1 / February 25, 2015
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NoTestPad es la app más simple para guardartusnotas.

Simple y rápida. Un listado de notas y 3 opciones: crea, editaoelimina una nota

NoTestPad is thesimplestway to save your notes app.

Simple and quick. A list of notes and 3 options: create, editordelete a note

App Information NoTestPad

Simon Martin Show More...

geoMe 1.0 APK
Simon Martin
Save a place easily. geoMe is a small Appthatallows you to save a geopositionated place. Nothing more.The objetive was make it as simple as possible, sothefunctionality should be only:- Save position- Show saved position and user position.- Street view option------------------Use instructions:------------------1) Save a place: Tap on Save place. When you aregeopositionated,tap on the save button (top and rigth corner)2) See the saved place: Tap on Load saved place. You can seetheplace on the map or on the Google Street ViewThis is all ;)------------------Other information------------------geoMe was developed by Simon Martin for the sole purposeofdevelop a small webApp based HTML5 and PhoneGap. And why notadmitit, remember where I left my car (ouch!).geoMe uses: HTML5 based geolocation, Google Maps, HTML5localstorage, Jquery Mobile and HTML5 based cache.
Cuarto Arbitro 1.3.0 APK
Simon Martin
Are you a football referee? This is yourapplication. Manage the football and football7 matchs from yourphone. Coming futsal. Download now that it is freeBefore the match:Load all the data manually or automatically on the app or webapp:placement, teams, players, game type, ... when and where youwant.During the matchManage all data directly from the app without a book or stopwatch.Yes, you will have to continue taking the nootbook and the cards;)After the matchThe report is generated automatically and all data is automaticallysaved.Features:Automatic generation of match reportSave your game data and report automaticallyOnline access for viewing data and reportsLoads game data from the app whenever you wantManage teams and playersMatch time and time added controlMatch management: goals, cards, and minute changes in whichhappensDouble yellow card controlNumber of replacements controlMaximum number of players sent off controlExtension control
NoTestPad 1 APK
Simon Martin
NoTestPad es la app más simple para guardartusnotas.Simple y rápida. Un listado de notas y 3 opciones: crea, editaoelimina una notaNoTestPad is thesimplestway to save your notes app.Simple and quick. A list of notes and 3 options: create, editordelete a note
Fiestas Duruelo de la Sierra 1.0 APK
Simon Martin
Programa de las fiestas del Santo Cristo delasMaravillas y de San Miguel de Duruelo de la Sierra delaño2013.Programme of theHolyChrist festivities Wonderland and San Miguel de Duruelo delaSierra in 2013.