2.0 / January 27, 2016
(4.3/5) ()


PROUT es un nuevo modelosocioeconómicoalternativo que busca satisfacer las necesidadesbásicas de todosen constante evolución de acuerdo a la época,espacio geográfico ytipo de sociedad, teniendo como sustentoideológico una matrizeco-socio-espiritual, esto es, latriangulación óntica, ontológicay epistemológica entre economíasocial, ecología y espiritualidad.Se entiende a ésta última comouna práctica racional no dogmáticadel desarrollo expansivo de laconciencia humana, reivindicando asíen parte la cosmovisión devarios pueblos originarios. El agregadoa la economía crítica de unaperspectiva espiritual en este sentidoes la innovación de PROUT. Deeste modo, la economía se pone alservicio no del capital sino delser humano y también de todos losotros seres vivos al tiempo que serecupera y protege el ambientedesde una concepción bio-céntrica.

El filósofo indio Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990),autor,compositor y maestro es considerado el ideólogo de la teoríaPROUT.Presentó los ejes temáticos de PROUT por primera vez en1959,formando la organización llamada Proutista Universal paratrabajaren su ejecución. De 1971 a 1978, fue preso político en laIndiadebido a la posición de Prout contra la corrupción, el sistemadecastas, la explotación de mujeres y la explotaciónpolítica.Estateoría se presenta como una alternativa al modelocapitalista, yencuentra su sustento principalmente en la economíade base y en elcooperativismo.

PROUT (Teoría de la utilización progresiva) intenta elaborarunanueva visión sobre la ecología y sobre todo, una nueva visióndelsujeto como parte del ecosistema, entendiéndolo de maneramásabarcativa, como ser individual, social, y espiritual,dimensionesque consideramos que el Estado debe tener en cuenta,para generarlas condiciones que permitan a la población alcanzarcada vez unmayor bienestar.

Este Teoría promueve el cooperativismo y la democraciaeconómica.Tiene como uno de sus objetivos alcanzar el fin de lapobreza y elpleno empleo en la población, garantizar lascondiciones para teneruna vida digna, el fin de la especulaciónfinanciera, erradicar losmonopolios y la acumulación ilimitada.Para ello se plantea unreparto justo y racional de las riquezas yrecursos del planeta,para beneficio de toda la humanidad. Estosobjetivos se logran através de una planificación económica, queincluya el cuidado delambiente, las plantas y los animales, y queimpida el agotamientode recursos, para posibilitar su disfrute porlas generacionesvenideras.

Al respecto, P R Sarkar dice :“No debemos olvidar ni por unmomentoque todo este mundo animado es una gran familia en la cuallanaturaleza no ha asignado ninguna propiedad a ningún individuoenparticular. La propiedad individual ha sido creadaporaprovechadores egoístas para posibilitarse un crecimiento mayordemanera parásita. Al ser toda la propiedad de este universoheredadapor todas las criaturas, ¿cómo podrá haber entoncesjustificaciónalguna para un sistema en el que alguien recibe unflujo de excesosenormes, mientras que otros mueren por falta de unpuñado decereal?”

Prout is a newalternativeeconomic model that seeks to satisfy the basic needs ofall evolvingin accordance with the age, geographic area and typeof society,having as ideological support an eco-socio-spiritualmatrix, ie theontological triangulation, ontological andepistemological betweensocial economics, ecology and spirituality.It refers to the latteras a non-dogmatic practice expansiverational development of humanconsciousness, thus vindicatingpartly worldview of variousindigenous peoples. The economy addedto criticism of a spiritualperspective in this regard is theinnovation of Prout. Thus, theeconomy is at the service of capitalbut not of human beings and allother living while recovers andprotects the environment from abio-centric conception beings.

The Indian philosopher Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990),author,composer and teacher is considered the ideologue of thePROUTtheory. He presented the themes of Prout first time in 1959,formingan organization called Universal Proutist to work onitsimplementation. From 1971 to 1978, he was a political prisonerinIndia due to Prout's position against corruption, the castesystem,the exploitation of women and the exploitation política.Estatheoryis presented as an alternative to the capitalist model, andissustained mainly based economy and cooperatives.

PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory) seeks to develop a newvisionon ecology and above all, a new vision of the subject aspart of theecosystem, understanding more comprehensive way, as anindividual,social, and spiritual dimensions that we believe thatthe Stateshould consider to create conditions that enable peopleto achievegreater welfare ever.

This theory promotes the cooperative and economic democracy. Hasasone of its objectives to achieve poverty and full employment inthepopulation, ensure conditions for a dignified life, tofinancialspeculation, eradicate monopolies and unlimitedaccumulation. Forthis a fair and rational distribution of wealthand resources ofthe planet for the benefit of all humanity itarises. Theseobjectives are achieved through economic planning,including caringfor the environment, plants and animals and toprevent thedepletion of resources, to enable their enjoyment byfuturegenerations.

In this regard, PR Sarkar said: "We must not forget for amomentthat this whole animated world is a big family in whichnature hasnot allocated any property to any individual. Individualownershipcreated by selfish for further growth made possibleparasiticprofiteers way. When all the property of the universeinherited byall creatures, then how can there be any justificationfor a systemin which someone receives a stream of huge surpluses,while othersdie for lack of a handful of cereal? "

App Information PROUT: Utilizacion Progresiva

  • App Name
    PROUT: Utilizacion Progresiva
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 27, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Ananda Marga Publications
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    149-02 Melbourne Ave Flushing, NY 11367 USA
  • Google Play Link

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PROUT: Utilizacion Progresiva 2.0 APK
PROUT es un nuevo modelosocioeconómicoalternativo que busca satisfacer las necesidadesbásicas de todosen constante evolución de acuerdo a la época,espacio geográfico ytipo de sociedad, teniendo como sustentoideológico una matrizeco-socio-espiritual, esto es, latriangulación óntica, ontológicay epistemológica entre economíasocial, ecología y espiritualidad.Se entiende a ésta última comouna práctica racional no dogmáticadel desarrollo expansivo de laconciencia humana, reivindicando asíen parte la cosmovisión devarios pueblos originarios. El agregadoa la economía crítica de unaperspectiva espiritual en este sentidoes la innovación de PROUT. Deeste modo, la economía se pone alservicio no del capital sino delser humano y también de todos losotros seres vivos al tiempo que serecupera y protege el ambientedesde una concepción bio-céntrica.El filósofo indio Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990),autor,compositor y maestro es considerado el ideólogo de la teoríaPROUT.Presentó los ejes temáticos de PROUT por primera vez en1959,formando la organización llamada Proutista Universal paratrabajaren su ejecución. De 1971 a 1978, fue preso político en laIndiadebido a la posición de Prout contra la corrupción, el sistemadecastas, la explotación de mujeres y la explotaciónpolítica.Estateoría se presenta como una alternativa al modelocapitalista, yencuentra su sustento principalmente en la economíade base y en elcooperativismo.PROUT (Teoría de la utilización progresiva) intenta elaborarunanueva visión sobre la ecología y sobre todo, una nueva visióndelsujeto como parte del ecosistema, entendiéndolo de maneramásabarcativa, como ser individual, social, y espiritual,dimensionesque consideramos que el Estado debe tener en cuenta,para generarlas condiciones que permitan a la población alcanzarcada vez unmayor bienestar.Este Teoría promueve el cooperativismo y la democraciaeconómica.Tiene como uno de sus objetivos alcanzar el fin de lapobreza y elpleno empleo en la población, garantizar lascondiciones para teneruna vida digna, el fin de la especulaciónfinanciera, erradicar losmonopolios y la acumulación ilimitada.Para ello se plantea unreparto justo y racional de las riquezas yrecursos del planeta,para beneficio de toda la humanidad. Estosobjetivos se logran através de una planificación económica, queincluya el cuidado delambiente, las plantas y los animales, y queimpida el agotamientode recursos, para posibilitar su disfrute porlas generacionesvenideras.Al respecto, P R Sarkar dice :“No debemos olvidar ni por unmomentoque todo este mundo animado es una gran familia en la cuallanaturaleza no ha asignado ninguna propiedad a ningún individuoenparticular. La propiedad individual ha sido creadaporaprovechadores egoístas para posibilitarse un crecimiento mayordemanera parásita. Al ser toda la propiedad de este universoheredadapor todas las criaturas, ¿cómo podrá haber entoncesjustificaciónalguna para un sistema en el que alguien recibe unflujo de excesosenormes, mientras que otros mueren por falta de unpuñado decereal?”Prout is a newalternativeeconomic model that seeks to satisfy the basic needs ofall evolvingin accordance with the age, geographic area and typeof society,having as ideological support an eco-socio-spiritualmatrix, ie theontological triangulation, ontological andepistemological betweensocial economics, ecology and spirituality.It refers to the latteras a non-dogmatic practice expansiverational development of humanconsciousness, thus vindicatingpartly worldview of variousindigenous peoples. The economy addedto criticism of a spiritualperspective in this regard is theinnovation of Prout. Thus, theeconomy is at the service of capitalbut not of human beings and allother living while recovers andprotects the environment from abio-centric conception beings.The Indian philosopher Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (1921-1990),author,composer and teacher is considered the ideologue of thePROUTtheory. He presented the themes of Prout first time in 1959,formingan organization called Universal Proutist to work onitsimplementation. From 1971 to 1978, he was a political prisonerinIndia due to Prout's position against corruption, the castesystem,the exploitation of women and the exploitation política.Estatheoryis presented as an alternative to the capitalist model, andissustained mainly based economy and cooperatives.PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory) seeks to develop a newvisionon ecology and above all, a new vision of the subject aspart of theecosystem, understanding more comprehensive way, as anindividual,social, and spiritual dimensions that we believe thatthe Stateshould consider to create conditions that enable peopleto achievegreater welfare ever.This theory promotes the cooperative and economic democracy. Hasasone of its objectives to achieve poverty and full employment inthepopulation, ensure conditions for a dignified life, tofinancialspeculation, eradicate monopolies and unlimitedaccumulation. Forthis a fair and rational distribution of wealthand resources ofthe planet for the benefit of all humanity itarises. Theseobjectives are achieved through economic planning,including caringfor the environment, plants and animals and toprevent thedepletion of resources, to enable their enjoyment byfuturegenerations.In this regard, PR Sarkar said: "We must not forget for amomentthat this whole animated world is a big family in whichnature hasnot allocated any property to any individual. Individualownershipcreated by selfish for further growth made possibleparasiticprofiteers way. When all the property of the universeinherited byall creatures, then how can there be any justificationfor a systemin which someone receives a stream of huge surpluses,while othersdie for lack of a handful of cereal? "
Ananda Marga NYS 4.3 APK
Ananda Marga is a global spiritual and social service organizationfounded in 1955 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar).The mission of Ananda Marga is self-realization (individualemancipation) and service to humanity (collective welfare): thefulfillment of the physical, mental and spiritual needs of allpeople. Through its meditation centers and service projects aroundthe world, Ananda Marga offers instruction in meditation, yoga andother self-development practices on a non-commercial basis, andresponds to social emergencies and long-term social needs. Theideology of Ananda Marga is Self-Realization and Service to All.Both aspects are complementary to each other, and both arenecessary for a balanced and fulfilling life. The welfare of eachand everyone is linked to the welfare of society, and the welfareof society depends on the welfare of each and everyone. As anorganization, Ananda Marga has a global network of centers invirtually every country of the world. Its activities encompass awide range of projects for the welfare of humanity, animals, plantsand the whole planet. These include yoga and meditation centers,schools, children’s homes, food distribution centers, disasterrelief, medical centers and community development projects.Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of the local people andassisting them in developing their personal and social resourcesfor the prosperity of all. The philosophy of Ananda Marga is one ofuniversalism. It is an all-embracing outlook, recognizing God asthe one limitless supreme consciousness, with all beings of theuniverse part of the one cosmic family. It recognizes that abalance is needed between the spiritual and mundane aspects ofexistence, and that neither one should be neglected at the expenseof the other. Hence the goal of Ananda Marga is “Self-realizationand the welfare of the universe.” Ananda Marga teaches meditationfree of charge all around the world.
PROgressive Utilization Theory 2.0 APK
Mr. Sarkar sought a practical alternativetothe theories of Marxism (communism) and Capitalism. Prout isbasedon universal values recognizing and protecting the rights ofall tothe fulfillment of their basic needs; the protection oftheenvironment, plants and animals; and a dynamic,incentive-basedmulti-tiered economy with local andcooperatively-employee-ownedenterprises at it core. It encourages abalance in the effort ofsatisfying individual and collective needs.No one should be leftbehind as society marches forward.Proutist Universal PU is a global, non-profit,charitable,education organization of individual members; localunits,affiliated federations and programs; and, service activities.Thefirst program formed by the organization, a federation in 1959,isthe Universal Proutist Student Federation UPSF. PU hascareervolunteers and members on every continent, with itsglobalheadquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark.The MISSION STATMENT of Proutist Universal is: "To promoteandimplement PROUT – Progressive Utilization Theory, anewsocio-economic paradigm. Through educational efforts andmaterials,social movements and activities of its various programs,ProutistUniversal seeks to ensure the fulfillment ofbasic-needs-for-all,an exploitation-free society, ethicalleadership, and theimplementation of economic democracy – for thewelfare andhappiness of all.”
Ananda Marga Esenciales 3.0 APK
Ananda Marga es una organizaciónsocio-espiritual internacional fundada en India en 1955 por ShriiShrii Anandamurti, maestro espiritual y profundo pensador social.Sus enseñanzas expresan una filosofía de vida llevada a la acción.En el plano individual, el objetivo es el desarrollo de todos lospotenciales del ser humano. En lo colectivo, el propósito de lasdistintas actividades de Ananda Marga es lograr cambios positivosen la sociedad para el progreso de la humanidad.Ananda Marga is aninternational socio-spiritual organization founded in India in 1955by Shree Shree Anandamurti, spiritual teacher and profound socialthinker. His teachings express a philosophy of life led to action.At the individual level, the goal is the development of all humanpotential. Collectively, the purpose of the various activities ofAnanda Marga is to achieve positive change in society for theprogress of humanity.