1.0 / December 11, 2016
(3.9/5) ()


Well-manicured nails will lookbeautiful.Beautiful nails and clean also can describe a person'shygiene andhealth conditions. In addition, beautiful nails can alsoaddconfidence. Hands are one part of the body most often exposedtovarious terms of current daily activity, from typing atthecomputer, holding the money to manage the food in thekitchen.Therefore it is very important to maintain the cleanlinessofhands, especially nails.

App Information Nail Care Tips

  • App Name
    Nail Care Tips
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 11, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Obat Herbal Sakit Gigi 1.0 APK
Obat Herbal Sakit Gigi. sakit gigi adalahrasanyeri yang terjadi pada daerah sekitar gigi dan rahangakibatadanya kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh beberapa hal. Sakitpada gigimembuat penderita tidak nyenyak tidur dan berefek padakepalapusing, mudah marah akibat situasi sekitar yang gaduh, dantidakbisa mempusatkan perhatian pada satu tujuan. Dalam banyakkasus,sakit gigi disebabkan oleh kerusakan gigi, bisakeretakan,kekeroposan, atau penyakit gusi.Kebanyakan penderita Sakit gigi mendapatkan saran dari temanatauanggota keluarganya untuk mengobati sakit gigi dengan berkumurairhangat dan menggunakan garam. Sebenarnya cara mengobati sakitgigitersebut tidak berhasil sepenuhnya, faktanya pada beberapakasusada yang membuat rasa sakit pada gigi semakin parah danberdenyut.Itu terjadi karena beberapa orang ada yang bergigisensitif.Oleh karena itu alangkah baiknya Anda memilih salah satudaribeberapa pilihan Obat herbal untuk mengobati sakit gigi.Aplikasi ini akan membantu bagi anda yang sedang mengalamisakitgigi. Obat Herbal Sakit Gigi ini sangat ampuh mengobati sakitgigi.Dengan ramuan Herbal Tradisional dengan bahan yang mudahdidapatkan.Herbal medicineToothache.dental pain is pain that occurs in the area around theteeth and jawdue to the damage caused by several things. Pain inthe teeth makespeople unable to sleep soundly and have an effecton headache,irritability due to the circumstances surrounding therowdy, and cannot mempusatkan attention on one goal. In manycases, toothaches arecaused by tooth decay, can cracks, porous, orgum disease.Most people with Toothache get advice from friends or familymembersto treat toothache by gargling warm water and use salt.Actually,how to cure a toothache is not entirely successful, infact in somecases there were made on dental pain more severe andthrobbing. Ithappened because some people are sensitivetoothed.Therefore it is advisable to choose one of several optionsherbalmedicine to treat toothache.This application will help those of you who areexperiencingtoothache. Herbal medicine is very powerful Toothachetreattoothache. With the Traditional Herbal concoction with amaterialthat is easy to get.
Tips Alami Kulit Sehat 1.0 APK
Obat kulit gatal yang umumnya banyakdigunakanoleh masyarakat adalah obat dalam bentuk bubuk atau krim.Akantetapi apabila Anda memiliki kulit yang sensitif, biasanyaadakemungkinan kulit Anda akan mengalami iritasi atau gangguankulitlainnya apabila bahan obat tersebut tidak cocok dengan jeniskulitAnda. Maka dari itu tak jarang ada orang yang niatnyainginmengobati gatal di kulit, tetapi justru gatalnya menjadisemakinparah karena obatnya tidak cocok. Solusi untuk hal iniadalahdengan memilih obat yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami.Pasalnyabahan-bahan yang berasal dari alam biasanya tidakberbahayameskipun digunakan dalam jangka waktu cukup lama.Panu kadas dan kurap merupakan penyakit kulit yang memangseringmenggangu penampilan, biasanya orang yang terkena penyakitpanuselalu di cap orang yang tidak bersih atau jorok. Sebab ituselaluada rasa tidak percaya diri jika kita memiliki penyakit kulityangsatu ini, apalagi jika panu muncul di wajah dan punggung.aplikasi ini akan sangat membantu anda mengatasimasalah-masalahpenyakit kulitaplikasi ini merupakan aplikasi offline jadi meskipun kuotaandasedang habis aplikasi tetap bisa berjalan normalItchy skin drugsarecommonly used by the public is a drug in the form of powderorcream. However, if you have sensitive skin, usually there isapossibility you will experience skin irritation or otherskindisorders when the drug ingredients are not suitable for yourskintype. Therefore no intention few people want to treat itchinginthe skin, but rather the itch gets even worse because themedicineis not suitable. The solution to this is to choose a drugthat ismade from natural ingredients. Because ingredients derivedfromnature are usually harmless although it is used in thelongterm.Panu ringworm and scabies is a skin disease that is oftendisturbingappearance, usually people affected by tinea alwayslabeled peoplewho do not clean or slovenly. Therefore there isalways a sense ofno-confidence if we had a skin disease on thisone, especially iftinea versicolor appears on the face andback.This application will help you solve the problems of skin diseaseThis application is an application offline so even thoughyou'reexhausted quota applications can continue to operatenormally
Living Pharmacies 1.0 APK
Pharmacies life utilizing a portion of landforcultivation of medicinal plants for everyday purposes.that many traditional medicines that can be used to treatvariousdiseases. Traditional medicine is generally more securebecause itis natural and has fewer side effects. Aadanya herb iswhy somepeople prefer taking traditional medicines.Imagine, if available in your yard Pharmacies usable life whenonefamily member is sick. Of course it fun. You live retrieveitanytime, even though the night. No need to spend moneyandguaranteed freshness due directly plucked from the plant.pharmacies life is not less beautiful as ornamental plants. Youcanalso plant it among ornamental plants or flowers that exist.Inaddition to live plants Pharmacies are generally more robust intheface of various plant diseases due to plant herb containsnaturalsubstances to deal, so you do not need to provide pesticide.This application is an application offline
Dragon Fruit Cultivation 1.0 APK
Dragon Fruit Cultivation Stages easilycompleteand easy. The benefits of dragon fruit in abundance mademanyfarmers took the initiative to do the planting and developmentofdragon fruit. In addition the price of dragon fruit isrelativelyexpensive is the main attraction so many people vyingfor theplant.Usually the dragon fruit is widely planted in the front yard aswellas a decoration on a mini garden or can be planted in thebackyard.However, if the farmer is more serious to pursue thisplant, it willusually grow dragon fruit on larger farms can be inthe field oryard that are specially made to plant and cultivatedragon fruit inorder to harvest more abundant.dragon fruit cultivation can with soil conditions and altitudeofany location, but the plant is quite greedy for nutrients, sowhenthe soil containing fertilizer is good, then the growth willbegood. Within 1 year, dragon fruit tree can reach a height of3meters.dragon fruit cultivation is easy within the planting.Thisapplication will help you that wantid cultivate dragonfruit.
Tips Treating Thrush 1.0 APK
Step heal canker sores on the tongue andinnerlips is among the health problems in the oral cavity thatmanyfaced. Sprue often begins with inflammation in the area of​​theoral cavity, such as the emergence of dry lips and chapped.Inessence canker sores are sores in the mouth in the form ofreddishspherical concave and so it was really painful. When touchedthefood, canker sore will cause the flavor to make theshrinkingappetite.Although canker sores are often encountered by some people, butthedisease must be cured through treating canker sores efficientwayto avoid it would be no more.Sprue or in the language of medicine meant by stomatitis, which isaswelling or inflammation that takes place in the area aroundthemouth and tongue.Thrush can usually recover by itself, when the disease isalreadyrunning as long as 10 to 14 days. But these sores wouldcausediscomfort because the flavor is going to be pain on contactwithfood. ways to treat ulcers on the tongue, lips or in themouthcavity is another.Now it has been circulating widely medicines to treat thrush. Butofcourse it's a problem that is not too serious, people oftenpreferto use natural treatments. because it is safe and withoutsideeffects.This application will help you find solutions to problemsthrushnaturally, easily, quickly and efficiently.
Nail Care Tips 1.0 APK
Well-manicured nails will lookbeautiful.Beautiful nails and clean also can describe a person'shygiene andhealth conditions. In addition, beautiful nails can alsoaddconfidence. Hands are one part of the body most often exposedtovarious terms of current daily activity, from typing atthecomputer, holding the money to manage the food in thekitchen.Therefore it is very important to maintain the cleanlinessofhands, especially nails.
Tips Mengobati Rematik 1.0 APK
Rematik atau sering disebut sebagaiencokadalah gangguan pada persendian dan jaringan sekelilingsendiseperti otot, urat syaraf, dan tendon. Rematik umumnyamenyerangpada usia 40 tahun ke atas. Alasan memilih pengobatandengan caraalami untuk rematik adalah menghindari efek samping daripenggunaanobat-obatan kimia dalam jangka panjang.Mengobati rematik dengan bahan alami bukanlah hal yang salah.Bagikesehatan tubuh, menggunakan obat tradisional adalah pilihantepatuntuk menghindari efek samping yang berbahaya daribahankimia.Apakah Anda juga merupakan penderita penyakit-penyakit ini, jikaiyamaka Anda tidak boleh menganggap remeh penyakit ini.Anda harus segera mencari jalan yang tepat bagaimana agarpenyakitini dapat terobati. Tidak menutup kemungkinan, penyakit iniakandapat mengangu aktifitas sehari-hari anda.aplikasi ini akan membantu menemukan solusi jika anda adalahsalahsatu dari penderita penyakit rematik.aplikasi ini akan tetap bisa di gunakan dengan normal meskikuotaanda sedang habis.Rheumatism or goutisoften referred to as disorders of the joints and tissuesaroundjoints such as muscles, nerves, and tendons. Rheumatismusuallyattack at the age of 40 years and above. The reason forchoosingthe way natural treatment for arthritis is to avoid thesideeffects of chemical drugs in the long term.Treat arthritis with natural ingredients is not wrong. Forhealth,use of traditional medicine is the right choice to avoidthedangerous side effects of chemicals.Are you too are people with these diseases, if yes then youshouldnot underestimate this disease.You should immediately seek the right way how to keep thediseasecan be cured. It is estimated that this disease will be abletodisrupt the daily activities you.This application will help find a solution if you are one ofthepatients with rheumatic diseases.This application will still be in use with your normalquotadespite being depleted.
Tips Menghilangkan Karang Gigi 1.0 APK
Tips Menghilangkan Karang Gigi. Plak dankaranggigi merupakan kotoran yang selalu menempel pada gigi dansangatsulit untuk dihilangkan, tidak hanya dengan menggosok gigi.Padadasarnya karang gigi merupakan akibat dari sisa makananyangmenempel pada gigi sehingga lama kelamaan menjadi kerak yangterusmenempel erat pada gigi. Saat makan pastinya gigi akanmenjadikotor, akan ada kotoran yang menempel pada gigi danmenyebabkangigi menjadi berkarang bila tidak segera di bersihkankarang gigiakan bertambah banyak. Masalahnya adalah kemalasan gosokgigisebelum dan setelah tidur.Dengan adanya karang gigi maka akan memperburuk gigi anda,selainitu juga karang gigi mampu memperburuk penampilan gigi andaapalagijika sudah parah akan bisa membahayakan kesehatan gigianda.Beberapa akibat adanya karang gigi yakni; Menimbulkan baumuluttidak sedap; Penampilan gigi menjadi jelek dan kotor;Menimbulkaninfeksi pada gusi dan beresiko menyebabkangangguanpencernaan.Meski menjadi plak dan kerak di gigi dan sangat susahdihilangkan,namun tetap ada cara atau tips menghilangkan karanggigi. tentunyadengan bahan alami yang mudah di dapatkan dan ampuhmengatasikarang gigi.aplikasi ini akan sangat membantu anda untuk mengatasimasalahkarang gigi.Tips to EliminateDentalReef. Plaque and tartar are dirt that is always attached totheteeth and are very difficult to remove, not just by brushingyourteeth. Basically tartar is the result of the rest of the foodonthe teeth so that over time becomes a crust that continues tosticktightly to the teeth. Mealtime is certainly the teeth willbecomedirty, there will be dirt on the teeth and cause toothbecomesrocky if not immediately cleaned of tartar will multiply.Theproblem is laziness brush your teeth before and aftersleep.With the tartar it will aggravate your teeth, but it alsotartarcapable of disfiguring your teeth, especially if it is severewillbe able to harm the health of your teeth. Some result oftartarnamely; Cause unpleasant mouth odor; Dental appearancebecomes uglyand dirty; Pose a risk of infection of the gums andcauseindigestion.Despite being in the dental plaque and the crust and verystubborn,but still there are ways or tips to eliminate tartar. ofcoursewith natural ingredients that are easy to get and overcomethepotent tartar.This application will help you to overcome the problemoftartar.