/ October 27, 2015
(4.6/5) (30)


The objective of this application is todeliverlearning materials with ease of access to students of NgeeAnnPolytechnic taking Naval Architecture modules. Thisapplicationprovides a summary of lecture notes, formulas,graphs,illustrations, worked examples and tips that will aidstudents inlearning and understanding of the module.
In this app you can find:
About Us, NA1, NA2, Past Year Questions, Tutorial Videos, Askalecturer, Forum, NA1 Mindmap, NA2 Mindmap

App Information Naval Architecture

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Naval Architecture 1 APK
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This app is made with regards to our finalyear project and at the same time, provide our students moreinteresting and alternative methods of studying.In this app you can find:About Us, Please Do To Help Us, Photos, Video, Follow Us,Definitions/Terms, Hydrostatic Calculations, Form Coefficients,Centroids, Transverse Stability, Fluid Hydrostatic, Type ofVessels, Forces and Stresses, Framing Systems, Stiffeners, Keels,Bottom Structure, Shell Plating/Extension, Decks, Bulkheads &Cofferdams, Midship Sections, Fore-end, Aft-End, Topside Items,Minor Hull Items, Out-fittings, Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, Quiz 4,Quiz 5, Quiz 6, Quiz 7, Quiz 8, Quiz 9, Quiz 10, Quiz 11, Quiz 12,Quiz 13, Quiz 14, Quiz 15, Quiz 16
Naval Architecture APK
mot fna
The objective of this application is todeliverlearning materials with ease of access to students of NgeeAnnPolytechnic taking Naval Architecture modules. Thisapplicationprovides a summary of lecture notes, formulas,graphs,illustrations, worked examples and tips that will aidstudents inlearning and understanding of the module.In this app you can find:About Us, NA1, NA2, Past Year Questions, Tutorial Videos, Askalecturer, Forum, NA1 Mindmap, NA2 Mindmap