3.1.33 / March 2, 2017
(4.0/5) (2039)


Easy and simple search vacancies and jobalerts with the application "Pocket Job Search". Job searching appuses base of Indeed jobs service not only in USA but in anothercountries.
Looking for a job becomes very easy now – «Pocket Jobs Search» willfind a job and vacancies instead of you!
All jobs alerts are always in your pocket on your mobile device. Wewill look for a vacancies instead of you - just add what positiondo you want and time when you want to receive notifications and«Pocket Job Search» will do everything itself.

Application has a various convenient options:
• Simple search of alerts
• Advanced search
• Scheduled search

Just specify the necessary parameters:
Simple search:
• keywords to find work
• select a city

Advanced Search:
• add words that should be present
• add words that should not be present
• add salary range
• select date of publication
• mark to show results without salary indication

Scheduled Alerts seek:
You can schedule automatic job search exactly as you wish:
• specify the suitable time to receive notifications, as well asfrequency (every day, every 2 days, etc.)
• keywords to find work
• select a city
• words which should be present
• words which should not be present
• salary range
• select date of publication
• mark to show without salary indication

In the application you can always add any vacancy to your favoritesand then view the list of selected jobs, even if your phone doesnot have access to the Internet.
Pocket Jobs Search maintains a history of your past requests withall the additional search parameters. You can always easily repeatthe request. Clearing history queries can also be very easy.
App gives you a simple access to millions of jobs. We regularly addnew services and new countries to increase the number ofvacancies.

App Information Pocket Job Search

Iurii Buiarov Show More...

Pocket Job Search 3.1.33 APK
Iurii Buiarov
Easy and simple search vacancies and jobalerts with the application "Pocket Job Search". Job searching appuses base of Indeed jobs service not only in USA but in anothercountries.Looking for a job becomes very easy now – «Pocket Jobs Search» willfind a job and vacancies instead of you!All jobs alerts are always in your pocket on your mobile device. Wewill look for a vacancies instead of you - just add what positiondo you want and time when you want to receive notifications and«Pocket Job Search» will do everything itself.Application has a various convenient options:• Simple search of alerts• Advanced search• Scheduled searchJust specify the necessary parameters:Simple search:• keywords to find work• select a cityAdvanced Search:• add words that should be present• add words that should not be present• add salary range• select date of publication• mark to show results without salary indicationScheduled Alerts seek:You can schedule automatic job search exactly as you wish:• specify the suitable time to receive notifications, as well asfrequency (every day, every 2 days, etc.)• keywords to find work• select a city• words which should be present• words which should not be present• salary range• select date of publication• mark to show without salary indicationIn the application you can always add any vacancy to your favoritesand then view the list of selected jobs, even if your phone doesnot have access to the Internet.Pocket Jobs Search maintains a history of your past requests withall the additional search parameters. You can always easily repeatthe request. Clearing history queries can also be very easy.App gives you a simple access to millions of jobs. We regularly addnew services and new countries to increase the number ofvacancies.
Positions Market Tracker 1.70 APK
Iurii Buiarov
This tool takes positions in TOPs of PlayMarket. Tracker analyze first 50 results of specified tops.At first go to the left menu ( App's Details ). Open it.Write your app's packagePush the buttonAll information about your app will be downloadedGo to right menuSelect TOPs in which you want to observe your appSelect keywords in which tops you want to observe your appThen press button updateIf you want you can enable scheduled positions search in leftmenuRelax