1.0 / February 23, 2017
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Origami (折 り 紙, from ori meaning "folding",andwe meaning "paper" in Japanese) is a folding art thatoriginated inJapan. The materials used are paper or cloth that isusually asquare. An origami outcome is a result of meticuloushandwork andsmooth on sight.

Origami (折 り 紙, from ori meaning "folding", and we meaning"paper"is the traditional art of paper folding that evolved into amodernart form.

Origami is an art of folding that originated in Japan. Thematerialsused are paper or cloth that is usually a square. Anorigami outcomeis a result of meticulous handwork and smooth onsight.

Generally to make origami we can use plain paper, but mostoforigami in Japan using special paper for origami. Thedifferencebetween plain paper and origami paper just in terms ofdesign andcolor are very diverse so as to make origami became morebeautifuland completely unrelated to the technique as the paperfoldsbecomes easier and so forth.

there is the 6th century, the way of making paper and thenbroughtto Spain by the Arabs. In the year 610 in the reign ofEmpressSuiko (age Asuka), a Buddhist monk named Doncho (Dokyo)derivedfrom Goguryeo (the Korean peninsula) came to Japan tointroduceways of making paper and ink. Then this art developedinitially inthe Muromachi period (1333-1568) and then in the Edoperiod(1603-1868). Because the price is very expensive at thattime, itsuse is limited to ceremonial activities such as to Noshi.Apartfrom that, also developed the art of paper folding in Europe,whichspread from Egypt and Mesopotamia to Spain in the 16th centuryandthen spread to the rest of western Europe. A traditionalorigamipaper crane-shaped. For a long time, the models are knownonlylimited to the traditional models such as storks in Japanandpajarita in Spain. Akira Yoshizawa (1911-2005) to innovatebycreating new models were then brought major changes inthedevelopment of origami. He creates a systematic delineationsystem(called diagram)) to show the steps of folding a model thatcan bedisseminated and understood by many parties. This system isthebasis of Yoshizawa-Randlett system is now commonly usedforinstruction folding origami models.

Origami became popular among Japanese people until now mainlytolocal Japanese paper called Washi. Washi (和 紙, Washi?) Or Wagamiisa kind of paper made with traditional methods in Japan. Comparedtothe production of paper machine, the fiber in longer so washiwashican be made thinner, yet durable, not easily worn or torn.Origamiis the traditional arts of Japan.

App Information Origami Design Cool

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    Origami Design Cool
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  • Updated
    February 23, 2017
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    Android 2.3 and up
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    10 - 50
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    Books & Reference
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Kumpulan Resep Olahan Singkong 1.2 APK
Singkong, yang juga dikenal sebagai ketelapohon atau ubi kayu, adalah pohon tahunan tropika dan subtropikadari keluarga Euphorbiaceae. Umbinya dikenal luas sebagai makananpokok penghasil karbohidrat dan daunnya sebagai sayuranMerupakan umbi atau akar pohon yang panjang dengan fisikrata-rata bergaris tengah 2-3 cm dan panjang 50-80 cm, tergantungdari jenis singkong yang ditanam. Daging umbinya berwarna putihatau kekuning-kuningan. Umbi singkong tidak tahan simpan meskipunditempatkan di lemari pendingin. Gejala kerusakan ditandai dengankeluarnya warna biru gelap akibat terbentuknya asam sianida yangbersifat racun bagi manusia.Umbi singkong merupakan sumber energi yang kaya karbohidrat namunsangat miskin protein. Sumber protein yang bagus justru terdapatpada daun singkong karena mengandung asam amino metionin.Jenis singkong Manihot esculenta pertama kali dikenal di AmerikaSelatan kemudian dikembangkan pada masa pra-sejarah di Brasil danParaguay. Bentuk-bentuk modern dari spesies yang telahdibudidayakan dapat ditemukan bertumbuh liar di Brasil selatan.Meskipun spesies Manihot yang liar ada banyak, semua varitas M.esculenta dapat dibudidayakan.Produksi singkong dunia diperkirakan mencapai 184 juta ton padatahun 2002. Sebagian besar produksi dihasilkan di Afrika 99,1 jutaton dan 33,2 juta ton di Amerika Latin dan Kepulauan Karibia.Cassava, also known ascassava or manioc, is a tropical and subtropical annual tree of thefamily Euphorbiaceae. Tuber is widely known as a staplefood-producing carbohydrates and leaves as a vegetableA tuber or root of a tree with the physical length of an averagediameter of 2-3 cm and a length of 50-80 cm, depending on the typeof cassava planted. Tuber flesh is white or yellowish. Cassavatubers no shelf life even though placed in the refrigerator.Symptoms of damage marked with a dark blue color due to theformation of cyanide which are toxic to humans.Cassava is a carbohydrate-rich energy resources but very poor inprotein. Good sources of protein actually contained in the cassavaleaves because it contains the amino acid methionine.Varieties of cassava, Manihot esculenta first became known in SouthAmerica later developed in the pre-history in Brazil and Paraguay.Modern forms of the species that have been cultivated to be foundgrowing in the wild in southern Brazil. Although wild Manihotspecies there are many, all varieties can be cultivated M.esculenta.Cassava production is predicted to reach 184 million tonnes in2002. Most of the production is produced in Africa 99.1 milliontonnes and 33.2 million tonnes in Latin America and theCaribbean.
Resep Kue Basah Nusantara 2.0 APK
Kue basah merupakan makanan kecil yang bisadijadikan alternatif camilan. Biasa disantap di pagi atau sorehari. Kue basah umumnya empuk, lembut, dan tidak bertahan lama(hanya bertahan beberapa hari). Biasanya terbuat dari tepungterigu, sagu, gula, bahkan ada yang berbahan santan atau ketan.Yang termasuk dalam kategori kue basah diantaranya: martabakmanis, lemper, lumpia, pastel, kue sus, panekuk, kue lapis, lapislegit, kue cucur, bakpia, kue mangkok, mochi, kue pukis, bikaambon, donat, bolu, kue serabi, risol dan lain sebagainya.Wet cake is a little foodcan be used as an alternative snack. Usually eaten in the morningor evening. Wet cake is generally soft, soft, and did not last long(only last a few days). Usually made from wheat flour, corn, sugar,and some even made from coconut sticky rice.Included in the category of cakes include: martabak sweet,donuts, spring rolls, pies, eclairs, pancakes, cake lapis, lapislegit, cakes bowsprit, bakpia, cup cakes, mochi, cake pukis, redvelvet cupcakes, donuts, muffins, muffin , risol and so forth.
Ide Kreatif Desain AquaScape 1.0 APK
Aquascape yaitu aktivitas yang lebihberbentukseni dalam mengatur serta menanam tanaman air, batu sertakayudalam langkah yang mengasyikkan dengan cara estetisdidalamaquarium hingga memberi dampak berkebun dibawah air.Aquascapedesign memiliki sebagian style atau style.Biasanya aquascape memakai ikan juga sebagai pelengkap,tetapiada saatnya aquascape dapat cuma diisi tanaman saja ataubahkanjuga terkadang batu saja, dengan kayu-kayu yang telah mati,maupunmemakai komplemen udang hias saja.Walau maksud paling utama dari aquascaping yaitu membuatsatulandscape yang indah di di air, tetapi banyak segi tehnistentangpemeliharaan tanaman yang perlu diperhitungkan. Aspek aspekinimesti seimbang didalam aquarium untuk meyakinkankeberhasilanaquascape.Aspek-faktor itu mencakup filtrasi, karbon dioksida (CO2)yangsesuai sama untuk keperluan photosintesis di dalam air,substrateyang dipakai, pupuk serta pencahayaan.Aquascape is moreactivityin the form of art in arranging and planting of aquaticplants,rocks and wood in step engrossing manner inside theaquarium to givethe aesthetic impact of gardening under water.Aquascape design hasthe most style or style. Aquascape usually wear fish as well as complementary,butthere comes a time Aquascape can be just filled with plantsonly,or even sometimes stone building, with wood have died, as wellastaking the complement of ornamental shrimp alone.Although the main purpose of aquascaping which makesthelandscape beautiful in the water, but many technical aspectsofplant maintenance that needs to be taken into account. Aspectsofthis aspect must be balanced in the tank to ensure the successofAquascape.Aspects of factors that include filtration, carbon dioxide(CO2)which fit together for the purposes of photosynthesis in thewater,substrate used, fertilizers and lighting.
Kumpulan Resep Olahan Seafood 1.0 APK
Kumpulan Resep Olahan Seafood dapatmenjadireferensi dalam mengolah hasil laut untuk diolah menjasimakanakesukaan, sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan selerauntukmasakanProcessed seafoodrecipecollection can be a reference in processing of marineproducts tobe processed makana womanly joy, so it can be adjustedto taste todishes
97 Desain Kamar Minimalis 2.0 APK
Gaya minimalis itu mengacu kepada gaya hidup.Arti bangunan minimalis itu sendiri sebenarnya terinspirasi darigaya hidup Zen, berasal dari Jepang. Zen, beranggapan semakinsedikit perabotan atau benda yang kita gunakan atau miliki, makasemakin tenanglah kehidupan seseorang. Itulah sebabnya pada gayadesain rumah minimalis sedikit sekali menerapkan atau bermainwarna. Dalam penataan desain interior nya juga sesedikit mungkinmenaruh furnitur.Dalam ruang keluarga misalnya, tidak perlu menaruh banyak kursidan sofa. Bahkan jikalau perlu, cukuplah dengan menaruh karpetserta beberapa buah bantal sebagai tempat duduk. Begitu juga dengankamar tidurnya, jika memang Anda ingin menerapkan gaya minimalis,maka pakai saja futon , seperti di negaranya, Jepang. Denganbegitu, bila tidak digunakan, dapat digulung lalu disimpan.Ruangannya pun bisa digunakan untuk aktifitas lainnya. Intinyaadalah, semakin sedikit barang kita yang ada di sana, semakinminimalislah gaya rumah Anda :)Seperti yang telah kita ketahui selama ini, orang hanyaberanggapan bahwa gaya minimalis sebagai tren. Padahal minimalistersebut lebih identik dengan gaya hidup yang akhirnya berimbaskepada desain dan gaya arsitektur sebuah rumah. Jika gaya hidupanda tidak minimalis, pastinya tidak akan nyaman jika anda memilikirumah gaya minimalis. Jadi Anda jangan asal “minimalis”, kenaliterlebih dahulu apa Pengertian Rumah Minimalis itu, dan gaya hidupanda juga harus dirobah.The minimalist style thatrefers to the lifestyle. Meaning minimalist building itself isactually inspired by a Zen lifestyle, comes from Japan. Zen,thought the less furniture or objects that we use or have, the morecalm one's life. That is why the minimalist design style or playlittle applying color. In the arrangement of its interior design aswell as little as possible to put the furniture.In the family room, for example, do not need to put a lot ofchairs and sofas. Even if necessary, sufficient to put the carpetand some fruit as a seat cushion. Likewise with the bedroom, if youwant to apply a minimalist style, then put on a futon, like hiscountry, Japan. That way, when not in use, can be rolled up andstored. The room can also be used for other activities. The pointis, the less stuff we were there, the more minimalislah style ofyour home :)As we have seen over the years, people just assume that aminimalist style trends. Yet the minimalistic more synonymous witha lifestyle that ultimately impact the design and architecturalstyle of a house. If your lifestyle is not minimalist, certainlywill not be comfortable if you have a minimalist style house. Soyou do not just "minimalist", identify in advance what thedefinition of minimalist, lifestyle and you also have to bechanged.
48 Tanaman Hidroponik 1.1 APK
Hidroponik adalah budidaya menanam denganmemanfaatkan air tanpa menggunakan tanah dengan menekankan padapemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi bagi tanaman. Kebutuhan air padahidroponik lebih sedikit daripada kebutuhan air pada budidayadengan tanah. Hidroponik menggunakan air yang lebih efisien, jadicocok diterapkan pada daerah yang memiliki pasokan air yangterbatas.Menanam hidroponik itu mudah dan menyenangkan, betapa tidak.Cara bertanam secara hidroponik memiliki berbagai teknik mulai yangpaling sederhana sampai yang canggih, mulai yang murah sampai yangmahal. Mulai yang hanya menggunakan barang bekas, sampai yangmodern dengan menggunakan green house dan teknologi tepat gunalainnya untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman.Hydroponics is a plant cultivated by using water without the useof soil with emphasis on meeting the needs of nutrients for plants.Hydroponic water needs at less than the water demand in thecultivation of the soil. Hydroponics uses water more efficiently,so suitable to be applied in the regions with limited watersupply.Hydroponic planting is simple and fun, what is not. Howhydroponic farming has a variety of techniques from the most simpleto the sophisticated, from cheap to expensive. Start using onlysecond-hand goods, as well as modern by using green house and otherappropriate technology to support plant growth.Hydroponics is a plantcultivated by using water without the use of soil with emphasis onmeeting the needs of nutrients for plants. Hydroponic water needsat less than the water demand in the cultivation of the soil.Hydroponics uses water more efficiently, so suitable to be appliedin the regions with limited water supply.Hydroponic planting is simple and fun, what is not. Howhydroponic farming has a variety of techniques from the most simpleto the sophisticated, from cheap to expensive. Start using onlysecond-hand goods, as well as modern by using green house and otherappropriate technology to support plant growth.Hydroponics is a plant cultivated by using water without the useof soil with emphasis on meeting the needs of nutrients for plants.Hydroponic water needs at less than the water demand in thecultivation of the soil. Hydroponics uses water more efficiently,so suitable to be applied in the regions with limited watersupply.Hydroponic planting is simple and fun, what is not. Howhydroponic farming has a variety of techniques from the most simpleto the sophisticated, from cheap to expensive. Start using onlysecond-hand goods, as well as modern by using green house and otherAppropriate technology to support plant growth.
Kunci Gitar Lagu Peterpan 1.0 APK
Kunci Gitar Lagu Peterpan menyediakankuncigitar lagu peterpan, sehingga memudahkan dalam belajar kuncigitardan tangga nada lagu lagu peterpanThe Key GuitarSongsPeterpan presents key peter guitar tracks, so as to facilitatekeylearning guitar scales and songs peter
Aneka Olahan Singkong 1001 1.1 APK
Cassava (Manihot utilissima) commonlyprocessed into various types of industrial products. Not only food,but also cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pulp and paper, and energy.Engineers field of food technology from the Agency for theAssessment and Application of Technology Aton Yulianto, earlierthis week, described the hydrolysis technology developed 20 yearsto break down starch into glucose containing chains of carbon andhydrogen elements. This element is also present in petroleum.In Germany and Japan, said Aton, the utilization of cellulosicmaterials into ethanol began to shift the use of petroleum in theindustry. Researchers at Bogor Agricultural University and theUniversity of Jember successfully applied the techniques offermentation using lactic acid bacteria. As a result, cassava isprocessed into thin slices can be decomposed into flour modifiedcassava flour (mocaf).Mocaf processing techniques have been disseminated to thepublic, including young entrepreneurs. They are members of theForum led Organizations (FOK), besides also produce wheat flouralso makes a low-calorie sugar. Mocaf flour has a taste andcharacteristics similar to wheat flour. "As such, we do not need toimport wheat and could save foreign exchange," said Chairman of theFOK Endy Priyatna.This flour can be used to make various types of food, such ascakes, bread, noodles, and meatballs. "In addition to food, cassavacan be produced at least 13 derivative products for variouspurposes. In addition mocaf and liquid sugar, also producedbiokerosene and bioethanol," said Endy decipher.low calorieLiquid sugar of cassava is now vastly consumed for dietpurposes. Liquid sugar low calorie content, making it safe fordiabetics and those with low-sugar diet.According to Endy, FOK pioneered small industries to apply thetechnology of making mocaf. It is now marketed mocaf 25 tons offlour every day for various purposes. This flour among othertraders in demand noodles and bread as it is cheaper than wheatflour.Currently, 85 percent of cassava is processed into starch, therest became mocaf. According to Aton, the demand for cassava starchbecause it can be the raw material for paper. Lately, cassavastarch is processed into vitamin C. The vitamin C from the cassavaplant was built in Lamongan, East Java.Mocaf undeveloped because fermentation techniques used have notbeen able to produce mocaf standard. According to Aton, mocaf stillhas to compete with wheat flour in the market. Nevertheless, it isimportant to build self-reliance mocaf.Cassava (Manihotutilissima) commonly processed into various types of industrialproducts. Not only food, but Also cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pulpand paper, and energy. Engineers field of food technology from theAgency for the Assessment and Application of Technology AtonYulianto, Earlier this week, Described the hydrolysis technologydeveloped 20 years to break down starch into glucose containingchains of carbon and hydrogen elements. This element IS ALSOpresent in petroleum.In Germany and Japan, said Aton, the utilization of cellulosicmaterials into ethanol Began to shift the use of petroleum in theindustry. Researchers at Bogor Agricultural University and theUniversity of Jember successfully applied the techniques offermentation using lactic acid bacteria. As a result, cassava isprocessed into thin slices can be decomposed into flour modifiedcassava flour (mocaf).Mocaf processing techniques have been disseminated to thepublic, Including young entrepreneurs. They are members of theForum led Organizations (FOK), besides Also produce wheat flourAlso makes a low-calorie sugar. Mocaf flour has a taste andcharacteristics similar to wheat flour. "As such, we do not need toimport wheat and could save foreign exchange," said Chairman of theFOK Endy Priyatna.This flour can be used to a make various types of food, such ascakes, bread, noodles, and meatballs. "In addition to food, cassavacan be produced at least 13 derivative products for variouspurposes. In addition mocaf and liquid sugar, Also producedbiokerosene and bioethanol," said Endy decipher.low calorieLiquid sugar of cassava is now vastly consumed for dietpurposes. Liquid sugar low calorie content, making it safe forDiabetics and Reviews those with low-sugar diet.According to Endy, FOK pioneered small industries to apply thetechnology of making mocaf. It is now marketed mocaf 25 tons offlour every day for various purposes. This flour Among othertraders in demand noodles and bread as it is cheaper than wheatflour.Currently, 85 percent of cassava is processed into starch, therest Became mocaf. According to Aton, the demand for cassava starchBecause It can be the raw material for paper. Lately, cassavastarch is processed into vitamin C. The vitamin C from the cassavaplant was built in Lamongan, East Java.Mocaf undeveloped Because fermentation techniques used have notbeen Able to produce mocaf standard. According to Aton, mocaf stillhas to Compete with wheat flour in the market. Nevertheless, it isimportant to build self-reliance mocaf.