1.2 / April 26, 2013
(4.6/5) (17)



The Palafittes Guide is your own personal guide to the piledwellers and their settlements. The app contains a detailed audioguide to dozens of pile dwelling sites all over Switzerland. Ateach of these locations we tell you about the treasures from thepast that lie slumbering beneath your feet or at the bottom of thelake in front of you, about the way of life of the ancient piledwellers, and the work of the archaeologists who study them.

In addition, the Palafittes Guide contains a wealth of texts andpictures, as well as details of the main museums where you can seeitems from the time of the pile dwellers.

The content was written by leading Swiss archaeologists inconjunction with science journalists. The Palafittes Guide is fullof interesting and entertaining information about a topic that isalso a perfect excuse for some wonderful outings.

App Information Palafittes Guide

  • App Name
    Palafittes Guide
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 26, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Effingerstrasse 33 CH – 3008 Bern
  • Google Play Link

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内容提要 1.0 APK
现在就用您掌中的iPhone用八种语言来探索发现世界著名的石庸城堡吧!用您喜欢的节奏漫步在美丽的房间陈列和海量的照片之中。超过二十个带有介绍的经典场景,让您在游览石庸之前或者之后都能用手中的语音导游继续您美妙的旅程。要想了解城堡最新的咨询,您只需注册免费的每月通讯(www.chillon.ch)。--------作为瑞士最受欢迎的文物古迹之一,这座位于湖山之间的特殊建筑仿如魔幻仙境,一定能让您目瞪口呆!流连于石庸城堡间您能感觉时光像倒流了一样,每个房间都将为您揭开那遥远的萨瓦家族和伯尔尼人不为人知的往事。请您亲自来发现教堂中、公爵卧室中那能追溯到14世纪却仍清晰可见的壁画,或者大型的箱子展示以及各个房间中陈列的中世纪的典型家具;四座大型大厅为您重现萨瓦家族奢华的宫廷晚宴,让您体味中世纪生活的点点滴滴。但也别忘了这里曾是一座坚不可摧的军事要塞,被莱蒙湖天然环绕让城堡三面环水,临山的一侧则被塔楼和巡廊防御着。城堡中还有大量的军事武器装备展览。这座有近千年历史的城堡一直是文学家,艺术家们灵感的源泉,从卢梭到雨果,从德拉克洛瓦到库尔贝,无数的传奇历史在这里诞生、上演。更不用提城堡著名的博尼瓦神父为大诗人拜伦提供了《石庸的囚徒》的创作灵感,这首著名的长诗就是以被关在石庸的博尼瓦神父为主角而创作的。地道中捆绑神父长达四年之久的石柱更是不能错过!欢迎您光临石庸城堡!石庸城堡 支持
Château de Chillon 1.0 APK
Chillon – parcours de visite(version française)Découvrez le château de Chillon et ses plus belles salles etpièces de collection, grâce à notre nouvelle application enrichied’images et disponible en huit langues !Déambulez à votre rythme le long du parcours de visite. Lavingtaine d’endroits-clés commentés, vous donnera même tout loisird’écouter l’audioguide avant ou après votre venue à Chillon.Restez en contact avec nous en vous inscrivant à notre newslettersur www.chillon.ch !-----Rien d’étonnant à ce que le château de Chillon soit un desmonuments les plus visités de Suisse. Une architecture d’une beautéà couper le souffle, un site exceptionnel entre lac et montagnes –proprement magique !Visiter le château de Chillon, c'est comme remonter le temps.Chaque salle dévoile une partie de son histoire – aussi bien la viequotidienne à la cour de Savoie que celle des baillis bernois.Découvrez les peintures murales du 14e siècle encore visiblesdans la chambre du Duc et la chapelle, ou encore la grandecollection de coffres et le mobilier présent dans toutes lespièces. Les quatre grandes salles d'apparat, propices autrefois àde somptueux banquets, vous immergeront également dans la viequotidienne du Moyen Âge. Mais n’oublions pas que Chillon étaitaussi une forteresse ! Protégée certes par le lac, le côté terreest lui paré de tours de défense et d’un chemin de ronde. Denombreuses armes sont exposées.Cette citadelle millénaire n’a cessé d’enflammer l’imaginationdes artistes, de Rousseau à Hugo, de Delacroix à Courbet.D’innombrables légendes sont d’ailleurs nées en ces lieux, dont laplus connue est celle de Bonivard, rendue célèbre par Lord Byronqui en fit le héros de son poème "Le Prisonnier de Chillon". Lefameux pilier dans le souterrain, auquel il fut enchaîné, est unincontournable du château !Bienvenue au château de Chillon !Chillon - visititinerary(French version)Discover the Château de Chillon and most beautiful rooms andcollectibles through our new application enriched with images andavailable in eight languages!Stroll at your own pace along the way to visit. The twenty keylocations discussed, even give you every opportunity to listen tothe audio before or after your visit to Chillon.Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our newsletter onwww.chillon.ch!-----Surprising that the Chillon Castle is one of the most visitedmonuments in Switzerland. Architecture of breathtaking beauty, anexceptional site between lake and mountains - magic itself!Visit the Chillon Castle is like stepping back in time. Eachroom reveals a part of its history - as well as everyday life inthe court of Savoy as the Bernese bailiffs.Discover the murals from the 14th century are still visible inthe room and the chapel of Duke, or the large collection of boxesand furniture present in all rooms. The four large staterooms, onceconducive to sumptuous banquets, also immerse you in everyday lifein the Middle Ages. But do not forget that Chillon was also afortress! Although protected by the lake, the land side it isadorned with towers and a walkway. Many weapons are exposed.This citadel millennium has continued to ignite the imaginationof artists, Rousseau, Hugo, Delacroix to Courbet. Numerous legendsare also born in these places, the best known is that of Bonivard,made famous by Lord Byron made him the hero of his poem "ThePrisoner of Chillon". The famous pier in the basement, which he waschained, the castle is a must!Welcome to Chateau de Chillon!
Audioguide Chemin Père Girard 1.0 APK
Cette application vous invite à rencontrer unefigure passionnante de la pédagogie européenne, en découvrant, surses pas, les charmes historiques de la ville de Fribourg.Au tournant du 19e siècle, le Père Grégoire Girard, cordelier(franciscain), se fit connaître sur tout le continent avec sapropre méthode de pédagogie mutuelle et graduée. Il est considéréaujourd’hui comme l’un des plus grands pédagogues de la modernitéet a largement contribué au développement de l’instruction publiquesuisse.En 2015, Fribourg fête le 250e anniversaire de la naissance deGrégoire Girard. A l’occasion de ce jubilé, un parcours thématiquea été conçu dans sa ville.Le «Chemin Père Girard» prend place dans le projet desitinéraires culturels européens que le Conseil de l’Europe consacreaux grands pédagogues du continent.Sur ce chemin, on découvre les lieux familiers de sa vie et,étape après étape, l’enfant, l’homme, le franciscain, le pédagogue,mais aussi le prêcheur et le lecteur de Kant. Girard ose croire quela foi et la raison peuvent coexister.Malgré ses succès, Girard est contraint d’abandonner sa chèreécole, qu’il a fait construire sur mesure pour mettre en œuvre sesvisions pédagogiques. Il est victime de la Restauration et desforces conservatrices qui soutiennent l’enseignement catholiquetraditionnel contre les idées libérales auxquelles la méthode deGirard est associée.This app invites you tomeet a fascinating figure in European education, discovering, hissteps, historical charms of the city of Freiburg.At the turn of the 19th century, Father Jean-Baptiste Girard,Cordelier (Franciscan), became known across the continent with itsown method of mutual and gradual pedagogy. It is considered todayas one of the greatest teachers of modernity and has contributed tothe development of the Swiss public education.In 2015, Freiburg celebrates the 250th anniversary of the birthof Jean-Baptiste Girard. To mark this anniversary, a thematiccourse was designed in his city.The "Father Girard Way" takes place in the program of theCultural Routes of the Council of Europe dedicated to the greatteachers of the continent.On this path, we discover the familiar places of his life and,step by step, the child, the man, the Franciscan, the teacher, butthe preacher and Kant drive. Girard trust that faith and reason cancoexist.Despite his success, Girard is forced to abandon his belovedschool, he built custom to implement his educational visions. He isa victim of the Restoration and conservative forces that supportthe traditional Catholic teaching against the liberal ideas whichthe method of Girard is associated.
Palafittes Guide 1.2 APK
OFFICIAL APP OF THE UNESCO WORLD HERITAGEThe Palafittes Guide is your own personal guide to the piledwellers and their settlements. The app contains a detailed audioguide to dozens of pile dwelling sites all over Switzerland. Ateach of these locations we tell you about the treasures from thepast that lie slumbering beneath your feet or at the bottom of thelake in front of you, about the way of life of the ancient piledwellers, and the work of the archaeologists who study them.In addition, the Palafittes Guide contains a wealth of texts andpictures, as well as details of the main museums where you can seeitems from the time of the pile dwellers.The content was written by leading Swiss archaeologists inconjunction with science journalists. The Palafittes Guide is fullof interesting and entertaining information about a topic that isalso a perfect excuse for some wonderful outings.
Castello di Chillon 1.0 APK
Chillon - percorso della visita(versione italiana)Andate alla scoperta del castello di Chillon, delle sue piùbelle stanze e collezioni usando una nuova applicazione arricchitedi immagini e disponibile in otto lingue.Camminate al vostro ritmo seguendo il percorso di visita. Cisono circa venti posti-chiave che sono commentati e sarà possibilead agio di ascoltare l'audioguida prima o dopo la vostra visita aChillon.Avete anche la possibilità di rimanere in contatto con noiiscrivendovi alla nostra newletter su www.chillon.ch.--------Non è sorprendente se il castello di Chillon è uno degli monumentipiù visitati della Svizzera. Un architettura mozzafiato, un sitoeccezionale tra lago e montagna — davvero magico !Visitare il castello di Chillon vuol dire tornare indietro neltempo. Ogni sala svela una parte della storia — sia la vitaquotidiana alla corte di Savoia o quella degli governatori svizzeridi Berna.Scoprite le pitture murale del Trecento che si vedono oggi nellaCamera Domini e la cappella, o scoprite la grande collezione dicassapanche e gli mobili presenti in tutti i luoghi. Le quattrogrande aule, propizie a sontuosi banchetti, conducono nel cuoredella vita quotidiana del medioevo Non dimentichiamo che Chillonera anche una fortezza ! Certo protetta dal lago, ma sul lato terraci sono le torri di difesa e il camino delle ronde. Parecchie armisono esposte li.Questa cittadella millenaria ha mai smesso di infiammarel'immaginario degli artisti, da Rousseau a Victor Hugo, daDelacroix a Courbet. Innumerevole leggende sono nate in questiluoghi. La meglio conosciuta à quella di Bonivard, reso famoso daLord Byron e diventato l'eroe del poema dedicato al «Prigioniero diChillon». Il famoso pilastro nel sotterraneo dove fu incatenato èproprio un must nel castello !Ben arrivati nel Castello !Chillon - path of thevisit(Italian version)Go and discover the castle of Chillon and its most beautifulrooms and collections using a new application of enhanced imagesand is available in eight languages.Walk at your own pace following the tour. There are about twentykey posts which are discussed and will be able to ease to listen tothe audio guide before or after your visit to Chillon.You also have the opportunity to stay in touch with us bysubscribing to our newsletter on www.chillon.ch.--------It is not surprising if the Chillon Castle is one of the mostvisited monuments in Switzerland. A breathtaking architecture, anexceptional site between lake and mountains - truly magical!Visit the Castle of Chillon means going back in time. Each roomreveals a part of history - is the daily life at the court of Savoyor that of the governors of Bern in Switzerland.Discover the mural paintings of the fourteenth century that can beseen today in the House Domains and chapel, or discover the largestcollection of chests and furniture present in all places. The fourlarge classrooms, conducive to sumptuous banquets, lead into theheart of everyday life in the Middle Ages not forget that Chillonwas also a fortress! Certain protected from the lake, but on theground there are the towers of defense and the chimney of thepatrols. Several weapons are on display there.This ancient citadel has never ceased to inflame the imagination ofartists, from Rousseau to Victor Hugo, from Delacroix to Courbet.Countless legends are born in these places. The better known to aBonivard, made famous by Lord Byron and became the hero of the poemdedicated to the "Prisoner of Chillon". The famous pier in thebasement where he was chained in the castle is a must own!Ben arrived at the Castle!
シヨン城 1.0 APK
シヨン城 - 見学順路(日本語版)この新しいアプリケーションでは、シヨン城とその素晴らしい部屋、展示コレクションを、豊富な写真と共に八ヶ国語でご案内しています。見学者それぞれのテンポで、順路-に沿い、自由にご見学いただけるようになっています。シヨン城見学の前、または後もお楽しみいただけるこのオーディオガイドでは、二十余りの見どころをご紹介していま-す。シヨン城の最新情報をご希望の方は、ホームページwww.chillon.chでメールマガジンの購読をお申し込みください。------シヨン城は、スイスでも非常に多くの見学者をお迎えしている歴史的建造物の一つです。息をのむほどの建築美、山と湖の間に位置するその佇まいは、まさに幻想的です。シヨン城の見学では、時代をさかのぼるような感覚を覚えることでしょう。それぞれの部屋に、サヴォア家の暮らしから、ベルンの代官たちの暮らしに至るまで、その歴史の-一端を垣間見ることができるのです。シヨン城では、伯爵の寝室と礼拝堂に今も残る、14世紀の壁画、そして一つ一つの部屋を飾る家具やながもちの豊富なコレクションをご覧いただけます。かつて、豪華な宴-が催された四つの大広間では、中世の暮らしに思いを巡らせることができるでしょう。一方、シヨン城は要塞でもありました。湖によってしっかりと守られ、陸側には防御塔-と監視回廊が備えられていました。そこには、数多くの武器が展示されています。千年を経たこの砦は、ルソーからユーゴ、ドラクロワからクールベに至るまで、数々の芸術家たちの想像力を掻き立ててやみませんでした。無数に生み出された伝説のうち、-ボニヴァールにまつわるものが最も有名です。「シヨンの囚人」という詩の中で、彼を英雄と詠ったロード・バイロンにより、その逸話はよく知られるようになりました。地-下室の、ボニヴァールが鎖でつながれたことで名高い柱をお見逃し無く。シヨン城へようこそ。Visit usual route -Chateau de Chillon(Japanese)This new application has been guided by eight differentlanguages, along with a wealth of photos, great room and ChillonCastle, the collection exhibition. The tempo of each visitor, usualroute -Along, so that you can freely visit. Before the visit Chateau deChillon, the audio guide that can be enjoyed or even after, nowintroduces the highlights of more than twenty -To.If you would like, please subscribe to the e-mail newsletterwith the latest information on website www.chillon.ch Chateau deChillon.------Chillon Castle is one of the historic building that has beenwelcoming so many visitors in Switzerland. Its appearance islocated breathtaking architectural beauty, between the mountainsand the lake is just fantastic.In the tour of the Chateau de Chillon, you'll remember the feelingof going back in time. Each room, from living in the house Savoie,living up to their magistrate in Bern, its history -I am able to get a glimpse at one end.Still remain in the chapel of the Earl and bedroom, in the Chateaude Chillon, you can see a rich collection of long-lasting furnitureand decorate one room, and one of the 14th century wall paintings.In the past, luxury feast -In the hall of four was held, you'll be able to think ponders thelife of the Middle Ages. On the other hand, was also a fortressChateau de Chillon. Firmly guarded by the lake, on the side of thetower defense land -Corridor and monitoring was provided. There are a number of weaponsare on display.Ranging from Courbet Yugoslavia, from Delacroix from Rousseau, thisfort which has passed through the thousand years, did not cease toinspire the imagination of many artists. Among the legends thathave been produced in myriad, -I Bonivard is one involving the most famous. In a poem called"Prisoner of Chillon" by Lord Byron that he sang as a hero, thestory is now well known. Ground -Do not miss the famous pillar that of the lower chamber, Bonivardwas chained.Welcome to Chateau de Chillon.
Jungfrau Climate Guide 1.0 APK
The Climate Guide gives you a whole new viewofSwitzerland’s Jungfrau region. The app shows you where theeffectsof climate change are already visible, and what scientistsknowabout the subject.The Climate Guide contains seven climate paths, shown ondetailedmaps. Each of these paths consists of a hiking route withbetweenfive and seven audio stations. The audios which you willfindautomatically suggested to you on these routes relate totheimmediate surroundings. They match facts and landscape andprovideinformation about the climate in the actual locations wheretheimpact of climate change is already evident.In the Climate Guide, you will also find background textsandpictures about climate change and climate research. Browsethroughthis database, either before or after you have hiked theclimatepaths.The content was established by leading scientists fromtheUniversity of Bern with the help of experienced journalists.Theyhave made climate change fascinating, relevant and easytounderstand.
Castillo de Chillon 1.0 APK
Descubra el castillo de Chillon ysusbellísimas salas y piezas de colección gracias a nuestranuevaaplicación iPhone disponible en ocho idiomas.Podrá explorar más de veinte salas del castillo a suritmoescuchando los comentarios del audioguía, o deleitarse consusexplicaciones antes o depués de su visita a Chillon.Para más información sobre el castillo, ¡apúntese anuestranewsletter en www.chillon.ch!-----------No es de extrañar que el castillo de Chillon sea uno delosmonumentos más visitados de Suiza. Con suarquitecturaextraodinaria y la belleza de su paisaje entre el lagoy lasmontañas, Chillon es un lugar mágico.Visitar el castillo es como remontar el tiempo. Cada salarevelauna parte de su historia – le llevará a compartir la vidacotidianade los duques de Saboya o de los gobernadores deBerna.Descubrirá las pinturas murales del siglo catorce eneldormitorio del duque de Saboya y en su capilla y laimpresionantecolección de baúles y de muebles antiguos que adornancadahabitación. Cuatro salas de fiesta en las que solíancelebrarsemagníficos banquetes le llevará a revivir como unpríncipe en sutiempo. Chillon es además una fortaleza militar demayorimportancia protegida al sur por el lago. La parte norte secomponede torres de defensa y de un camino de ronda en el queexponemosnumerosas armas y armaduras.Esta ciudadela milenaria no dejó de inspirar a artistas comolosescritores Rousseau o Hugo, o los pintores Delacroix yCourbet.Muchas leyendas nacieron de este lugar. Entre las másfamosas, laleyenda de Bonivard, héroe del famoso poema de LordByron «Prisionero en Chillon ». No deje de ver el célebre pilar delsótanoal cual fue encadenado.¡Le deseamos la bienvenida a Chillon !Discover ChillonCastleand its beautiful rooms and collectibles with our newiPhoneapplication available in eight languages.You can explore more than twenty rooms of the castle to hispacelistening to the audioguide comments, or enjoy theirexplanationsbefore or depues visiting Chillon.For more information on the castle, sign up to our newsletterinwww.chillon.ch!-----------No wonder that the Chillon Castle is one of the mostvisitedmonuments in Switzerland. With extraodinaria architectureandbeauty of the landscape between the lake and the mountains,Chillonis a magical place.Visit the castle is like back in time. Each room reveals apartof its history - will take you to share the daily life of theDukesof Savoy and Berne governors.Discover the fourteenth-century wall paintings in the bedroomofthe Duke of Savoy and his chapel and the impressive collectionofantique furniture and trunks that adorn every room. Fourpartyrooms which were usually held in the magnificent banquetingwillrevive like a prince in his time. Chillon is also a majormilitaryfortress protected by the lake south. The northern partconsists ofdefensive towers and a walkway which expose numerousweapons andarmor.This ancient citadel no longer inspire artists as RousseauandHugo writers or painters Delacroix and Courbet. Many legendswereborn here. Among the most famous, Bonivard legend, hero ofthefamous poem by Lord Byron "Prisoner at Chillon". Do not missthefamous basement pillar to which he was chained.We welcome you to Chillon!