifically.Mostvegetables are vegetative part of the plant, generally leaves(alsoalong the stem), but can also stem young (eg, bamboo shoots)bulbsor tubers. Some vegetables are part of the plant covered withsoil,such as carrots and turnips. There is also a vegetable thatcomesfrom the generative organs, such as flowers (eg kecombrangandTuri), fruit (such as eggplant, tomatoes, and peas) and beans(suchas beans and lentils). Other parts of the plant are alsoconsideredvegetables are corn cobs (baby corn). Althoughscientifically notplant, part of the edible fungus (commonly calledmushrooms) arealso classed as a vegetable.

Although the water level, the fruits are not considered avegetablefor direct consumption, usually tastes sweet and is notsuitablefor disayur. Some vegetables can also be part of thetreatmentsource, spices, or herbs.

App Information resep sayur mayur

  • App Name
    resep sayur mayur
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 24, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Ivati project
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • Category
    Food & Drink
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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lagu-lagu daerah 1.1 APK
Ivati project
Lagu daerah atau musik daerah ini biasanyamuncul dan dinyanyikan atau dimainkan pada tradisi-tradisi tertentupada masing-masing daerah, misal pada saat menina-bobok-kan anak,permainan anak-anak, hiburan rakyat, pesta rakyat, perjuanganrakyat, dan lain sebagainya.Lagu kedaerahan biasanya merujuk kepada sebuah lagu yangmempunyai irama khusus bagi sebuah daerah. Terdapat lagu-lagukedaerahan yang telah menjadi popular diseluruh negara hasilpenyiaran oleh radio dan televisi.Beberapa ciri khas lagu daerah, antara lain sebagai berikut:1. Menceritakan tentang keadaan lingkungan ataupun budayamasyarakat setempat yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh adat istiadatsetempat.2. Bersifat serdehana sehingga untuk mempelajari lagu daerahtidak dibutuhkan pengetahuan musik yang cukup mendalam sepertimembaca dan menulis not balok.3. Jarang diketahui pengarangnya.4. Mengandung nilai-nilai kehidupan, unsur-unsur kebersamaansosial, serta keserasian dengan lingkungan hidup sekitar.5. Sulit dinyanyikan oleh seseorang yang berasal dari daerahlain karena kurangnya penguasaan dialek/bahasa setempat sehinggapenghayatannya kurang maksimal.6. Mengandung nilai-nilai kehidupan yang unik dan khas.Contoh lagu – lagu daerah nusantara sangat banyak sekali. Sesuaidaerahnya masing masing, mengingat Indonesia memiliki banyak daerahsehingga banyak kebudayaan yang timbul di setiap-setiap daerah. Dandi aplikasi ini menyajikan beberapa lagu agu daerah . selmatmenikmati.dalam aplikasi Lagu daerah ini menyajikan beberapa lagu lagu daerahseperti :Lagu daerah Jawa :judul lagu :Rek AYO Rek , Lagu Tanjung Mas ninggali Janji, LaguGambang Suling, , Lagu suwe Ora JamuLagu daera Sunda memiliki beberapa Judul Lagu sebagai berikut, , esLilin, cing cang keling, bubuy bulan Manuk dadali serta banyak lagilain nya.untuk lagu daerah betawi serta lagu daerah padang dapat dilihat dandi dengarkan langsung dari apliksi lagu-lagu daerah ini.dengan mendengarkan Lagu- Lagu daerah Indonesia diharapakan bisamenambah kecintaan akan kekayaan budaya serta karya lagu daribangsa indonesia. Lagu-lagu daerah ini menggambrakan begitu banyakkebudayaan adat istiadat Negara Indonesia. Ini dapat di lihat dariringkasan singkat macam macam Lagu-LAGU Daerah Indonesia yangsering kali di nyanyikan serta di dengarkan.Folk songs or folk musicthat usually comes and sung or played on certain traditions in eachregion, for example when menina-sleep-the child, children's games,folk entertainment, party of the people, the people's struggle, andso forth ,Songs regionalism typically refers to a song that has a specialrhythm for an area. There are songs regionalism has become popularthroughout the country the results of broadcasting by radio andtelevision.Some characteristic of folk songs, among others, as follows:1. Tell about the state of the environment or local culture isheavily influenced by local customs.2. It was serdehana so as to learn the folk songs do not requireknowledge of music that is deep enough as reading and writingmusical scores.3. Rarely known authors.4. Contains the values ​​of life, elements of social cohesion,and harmony with the surrounding environment.5. Hard sung by someone who came from other areas because of alack of mastery of the dialect / local language so penghayatannyaless than the maximum.6. Contain values ​​of life that is unique and distinctive.Examples of songs - songs archipelago area very much at all.Corresponding regions respectively, as Indonesia has a lot of areaso many cultures that arise in every-every area. And in thisapplication area presents some songs aug. selmat enjoy.in-app song this area presents some songs folk songs such as:Songs Java:Title Song: AYO Rek Rek, Tanjung Mas ninggali Promise Songs, SongsXylophone, Flute,, Songs suwe Ora JamuDaera Sundanese song has some title song as follows, ice Candles,cing cang rivet, Manuk dadali bubuy months as well as many other ofhis.for Betawi folk songs as well as songs wilderness area can be seenand be heard directly from your apps songs this area.by listening to the songs of Indonesian region is expected to add alove of cultural property and the work songs of Indonesian nation.Folk songs menggambrakan so many cultures have traditions ofIndonesia. It can be seen from a brief summary Miscellaneous SONGSongs Regions Indonesia are often sung and listened.
Birds singing gacor 2.0 APK
Ivati project
Gacor bird itself has terms that are active inthe birds chirp with Loud Sound. This application contains acollection of the best bird chirp sound in which there arekumpualan birdsong kacer gacor best that could be used as atraining memasteran, birds singing therapy for you to get betteragain like birds singing master.advantage of this application is# Free application □ No paid and there is no grace period inusekiacauan #terdapat selection of birds that can be made as a meansto train your bird to become a bird chirp master for a list of its contents as follows:# There are birds singing kacer hornet bebrapa variation# Birds singing kacer asia#kicauan kacer bird madagascar# Birds singing kacer memasteran#kicauan birds kacer philippines'# Birds singing cucak: namely, green cucak birds, bird cucakRanting / Rante, Bird cucak Rante mas, Swamp Bird, bird cucakKutilang, Bird cucak rivet# Birds singing a humming stone# Birds singing samyong# Chirping of finches mas# Birds singing cotton shootmay be useful thanks
Ivati project
Sebuah aplikasi jadwal keberangkatan KRLyangbisa di akses langsung saat terkoneksi dengan sambunganjaringaninternet, selain jadwal keberangkatan di dalam aplikasijugamenyediakan informasi harga tikel KRL dari dan menuju lokasiyangdi tuju, semua dapat di akses secara real time dengansambungandata koneksi internet yang stabil,selain itu juga disediakan peta lokasi KRL terbaru yangdapatdiaskses secara offline dan dapat di simpan di handphonepribadianda.An applicationdeparturesKRL which can be accessed directly when connected to anetworkconnection internet, in addition to the scheduled departuretime inthe app also provides pricing information Tikel KRL from andto thelocation in the heading, can all be accessed in real time bya dataconnection internet connection stable,but it also provided a map of the location of the latest KRLtodiaskses offline and can be stored in your personal phone.
Astrology Love about of Zodia 1.0 APK
Ivati project
This application is an application penujangforyou who want to know about the latest information about thefortunesSedot zodiac latest, updated and masakini in t2016 or2017. by installing this application you will be able to knowtheforecast for 2016 Zodiakmu directly from your android phone. Inityou will get info, info about# Astrology Love according to the Zodiac ranging fromAquarius,Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius, and Capricorn. which can be accessed onlineandoffline (no data connection adaa Internet connection)# You can also access the service update forecasts latestDaily,Weekly, and in 2016, ranging from fortune romance, troubleromance,love, the financial health, good luck good days and othersallthese forecasts can be done through the medium of Tarotcards,balls cristal, through date of birth, full name, and handlines.(All this information you can access anywhere and anytimewhere youconnect to the Internet network is being connectedtoandroid)Reading #semua hand lines,# You can also melihta about health conditions and yourprofitsthrough tarot cards, birth date latest 2016/2017
resep sayur mayur 1.0 APK
Ivati project
resep yang terkandung dalam aplikasiinimerupakan sebagian kumpulan resep sayur mayur khas nusantarayangkaya akan serat dan baik bagi kesehatanIstilah "sayuran" tidak diberi batasan secara ilmiah.Kebanyakansayuran adalah bagian vegetatif dari tumbuhan, umumnyadaun (jugabeserta tangkainya), tetapi dapat pula batang yang masihmuda(misalnya rebung) atau bonggol umbi. Beberapa sayuran adalahbagiantumbuhan yang tertutup tanah, seperti wortel dan lobak.Terdapatpula sayuran yang berasal dari organ generatif, sepertibunga(misalnya kecombrang dan turi), buah (misalnya terong, tomat,dankapri), dan biji (misalnya buncis dan kacang merah).Bagiantumbuhan lainnya yang juga dianggap sayuran adalah tongkoljagung(baby corn). Meskipun secara ilmiah bukan tumbuhan, bagiancendawanyang dapat dimakan (biasa disebut jamur) juga digolongkansebagaisayuran.Walaupun berkadar air tinggi, buah-buahan tidak dianggapsebagaisayur-sayuran karena langsung dikonsumsi, biasanya rasanyamanisdan tidak cocok untuk disayur. Beberapa sayuran dapat pulamenjadibagian dari sumber pengobatan, bumbu masak,ataurempah-rempah.recipes contained inthisapplication is mostly a collection of recipes typicalarchipelagovegetables that are rich in fiber and good forhealthThe term "vegetable" is not given limit scientifically.Mostvegetables are vegetative part of the plant, generally leaves(alsoalong the stem), but can also stem young (eg, bamboo shoots)bulbsor tubers. Some vegetables are part of the plant covered withsoil,such as carrots and turnips. There is also a vegetable thatcomesfrom the generative organs, such as flowers (eg kecombrangandTuri), fruit (such as eggplant, tomatoes, and peas) and beans(suchas beans and lentils). Other parts of the plant are alsoconsideredvegetables are corn cobs (baby corn). Althoughscientifically notplant, part of the edible fungus (commonly calledmushrooms) arealso classed as a vegetable.Although the water level, the fruits are not considered avegetablefor direct consumption, usually tastes sweet and is notsuitablefor disayur. Some vegetables can also be part of thetreatmentsource, spices, or herbs.