1.1 / September 17, 2020
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**** App in Spanish **** Solve your doubts about the BibleandChristianity with Questions and Answers from the Bible. If youhaveever wondered about Christian life, holy spirit, God, theHolyTrinity or any other Christian aspect, this usefulness willhelpyou to resolve them. Affirm and grow in your Christian faith.Wewant these questions and answers about the Bible to be ablessingin your Christian walk. Includes Bible Study We provide youwith abasic outline of each book of the Bible. Learn the author,date inwhich it was written, purpose of his writing, key verses andabrief summary. This tool will help you understand the Biblebetterand encourage you to study it in a deeper way. This tool isidealfor expanding your knowledge and expanding new data onBiblequestions Questions and Answers from the Bible include, butare notlimited to: - Who is Jesus Christ? - God exists? Is thereevidenceof God's existence? - What are the attributes of God? Whatis Godlike? - Is the Bible really the Word of God? - Is he realGod? Howcan I know for sure that God is real? - Is Jesus God? DidJesusever claim to be God? - Is the deity of Christ biblical? -What isChristianity and what do Christians believe? - What is themeaningof life? - Is it salvation by faith alone, or by faith butworks? -Who is the Holy Spirit? - How can I know the will of Godfor mylife? - How can I overcome sin in my Christian life? - Whyshouldnot I commit suicide? - Is eternal security biblical? -Whathappens after death? - Once saved, always saved? Should womenserveas pastors / preachers? - What does the Bible teach abouttheTrinity? - What does the Bible say about Christian tithe? -Wherewas Jesus the three days between His death and resurrection? -andmore ... Download Bible Questions and Answers and shareyourexperience with us. Questions and Answers of the Bible is averydidactic application. You will love it! * If you have anyquestionor wish to contribute something, please let us know. Thankyou.

App Information Questions and Answers Bible

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    Questions and Answers Bible
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 17, 2020
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    Android 4.1 and up
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    Apps Bíblicas Cristianas Interesantes
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  • Category
    Books & Reference
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Diccionario Bíblico 1.0 APK
Diccionario bíblico es unaaplicaciónmuy sencilla de usar y sin complicaciones. Encontrará unagrancantidad de definiciones para estudiar la Biblia.Este diccionario bíblico le será de gran ayuda para comprenderelsignificado de palabras y términos específicos en la Biblia,asícomo el contexto bíblico y sus enseñanzas.Organizado por letras y con una sencilla y clara descripción decadapalabra.Además incluye una ventana a un completísimo diccionariobíblicoonline donde encontrará un sinfín de palabras ydefiniciones.¿Sabía usted que si se lee de la manera debida, la Biblia seexplicaa sí misma? Esta aplicación le ayudará a comprenderaquellaspalabras que tenga duda o desee aprender.Aprenda la Palabra del Señor de manera amena y sencilla. Paratodosaquellos que desean estudiar mejor la Biblia.Descarga ahora Diccionario Bíblico y comparte con nosotrostuexperiencia.* Si tienes cualquier cuestión o duda o deseas contribuir enalgo,por favor, háznoslo saber. Gracias.Bible Dictionary isavery simple application to use and uncomplicated. You will findalot of definitions for Bible study.This Bible dictionary will be of great help in understandingthemeaning of words and specific terms in the Bible and thebiblicalcontext and its teachings.Organized by letters and with a simple and clear description ofeachword.It also includes a window to a complete Bible dictionaryonlinewhere you will find a host of words and definitions.Did you know that if read in the right way know, the Bibleexplainsitself? This application will help you understand the wordsyouhave questions or want to learn.Learn the Word of the Lord in an entertaining and easy. Forthosewho wish to better study the Bible.Download now Bible Dictionary and share with usyourexperience.* If you have any questions or concerns or want tocontributesomething, please let us know. Thank you.
Hebrew Bible Dictionary 1.1 APK
** app en español ** El diccionario hebreo más práctico ycompletoque vas a descubrir Diccionario hebreo bíblico es unaaplicaciónpara aprender muy fácilmente el significado de laspalabrasbíblicas en hebreo. Dispone de un menú de fácil accesodesde elcuál tendrás a mano todas las fichas con las definicionesde laspalabras ordenadas alfabéticamente. Diccionario hebreobíblico esideal para utilizar como consulta en el estudio delhebreo bíblicoy en la exégesis del texto de la Biblia Hebrea. Peroes mucho másque eso, es un texto muy didáctico. Disfruteaprendiendo todas lasdefiniciones y amplíe su cultura bíblica. ElHebreo tiene su origeninfluenciado por varias lenguas-raízsemíticas Arameo (antecesoresy derivados; las mismas que originaronel árabe, por ejemplo),además de que fue altamente enriquecido porel babilónico y elFenicio. El hebreo es una lengua con casi 30siglos de historiaescrita. Obviamente en un período tan largo lalengua ha sufridoprocesos de cambio lingüístico que hacen delhebreo antiguo y elhebreo actual, más que la misma lengua puedanconsiderarse lenguasemparentadas pero que difieren enpronunciación, gramática yléxico. Diccionario hebreo bíblico tepermite aprender infinidad detérminos como, por ejemplo: Dios,madre, sacrificio, nombre, temer,elevar, exaltar …. Para una mayorcomprensión, la herramientacontiene recursos tan útiles como son LaTorá y el Tanaj ,Concordancias Bíblicas y un traductor hebreo. Diosles Bendiga. *Si tienes cualquier cuestión o duda o deseascontribuir en algo,por favor, háznoslo saber. Gracias Descargaahora DiccionarioHebreo Bíblico y comparte con nosotros tuexperiencia.
Estudio Bíblico de la Biblia 1.0 APK
Estudio bíblico de la Biblia le dalaoportunidad de conocer el libro más famoso del mundoenprofundidad. Disfrute de 30 lecciones para ampliar suconocimientosobre la Biblia.La lectura de la Biblia sana la mente y el corazón, nos rindeanteel amor Salvador de Cristo Jesús, quien limpia y perdona. Enotraspalabras las Escrituras nos proporcionan vida y salud.Experimente la libertad y la salvación que solo Jesúspuededar.Como extras la aplicación dispone de los siguientes recursos:- Biblia Online- Como interpretar la Biblia- Acerca de la Biblia- Estudio de la BibliaDescargue este maravilloso estudio bíblico de la Bibliaydisfrute de las enseñanzas, le ayudarán a ver la vida enformadiferente.Lecciones incluidas en esta utilidad:- La Biblia- Jesús- Daniel 2- Segunda Venida- Señales- El Milenio- Origen del mal- Consecuencias- El Calvario- Justificación Fe- Vida después de la muerte- Cielo / Infierno- Ley y Gracia- Día a recordar- Sábado o Domingo- Cómo guardar el sábado- La Oración- Espíritu Santo- Salud- Daniel 8 y 9- El Santuario- Don de Lenguas- Don Profecía- Diezmo- El Bautismo- Daniel 7- Apocalipsis 13- Último Aviso- Apocalipsis 12- Creciendo en CristoEmpiece a estudiar y disfrutar de la Biblia, y conozca másaDios.Dios les Bendiga.Descarga ahora Estudio Bíblico de la Biblia y comparteconnosotros tu experiencia.* Si tienes cualquier cuestión o duda o deseas contribuir enalgo,por favor, háznoslo saber. Gracias.Bible Study Biblegivesyou the opportunity to know the world's most famous book indepth.Enjoy 30 lessons to expand their knowledge of theBible.Reading the Bible healthy mind and heart, he pays us to lovetheSavior Jesus Christ, who cleanses and forgives. In other wordstheScriptures give us life and health.Experience the freedom and salvation that only Jesus cangive.As extras the application it has the following resources:- Bible Online- How to interpret the Bible- About the Bible- Bible StudyDownload this wonderful Bible study of the Bible and enjoythelessons, will help you see life differently.Lessons included in this utility:- The Bible- Jesus- Daniel 2- Second Coming- Signs- The Millenium- Origin of Evil- Consequences- The Calvary- Justification Fe- Life after death- Heaven Hell- Law and Grace- Day to remember- Saturday or Sunday- Saving on Saturday- The sentence- Holy Spirit- Health- Daniel 8 and 9 - The Sanctuary - Gift of Tongues - Don Prophecy- Tithe - The baptism- Daniel 7- Rev. 13- Final warning- Rev. 12- Growing in ChristStart studying the Bible and enjoy, and know God more.God bless you.Download now Bible Study Bible and share with usyourexperience.* If you have any questions or concerns or want tocontributesomething, please let us know. Thank you.
Ley de la Atracción 1.1 APK
La ley de la atracción, atrae todo aquello que deseas Practica laley de la atracción mediante unos sencillos pasos que ponemos a tudisposición y una serie de afirmaciones y frases que te ayudarán aatraer todo aquello que desees. Además descubre el secreto y 101frases destacadas para utilizar la ley de la atracción. La ley dela atracción es muy fácil de usar y puede atraer muchos beneficiosa nuestras vidas. La ley de la atracción es la creencia de que lospensamientos (conscientes o inconscientes) influyen sobre las vidasde las personas, argumentando que son unidades energéticas quedevolverán a la persona una onda similar. Nos esperes más y atraehoy mismo todo lo que siempre has querido. Utiliza la ley de laatracción cada día y verás tus deseos recompensados. Funciona !!Realmente es muy fácil de utilizar y en esta herramienta tendrástodos los pasos para hacerla efectiva. * Si tienes cualquiercuestión o duda o deseas contribuir en algo, por favor, háznoslosaber. Gracias. Descarga ahora Ley de la atracción y comparte connosotros tu experiencia.
Questions and Answers Bible 1.1 APK
**** App in Spanish **** Solve your doubts about the BibleandChristianity with Questions and Answers from the Bible. If youhaveever wondered about Christian life, holy spirit, God, theHolyTrinity or any other Christian aspect, this usefulness willhelpyou to resolve them. Affirm and grow in your Christian faith.Wewant these questions and answers about the Bible to be ablessingin your Christian walk. Includes Bible Study We provide youwith abasic outline of each book of the Bible. Learn the author,date inwhich it was written, purpose of his writing, key verses andabrief summary. This tool will help you understand the Biblebetterand encourage you to study it in a deeper way. This tool isidealfor expanding your knowledge and expanding new data onBiblequestions Questions and Answers from the Bible include, butare notlimited to: - Who is Jesus Christ? - God exists? Is thereevidenceof God's existence? - What are the attributes of God? Whatis Godlike? - Is the Bible really the Word of God? - Is he realGod? Howcan I know for sure that God is real? - Is Jesus God? DidJesusever claim to be God? - Is the deity of Christ biblical? -What isChristianity and what do Christians believe? - What is themeaningof life? - Is it salvation by faith alone, or by faith butworks? -Who is the Holy Spirit? - How can I know the will of Godfor mylife? - How can I overcome sin in my Christian life? - Whyshouldnot I commit suicide? - Is eternal security biblical? -Whathappens after death? - Once saved, always saved? Should womenserveas pastors / preachers? - What does the Bible teach abouttheTrinity? - What does the Bible say about Christian tithe? -Wherewas Jesus the three days between His death and resurrection? -andmore ... Download Bible Questions and Answers and shareyourexperience with us. Questions and Answers of the Bible is averydidactic application. You will love it! * If you have anyquestionor wish to contribute something, please let us know. Thankyou.
Estudos Bíblicos Evangélicos 1.1 APK
📖 Os Estudos bíblicos evangélicos mais completos Baixe oaplicativoGRATUITO agora e expanda seu conhecimento com Estudosbíblicosevangélicos Estudos bíblicos evangélicos, crescimentoespiritualpara aprender, estudar e fortalecer a fé em temasbíblicosfundamentais para a vida cristã Estudos Bíblicosevangélicos teminformações sobre a Bíblia. Interpretação da Bíbliapara obterrespostas sobre tudo, oração, fé, conhecimento e muitomais.Encontre aqui uma serie de estudos bíblicos para compreendermais aPalavra de Deus e se aprofundar no conhecimento de Jesus.Estudosbíblicos evangélicos Ele contém inter alia: -Perseverança:Perseverando Rumo à Vitória Final - Respeito Devido àsAutoridadesConstituídas por Deus - Hábitos são Ditados Pelo Tipo deNaturezaque se Possui - Em Cristo Não Há Razão para EstarDescontente - UmaSegurança Firme e Inabalável - Por onde começar aler a Bíblia paraentendê-la mais facilmente? - A Habitação de Deus- Quando DeusChama A Nossa Atenção - Como a Bíblia nos ensina apassar pelosofrimento - 7 Coisas que Jesus não disse e que nãoestão na Bíblia- A vontade de Deus - Olhe para Jesus -Recomendações Práticas paraa Vida Cristã - O Advogado do Pecador -Tranquilidade de Mente -Amar a Deus com todo nosso coração: O quesignifica? - Sobrenecromancia e a mulher de Endor - A Palavra deDeus é: - “Ausentecom o corpo, presente com o Senhor” -Ressurreição ou vidaimediatamente após a morte? - A palavra“coração” na Bíblia -Descanse no Senhor -“Amados, agora somosfilhos de Deus” - JesusCristo: O Redentor - Juízes 6:6-16: Oencontro de Gideão com oSenhor - y muitos mais … Além disso, aaplicação inclui pregaçôescristão e uma 📙 Bíblia completa paracompletar os estudos bíblicos.Se você tiver alguma dúvida oupreocupação sobre Estudos bíblicosEvangélicos ou quer contribuircom algo, por favor nos avise.Obrigado.
Promesas Bíblicas 1.0 APK
Promesas Bíblicas es una aplicaciónconla que podrá consultar una gran cantidad de promesas asentadasenla Biblia que podrá utilizar para predicar o consultarcuandodesee.Es muy importante poder conocer las promesas bíblicas y darleelverdadero valor que tienen para nosotros y la familia.Algunas promesas bíblicas que encontrará para su bendiciónson:amistad, ayuda, confianza, defensa, esperanza, tentación, seddeDios o prosperidad.También tiene la posibilidad de centrarse en cada libro de laBibliay predicar o aprender .Ponemos a su disposición el apartado exacto de la Biblia dondeseencuentra cada promesa.En esta herramienta encontrará lo siguiente:- Promesas bíblicas- Promesas de Dios- Mundo Biblia- Biblia online- ExtrasTanto el pueblo de Israel (de lo cual da testimonio elAntiguoTestamento), como la iglesia del Señor, deben aceptar, confe, laspromesas de Dios y aguardar con esperanza su realización (1Pedro1.4). Dios prometió a Israel la tierra que fluye leche ymiel(Exodo 3.8), y un rey futuro de justicia y paz, el cual esnuestroamado Señor y Salvador Jesucristo (Isaias 11).Descarga ahora Promesas bíblicas para predicar y comparteconnosotros tu experiencia.Bendiciones* Si tienes cualquier cuestión o duda o deseas contribuir enalgo,por favor, háznoslo saber. Gracias.Bible Promises isanapplication that can view settled a lot of promises in theBiblethat you can use to preach or consult at any time.It is very important to know the biblical promises and give thetruevalue they have for us and the family.Some Bible promises that will find for your blessingare:friendship, support, confidence, defense, hope, temptation,thirstfor God or prosperity.It also has the ability to focus on each book of the Bibleandpreach or learn.We provide the exact section of the Bible where iseverypromise.In this tool you will find the following:- Bible Promises- Promises of God- World Bible- Bible online- Additional featuresBoth the people of Israel (which bears witness of the OldTestament)as the church of God, must accept with faith thepromises of God andwait with hope its realization (1 Peter 1.4).God promised Israel aland flowing with milk and honey (Exodus3.8), and a future king ofjustice and peace, which is our belovedLord and Savior Jesus Christ(Isaiah 11).Download now Biblical Promises to preach and share with usyourexperience.Blessings* If you have any questions or concerns or want tocontributesomething, please let us know. Thank you.
Biblical Study New Testament 1.0 APK
The most complete Biblical StudyOldTestamentBible study of the New Testament is a powerful andvaluablelearning. It brings you a summary of each book of the Bibleandwill help you for your personal study.Bible study of the New Testament helps you to understandGod'spurposes for today as well as your plan for the future.The purpose of this utility is to provide a basic understandingofeach New Testament book of the Bible. In the information ofeachbook of the Bible, will include the author, date in which itwaswritten, purpose of his writing, key verses and abriefsummary.We want this summary of the New Testament books to helpyouunderstand it better, and encourage you to study the Bible inadeeper way.The New Testament is divided into five sections:- the Gospels (Matthew through John)- history (the book of Acts)- the Pauline Epistles (Romans through Philemon)- the General Epistles (Hebrews through Jude)- prophecy (the book of Revelation).The New Testament was written from approximately A.D. 45toapproximately A.D. 95. The New Testament was written in KoineGreek(common Greek, the everyday form of the Greek language in thefirstcentury A.D.)Download now Biblical Study New Testament and share with usyourexperience* If you have any questions or wish to contribute something,pleaselet us know. Thank you.