1.3 / August 8, 2013
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• Poppi and Casentino Tour is themultimediamap that gives you detailed information and allows you tovisit themost important Tuscan valley.
• The contact points of Poppi and Casentino Tour, theinformationcontent and movies are constantly being updated in realtime.

• We wish you a pleasant stay in Tuscany.

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App Information Poppi e Casentino Tour

Fabrizio Farsetti Show More...

Francesco d' Assisi Tour 1.3 APK
• Francis of Assisi is the multimedia map thatgives you detailed information and allows you to visit the mostsignificant of the Franciscan experience.• The points of contact, the information content and movies areconstantly updated in real time.• We wish you a pleasant stay in the land of Francis and Clare.To Unlock all the functions inside the app please login:User......: [email protected]..: mymapps01
Siena City Tour 1.3 APK
•Siena City Tour is the active multimediamapthat gives you detailed information and allows you to visitthemost important Tuscan valley.• The contact points of Siena City Tour, the information contentandmovies are constantly being updated in real time.• We wish you a pleasant stay in Tuscany.To Unlock all the functions inside the app please login:User......: [email protected]..: mymapps01
Firenze City Tour 1.3 APK
• Firenze City Tour is the active multimediamap that gives you detailed information and allows you to visit themost important Tuscan city.• The contact points of Firenze City Tour, the information contentand movies are constantly being updated in real time.• We wish you a pleasant stay in Tuscany.To Unlock all the functions inside the app please login:User......: [email protected]..: mymapps01
Cortona e Valdichiana Tour 1.3 APK
• Cortona and Valdichiana Tour is activemultimedia map that gives you detailed information and allows youto visit the most important Tuscan valley.• The contact points of Cortona and Valdichiana Tour, theinformation content and movies are constantly being updated in realtime.• We wish you a pleasant stay in Tuscany.To Unlock all the functions inside the app please login:User......: [email protected]..: mymapps01
MyMapps 1.3 APK
Find your destination and select the mapyouwant.MyMapps wishes you a pleasant stay in Italy.
Arezzo City Tour 1.3 APK
• Arezzo City Tour is the active multimediamapthat gives you detailed information and allows you to visit themostimportant Tuscan city.• The contact points of Arezzo City Tour, the informationcontentand movies are constantly being updated in real time.• We wish you a pleasant stay in Tuscany.To Unlock all the functions inside the app please login:User......: [email protected]..: mymapps01
Crete e Val d'Orcia Tour 1.3 APK
•Crete e Val d'Orcia Tour is active multimediamap that gives you detailed information and allows you to visit themost important Tuscan valley.• The contact points of Crete e Val d'Orcia Tour, the informationcontent and movies are constantly being updated in real time.• We wish you a pleasant stay in Tuscany.To Unlock all the functions inside the app please login:User......: [email protected]..: mymapps01
Chianti Tour 1.3 APK
•Chianti Tour is active multimedia map thatgives you detailed information and allows you to visit the mostimportant Tuscan valley.• The contact points of Chianti Tour, the information content andmovies are constantly being updated in real time.• We wish you a pleasant stay in Tuscany.To Unlock all the functions inside the app please login:User......: [email protected]..: mymapps01