1.0 / October 15, 2013
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This is an illustrated book with audio in three languages: Japanese, English and French.<p>The "pi-bo Ehon" is a first e-book for small children. This is not a conversion from a paper book, nor is it a game. The "pi-bo Ehon" is a new type of teaching tool what was designed to let children play with it in anyway they like so that they can develop their sense of creativity.<p>Text and audio from two different languages can always be set in the e-book. Any combination of Japanese, English or French can be used. In addition, the user can record his or her own voice for the audio used for the main language. We want parents to record their own voices to customize it for their children.<p>As a series, following titles will be released sequentially.<p>- Warabe Kimika's Illustrated Animal Book<br>- Warabe Kimika's Illustrated Animal Book 2<br>- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Things-to-Ride-On Book<br>- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Things-to-Ride-On Book2<br>- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Truck<br>- Kaichi Toru Illustrated Job Book<br>- Miyao Rei Illustrated Sea Life Book<br>- Miyao Rei Illustrated Bird Book<br>- Hakata Tetsuya Illustrated Bug Book<p>•How to use *<br>- This software does not have any instructions or help. Just start the application and let you child touch or tap it. Your child should be able to discover how to use it alone.<br>- Tapping the setup/wrench/spanner icon will display a simple password protection screen. This will prevent your children from unintentionally opening and changing the settings.<p>- The secondary languages can be changed in the setup screen.<p>- Audio can be recorded and erased for the primary language in the setup screen. Even if you make your own recording, the original audio will not be erased. The original audio will be used again if a recorded audio clip is erased.</p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></div> <div class="show-more-end" jsaction="click:vhaaFf"></div> </div> </div> <div> <button class="play-button show-more small" jsaction="KoToPc"> Read more </button> <button class="play-button expand-close" jsaction="vhaaFf"> <div class="close-image"> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="details-section-divider"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="details-wrapper"> <div class="details-section metadata"> <div class="details-section-heading"> <h1 class="heading"> Additional information </h1> </div> <div class="details-section-contents"> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Updated</div> <div class="content" itemprop="datePublished">October 15, 2013</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Installs</div> <div class="content" itemprop="numDownloads"> 10 - 50 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Current Version</div> <div class="content" itemprop="softwareVersion"> 1.0 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Requires Android</div> <div class="content" itemprop="operatingSystems"> 1.6 and up </div> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Content Rating</div> <div class="content" itemprop="contentRating">Unrated</div> <div class="content">Warning – content has not yet been rated. 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The "pi-bo Ehon" series is aninteractivepicture book for small children from ages 1 to 3.

The first book in this series is "Hakata Tetsuya'sIllustratedDinosaur Book." This is an illustrated book with audioin threelanguages: Japanese, English and French.

The "pi-bo Ehon" is a first e-book for small children. Thisisnot a conversion from a paper book, nor is it a game. The"pi-boEhon" is a new type of teaching tool what was designed toletchildren play with it in anyway they like so that they candeveloptheir sense of creativity.

Text and audio from two different languages can always be setinthe e-book. Any combination of Japanese, English or French canbeused. In addition, the user can record his or her own voice fortheaudio used for the main language. We want parents to recordtheirown voices to customize it for their children.

As a series, following titles will be released sequentially.

- Warabe Kimika's Illustrated Animal Book
- Warabe Kimika's Illustrated Animal Book 2
- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Things-to-Ride-On Book
- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Things-to-Ride-On Book2
- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Truck
- Kaichi Toru Illustrated Job Book
- Miyao Rei Illustrated Sea Life Book
- Miyao Rei Illustrated Bird Book
- Hakata Tetsuya Illustrated Bug Book

•How to use *
- This software does not have any instructions or help. Juststartthe application and let you child touch or tap it. Yourchildshould be able to discover how to use it alone.
- Tapping the setup/wrench/spanner icon will display asimplepassword protection screen. This will prevent your childrenfromunintentionally opening and changing the settings.

- The secondary languages can be changed in the setupscreen.

- Audio can be recorded and erased for the primary languageinthe setup screen. Even if you make your own recording, theoriginalaudio will not be erased. The original audio will be usedagain ifa recorded audio clip is erased.

App Information pibo Illustrated Dinosaur Book

  • App Name
    pibo Illustrated Dinosaur Book
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    October 15, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 1.6 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website
    東京都港区南青山3-5-2 南青山第一韮澤ビル3F
  • Google Play Link

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pi-bo Illustrated Job Book 1.0 APK
The "pi-bo Ehon" series is an interactivepicture book for small children from ages 1 to 3.The first book in this series is "Kaichi Toru's Illustrated JobBook." This is an illustrated book with audio in three languages:Japanese, English and French.The "pi-bo Ehon" is a first e-book for small children. This isnot a conversion from a paper book, nor is it a game. The "pi-boEhon" is a new type of teaching tool what was designed to letchildren play with it in anyway they like so that they can developtheir sense of creativity.Text and audio from two different languages can always be set inthe e-book. Any combination of Japanese, English or French can beused. In addition, the user can record his or her own voice for theaudio used for the main language. We want parents to record theirown voices to customize it for their children.As a series, following titles will be released sequentially.- Warabe Kimika's Illustrated Animal Book- Warabe Kimika's Illustrated Animal Book 2- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Things-to-Ride-On Book- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Things-to-Ride-On Book2- Yuki Yoshinori Illustrated Truck- Miyao Rei Illustrated Sea Life Book- Miyao Rei Illustrated Bird Book- Hakata Tetsuya Illustrated Dinosaur Book- Hakata Tetsuya Illustrated Bug Book•How to use *- This software does not have any instructions or help. Just startthe application and let you child touch or tap it. Your childshould be able to discover how to use it alone.- Tapping the setup/wrench/spanner icon will display a simplepassword protection screen. This will prevent your children fromunintentionally opening and changing the settings.- The secondary languages can be changed in the setupscreen.- Audio can be recorded and erased for the primary language inthe setup screen. Even if you make your own recording, the originalaudio will not be erased. The original audio will be used again ifa recorded audio clip is erased.
pi-boえほん ゆうきよしのりのはたらくのりものずかん 1.1 APK
「pi-boえほん」は、はじめて電子絵本を体験するお子様にぴったりの幼児向け絵本アプリ!すでに絵本の世界で定評のある一流の人気作家を起用した本格的な電子絵本です。(1~3歳児対象)「piboえほん」は幼児がはじめて出会う電子絵本です。これは紙の絵本の移植でもなく、ゲームでもありません。子供が自ら遊び方を工夫でき、想像力を伸ばせる電子絵本として企画された、新しい子供向け知育教材です。「piboえほん」シリーズはどれも、ものの「名前」と「文字」「音声」をコンパクトにまとめ、幼児がひとりで楽しみながらものの名前を覚えられるように構成しました。どの絵本も、人気絵本作家のかわいいキャラクターが楽しく動きます。常に2か国語の文字と音声を絵本にセットできます。言語の組み合わせは、日本語、英語、フランス語の3か国語から自由に選ぶことができます。また、主言語の音声は自分の声を録音する事が可能です。ご自身の声を録音してカスタマイズした絵本を、ぜひお子様に与えてあげてください。★ソフトの使い方★・このソフトに難しい説明はありません。アプリを起動したら、そのままお子様に与えてみてください。お子様が自分で使い方、楽しみ方を発見できるはずです。・設定アイコンをタップすると、簡単なパスワード認証画面が表示されます。これはお子様が不用意に設定画面に入ってしまうことを防ぐためのロックです。・主言語と副言語の変更は設定画面から行ってください。・主言語の音声の録音と消去は設定画面で行うことができます。録音しても、最初の音声は消えることはありません。録音した音声を消去すると、あらかじめ用意されていた音声に戻ります。★「piboえほん」には他にも種類があります★わらべきみか の どうぶつずかんわらべきみか の どうぶつずかん2ゆうきよしのりののりものずかん2ゆうきよしのりのはたらくのりものずかんかいちとおるのしごとずかんみやおれいのうみのいきものずかんみやおれいのとりずかんはかたてつやのきょうりゅうずかんはかたてつやのむしずかんThe "pi-bo picture book",for infants picture book app is good for children to experience anelectronic picture book for the first time!An electronic picture book full-fledged appointed popular writer ofleading with the reputation in the world of picture book already.(1-3 year-old target)"Pibo picture book" is an electronic picture book which toddlersmeet for the first time. Nor a conversion from a paper book, nor isit a game this. Children can be devised how to play himself, wasplanned as an electronic picture book which lengthen theimagination, is a new children's educational materials.The compactly as "name", "character" and "voice" of stuff, "pibopicture book" series which also has been configured to be rememberthe name of the thing infants enjoy alone. Any picture book, cutecharacter of popular picture book writer will move happily.I can set in the e-book Text and audio from two differentlanguages ​​can always. Combination of language, you can choosefreely from three languages ​​Japanese, English, French. The audiofor the primary language is possible to record your voice. Pleasegive you child by all means, a picture book that is customized into record the voice of your own.★ ★ How to use software• There is no description difficult to this software. When youstart the app, please let you child as it is. Your child should beable to discover how to use it alone.· Tap the Settings icon, simple password authentication screenappears. This is a lock to prevent children unintentionally openingand changing the settings.· Please in the setup screen to change the secondarylanguages.And erase the voice recording of the main language will be able toin the setup screen. When you record, never the original audiodisappear. If you erase the recorded sound, to return to the voicethat had been prepared in advance.★ There are also other types of the "pibo picture book" ★  Encyclopedia of animal or warabe Kimi  Animal picture book 2 or warabe Kimi  Vehicle picture book 2 of Yuki Yoshinori  Vehicles illustrated book Working Yuki Yoshinori  Picture book work of Yoshikazu Toru  Encyclopedia of the sea creature of Miyao Rei  Take picture book of Miyao Rei  Dinosaur picture book of Hakata Tetsuya  Insect picture book of Hakata Tetsuya
Warabe Kimika's Animals 1 1.0 APK
[Free registration to GREE is required forthis application.]The "pi-bo Ehon" series is an interactive picture book for smallchildren from ages 1 to 3.The first book in this series is "Warabe Kimika's IllustratedAnimal Book." This is an illustrated book with audio in threelanguages: Japanese, English and French.The "pi-bo Ehon" is a first e-book for small children. This isnot a conversion from a paper book, nor is it a game. The "pi-boEhon" is a new type of teaching tool what was designed to letchildren play with it in anyway they like so that they can developtheir sense of creativity.Text and audio from two different languages can always be set inthe e-book. Any combination of Japanese, English or French can beused. In addition, the user can record his or her own voice for theaudio used for the main language. We want parents to record theirown voices to customize it for their children.•How to use *- This software does not have any instructions or help. Just startthe application and let you child touch or tap it. Your childshould be able to discover how to use it alone.- Tapping the setup/wrench/spanner icon will display a simplepassword protection screen. This will prevent your children fromunintentionally opening and changing the settings.- The secondary languages can be changed in the setupscreen.- Audio can be recorded and erased for the primary language inthe setup screen. Even if you make your own recording, the originalaudio will not be erased. The original audio will be used again ifa recorded audio clip is erased.
「ももたろう」中川ひろたかの名作おはなし絵本2 1.0 APK
 iPhone/iPad版でシリーズ累計30万DLを記録! 絵本作家・中川ひろたかさんの文章にイラストレーターのすがわらけいこさんのイラスト、麦穂杏奈さんによるナレーションの「ももたろう」です。文章は中川ひろたかさんが電子絵本のためだけに書き下ろし! さらに、すがわらけいこさんの表情豊かなキャラクターたちがおはなしの中で大暴れ!誰もが知っている日本の昔話、ももたろう。いぬとさる、きじがきびだんごをもらって桃太郎と鬼が島へ鬼退治へ行きます。いぬもさるもきじも、そしてももたろうも鬼が島の鬼をばったばたと倒していきます。 日本を代表する昔話を味わいのあるイラストとナレーションで楽しめるのがこの「ももたろう」です。【この絵本の機能】■ 「おはなしよんで」モード - 自動で読み聞かせスタートすると自動的に物語が進みます。お子さま1人でも楽しめます。■ 「おはなしなあに」モード - タップしながら進めます画面をタップして物語を進めていきます。お子さまと対話しながら物語を味わったり、その場で読んであげるのに最適です。■ 「録音」機能 - 読み聞かせを保存できますセリフを段落ごとに録音し、その音声でお話を再生することができます。【キャストのご紹介】作:中川ひろたか絵本作家、シンガーソングライターとして様々な分野で活躍中。2005年に「ないた」で日本絵本大賞受賞。絵:すがわらけいこイラストレータ。著書に「たべもののふしぎ」「あたまのふしぎ」などがある。ナレーション:麦穂杏奈ナレーター、声優、舞台役者として活動中。中川ひろたか名作シリーズには「ももたろう」の他にも「あかずきん」や「おむすびころりん」など、人気の15作品が揃っています。※ Android 3.x系のOSをご利用のお客様へOSの仕様上、システムのメニューが絵本内の一部メニューを隠すことがあります。ご利用の際には予めご了承いただきますようお願いいたします。
pi-boえほん ゆうきよしのりののりものずかん2 1.0 APK
「pi-boえほん」は、はじめて電子絵本を体験するお子様にぴったりの幼児向け絵本アプリ!すでに絵本の世界で定評のある一流の人気作家を起用した本格的な電子絵本です。(1~3歳児対象)「piboえほん」は幼児がはじめて出会う電子絵本です。これは紙の絵本の移植でもなく、ゲームでもありません。子供が自ら遊び方を工夫でき、想像力を伸ばせる電子絵本として企画された、新しい子供向け知育教材です。「piboえほん」シリーズはどれも、ものの「名前」と「文字」「音声」をコンパクトにまとめ、幼児がひとりで楽しみながらものの名前を覚えられるように構成しました。どの絵本も、人気絵本作家のかわいいキャラクターが楽しく動きます。常に2か国語の文字と音声を絵本にセットできます。言語の組み合わせは、日本語、英語、フランス語の3か国語から自由に選ぶことができます。また、主言語の音声は自分の声を録音する事が可能です。ご自身の声を録音してカスタマイズした絵本を、ぜひお子様に与えてあげてください。★ソフトの使い方★・このソフトに難しい説明はありません。アプリを起動したら、そのままお子様に与えてみてください。お子様が自分で使い方、楽しみ方を発見できるはずです。・設定アイコンをタップすると、簡単なパスワード認証画面が表示されます。これはお子様が不用意に設定画面に入ってしまうことを防ぐためのロックです。・主言語と副言語の変更は設定画面から行ってください。・主言語の音声の録音と消去は設定画面で行うことができます。録音しても、最初の音声は消えることはありません。録音した音声を消去すると、あらかじめ用意されていた音声に戻ります。★「piboえほん」には他にも種類があります★わらべきみか の どうぶつずかんわらべきみか の どうぶつずかん2ゆうきよしのりののりものずかんゆうきよしのりのはたらくのりものずかんかいちとおるのしごとずかんみやおれいのうみのいきものずかんみやおれいのとりずかんはかたてつやのきょうりゅうずかんはかたてつやのむしずかんThe "pi-bo picture book",for infants picture book app is good for children to experience anelectronic picture book for the first time!An electronic picture book full-fledged appointed popular writer ofleading with the reputation in the world of picture book already.(1-3 year-old target)"Pibo picture book" is an electronic picture book which toddlersmeet for the first time. Nor a conversion from a paper book, nor isit a game this. Children can be devised how to play himself, wasplanned as an electronic picture book which lengthen theimagination, is a new children's educational materials.The compactly as "name", "character" and "voice" of stuff, "pibopicture book" series which also has been configured to be rememberthe name of the thing infants enjoy alone. Any picture book, cutecharacter of popular picture book writer will move happily.I can set in the e-book Text and audio from two differentlanguages ​​can always. Combination of language, you can choosefreely from three languages ​​Japanese, English, French. The audiofor the primary language is possible to record your voice. Pleasegive you child by all means, a picture book that is customized into record the voice of your own.★ ★ How to use software• There is no description difficult to this software. When youstart the app, please let you child as it is. Your child should beable to discover how to use it alone.· Tap the Settings icon, simple password authentication screenappears. This is a lock to prevent children unintentionally openingand changing the settings.· Please in the setup screen to change the secondarylanguages.And erase the voice recording of the main language will be able toin the setup screen. When you record, never the original audiodisappear. If you erase the recorded sound, to return to the voicethat had been prepared in advance.★ There are also other types of the "pibo picture book" ★  Encyclopedia of animal or warabe Kimi  Animal picture book 2 or warabe Kimi  Vehicle picture book of Yuki Yoshinori  Vehicles illustrated book Working Yuki Yoshinori  Picture book work of Yoshikazu Toru  Encyclopedia of the sea creature of Miyao Rei  Take picture book of Miyao Rei  Dinosaur picture book of Hakata Tetsuya  Insect picture book of Hakata Tetsuya
pi-boえほん ゆうきよしのりののりものずかん 1.0 APK
「pi-boえほん」は、はじめて電子絵本を体験するお子様にぴったりの幼児向け絵本アプリ!すでに絵本の世界で定評のある一流の人気作家を起用した本格的な電子絵本です。(1~3歳児対象)「piboえほん」は幼児がはじめて出会う電子絵本です。これは紙の絵本の移植でもなく、ゲームでもありません。子供が自ら遊び方を工夫でき、想像力を伸ばせる電子絵本として企画された、新しい子供向け知育教材です。「piboえほん」シリーズはどれも、ものの「名前」と「文字」「音声」をコンパクトにまとめ、幼児がひとりで楽しみながらものの名前を覚えられるように構成しました。どの絵本も、人気絵本作家のかわいいキャラクターが楽しく動きます。常に2か国語の文字と音声を絵本にセットできます。言語の組み合わせは、日本語、英語、フランス語の3か国語から自由に選ぶことができます。また、主言語の音声は自分の声を録音する事が可能です。ご自身の声を録音してカスタマイズした絵本を、ぜひお子様に与えてあげてください。★ソフトの使い方★・このソフトに難しい説明はありません。アプリを起動したら、そのままお子様に与えてみてください。お子様が自分で使い方、楽しみ方を発見できるはずです。・設定アイコンをタップすると、簡単なパスワード認証画面が表示されます。これはお子様が不用意に設定画面に入ってしまうことを防ぐためのロックです。・主言語と副言語の変更は設定画面から行ってください。・主言語の音声の録音と消去は設定画面で行うことができます。録音しても、最初の音声は消えることはありません。録音した音声を消去すると、あらかじめ用意されていた音声に戻ります。★「piboえほん」には他にも種類があります★わらべきみか の どうぶつずかんわらべきみか の どうぶつずかん2ゆうきよしのりののりものずかん2ゆうきよしのりのはたらくのりものずかんかいちとおるのしごとずかんみやおれいのうみのいきものずかんみやおれいのとりずかんはかたてつやのきょうりゅうずかんはかたてつやのむしずかんThe "pi-bo picture book",for infants picture book app is good for children to experience anelectronic picture book for the first time!An electronic picture book full-fledged appointed popular writer ofleading with the reputation in the world of picture book already.(1-3 year-old target)"Pibo picture book" is an electronic picture book which toddlersmeet for the first time. Nor a conversion from a paper book, nor isit a game this. Children can be devised how to play himself, wasplanned as an electronic picture book which lengthen theimagination, is a new children's educational materials.The compactly as "name", "character" and "voice" of stuff, "pibopicture book" series which also has been configured to be rememberthe name of the thing infants enjoy alone. Any picture book, cutecharacter of popular picture book writer will move happily.I can set in the e-book Text and audio from two differentlanguages ​​can always. Combination of language, you can choosefreely from three languages ​​Japanese, English, French. The audiofor the primary language is possible to record your voice. Pleasegive you child by all means, a picture book that is customized into record the voice of your own.★ ★ How to use software• There is no description difficult to this software. When youstart the app, please let you child as it is. Your child should beable to discover how to use it alone.· Tap the Settings icon, simple password authentication screenappears. This is a lock to prevent children unintentionally openingand changing the settings.· Please in the setup screen to change the secondarylanguages.And erase the voice recording of the main language will be able toin the setup screen. When you record, never the original audiodisappear. If you erase the recorded sound, to return to the voicethat had been prepared in advance.★ There are also other types of the "pibo picture book" ★  Encyclopedia of animal or warabe Kimi  Animal picture book 2 or warabe Kimi  Vehicle picture book 2 of Yuki Yoshinori  Vehicles illustrated book Working Yuki Yoshinori  Picture book work of Yoshikazu Toru  Encyclopedia of the sea creature of Miyao Rei  Take picture book of Miyao Rei  Dinosaur picture book of Hakata Tetsuya  Insect picture book of Hakata Tetsuya
pi-bo Asian かいちとおるのしごとずかん 1.1 APK
「pi-boえほん」は、はじめて電子絵本を体験するお子様にぴったりの幼児向け絵本アプリ!すでに絵本の世界で定評のある一流の人気作家を起用した本格的な電子絵本です。(1~3歳児対象)「piboえほん」は幼児がはじめて出会う電子絵本です。これは紙の絵本の移植でもなく、ゲームでもありません。子供が自ら遊び方を工夫でき、想像力を伸ばせる電子絵本として企画された、新しい子供向け知育教材です。「piboえほん」シリーズはどれも、ものの「名前」と「文字」「音声」をコンパクトにまとめ、幼児がひとりで楽しみながらものの名前を覚えられるように構成しました。どの絵本も、人気絵本作家のかわいいキャラクターが楽しく動きます。常に2か国語の文字と音声を絵本にセットできます。言語の組み合わせは、日本語、英語、中国語、韓国語の4か国語から自由に選ぶことができます。また、主言語の音声は自分の声を録音する事が可能です。ご自身の声を録音してカスタマイズした絵本を、ぜひお子様に与えてあげてください。★ソフトの使い方★・このソフトに難しい説明はありません。アプリを起動したら、そのままお子様に与えてみてください。お子様が自分で使い方、楽しみ方を発見できるはずです。・設定アイコンをタップすると、簡単なパスワード認証画面が表示されます。これはお子様が不用意に設定画面に入ってしまうことを防ぐためのロックです。・主言語と副言語の変更は設定画面から行ってください。・主言語の音声の録音と消去は設定画面で行うことができます。録音しても、最初の音声は消えることはありません。録音した音声を消去すると、あらかじめ用意されていた音声に戻ります。★「piboえほん」には他にも種類があります★わらべきみか の どうぶつずかんわらべきみか の どうぶつずかん2ゆうきよしのりののりものずかんゆうきよしのりののりものずかん2ゆうきよしのりのはたらくのりものずかんみやおれいのうみのいきものずかんみやおれいのとりずかんはかたてつやのきょうりゅうずかんはかたてつやのむしずかんThe "pi-bo picture book",for infants picture book app is good for children to experience anelectronic picture book for the first time!An electronic picture book full-fledged appointed popular writer ofleading with the reputation in the world of picture book already.(1-3 year-old target)"Pibo picture book" is an electronic picture book which toddlersmeet for the first time. Nor a conversion from a paper book, nor isit a game this. Children can be devised how to play himself, wasplanned as an electronic picture book which lengthen theimagination, is a new children's educational materials.The compactly as "name", "character" and "voice" of stuff, "pibopicture book" series which also has been configured to be rememberthe name of the thing infants enjoy alone. Any picture book, cutecharacter of popular picture book writer will move happily.I can set in the e-book Text and audio from two differentlanguages ​​can always. Combination of language, you can choosefreely from four languages ​​Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean.The audio for the primary language is possible to record yourvoice. Please give you child by all means, a picture book that iscustomized in to record the voice of your own.★ ★ How to use software• There is no description difficult to this software. When youstart the app, please let you child as it is. Your child should beable to discover how to use it alone.· Tap the Settings icon, simple password authentication screenappears. This is a lock to prevent children unintentionally openingand changing the settings.· Please in the setup screen to change the secondarylanguages.And erase the voice recording of the main language will be able toin the setup screen. When you record, never the original audiodisappear. If you erase the recorded sound, to return to the voicethat had been prepared in advance.★ There are also other types of the "pibo picture book" ★  Encyclopedia of animal or warabe Kimi  Animal picture book 2 or warabe Kimi  Vehicle picture book of Yuki Yoshinori  Vehicle picture book 2 of Yuki Yoshinori  Vehicles illustrated book Working Yuki Yoshinori  Encyclopedia of the sea creature of Miyao Rei  Take picture book of Miyao Rei  Dinosaur picture book of Hakata Tetsuya  Insect picture book of Hakata Tetsuya
小学5年漢字:ゆびドリル 1 APK
iPhone/iPadの教育有料Appランキング(iPad)で1位獲得した大人気かんじドリルアプリがAndroidに登場。ゆびでなぞって書いた文字が認識、判定することで「読みがな」や「書き取り」ができる漢字の学習アプリです。小学5年生が習う漢字185字全てを網羅。正しい「はね」「とめ」「はらい」がデザインされた文科省学習指導要領準拠の教科書体フォントを使用しています小学生の時に紙のドリルで漢字を練習した覚えがありませんか?このアプリでは紙のドリルで練習したような「読みがな」や「書き取り」に加えて、「せいせきひょう」で間違いやすい漢字を教えてくれたり、何回練習したかを見ることができます。何度も練習して漢字を書くことで漢字を覚え、きそがためで漢字の基礎を覚えて、ちからだめしでテストを行うことができます。このドリルのせいせきひょうにたくさんの記録がつく頃にはあなたのお子さまはきっと5年生の漢字をマスターしているでしょう。「小学5年かんじ:ゆびドリル」はApp Storeの教育有料iPad AppランキングでTOP10入りしました。iPhoneアプリレビューサイト「AppBank」でゆびドリルシリーズの1年生と4年生の紹介記事を掲載していただきました。■ 機能紹介・書き取り :小学5年生で習う学年別の全漢字を網羅した問題集。・読みがな :小学5年生で習う学年漢字の音読み、訓読みの問題が出ます。「書き取り」「読みがな」ドリルをやると銅メダル、全問正解で銀メダル、全てのドリルを制覇で金メダルがもらえます。・練習:漢字を書く練習をすることができ、正しい漢字をかけたかどうか判定することができます。・力試し :「書き取り」「読みがな」のドリルをランダムで出題します。・書き順 :漢字一覧から漢字を選んで書き順を確認できます。・せいせきひょう:「力試し」と各ドリルの履歴、間違いやすい漢字が表示されます。お子様と一緒に楽しく漢字を書いてみて、たくさん書いたお子様を褒めてあげてください!Androidの機能に対応するために、iOSバージョンのアプリとは一部の機能や操作方法が異なっています。予めご了承ください。※ Android 3.x系のOSをご利用のお客様へOSの仕様上、システムのメニューが絵本内の一部メニューを隠すことがあります。ご利用の際には予めご了承いただきますようお願いいたします。*本ソフトウエアはPUXの手書き文字認識エンジン”楽ひら(R)”を利用しています。