1.0 / May 26, 2014
(3.4/5) (20)


Does your daughter love Peppa Pig, or is sheafan of Winx?
Is your son crazy about Timmy Turner or Pokemon?
Puzzlelize quickly and easily transform any picture orphotographinto a 3x3 puzzle, creating his small archive ofpuzzles.
The procedure is simple and intuitive. Press long (>5seconds)one of the default images, then choose an image from thememory ofyour device, like free images taken from internet or fromyourphoto gallery, zoom or reduce the image, drag it to thebetterposition and safe it. The puzzle is producedautomatically.
You can also choose to take a photo directly, a selfie, forexample,and turn it into a puzzle.
You can choose your child's Teddy Bear or your daughter'sfavouritedoll, or a family photo, or a picture from your lastvacation orsome family event, or your son's drafts, etc ...
You can also compose a learning game for your child,insertingpictures of animals, famous monuments, paintings, etc...
We appreciate any comment or suggestion to amelioratethisapplication.

App Information Puzzlelize (puzzle maker)

  • App Name
    Puzzlelize (puzzle maker)
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    May 26, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 1.5 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Creatinine Clearance FAST 2.1 APK
Glomerular filtrate by the Cockroft-Gaultformula or the MDRD formulaRespect to other similar applications, this one allows a MORE EASYand QUICK introduction of data, by a single screen and buttonssensible to "click" or "long-click"...You need just one touch to shift from Cockcroft-Gault to MDRDmethod.Just another touch to shift from mg/dL to micromoli/L forCreatinine values.We accept any comment or suggestion: you can write to: [email protected]
Puzzle Anatomy (learning game) 7.0 APK
Interactive puzzle!Educational game to introduce the child (as well as the adult) tothe knowledge of the human body and its organs.It's designed in the form of interactive fun puzzle: the mainorgans must be reassembled in the correct position inside the humanbody and every movement of the pieces of the puzzle, correspond toa reaction of the human body itself ...We start now with the level 1, and soon we will add new levelsconcerning the various apparatuses in greater detail.You can write to franc.gemelli @ gmail.com.Keywords: game puzzle child learning didactic human bodyanatomyThanks for technical help to Seblogapps Forum Italian AppInventor,MIT AppInventor and Marketizer.
Emogas Fast 0.0.3 APK
Questa applicazione è un rapidissimo aiutonell'interpretazione dei disordini dell'equilibrioacido-base.Basta inserire il valore del PH e il valore di CO2, oppure di HCO3-e in base al nomogramma acido-base, sarà evidente la diagnosi deldisturbo.This application is avery rapid aid in the interpretation of acid-base balancedisorders.Just enter the value of PH and the CO2 value, or HCO3- and based onacid-base nomogram, it will be obvious diagnosis of thedisorder.
AF Global Calculator (EUROPE) 1.0 APK
This application is proposed as a simple but effective aid totheindication for antithrombotic therapy in non-valvularatrialfibrillation, based on ESC guidelines.In just ONE SCREEN, essential parameters are entered anddisplayedthe results: the scores of thromboembolic risk(CHADSVASC),haemorrhagic risk (HASBLED) and glomerular filtrationrate(Cockcroft-Gault formula). Finally, always in the same screen,areshown the resulting antithrombotic therapies, in adherence totheESC guidelines.At the bottom of the screen data are entered:- gendre- age, weight (kg) and serum creatinine (mg/dL) , with keys (+)and(-) sensible to short or long click, for a quick and easyinsertionof the values- check-list of 12 clinical-anamnestic items.Based on the data entered, the calculated resultsareautomatically displayed in the upper section of thescreen:At the top right are shown the scores CHADSVASC, HASBLEDandcreatinine clearance calculated by theCockcroft-Gaultformula.In the upper left shows the resulting therapeutic indicationsbasedon ESC guidelines 2012: three "traffic lights" appearing greenorred for the three treatment options:1) no antithrombotic therapy (NONE)2) vitamin K antagonists (VKA)3) New Oral Anticoagulants (NOAC).For Italy we suggest our specific application, "AFGlobalCalculator (ItalY), based also on AIFA (Agenzia ItalianadelFarmaco) restriction for Dabigatran's prescription.DISCLAIMER : The author assumes no responsibility for use ofthisapplication and invites who use it to verify the resultsprovidedand adapt them to the clinical context.The "AF Global Calculator (Europe)", on the Android platform,wasdeveloped entirely (drafting of the algorithm,technicaldevelopment, graphics solutions) by Dr. FrancescoGemelli,Cardiologist in Rome.We welcome any comments or suggestions that can be sent tothefollowing address: [email protected]: Medical Calculator, Cardiology, ESC,guidelinesEuropean Society of Cardiology, Atrial Fibrillation,anticoagulant,antithrombotic, embolic risk, stroke risk, HASBLED,CHADSVASC,CHA2DS2-VASC, Dabigatran, Rvaroxaban, Epixaban
AF Global Calculator (Italy) 1.0 APK
Questa applicazione si propone come unsemplice ma efficace ausilio per l’indicazione alla terapiaantitrombotica nella fibrillazione atriale non valvolare in Italia.Considera, infatti, non solo le linee guida ESC ma anche ledisposizionidell'AIFA relative all'eleggibilitá alla prescrizione delDabigatran. In una SCHERMATA UNICA vengono inseriti i parametriindispensabili e mostrati i risultati del calcolo degli score dirischio tromboembolico (CHADSVASC), di rischio emorragico (HASBLED)e del filtrato glomerulare (formula di COCKCROFT-GAULT), e mostratele conseguenti terapie antitrombotiche, in aderenza alle lineeguida ESC e alle indicazioni dell’AIFA.Nella parte inferiore della schermata vengono inseriti idati:-sesso-età, peso (Kg) e creatininemia (mg/dL), con tasti (+) e (-),sensibili alla pressione breve o prolungata, per un semplice eveloce inserimento dei valori-check-list di 13 elementi clinici-anamnesticiIn base ai dati inseriti, i risultati calcolati appaionoautomaticamente nella sezione superiore della schermata:-in alto a destra sono mostrati gli score CHADSVASC, HASBLED e laclearance della creatinina calcolata con la formula diCockroft-Gault.-in alto a sinistra sono riportate le indicazioni terapeuticheconseguenti: tre semafori che accendono la luce verde o rossa perle tre possibilità terapeutiche:1 nessuna terapia antitrombotica, 2 antagonisti della vitamina K, 3Dabigatran.Per le prime due il riferimento è alle linee-guida ESC.Per quanto concerne il Dabigatran, l'applicazione non fariferimento alle linee guida ESC, che in realtá considerano i nuovianticoagulanti orali come i farmaci di prima scelta, eccetto incaso di insufficienza renale. Si fa invece riferimento ai criteridi eleggibilitá richiesti dall'AIFA. L'applicazione SIMULA quindiil risultato ottenibile con la COMPILAZIONE ONLINE DEL PIANOTERAPEUTICO sul sito AIFA.Key Words: fibrillazione atriale, cardiologia, nuovianticoagulanti orali, terapia anticoagulante.DISCLAIMER: L'autore declina qualsiasi responsabilità relativaall'uso della presente applicazione. Si invita chi ne faccia uso averificarne i risultati forniti ed adattarli al contestoclinico.L’applicazione "AF Global Calculator (ITALY)", su piattaformaAndroid, è stata sviluppata interamente (stesura dell’algoritmo,sviluppo tecnico, soluzioni grafiche) dal dottor Francesco Gemelli,Cardiologo di Roma.Sono graditi eventuali commenti o suggerimenti che possono essereinviati al seguente indirizzo: [email protected] application isproposed as a simple but effective aid to the indication forantithrombotic therapy in non-valvular atrial fibrillation inItaly. Consider, in fact, not only the ESC guidelines but also theprovisionsAIFA relating to the eligibility requirement of Dabigatran. In aSCREEN ONLY essential parameters are entered and displayed theresults of calculating the score of thromboembolic risk(CHADSVASC), haemorrhagic risk (HASBLED) and glomerular filtrationrate (Cockcroft-Gault formula), and show the resultingantithrombotic therapies, in adherence to the ESC guidelines andindications of AIFA.At the bottom of the screen data is inserted:Sex--Age, weight (kg) and serum creatinine (mg / dL), with keys (+) and(-)-sensitive short or long, for a quick and easy insertion of thevalues-Check-list of 13 items clinical-anamnesticBased on the data entered, the calculated results areautomatically displayed in the upper section of the screen:-At the top right are shown the scores CHADSVASC, HASBLED andcreatinine clearance calculated by the Cockroft-Gaultformula.-At the top left shows the resulting therapeutic indications: threetraffic lights that light up the green or red light for the threetreatment options:1 no antithrombotic therapy, vitamin K antagonists 2, 3Dabigatran.For the first two, the reference is to the ESC guidelines.With regard to the Dabigatran, the application does not refer toESC guidelines, which is really consider the new oralanticoagulants such as the drug of choice, except in cases of renalinsufficiency. It refers instead to the eligibility criteriarequired by the AIFA. The application SIMULATES then the resultobtained with the ONLINE COMPILATION OF THERAPEUTIC PLAN AIFA onthe site.Key Words: atrial fibrillation, cardiology, new oralanticoagulants, anticoagulation.DISCLAIMER: The author assumes no responsibility for the use ofthis application. It invites those who use it to verify the resultsprovided and adapt them to the clinical context.The "AF Global Calculator (ITALY)", on the Android platform, wasdeveloped entirely (drafting of the algorithm, technicaldevelopment, graphics solutions) by Dr. Francesco Gemelli,Cardiologist in Rome.We welcome any comments or suggestions can be sent to the followingaddress: franc.gemelli @ gmail.com
BabyWeight (newborn growth) 5 APK
BabyWeight draws the curve of the child’sweight on the graph, from birth to the first months of life,comparing it with the benchmarks suggested by the World HealthOrganization. In this period, the weight is the most importantparameter to monitor the health and proper feeding of the newborn.The graph is of simple and immediate comprehension, also becausethe scale of magnitudes is changed automatically (as well asmanually) depending on the infant’s age.The values of individual weighings can be accessed directly bysimply touching the graph at various dates.A "tutorial" section is available that provides information onhow to analyse the trend of the growth curve, showing some examplesof normal and pathologic curves.Finally, the chart can be exported as a JPEG image and sent viaemail to your pediatrician who however is to be considered as themost important reference point for the newborn’s health.
NOTA 13 (Cuore e Colesterolo) 1.0 APK
La NOTA 13 AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco)è un testo articolato e complesso, in continuo aggiornamento equindi non facile da conoscere ed applicare. Questa applicazione èun soccorso al medico prescrittore: in 4 semplici step diinserimento dati si può stratificare il rischio del paziente eidentificare la terapia ottimale.STEP 1: DATI PAZIENTESemplicemente valori di colesterolo totale ed LDL, sesso eabitudine tabagicaSTEP 2: CONDIZIONI ASSOCIATECondizioni che da sole stratificano il rischio come alto o moltoalto (una check-list di 8 elementi, raggruppati in 4categorie).STEP 3: DISLIPIDEMIE FAMILIARIDiagnosticate in base a dei criteri semplificati: dapprima sonotestati i criteri biochimici (è richiesto, aggiuntivamente, solo ilrange di trigliceridemia) e, se questi sono compatibili, vengonorichiesti anche alcuni criteri anamnestici-familiari (una brevecheck-list di 2-5 elementi).STEP 4: CARTE DEL RISCHIOIn caso di negatività di tutti gli step precedenti, il rischio èstratificato in base alle “carte del rischio” ESC, incrociando ivalori di colesterolo totale, già inseriti, con quelli della fasciad’età e del valore di pressione arteriosa sistolicaRISULTATOA questo punto viene fornito il risultato finale:1. rischio stimato per il paziente (molto alto, alto, moderato,medio, lieve) e mortalità cardiovascolare attesa a 10 anni;2. target terapeutico LDL, ossia valore ottimale da raggiungere perquel paziente;3. percentuale riduzione LDL necessario per raggiungere iltarget;4. terapia indicata, secondo livelli progressivi, in base allarisposta iniziale; sono indicate anche le eventuali “terapieaggiuntive” per ottimizzare il profilo lipidico (HDL,trigliceridi), oltre al controllo del target di LDL;5. un tasto “DOSE” apre l’istogramma rappresentativo della potenzadelle statine nei vari dosaggi, aiutando nella scelta, a secondadella percentuale di abbattimento LDL necessaria calcolata.Questa applicazione ricalca IL PIU’ FEDELMENTE POSSIBILE leindicazioni della nota AIFA, tendo conto che, per la complessitàdell’argomento, si possono trovare condizioni non chiaramentecodificate dalla nota, spesso per mancanza effettiva di evidenzescientifiche relative a problematiche particolari; ad esempio nonsi trova una chiara indicazione del cutt-off di valori diTrigliceridemia da trattare.Per approfondimenti si consiglia consultare direttamente il testodella Gazzetta Ufficiale. E’ da rimarcare, inoltre, come lastratificazione del rischio proposta dal Ministero si ispiri, manon ricalchi completamente quanto suggerito dalle linee guidaESC.Si sottolinea infine come l'applicazione delle norme della NOTA 13non sia un mero adempimento burocratico ma un atto medicofinalizzato alla stratificazione prognostica del paziente e allaformulazione della terapia più adeguata, con notevoli implicazionisull'outcome del paziente a lungo termine.DISCLAIMER: L'autore declina ogni responsabilità derivantedall'uso dell'applicazione. Si invita chi la utilizza a verificareil risultato e ad applicarlo correttamente al contesto clinico.KEY-WORDS: cuore, cardiologia, dislipidemia, trigliceridi,colesterolo, LDL, HDL, terapia, cardiovascolare, farmaci, statine,ezetimibe, PUFA N3, fibrato,L’applicazione NOTA13 è stata sviluppata interamente (stesuradell’algoritmo diagnostico-terapeutico, sviluppo tecnico, soluzionigrafiche) dal dottor Francesco Gemelli, Cardiologo di Roma. Pereventuali chiarimenti,commenti o suggerimenti, sono volentieri disponibile e contattabileal seguenteindirizzo: [email protected] 13 The AIFA (ItalianDrug Agency) is a text and complex, continuously updated andtherefore not easy to know and apply. This application is a reliefto the prescriber: in 4 simple steps of data entry can stratify therisk of the patient and identify the optimal therapy.STEP 1: PATIENT DATASimply total cholesterol and LDL, sex and smoking statusSTEP 2: ASSOCIATED CONDITIONSConditions that alone stratify the risk as high or very high (acheck-list of 8 items, grouped into 4 categories).STEP 3: genetic dyslipidemiaDiagnosed on the basis of simplified criteria: first are testedbiochemical criteria (required, additionally, only the range oftriglycerides) and, if they are compatible, they are also requiredcertain criteria-family medical history (a short checklist of 2 - 5elements).STEP 4: RISK OF CARDSIn case of negativity of all the above steps, the risk isstratified according to the "risk maps" ESC, crossing the values​​of total cholesterol, already entered, with those of the age andvalue of systolic blood pressureRESULTAt this point comes the final result:1. estimated risk for the patient (very high, high, moderate,medium, mild) and cardiovascular mortality waiting 10 years;2. LDL therapeutic target, ie, the optimal value to be achieved forthat patient;3. percentage LDL reduction needed to achieve the target;4. indicated therapy, according to progressive levels, based on theinitial response, are also shown any "adjunctive therapies" tooptimize the lipid profile (HDL, triglycerides), in addition tocontrol of the target LDL;5. a button "DOSE" opens the histogram represents the power ofstatins in various strengths, helping in choice, depending on theabatement percentage calculated LDL required.This application follows IL PIU 'accurately as possible thedirections of the AIFA note, I tend to account for the complexityof the topic, you can find conditions not clearly codified in thenote, often for lack of actual scientific evidence related tospecific problems, such as not is a clear indication of thecutt-off values ​​of triglycerides to treat.For further details you should refer directly to the text of theOfficial Gazette. E 'to point out, moreover, as the riskstratification given by the Ministry is inspired by, but notcompletely tracings as suggested by the ESC guidelines.It should be stressed that the application of the rules of NOTE 13is not merely a bureaucratic but a medical act aimed at theprognostic stratification of patients and the formulation of themost appropriate therapy, with significant implications on patientoutcome in the long term.DISCLAIMER: The author disclaims any liability arising out ofthe application. It invites those who use it to check the resultand apply it correctly to the clinical context.KEY-WORDS: heart, cardiology, dyslipidemia, triglycerides,cholesterol, LDL, HDL, therapy, cardiovascular drugs, statins,ezetimibe, N3 PUFA, fibrate,The application was developed entirely NOTA13(diagnostic-therapeutic algorithm drafting, technical development,graphics solutions) by Dr. Francesco Gemelli, Cardiologist in Rome.For any questions,Comments or suggestions are gladly available and can be contactedat the followingAddress: franc.gemelli @ gmail.com
BabyWeightFREE(newborn-growth) 6 APK
BabyWeight draws the curve of the child’sweight on the graph, from birth to the first months of life,comparing it with the benchmarks suggested by the World HealthOrganization. In this period, the weight is the most importantparameter to monitor the health and proper feeding of the newborn.In FREE version you can record weight until the first month: Ifyou like it, buy the full version as soon possible; you bwill beable to record the child’s weight after the first month of life andkeep all data just in one application.The graph is of simple and immediate comprehension, also becausethe scale of magnitudes is changed automatically (as well asmanually) depending on the infant’s age.The values of individual weighings can be accessed directly bysimply touching the graph at various dates.A "tutorial" section is available that provides information onhow to analyse the trend of the growth curve, showing some examplesof normal and pathologic curves.Finally, the chart can be exported as a JPEG image and sent viaemail to your pediatrician who however is to be considered as themost important reference point for the newborn’s health.Keywords: weight, newborn, baby, child, Kid, infant, growth,pregnancy.Thanks for the technical contribution to Seblogapps-Italian forumAppInventor, MIT Appiventor, Marketizer