5.0.03 / Dec 1, 2023
(4/5) (4248)


Monster Trucks Race and Stunt Game, Challenge all around the world,Be a Winner.

App Information Monster Truck Crot

  • App Name
    Monster Truck Crot
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    Dec 1, 2023
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 5.1
  • Version
  • Developer
    AS Digital
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Monster Truck Crot 5.0.03 APK
AS Digital
Monster Trucks Race and Stunt Game, Challenge all around the world,Be a Winner.
Ujian Teori Sim C, Sim A 1.1.4 APK
AS Digital
Kuis Simulasi Uji Teori Sim C, Sim AVersi 1.1 FreeNote : Jika ada yang ingin membantu untuk koreksi soal danjawaban email ke [email protected] soal dan jawaban yang dikirimkan akan sangat membantuuntuk perbaikan dan penggunaan aplikasi ini untuk pembelajaranbersama. :)Media pembelajaran dengan model aplikasi yang berbentuk gamekuis.(Kisi-kisi Ujian Teori Sim)Berbagi pengetahuan : Mengenal YBJ (Yellow Box Junction)Jika melintasi persimpangan Traffic Light depan Sarinah Jl. MHThamrin Jakarta Pusat, akan terlihat suatu bujur sangkar ataupersegi panjang berwarna kuning berukuran besar tergambar di aspal.Banyak pengguna jalan yang bertanya-tanya fungsi kotak kuningtersebut.Kotak tersebut disebut Yellow Box Junction (YBJ). YBJ adalahmarka jalan yang bertujuan mencegah kepadatan lalu lintas di jalurdan berakibat pada tersendatnya arus kendaraan di jalur lain yangtidak padat. Dengan YBJ, diharapkan kepadatan di persimpangan tidakterkunci.Yellow Box Junction sangat berguna di persimpangan-persimpanganjalan yang padat, pada jalan-jalan utama serta saat waktu puncakkepadatan lalu lintas. Banyak pengguna kendaraan bermotor tetapmenerobos lampu (traffic light) merah, saat antrean kendaraan didepannya belum terurai. Adanya YBJ ini walaupun lampu traffic lightsudah hijau pengguna jalan yang belum masuk YBJ harus berhentiketika ada kendaraan lain di dalam YBJ. Mereka baru bisa maju jikakendaraan di dalam YBJ sudah keluar.Bagi pengendara yang tetap memaksa memasukkan kendaraannya kedalam YBJ, padahal masih ada kendaraan lain di dalamnya, maka akandi tilang, ini sama saja melanggar marka jalan.Yellow Box Junction akan berfungsi maksimal jika ada kesadarandari pengguna jalan. Sebab kesadaran warga juga kunci utamakelancaran lalu lintas. Jadi jika pengendara melihat jalur di depantersendat, sebaiknya tidak memaksa masuk ke YBJ walaupun lampumasih hijau. Sehingga ketika jalur lain hijau, tidak akan terjaditersendatnya arus lalu lintas.Dalam penjelasan UU No. 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu lintas danAngkutan Jalan, pasal 287 (2) juncto Pasal 106 (4) huruf a, btentang rambu-rambu lalu lintas dan berhenti di belakang garisstop. Pidananya ialah kurungan dua bulan penjara atau denda Rp500.000.( Kutipan dari : catatan.tmcpoldametro.net/post/5599379771 )Fitur :- 3 tombol bantuan untuk mempermudah menjawab pertanyaan.- Design game ini mirip dengan kuis wants to be a millionere,bertujuan untuk lebih mengingat pertanyaan dan jawaban yang tidakhanya sekedar bermain.Harapan dapat menambah wawasan masyarakat untuk lebih mengetahuidan tau penerepan beretika dalam keselamatan berlalu lintas.Satu pertanyaan di berikan waktu 1 menit dan setiap 10 kalibermain dibatasi 1 jam berikutnya untuk bermain lagi, hal inidibuat untuk mencegah kebosananSelamat bermain dan belajarTerimakasih telah mendukung kami dengan mendownload danmemberikan saran untuk lebih maju."Jadilah Pelopor Keselamatan Berlalu Lintas"Quiz Simulation TheoryTest C Sim, Sim AVersion 1.1 FreeNote: If anyone wants help for correction of questions andanswers emails to [email protected] of questions and answers submitted will help torepair and use of this application for mutual learning. :)Media with the application model in the form of a quizgame.(Lattice Theory Exam Sim)Sharing knowledge: Knowing YBJ (Yellow Box Junction)If crossing ahead Traffic Light intersection Sarinah Jl. MHThamrin, Central Jakarta, will be seen a square orrectangular-sized yellow painted on the asphalt. Many road usersare wondering function of the yellow box.The box is called Yellow Box Junction (YBJ). YBJ are roadmarkings intended to prevent the density of traffic on the line andcould result in delays in the flow of vehicles in the other lanethat is not solid. With YBJ, expected density at the intersectionis not locked.Yellow Box Junction is very useful at the crossroads congestedon the main roads as well as when the peak time traffic density.Many motorists still break through light (traffic light) red, whenthe vehicle in front of the queue has not been unraveled. This YBJalthough their light has been green traffic light road users whoare not signed YBJ must stop when there is another vehicle in theYBJ. They can only go forward if the vehicle in YBJ alreadyout.For riders who are still forced to enter his vehicle into YBJ,but still there is another vehicle in it, it will be on a ticket,this is tantamount violate road markings.Yellow Box Junction works best if there is awareness of roadusers. Because of citizen awareness is also the key to smoothtraffic. So if motorists see the path in front faltered, should notbe pushed into YBJ even though the light was still green. So whenother lines of green, there will be no delays in traffic flow.In the explanation of Law No. 22 of 2009 on Traffic andTransportation, Article 287 (2) in conjunction with Article 106 (4)a, b of traffic signs and stop behind the stop line. The punishmentis imprisonment of two months in prison or a fine of Rp500,000.(Excerpt from: catatan.tmcpoldametro.net/post/5599379771)features:- 3 buttons help to facilitate answering questions.- Design is similar to a quiz game wants to be a millionere, aimingto better remember the questions and answers that are not justplaying.Hoping to broaden the public to better know and tau penerepanethics in traffic safety.One question in the given time of 1 minute and every 10 timesplay restricted 1 hour later to play again, it is designed toprevent boredomCongratulations play and learnThank you for supporting us by downloading and providesuggestions for the more advanced."Be Pioneers Safety Traffic Passes"
Jual Beli Batam 1.0 APK
AS Digital
Berbagi informasi antara penjual dan pembelidisekitar kota Batam- Hubungi penjual- Kirim pesan kepada penjual- Menjadi penjual ataupun pembeli- Pemberitahuan komentar, pesan dllSharing ofinformationbetween sellers and buyers around the city ofBatam- Contact the seller- Send a message to the seller- Being a seller or buyer- Notification of new comments, messages etc.
Rumaqu, Cari Kosan/Kontrakan APK
AS Digital
Rumaqu memberikan kemudahan untuk mencarirumahsewaan ( Kosan/Kontrakan )- Kemudahan untuk mendaftarkan / mengiklankan rumahsewaan.- Tidak perlu berkeliling mencari cari kosan atau kontrakan,habisbensin dan lain lain.- Rumah mudah dicari dipeta berdasarkan lokasi dan GPS.Semua ada dalam RumaquNote :Bila ada terkendala masalah mengenai upload foto padaaplikasiRumaqumohon untuk upload foto rumah ke email [email protected] pengirim harus sama dengan email yangmendaftarkankosan/kontrakanagar kami bisa langsung bantu untuk upload fotoTerimakasihRumaqu make it easiertosearch for a rental home (Kosan / Rented)- Ease to register / advertise a rental home.- No need to search around for boarding or rented, run outofgasoline and others.- House easily searchable map, is based on location and GPS.All are in RumaquNote:If there is a problem regarding the constrained upload photosonapplication Rumaquplease upload photos to e-mail home [email protected] senders must be the same as that registered email kosan/rentedso that we can immediately help you to upload photosThanks
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AS Digital
Extreme 3D Monster Truck Racing Game
Tiny Monster Truck Crot APK
AS Digital
Get ready for the new adventures of Tiny Monster Truck Crot
Monster Truck Crot Mini Race 1.15 APK
AS Digital
Extreme Fun Monster Truck Mini Races, Drive and Simulate your skill