1.1 / February 17, 2013
(4.5/5) (4)


Physics 2 Go Part 2 - Interactive Magnets

The app calculates an interacting system of spins (ormagnets),including the well-known Ising model as well as morecomplexsystems. You can choose the system size in up to 4dimensions. Theupdating of the spins is done by a standardMonte-Carlo heatbathalgorithm.

Various options for the spin-spin interaction are given.Thecoupling strength as well as a constant external field (actinginthe vertical direction) can be specified.

The adjustable settings are:

system size: set the number of magnets in 2 to 4 directions(fora 2-dim system set nz and nt to 1). The total number of spinsinthe system is nx*ny*nz*nt.

# spins: you can set the number of possible spin(magnet)directions. The choice of 2 corresponds to the famous Isingmodel(spin up and spin down). 4 means there are 4 possibledirections(up,down,left,right) and so on.

coupling: set the coupling strength between the spins(moreaccurately the coupling divided by thetemperature). Bychanging the sign of the coupling thesystem tries to alignspins in parallel (ferromagnetic) oranti-parallel (antiferromagnetic) direction.

field: set the strength of a constant external (magnetic)fieldpointing upward in the vertical directions. The magnets trytoalign in this drection.

plot cycles: you can determine after how many updates ofthespins the new spin configuration is plotted on the screen.Adjustit to a larger value if the plotting frequency is too highand thescreen starts to flicker.

You can choose to periodically change either thecouplingstrength or the value of the external field. Specify theamount ofchange and its frequency. With this option you can studyphasetransitions, e.g. from disordered to ordered (spin aligned)states.You can observe quite different transition behaviordepending onthe number of dimensions or the type of interactionbetween thespins.

There are several choices of interactions between the spins.The'nearest neighbor' choice corresponds to the Ising model. Youcanalso add the interaction of the spins with the diagonallyadjacentneighbors. For the other two choices the spins interactwith allother spins in the system. The interaction strength fallsoff like1 over the spatial distance between the spins (Coulombpotential)or like exp(-distance)/distance (Yukawa potential).

By choosing 'ordered' or 'random' you can initialize thesystemto be either all aligned or randomly oriented.

The plotting area shows the actual orientation of the spins.Thedirection is specified by the direction of the arrow and thecolorcoding (which is needed for large-scale systems, where onlycolorboxes are plotted). Iin the case of a 3 or 4 dimensionalsystem a2-dimensional slice of the box is displayed.

Below this area the spin, averaged over the system isshown,where the average direction corresponds to the orientation ofthearrow. The absolute magnitude of the spin polarizationormagnetization determines the length of the arrow.

In the lowest panel the current absolute value ofthemagnetization as well as the average value (averaged of thetimeperiod since the last change of the field or coupling values)isplotted. This can help you to visualize phase transitionsoccurringin the system. Tapping 'Clear' will erase thisdisplay.

Enjoy the app!

App Information Physics 2 Go Part 2

  • App Name
    Physics 2 Go Part 2
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    February 17, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Stefan Schramm
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Stefan Schramm Show More...

Optionator 1.1 APK
Calculate the value of a range of stockoptions.Currently implemented options:European/American Call/PutEuropean Forward Start Call/PutEuropean One-CliquetEuropean Knock-in/out Barrier Call/PutEuropean Forward Start Knock-in/out Barrier Call/PutEuropean/American Cash or Nothing Call/PutEuropean/American Assett or Nothing Call/PutEuropean Floating/Fixed Strike Look-Back Call/PutUp to three different methods (depending on the type of option)are available to calculate the option price:Analytic formula (an) Binomial tree (bn) simple Monte Carlosampling (mc)You can influence the accuracy of the binomial tree and MonteCarlo method by choosingthe number of time steps (bn,mc) and number of sampled paths (mc)-larger numbers yield more accurate results and take longer time tocalculate.Calculate either option price or determine implied volatility for agiven price.Input values are:asset value,strike price,expiry (days),risk-free interest rate (%per year), volatility (% over a year) or option price, barrier (forbarrier options), forward-start time (days), cash (cash options),rebate (knock in/out options), dividend (% per year, currently onlycontinuous, specific dates to come).Output values:option price or volatility, delta, gamma, vega, theta, tho, timevalue, elasticityThe app features a simple catastrophe estimator (blackfriday):Set the probability of a crash (within a year) and the amount ofstock valuedecrease (%) during the crash. The option price reflects theeffect.Note that this is only a rough estimate and works reasonably wellfor european optionswithout fixed-time events (like forward start dates) during thelife time of the option.You can generate 2-dimensional plots of the results using thefollowing choices:Set the quantitiy to be varied along the horizontal (x)axis.Choices are stock value, strike price, expiry, interest rate,volatilitySet the quantity for the vertical (y) axis.Here, choices are\n\noption price, delta, gamma, vega, theta,rho.Set the range of x values and the number of points to beplotted.In case of Monte Carlo calculations error bars are displayed,which you can reduce by increasing the accuracy parametersdiscussed above.3d plots to come in future releases.There is NO guarantee for the correctness of any of the resultscalculated with this app.Enjoy!
Physics 2 Go Part 1 1.1 APK
Physics 2 Go! Part 1 - InteractiveQuantumMechanicThe app calculates the basic formula of quantum mechanics,theone-dimensional Schrödinger equation for a set ofpredefinedpotentials or a self-defined potential.The main page contains fields/lists for:defining the size of the box of the system by setting x_minandx_maxsetting the step size delta t used in the time evolution,smallervalues usually give more accurate resultspicking a potential. By choosing "user defined" you can writeyourown expression in the field "potential" (like, e.g., x^2).The parser for the expression is relatively simple andhopefullynot too buggy. It uses "x" as variable, "+-*/^", brackets"()" andthe functions sin,cos,tan,exp,log,step (step(x)=1 forx>=0,otherwise 0), and abs (absolute value).You can plot the wave function by pressing "Plot It!". Theplotshows real (blue) and  imaginary (red) part of thewavefunction, the right y axis labels the  values for thewavefunctions. The  potential is plotted in black(valuescorrespond to the labels of the left y axis). The whitelinedepicts the energy of the state. Tapping "Stop" will interruptthecalculation.Following additional controls exist:With "width" and "position" you can define the width and positionofthe initial Gaussian wavefunction. By pressing "Init WF" thewavefunction is initialized.Choosing "rea"' or "imaginary" time you can pick the evolutionofthe wave function in real or imaginary time. For the choiceofimaginary time the solution will relax to the static groundstate.Using real time you see the oscillation of the wave functionwithtime. However, due to the numerics there might be effectivelyasmall imaginary part, which drives the system to theoscillatingground state after a while. The stability of thereal-timebehaviour can depend on the size of the chosen time step.Note thatespecially for narrow potentials the real-time solutioncan becomeunstable (and obviously incorrect) at this stage of theappdevelopment.You can plot the "ground state" or first "excited state".Whenpicking the excited state, the ground state calculation willstopand the functions will change colors to orange and purple.Theexcited state will be orthogonal to the ground state. Therefore,ifthe ground state has not yet reached its stable value, alsotheexcited state won't be correct.Enjoy the app!
Let's Buzz! 1.0 APK
This is a version of the popular Buzz! gameyoucan play against your cellphone, in case there are nofriendsaround.The rules are simple:In the SETUP view you can pick one or more digits (presettodigit 3). In the main PLAY view a counter will constantlyincreaseits value by one. You and your smartphone/tablet/... taketurns. Ifthe current number on display contains one of the selecteddigitsyou have to call (here press) BUZZ . Also, if the number isamultiple of any of the selected digits you have topress BUZZ as well. If not, press NUMBER instead.For example, you have selected digit 3 in the SETUP view. Thenitis a BUZZ, if the current number is 43 (it contains the digit 3)andthe same is true for 27, for example, as 27 is a multiple of 3(3 *9 = 27). Of course, if you select several digits, things canbecomedifficult.That's it. Sounds straight forward, but don't be fooled -thegame can become quite challenging!There are a few more options in the SETUP view. You canadjustthe speed of the number increment. This sets the timeinterval,wherein you have to decide whether to press NUMBER or BUZZ- if thetime expires, you lose. You can turn on or off the numberdisplayor the voice output.Finally, you can turn on the training mode, the device willtrackthe number of errors you make, but it won't stop the game.For every combination of digits and speeds the app willkeeptrack of the high score you have achieved (you can erase thehighscores in the SETUP view, if you like).There is a kind of cheat option - you can press PAUSEanytimeduring the game to give yourself more time to think of therightanswer, the app won't punish you for that.The app opponent plays a perfect game, so the goal is toreachthe highest number before you make your fatal mistake.
Physics 2 Go Part 2 1.1 APK
Physics 2 Go Part 2 - Interactive MagnetsThe app calculates an interacting system of spins (ormagnets),including the well-known Ising model as well as morecomplexsystems. You can choose the system size in up to 4dimensions. Theupdating of the spins is done by a standardMonte-Carlo heatbathalgorithm.Various options for the spin-spin interaction are given.Thecoupling strength as well as a constant external field (actinginthe vertical direction) can be specified.The adjustable settings are:system size: set the number of magnets in 2 to 4 directions(fora 2-dim system set nz and nt to 1). The total number of spinsinthe system is nx*ny*nz*nt.# spins: you can set the number of possible spin(magnet)directions. The choice of 2 corresponds to the famous Isingmodel(spin up and spin down). 4 means there are 4 possibledirections(up,down,left,right) and so on.coupling: set the coupling strength between the spins(moreaccurately the coupling divided by thetemperature). Bychanging the sign of the coupling thesystem tries to alignspins in parallel (ferromagnetic) oranti-parallel (antiferromagnetic) direction.field: set the strength of a constant external (magnetic)fieldpointing upward in the vertical directions. The magnets trytoalign in this drection.plot cycles: you can determine after how many updates ofthespins the new spin configuration is plotted on the screen.Adjustit to a larger value if the plotting frequency is too highand thescreen starts to flicker.You can choose to periodically change either thecouplingstrength or the value of the external field. Specify theamount ofchange and its frequency. With this option you can studyphasetransitions, e.g. from disordered to ordered (spin aligned)states.You can observe quite different transition behaviordepending onthe number of dimensions or the type of interactionbetween thespins.There are several choices of interactions between the spins.The'nearest neighbor' choice corresponds to the Ising model. Youcanalso add the interaction of the spins with the diagonallyadjacentneighbors. For the other two choices the spins interactwith allother spins in the system. The interaction strength fallsoff like1 over the spatial distance between the spins (Coulombpotential)or like exp(-distance)/distance (Yukawa potential).By choosing 'ordered' or 'random' you can initialize thesystemto be either all aligned or randomly oriented.The plotting area shows the actual orientation of the spins.Thedirection is specified by the direction of the arrow and thecolorcoding (which is needed for large-scale systems, where onlycolorboxes are plotted). Iin the case of a 3 or 4 dimensionalsystem a2-dimensional slice of the box is displayed.Below this area the spin, averaged over the system isshown,where the average direction corresponds to the orientation ofthearrow. The absolute magnitude of the spin polarizationormagnetization determines the length of the arrow.In the lowest panel the current absolute value ofthemagnetization as well as the average value (averaged of thetimeperiod since the last change of the field or coupling values)isplotted. This can help you to visualize phase transitionsoccurringin the system. Tapping 'Clear' will erase thisdisplay.Enjoy the app!