2.1 / May 10, 2013
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RAI Vein Center is a premier Phlebologyclinicspecializing in treating vein disorders. This applicationwilleducate the user on the often complex process of veindiseasediagnosis and treatment. Patients can also use thisapplication tosafely and securely share images of their veindisease with thedoctor

App Information RAI Vein Center

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Vein Care Team APK
With this application, patients of Vein CareTeam can use this application to safely and securely share imagesof their vein disease with the doctor.
With this application, patients of TheCenterfor Vein Care and Surgery can use this application to safelyandsecurely share images of their vein disease with thedoctor.
RAI Vein Center 2.1 APK
RAI Vein Center is a premier Phlebologyclinicspecializing in treating vein disorders. This applicationwilleducate the user on the often complex process of veindiseasediagnosis and treatment. Patients can also use thisapplication tosafely and securely share images of their veindisease with thedoctor
Laser Vein Center APK
At The Laser Vein Center, we specializeintreating painful varicose veins for our patients across Alaskawithstate-of-the-art techniques. Donald Ives, MD, Gary Kindell,MD,Gabe Schuldt, MD, and Jesse Sandoval, DO offerrevolutionary,non-surgical procedures in the unique field ofmedicine known asPhlebology, the science of treating venousdisease. We remain onthe cutting edge of the vein treatmentrevolution that has resultedin modern techniques of non-surgicaland minimally invasiveprocedures replacing the previous standard ofinvasive surgicaltreatment. Trust your legs and your health to theexperts at TheLaser Vein Center!This application will educate the user on the oftencomplexprocess of vein disease diagnosis and treatment. Patientscan alsouse this application to safely and securely share images oftheirvein disease with the physicians at The Laser Vein Center.
Key West Guide 1.0.17 APK
The Key West Guide is the ultimate toolforexploring the Southernmost City. This application is developedandmanaged by locals and will provide you with the island’smostextensive and accurate directory for dining, drinkingandentertainment. Access lunch & dinner menus along withhundredsof dining, drinking and happy hour specials. Use the eventguide tosearch the Key West events calendar for live musicandentertainment.In the latest version of the Key West Guide users canreceivelocation based deals throughout Key West throughBluetoothtechnology. This technology, known as “iBeacon”allowsparticipating bars and restaurants throughout Key West tosendexclusive offers directly to your mobile device when you areinclose proximity to the business. Please make sure your Bluetoothison to receive these location based special offers.The Key West Guide mobile application also give you acompleteguide to the island’s most popular activities and rentals.Use theapplication to get prices and times for water sports,charterfishing, scooter rentals and more. When you’re ready tobook,simply call and book your activity through theapplication.
Safe Parent 1.0 APK
SafeParent was created by Jeff Herman, anationally recognized child advocate and attorney for victims ofabuse. The app is designed to help you become a Safe Parent byremaining alert and assessing the potentially risky behaviors ofthe adults in your child’s life.When it comes to protecting kids, parents are trained torecognize danger when they see it. But when a child is abused, itis not typically by a stranger wearing an overcoat in the park. Infact, ninety percent of abused children are abused by someone theyknow and trust. Most child molesters do not appear outwardlyevil―they groom children and families using techniques that makethem appear loving and friendly.For these reasons, it’s important to speak to your child earlyand often about abuse, boundaries, and red flags. SafeParent offersparents and kids an opportunity to begin this conversation in a waythat is interactive, informative, and kid-friendly.