1.1 / May 6, 2013
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data-docid="com.panasonic.mobile.livewallpaper.popmagenta"> <div class="pon" style="display:none">1</div> <button class="price buy id-track-click" data-server-cookie="CAIaOQo1EjMKLWNvbS5wYW5hc29uaWMubW9iaWxlLmxpdmV3YWxscGFwZXIucG9wbWFnZW50YRABGANCAA==" data-uitype="200"> <span class="display-price">$2.40</span> </button> </span> </span> </div> <div class="description"> Spreading geometric patterns wherever touching the screen. <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <a class="card-click-target" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.panasonic.mobile.livewallpaper.popmagenta" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a> </div> </div> <div class="reason-set"> <span class="stars-container"> <a href="/store/apps/details?id=com.panasonic.mobile.livewallpaper.popmagenta"> </a> <span class="price-container"> <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <span class="apps is-price-tag buy-button-container is_not_aquired_or_preordered" data-doc-fetch-skip-cache="0" data-doc-fetch-vouchers="0" 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title="Fruits Party" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> Fruits Party <span class="paragraph-end"></span> </a> <div class="subtitle-container"> <a class="subtitle" href="/store/apps/developer?id=Panasonic+Mobile+Communications" title="Panasonic Mobile Communications">Panasonic Mobile Communications</a> <span class="price-container"> <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <span class="apps is-price-tag buy-button-container is_not_aquired_or_preordered" data-doc-fetch-skip-cache="0" data-doc-fetch-vouchers="0" data-docid="com.pmclivewallpaper.fruitsparty"> <div class="pon" style="display:none">1</div> <button class="price buy id-track-click" data-server-cookie="CAIaLAooEiYKIGNvbS5wbWNsaXZld2FsbHBhcGVyLmZydWl0c3BhcnR5EAEYA0IA" data-uitype="200"> <span class="display-price">$1.20</span> </button> </span> </span> </div> <div class="description"> Fruits Party Live Wallpaper <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <a class="card-click-target" 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Spreading geometric patterns wherever touchingthe screen.

Randomly shown the triangle objects wherever touching thescreen.

* Android OS2.1 or higher
* To use: home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper
* According to memory conditions, it may not be able to setnormally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal andset it again.
* If you finish the live wallpaper, it may not be able to exitnormally by using task end application program such as task killer.Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.
* When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turnblack in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resettingafter setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and itcontains improved OS2.2.

Confirmed devices
Xperia arc SO-01C
Xperia SO-01B(Android2.1 or higher)
Xperia acro SO-02C
REGZA Phone IS04
G'zOne IS11CA
* Some devices except above may not work correctly.
* Application can be returned according to the refund policy inAndroid Market.

App Information POP GREEN

  • App Name
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    May 6, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Panasonic Mobile Communications
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Panasonic Mobile Communications Show More...

Fit Home 0.17.03 APK
You can update "Fit Home" for ELUGA P(P-03E).Tap [Update] button to download.Fit home is the home app of ELUGA P(P-03E).Depending on your preference, you can take advantage of the twomodes."Normal mode"- Operation feeling common on smart phones.- Place freely applications and widgets."Keitai mode"- Operation feeling the same way as feature phones.- Phone book and call history can invoke easily in the stand-bydisplay.- The 12 launcher that the desired function is easy to find in themenu screen.[Model]ELUGA P (P-03E)
Alice 1 APK
This live wallpaper has Alice and glitter rose!Let's start a tea party♪Notes* Android OS2.1 or higher* To use: home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper* According to memory conditions, it may not be able to setnormally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal andset it again.* If you finish the live wallpaper, it may not be able to exitnormally by using task end application program such as task killer.Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.* When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turnblack in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resettingafter setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and itcontains improved OS2.2.* According to Android OS versions, memory conditions or devices,live wallpaper may work slowly.* When you set up this live wallpaper for the first time, it maycommunicate for activation. Please set it at a location in a goodreception. This communication is performed only once and it isn'tperformed in second time or later.Confirmed devicesdocomo:P-07CP-01DP-02DSoftBank:101PSWEETY 003P* Some devices except above may not work correctly.* Application can be returned according to the refund policy inAndroid Market.
Rabbit 1 APK
This live wallpaper looks like Japanesepicture !Let's make your smart phone Japanese design with this one !!Notes* Android OS2.1 or higher* To use: home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper* According to memory conditions, it may not be able to setnormally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal andset it again.* If you finish the live wallpaper, it may not be able to exitnormally by using task end application program such as task killer.Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.* When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turnblack in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resettingafter setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and itcontains improved OS2.2.* According to Android OS versions, memory conditions or devices,live wallpaper may work slowly.* When you set up this live wallpaper for the first time, it maycommunicate for activation. Please set it at a location in a goodreception. This communication is performed only once and it isn'tperformed in second time or later.Confirmed devicesdocomo:P-07CP-01DP-02DSoftBank:101PSWEETY 003P* Some devices except above may not work correctly.* Application can be returned according to the refund policy inAndroid Market.
Samurai 1 APK
So Excellent ! So cool ! Japanese SAMURAIwallpaper expressed BUSHIDO.Cutting action with a Japanese sword is amazing !Notes* Android OS2.1 or higher* To use: home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper* According to memory conditions, it may not be able to setnormally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal andset it again.* If you finish the live wallpaper, it may not be able to exitnormally by using task end application program such as task killer.Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.* When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turnblack in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resettingafter setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and itcontains improved OS2.2.* According to Android OS versions, memory conditions or devices,live wallpaper may work slowly.* When you set up this live wallpaper for the first time, it maycommunicate for activation. Please set it at a location in a goodreception. This communication is performed only once and it isn'tperformed in second time or later.Confirmed devicesdocomo:P-07CP-01DP-02DSoftBank:101PSWEETY 003P* Some devices except above may not work correctly.* Application can be returned according to the refund policy inAndroid Market.
Kaleidoscope 1.1 APK
As if you peep into kaleidoscope ?!The live wallpaper is very beautiful !Notes* Android OS2.1 or higher* To use: home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper* According to memory conditions, it may not be able to setnormally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal andset it again.* If you finish the live wallpaper, it may not be able to exitnormally by using task end application program such as task killer.Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.* When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turnblack in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resettingafter setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and itcontains improved OS2.2.* According to Android OS versions, memory conditions or devices,live wallpaper may work slowly.* When you set up this live wallpaper for the first time, it maycommunicate for activation. Please set it at a location in a goodreception. This communication is performed only once and it isn'tperformed in second time or later.Confirmed devicesdocomo:P-07CP-01DP-02DSoftBank:SWEETY 003P101P* Some devices except above may not work correctly.* Application can be returned according to the refund policy inAndroid Market.
ELUGA ICS Update 4.09 APK
ELUGA ICS Update connects to Panasonicdownload server and downloads the Ice Cream Sandwich softwareupdateNOTE) Please connect the phone to a Wi-Fi network whendownloading the software.Make sure that the battery is fully charged before downloading thesoftware.We recommend connecting the phone to a power source while updatingthe software.Supported Terminal: ELUGA dL1
Pegasus 1 APK
This live wallpaper has a fantastic Pegasus!Roses and hearts in the background are so cute !Notes* Android OS2.1 or higher* To use: home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper* According to memory conditions, it may not be able to setnormally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal andset it again.* If you finish the live wallpaper, it may not be able to exitnormally by using task end application program such as task killer.Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.* When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turnblack in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resettingafter setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and itcontains improved OS2.2.* According to Android OS versions, memory conditions or devices,live wallpaper may work slowly.* When you set up this live wallpaper for the first time, it maycommunicate for activation. Please set it at a location in a goodreception. This communication is performed only once and it isn'tperformed in second time or later.Confirmed devicesdocomo:P-07CP-01DP-02DSoftBank:101PSWEETY 003P* Some devices except above may not work correctly.* Application can be returned according to the refund policy inAndroid Market.
Jellyfish 1 APK
As if you are in the deep sea !This live wallpaper is very fantastic !Notes* Android OS2.1 or higher* To use: home screen>menu>Wallpaper>Live Wallpaper* According to memory conditions, it may not be able to setnormally. In that case, please restart your portable terminal andset it again.* If you finish the live wallpaper, it may not be able to exitnormally by using task end application program such as task killer.Please exit it after setting other live wallpapers.* When updating it with setting the wallpaper, the screen may turnblack in the case of OS2.1.You can set it correctly by resettingafter setting other live wall papers. It's a feature for OS, and itcontains improved OS2.2.* According to Android OS versions, memory conditions or devices,live wallpaper may work slowly.* When you set up this live wallpaper for the first time, it maycommunicate for activation. Please set it at a location in a goodreception. This communication is performed only once and it isn'tperformed in second time or later.Confirmed devicesdocomo:P-07CP-01DP-02DSoftBank:101PSWEETY 003P* Some devices except above may not work correctly.* Application can be returned according to the refund policy inAndroid Market.