3.1.0 / January 17, 2017
(4.5/5) ()


Metlife Infinity te permite crear un legadodigital y compartir tus recuerdos con la gente que más quieres.Puedes crear colecciones y subir fotografías, archivos de audio yvideo y documentos que desees compartir con tus amigos yfamiliares, en este momento o en el futuro.
Elige de entre tres opciones para programar la entrega de tucolección: 1. Liberar hoy. Si eliges esta opción, tu colección seliberará inmediatamente; por favor toma en cuenta que una vezliberada una colección, no podrás retirarla ni cambiarla.
2. Especifica una fecha. Puedes programar que una colección secomparta con tus designados en una fecha especíífica en el futuro,puedes continuar agregando otros designados y cambiar el contenidode la colección hasta el momento en que se libere.
3. Cuenta inactiva. Elige esta opción si deseas programar laliberación de tu colección cuando el estatus de tu cuenta MetLifeInfinity cambie a inactivo. Necesitas agregar uno o más designadosconfiables para poder usar esta opción. Una vez que un designadoconfiable cambie el estatus de tu cuenta Metlife Infinity ainactivo, recibirás un correo notificándolo; si en un lapso de 15días no contestas ese correo, todas las colecciones que hayasprogramado para liberarse en una cuenta inactiva, se liberarán atus designados.
Una vez que tus colecciones se hayan enviado, no podrás retirarlasni cambiarlas y tus designados disfrutarán de tus recuerdos porsiempre
Empieza a usar infinity ahora. Los usuarios deben tener 13 años omás.
Metlife Infinity allowsyou to create a digital legacy and share your memories with thepeople you love most. You can create collections and uploadingphotos, audio and video files and documents you want to share withfriends and family, now or in the future.
Choose from three options to schedule delivery of your collection:1. Releasing today. If you choose this option, your collection isreleased immediately; Please take into account that once released acollection, you can not remove or change it.
2. Specify a date. You can schedule a collection to share with yournames on a date in SR in the future, you can continue to add otherdesignated and change the contents of the collection so far as itis released.
3. Inactive account. Choose this option if you want to schedule therelease of your collection when the status of your account MetLifeInfinity change to inactive. You need to add one or more reliableto use this option designated. Once designated a reliable changethe status of your account Metlife Infinity inactive, you willreceive a notification email; if within 15 days did not answer themail, all collections have scheduled to be released in a dormantaccount will free your designated.
Once you have sent your collections, you may not remove or changethem and your designated enjoy your memories forever
Start using infinity now. Users must be 13 years or older.

App Information MetLife Infinity Mexico

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MetLife eServices(Egypt) 1.2.8 APK
MetLife Inc
***Note: This App is meant for MetLifecustomers based in Egypt receiving MetLife Group Medical insurancethrough their employer***This App is meant for MetLife customers based in Egypt receivingMetLife Group Medical insurance through their employer. MetLifeeServices Mobile App is a bilingual online service application thatoffers convenient and easy access to your policy benefits.Features include:- Submit a claim- Monitor claim status- Find a medical provider in your area- View health card- Request certificates or health card replacement
MetLife 360Health Bangladesh 1.2.4 APK
MetLife Inc
Solution to help MetLife Bangladesh customers live a better andhealthier life.
MetLife Infinity 3.1.0 APK
MetLife Inc
MetLife Infinity allows you to create adigital legacy and share memories with the people who matter mostto you. You can create collections and upload photos, videos anddocumentsthat you wish to share with friends and family right now or at somepoint in the future.Choose from three options to schedule delivery of yourcollection:1. Release Today. If you choose this option, your collectionwill be released immediately. Please note, you will not be able torecall or change a collection once it has been released.2. Specify a date. You can schedule a collection to be shared withyour designates at a specific date in the future. You can continueto add other designates and change content in the collection untilthe collection has been released.3. Account Inactive. Choose this option if you want to schedule acollection for release when your MetLife Infinity account statushas been changed to inactive. You need to add one or more trusteddesignates in order to use this option. Once a trusted designatechanges your MetLife Infinity account status to inactive, you willreceive an email notifying you. If you don't respond to that emailwithin 15 days, any collections that you scheduled to be releasedon account inactive will be released to your designates.Once your collections have been sent they cannot be changed orrecalled and your designates will enjoy your memoriesforever.Start using Infinity today. Users must be 13 and above.
MetLife Infinity Mexico 3.1.0 APK
MetLife Inc
Metlife Infinity te permite crear un legadodigital y compartir tus recuerdos con la gente que más quieres.Puedes crear colecciones y subir fotografías, archivos de audio yvideo y documentos que desees compartir con tus amigos yfamiliares, en este momento o en el futuro.Elige de entre tres opciones para programar la entrega de tucolección: 1. Liberar hoy. Si eliges esta opción, tu colección seliberará inmediatamente; por favor toma en cuenta que una vezliberada una colección, no podrás retirarla ni cambiarla.2. Especifica una fecha. Puedes programar que una colección secomparta con tus designados en una fecha especíífica en el futuro,puedes continuar agregando otros designados y cambiar el contenidode la colección hasta el momento en que se libere.3. Cuenta inactiva. Elige esta opción si deseas programar laliberación de tu colección cuando el estatus de tu cuenta MetLifeInfinity cambie a inactivo. Necesitas agregar uno o más designadosconfiables para poder usar esta opción. Una vez que un designadoconfiable cambie el estatus de tu cuenta Metlife Infinity ainactivo, recibirás un correo notificándolo; si en un lapso de 15días no contestas ese correo, todas las colecciones que hayasprogramado para liberarse en una cuenta inactiva, se liberarán atus designados.Una vez que tus colecciones se hayan enviado, no podrás retirarlasni cambiarlas y tus designados disfrutarán de tus recuerdos porsiempreEmpieza a usar infinity ahora. Los usuarios deben tener 13 años omás.Metlife Infinity allowsyou to create a digital legacy and share your memories with thepeople you love most. You can create collections and uploadingphotos, audio and video files and documents you want to share withfriends and family, now or in the future.Choose from three options to schedule delivery of your collection:1. Releasing today. If you choose this option, your collection isreleased immediately; Please take into account that once released acollection, you can not remove or change it.2. Specify a date. You can schedule a collection to share with yournames on a date in SR in the future, you can continue to add otherdesignated and change the contents of the collection so far as itis released.3. Inactive account. Choose this option if you want to schedule therelease of your collection when the status of your account MetLifeInfinity change to inactive. You need to add one or more reliableto use this option designated. Once designated a reliable changethe status of your account Metlife Infinity inactive, you willreceive a notification email; if within 15 days did not answer themail, all collections have scheduled to be released in a dormantaccount will free your designated.Once you have sent your collections, you may not remove or changethem and your designated enjoy your memories foreverStart using infinity now. Users must be 13 years or older.
MetLife Infinity Box 3.1.0 APK
MetLife Inc
Metlife Infinity Box permite que você crie umlegado digital e compartilhe suas recordações com as pessoas dequem você gosta. Você pode criarsuas pastas, fazer upload de fotos,arquivos de áudio e vídeo e documentos que você deseje compartilharcom amigos efamiliares, hoje ou no futuro.Escolha entre três opções para programar a entrega de suapasta:1. Liberar hoje. Se você escolher esta opção, a sua pasta seráliberada imediatamente. Por favor, tenha em mente que uma vezliberada, você não poderá removê-la nem alterá-la.2. Especificar uma data. Você pode programar que uma pasta sejacompartilhada com as pessoas escolhidas por você em uma dataespecífica no futuro, você pode seguir acrescentando outras pessoase alterar o conteúdo da pasta até o momento em que elasejaliberada.3. Conta inativa. Escolha esta opção caso você deseje programar aliberação de sua pasta quando o status de sua conta MetLifeInfinity Box mudar para inativo. Você precisa adicionar um ou maisamigos de confiança para poder usar essa opção. Quando um amigo deconfiança mudar o status de sua conta Metlife Infinity Box parainativo, você receberá um e-mail de notificação. Se em um prazo de15 dias você não responder esse e-mail, todas as pastas que vocêprogramou para serem liberadas em uma conta inativa, serãoliberadaspara as pessoas que você escolheu.Uma vez que suas pastas tenham sido enviadas, você não poderáremovê-las nem alterá-las e as pessoas que você escolheu poderãodesfrutar dessas recordações para sempre.Comece a utilizar o Infinity Box agora. Os usuários devem ter 13anos ou mais.Metlife Infinity Boxallows you to create a digital legacy and share your memories withthe people you like. You can criarsuas folders, upload photos,audio and video files and documents you want to share with friendsefamiliares today or in the future.Choose from three options to schedule the delivery of yourfolder:1. Releasing today. If you choose this option, your folder will bereleased immediately. Please keep in mind that once released, youcan not remove it or change it.2. Specify a date. You can set a folder to be shared with thepeople you choose on a specific date in the future, you can followadding others and change the contents of the folder to the momentshe sejaliberada.3. Inactive account. Choose this option if you want to schedule therelease of his briefcase when the status of your account MetLifeInfinity Box change to inactive. You need to add one or moretrusted friends to be able to use this option. When a trustedfriend to change the status of your MetLife Infinity Box account toinactive, you will receive a notification e-mail. If in a period of15 days you do not answer this email, all folders that youscheduled to be released in a dormant account, serãoliberadas tothe people you chose.Once your folders have been sent, you can not remove them or changethem, and the people you chose can enjoy these memoriesforever.Start using the Infinity Box now. Users must be 13 years ormore.
MetLife DAP 3.8 APK
MetLife Inc
Enabling Sales Proficiency, Productivity & Performance
ProVida Box 3.1.4 APK
MetLife Inc
TODO A LA MANO, EN ORDEN Y 100% SEGURO CONPROVIDA BOXProVida Box es un servicio previsional, gratuito y exclusivo paraclientes ProVida, que te da un espacio virtual de 5 gigas dondeguardar y ordenar tu información previsional y personal clave, comocartolas, certificados y otros que sean importantes para ti contotal seguridad.Además, a través de ProVida Box puedes suscribir el envíoautomático de notificaciones y documentos como el aviso de pagomensual de tus cotizaciones, certificado de vacaciones progresivasy más.También te permite compartir tus archivos con quienes tú decidas yprogramar cuándo podrán tener acceso a ellos.¡Comienza a usar ProVida Box ahora!EVERYTHING TO HAND INORDER AND 100% SECURE WITH BOX PROLIFE ProVida Box is a pension, free and exclusive to customers ProVidaservice, which gives you a virtual space of 5 gigabytes to storeand sort your pension and key personal information, such as monthlystatements, certificates and others that are important to yousafely. In addition, through ProVida Box can subscribe to automaticallysend notifications and documents as monthly payment notice yourcontributions, certificate of progressive and more holidays. It also lets you share your files with whom you choose to scheduleand when they can access them. Get started using ProVida Box now!
MetLife Infinity Argentina 3.1.0 APK
MetLife Inc
Metlife Infinity te permite crear un legadodigital y compartir tus recuerdos con la gente que más quieres.Puedes crear colecciones y subir fotografías, archivos de audio yvideo y documentos que desees compartir con tus amigos yfamiliares, en este momento o en el futuro.Elige de entre tres opciones para programar la entrega de tucolección: 1. Liberar hoy. Si eliges esta opción, tu colección seliberará inmediatamente; por favor toma en cuenta que una vezliberada una colección, no podrás retirarla ni cambiarla.2. Especifica una fecha. Puedes programar que una colección secomparta con tus designados en una fecha especíífica en el futuro,puedes continuar agregando otros designados y cambiar el contenidode la colección hasta el momento en que se libere.3. Cuenta inactiva. Elige esta opción si deseas programar laliberación de tu colección cuando el estatus de tu cuenta MetLifeInfinity cambie a inactivo. Necesitas agregar uno o más designadosconfiables para poder usar esta opción. Una vez que un designadoconfiable cambie el estatus de tu cuenta Metlife Infinity ainactivo, recibirás un correo notificándolo; si en un lapso de 15días no contestas ese correo, todas las colecciones que hayasprogramado para liberarse en una cuenta inactiva, se liberarán atus designados.Una vez que tus colecciones se hayan enviado, no podrás retirarlasni cambiarlas y tus designados disfrutarán de tus recuerdos porsiempreEmpieza a usar infinity ahora. Los usuarios deben tener 13 años omás.Metlife Infinity allowsyou to create a digital legacy and share your memories with thepeople you love most. You can create collections and uploadingphotos, audio and video files and documents you want to share withfriends and family, now or in the future.Choose from three options to schedule delivery of your collection:1. Releasing today. If you choose this option, your collection isreleased immediately; Please take into account that once released acollection, you can not remove or change it.2. Specify a date. You can schedule a collection to share with yournames on a date in SR in the future, you can continue to add otherdesignated and change the contents of the collection so far as itis released.3. Inactive account. Choose this option if you want to schedule therelease of your collection when the status of your account MetLifeInfinity change to inactive. You need to add one or more reliableto use this option designated. Once designated a reliable changethe status of your account Metlife Infinity inactive, you willreceive a notification email; if within 15 days did not answer themail, all collections have scheduled to be released in a dormantaccount will free your designated.Once you have sent your collections, you may not remove or changethem and your designated enjoy your memories foreverStart using infinity now. Users must be 13 years or older.