1 / March 7, 2014
(4.0/5) (3)


Want to have almost every IMPORTANT HEALTHTESTon your mobile or tablet, and save the results in a clinicalrecordfor each patient?

With this app we offer all health care professions(Nurses,Doctors, Pharmacist…) homogeneous assessment toolsasquestionnaires, tests and validated indexes, in order tofacilitatethe assessment of health needs and problems of the peoplewe attendand take care of in our daily clinical practice.

Nurse test determines the results of each questionnaire andsavesan individual record data for each patient, which can thenbeprinted later for a Medical Report.

Not all the possible questionnaires are present, but a selectionhasbeen made based on criteria of validity, reliabilityandawareness.

These questionnaires are used by professionals in differentlevelsof care (primary care, hospital care, geriatric care,mentalhealth), facilitating continuity of care betweenlevels.indispensable for medic, genetics

Applying questionnaires, tests or validated, reliable andawareindexes, provides a greater scientific rigor inprofessionalpractice, improving care for people who entrust ustheir care

Interpretations won’t be valid if the instructions foreachquestionnaire are not followed. And, of course, all resultsshouldbe interpreted by qualified health professionals.

App Information Nurse Test

  • App Name
    Nurse Test
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 7, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Red Ebersalud
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Plaza San Juan, 26 10600 Plasencia (Cáceres) España
  • Google Play Link

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Diabetes Risk 2.3 APK
Red Ebersalud
Do you want to know the risk of havingDiabetes in the future?DiabetesRisk calculates the risk of having Type 2 Diabetes inthe next 10 years by the FINDRISK test or scale.According to the score obtained in this questionnaire, it’spossible to determine the risk’s degree and the actions you have toadopt to prevent Type 2 Diabetes.Answering to a small test, you may know the % of risk ofdeveloping one of the epidemics of the XXI century – Diabetes – andknowing this risk you can correct the risk factors to decrease thechance of getting diabetes.DiabetesRisk also advises how to low each risk factor dependingon the score obtained.It’s simple and interactive.You can access to Facebook, Twitter and e-mail through theapplication, to make commentaries about your risk and recommend theapp.This application is intended to all the publics and is made as apublic health measure.Perform the test to all your family, friend, etc. and adviseothers to do the same.If you have a high risk you should comment it with your doctoror nurse.
NurseTest Lite 1 APK
Red Ebersalud
¿Quieres tener casi todos los test de saludmás importantes que existen en tu móvil o tablet, además de guardarlos resultados en una ficha clínica de cada paciente?Con esta aplicación ponemos a disposición de todos losprofesiones de la salud (Enfermeras, Médicos, etc.) instrumentos devaloración homogéneos, consistentes en cuestionarios, test eíndices validados, con el objetivo de facilitar la valoración denecesidades y problemas de salud de las personas que atendemos ycuidamos en nuestra práctica asistencial diaria.Nurse Terst calcula automáticamente el resultado de cadacuestionario indicando a qué equivale cada cifra, lo guarda en unaficha individual con los datos de cada paciente, la cual puedeimprimir posteriormente para su Historia Clínica. Usted solo tieneque pasar cuestionario, la App se encarga automáticamente detodo.Con la interpretación de los cuestionarios mejoramos elconocimiento de las personas en las que se aplican. No seránválidas las interpretaciones si no se realizan siguiendo lasinstrucciones de cada cuestionario. Y por supuesto deben de serinterpretados todos los resultados por profesionales de la saludcualificados.Pretende ser una aplicación útil. Es por ello que no están todoslos cuestionarios posibles, sino que se ha realizado una selecciónen base a criterios de validez, fiabilidad y sensibilidad.Estos cuestionarios son utilizados por profesionales dedistintos niveles asistenciales (atención primaria, atenciónhospitalaria, atención sociosanitaria, salud mental), facilitandola continuidad asistencial entre niveles.Aplicar cuestionarios, test o índices válidos, fiables ysensibles, aporta mayor rigor científico en la prácticaprofesional, mejorando la atención a las personas que nos confíansus cuidados.Limitaciones de la versión Lite:- Al seguimiento de un sólo paciente.- Test de motivación para dejar de fumar Richmond- Escala de riesgo de UPP. Norton- Escala de depresión Geriátrica. Test de Yesavage V5La versión completa tiene el número de seguimiento de pacientesilimitado y más de 40 test.Want to have almost allthe most important health test in the world on your mobile ortablet, plus save the results in a clinical record of each patient?With this application we provide all health professions (Nurses,Doctors, etc.). Homogeneous assessment instruments, consisting ofquestionnaires, tests and validated indices, in order to facilitatethe assessment of health needs and problems of people we serve andcare in our daily clinical practice.Nurse terst determines the results of each questionnaireindicating what each figure equals, saves an individual record datafor each patient, which can then be printed for Clinical History.You only have to pass the questionnaire, the App will automaticallyhandle everything.With the interpretation of the questionnaires improve theknowledge of people that apply. No interpretations are valid ifperformed not following the instructions for each questionnaire.And of course should be interpreted all results by qualified healthprofessionals.It aims to be a useful application. That is why we are not allthe possible questionnaires, but has made a selection based oncriteria of validity, reliability and sensitivity.These questionnaires are used by professionals in differentlevels of care (primary care, hospital care, geriatric care, mentalhealth), facilitating continuity of care between levels.Apply questionnaires, tests or valid, reliable and sensitiveindices provides more scientific rigor in professional practice,improving care for people who entrust us with their care.Limitations of the Lite version:- To monitor a single patient.- Test of motivation to quit Richmond- Scale PU risk. Norton- Geriatric Depression Scale. Yesavage V5 TestThe full version has unlimited number of tracking patients and morethan 40 test.
Nurse Test 1 APK
Red Ebersalud
Want to have almost every IMPORTANT HEALTHTESTon your mobile or tablet, and save the results in a clinicalrecordfor each patient?With this app we offer all health care professions(Nurses,Doctors, Pharmacist…) homogeneous assessment toolsasquestionnaires, tests and validated indexes, in order tofacilitatethe assessment of health needs and problems of the peoplewe attendand take care of in our daily clinical practice.Nurse test determines the results of each questionnaire andsavesan individual record data for each patient, which can thenbeprinted later for a Medical Report.USEPFUL!Not all the possible questionnaires are present, but a selectionhasbeen made based on criteria of validity, reliabilityandawareness.PROFESSIONAL!These questionnaires are used by professionals in differentlevelsof care (primary care, hospital care, geriatric care,mentalhealth), facilitating continuity of care betweenlevels.indispensable for medic, geneticsHELPING PATIENTS!Applying questionnaires, tests or validated, reliable andawareindexes, provides a greater scientific rigor inprofessionalpractice, improving care for people who entrust ustheir careCaution:Interpretations won’t be valid if the instructions foreachquestionnaire are not followed. And, of course, all resultsshouldbe interpreted by qualified health professionals.
DM2 fácil tablet 1.2.1 APK
Red Ebersalud
¿Quieres tener toda la información de formasencilla sobre la Diabetes tipo 2 en tu dispositivo móvil?La medicina es una disciplina en constante cambio. La diabeteses un claro ejemplo de ello. Cada año se publican, además de milesde originales, diferentes recomendaciones de evaluación,tratamiento y seguimiento por parte de varias sociedadescientíficas lo que hace complicado, incluso para los especialistasen la materia, mantenerse totalmente al día.Con el apoyo de FAES Farma os presentamos una guía sencilla ypráctica donde podrás encontrar fácilmente las recomendaciones másaceptadas y actualizadas en cuanto al cribado, diagnóstico,clasificación, tratamiento y seguimiento de la diabetes.Tendrás contenido sobre:1. Diabetes y Prediabetes2. Objetivos y Seguimiento3. Exploraciones Complementarias4. Dieta y Ejercicio5. Tratamiento6. Complicaciones y Comorbilidades7. Enfermedades Intercurrentes8. Vademecum de todos los Antidiabéticos disponibles9. Algoritmos de tratamiento10. Gráfico dinámico y didáctico progresión diabetesEsperamos que te sirva de ayuda.Esteban Jódar Gimeno y Beatriz Pérez Arroyo (ServicioEndocrinología y Nutrición Clínica. Hospital Quirón Madrid;Facultad Medicina Universidad Europea de Madrid).Txema Hernández i Anguera. (Médico Atención Primaria, Master enDiabetes, CAP Falset, ICS SAP Reus-AltebratYou want to have all theinformation easily on Type 2 Diabetes on your mobile device?Medicine is a constantly changing discipline. Diabetes is aclear example. Are published each year, in addition to thousands oforiginal, different recommendations for evaluation, treatment andfollow-up of several scientific societies making it difficult, evenfor experts in the field, kept fully up to date.Supported by FAES Farma we present a simple and practical guidewhere you can easily find the most accepted and updatedrecommendations regarding screening, diagnosis, classification,treatment and monitoring of diabetes.Content will have on:1. Diabetes and Prediabetes2. Objectives and Monitoring3. Investigations4. Diet and Exercise5. Treatment6. Complications and Comorbidities7. Intercurrent illness8. Antidiabetic Vademecum of all available9. Processing algorithms10. PivotChart and didactic diabetes progressionI hope that helps.Beatriz Gimeno and Jódar Esteban Pérez Arroyo (ClinicalEndocrinology and Nutrition Service. Chiron Madrid Hospital,Faculty Medicine UEM).Txema Hernández i Anguera. (Primary Care Physician, Master inDiabetes, Falset CAP, SAP ICS Reus-Altebrat
Diabetes Pharma Lite 1.0 APK
Red Ebersalud
Versión gratuita y limitada de Diabetes PharmaTRATAMIENTO FARMACOLÓGICO DIABETES TIPO 2 según ADA/EASDEs la herramienta perfecta de consulta para médicos yotrossanitarios para tratar adecuadamente la hiperglucemia enladiabetes tipo 2. ¿Cada vez hay más fármacos y cuál eseladecuado?La App recomienda fármacos dependiendo de lo que elija elmédicorespecto a: Eficacia, Riesgo Hipoglucemia, Peso, Efectosadversos yCoste.Diabetes Farma está basada y sigue fielmente losparámetrosmarcados por el último Consenso (2012) y algoritmo dedecisión demanejo de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 de la ADA(AsociaciónAmericana de diabetes) y la EASD (Asociación Europeapara elestudio de la diabetes). Diabetes Farma es el Consensoconvertidoen App.La App tiene la siguiente secuencia dependiendo de la HbA1cquetenga el paciente: comienza siempre con Monoterapia, sigueconBiterapia, posteriormente Triterapia y por último Múltiplesdosisde Insulina.Free version andDiabetesPharma LimitedTYPE 2 DIABETES DRUG TREATMENT as ADA / EASDThe perfect tool for consultation for physicians and otherhealthto properly treat hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes. Howoften thereare more drugs and which one is right?The application recommends drugs depending on what youchooseyour doctor about: Efficiency, Risk Hypoglycemia, weight,adverseeffects and cost.Diabetes Farma is based and closely follows the parameters setbythe last Consensus (2012) and decision algorithm for managementofpatients with type 2 diabetes the ADA (AmericanDiabetesAssociation) and the EASD (European Association for theStudy ofDiabetes ). Diabetes is the Consensus Farma become AppThe application has the following sequence depending onthepatient having HbA1c: always starts with monotherapy,combinationtherapy continues, then finally triple therapy andmultiple dailyinjections.
Diabetes Hypoglycemia 2.0 APK
Red Ebersalud
Hypoglycemia is the most commonacutecomplication of diabetes. Hypoglycemia can occur in anyonewithdiabetes, regardless of age, the time or the place whereyouare.Mild hypoglycaemia is not alarming, but if not treatedquicklycould reach seriously complicated. Appropriately resolvethisproblem needs to be able to recognize hypoglycemia andappropriateactions.With Hypoglycemia Diabetes, developed by a teamof healthprofessionals Ebersalud Network will be able to resolveadequatelyhypoglycaemia, guiding you step by step to solvetheproblem.Diabetes Hypoglycemia is also very useful if you arearelative or friend of someone with diabetes, becausesometimesrequire help to resolve the hypoglycemia.It is also usefulforteachers and caregivers of children with diabetes, because iftheycan fend for himself, Diabetes Hypoglycemia you have the stepstosolve the suitably hypoglycemia. Healthcare professionals alsocanuse this application to the resolution of hypoglycemiatherebyavoiding any doubts this emergency treatment.