App Information Mental math to 30 ANIMATICS
- App NameMental math to 30 ANIMATICS
- Package Namecom.kvartgroup.animatics.count30
- UpdatedJun 7, 2023
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.4
- Version1.2.0
- DeveloperKvartGroup
- Installs-
- PriceFree
- Category
- Developer644034, г. Омск, ул. Орджоникидзе 287-108
- Google Play Link
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Mathemagics Multi – School ed. 1.0.2 APK
The FUN way to learn MULTIPLICATION TABLES !!!"MathemagicsMultiplication" is an innovative method formemorizingmultiplication tables. Are your students finding itdifficult tolearn their multiplication tables? Is it a burden forthem? Use ourapp to bring a smile back to their face."MathemagicsMultiplication" is a method based on mentalvisualization. It isadapted to the children's imagination and makesit easier for themto remember their multiplication tables. It is afact that it iseasier for the human brain to retain new informationwhen it isassociated with characters, scenarios, fun and feelings(like apoem). How does it work? We tell delightful stories wheretheleading characters are numbers. This method has been testedinseveral schools and is recommended by teachers andspeechtherapists. Here are some reviews: "Using a narrative andhumourreaches out to all the pupils and offers a completely newapproach" "We have tested it in learning activities, it is a truewinner asit offers a different approach from that used in theclassroom "."Making children want to learn is over half way toachievingsuccess in schoolwork. " The "Mathemagics Multiplication"method isaimed not only at those children struggling academicallybut alsoat those discovering multiplication tables for the firsttime. Thismethod can be used in the classroom, either in groups oron a oneto one basis. It can also be used by speech therapists.ADDITIONALFEATURES of the SCHOOL EDITION: • Direct access to allmenus(discover, learn, quizz, challenges, statistics, ...) • Up to40profiles by app • Detailed and secured monitoring for each ofyourstudents THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR STUDENTS: • Work with a smile•Stimulate memory through sight, hearing and touch •Learnautonomously and actively • Test memory and progress withquizzes •Be encouraged by a kind and friendly character • Findmotivation toprogress and earn rewards • Gradually progress fromthe charactersto real numbers A positive and playful teachingmethod: •Discovering the characters • An overall look at themultiplicationtables • The principle of inversion (3 x 6 = 6 x 3) •Memorisationof the tables by discovering each story • Playfulexercises tocheck the tables have been learnt • A parents sectionto follow thechild's progress For those schools not equipped withtablets,please go to our website Ourcommitments : - Noadvertising - Protection from external links -Protection fromin-app purchases - No sharing of personal datas Note: ourapplication offers a method of memorization. The conceptofmultiplication (adding several times the same number) is notthesubject of our application, this concept should be used inclasswith a teacher. ----------------------------------------Discoverour applications : Interactive stories for kids aged 4 to10: - TheWitch With No Name - The Little Witch at School - Is theWitch inLove? - The Witch and the Christmas Spirit - Peepo andtheUnfinished Story - Alizay, Pirate Girl - Prehistoric Mystery-Victor's cold! (2 to 5) Edutainment apps for under 6 year-olds:-Cricket Kids: Opposites - Cricket Kids: School Day - CricketKids:Christmas Presents----------------------------------------*Internet*Facebook: *Twitter:@SlimCricketBook
Mathy - learn math for kids add subtract multiply 1.4.7 APK
The German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss referred tomathematics as "the Queen of the Sciences". We strongly believethat our kids need a good app to learn math and created Mathyespecially for this purpose. Mathy is an app from parents to kids.We, creators of Mathy, built this app for our kids and decided toshare with children around the globe after our kids have tested itout. Game has several difficulty levels such as Beginner andExpert. While you’re at the Beginner level your kid will learnarithmetic with numbers, digits and basic mathematical operations:addition, subtraction in scope of 20. Also Beginner includesseveral mini games for basic geometry. At the Expert level yourkids will learn same addition, subtraction but we also addmultiplication and some algebra related mini games. Kids willcontinue to learn geometry at Expert level. Expert level plays withdigits in scope of 200. The idea of Mathy app is to start teachingkids math from the very beginning. We do our education in a gamemode when your child play dozens of mini games and learnmathematics in funny ways. Education starts from Arithmetic andbasic things. First of all your kid learn digits and numbers. Thenchildren will play mini games for addition and subtraction in scopeof 20. After your kids have completed basic things they will switchto addition and subtraction in scope of 20 and multiplicationtables. Besides this your child will touch geometry area throughoutmany mini games. In Mathy you have many interesting mini games toplay math samples. Mathy is a girl character that will support yourkids during their education. After you completed each mini game youwill receive reward that will open new animal in a Zoo or newbuilding in a Map. With this approach your kid will learn not onlymath but fun facts about animals and famous places in the world. Westrongly believe that our app will become a friend for your kidsand help them to become new famous scientist or entrepreneur. Mathis very important in our life and this app should help you to bringthis science to the life of your children. Let’s educate our kidstogether and raise new bright people. P.S. We will be happy toreceive any feedback from your that will help to make this appbetter, please share it with us in comments or feedback form insideapplication. Appreciate your help!
Mathemagics Quest 1.1 APK
Why choose between HAVING FUN and LEARNING when you can doBOTH?"Mathemagics Quest" is a mix of adventure game andmathematics.Three levels are available for a FREE trial. The fullversion ofthe application can be unlocked with an in-app purchase.____ CountHisgood is terrible at math! To make matters worse forhim, he isthe descendant of a long family of mathematicians. To getbetter,he stole the Mathemagics magician's manual: this bookcontainsmagical creatures that let you learn the multiplicationtables.Don't wait! Set off on an adventure and recover theMathemagicscreatures across eight worlds and 24 levels! Choose yourhero (alittle vampire or a little witch) and take on Count Hisgood!Reviewyour multiplication tables while having fun and saving alltheMathemagics. BENEFITS FOR YOUR CHILD: - Review theirmultiplicationtables while playing - Learn independently andactively - Stimulatetheir memory and improve their speed - Bemotivated to progress andearn rewards CONTENT: - Multiplicationtables from 2 to 9 - 3levels of increasing difficulty for eachtable - 3 kinds ofmathematical quizzes (find the result, find theoperands,fill-in-the-blank multiplication exercises) - 16 types ofenemiesto confront - 3 badges to collect per level to become anexpert Ourcommitments : - No advertising - Protection from externallinks -Protection from in-app purchases - No sharing of personaldatas
Math for kids 2020.06.15 APK
The program will be useful for students of primary schools andtheirparents. There is a lot of math puzzles: 1. Order of numbers2.Addition 3. Subtraction 4. Finding unknown number (eg 3 + ... =6)5. Numbers comparison 6. Multiplication 7. Division All thetasksare split into levels from simple to hard. I created thisprogramfor my child but I hope that it will be useful for otherchildrenand their parents.
Mathemagics Multiplication 1.0.1 APK
With this free version, kids can try out multiplication tables forthe number 4. The full version of the app can be unlocked with anin-app purchase. (TEACHERS: a version designed specifically foryour use is available on this store "Mathemagics Multiplication-School Edition", it contains more features) "MathemagicsMultiplication" is an innovative method for memorizingmultiplication tables. Are your children finding it difficult tolearn their multiplication tables? Is it a burden for them? Use ourapp to bring a smile back to their face. "MathemagicsMultiplication" is a method based on mental visualization. It isadapted to the children's imagination and makes it easier for themto remember their multiplication tables. It is a fact that it iseasier for the human brain to retain new information when it isassociated with characters, scenarios, fun and feelings (like apoem). How does it work? We tell delightful stories where theleading characters are numbers. This method has been tested inseveral schools and is recommended by teachers and speechtherapists. The "Mathemagics Multiplication" method is aimed notonly at those children struggling academically but also at thosediscovering multiplication tables for the first time. This methodcan be used in the classroom, either in groups or on a one to onebasis. It can also be used by speech therapists. THE BENEFITS FORYOUR CHILD: • Work with a smile • Stimulate memory through sight,hearing and touch • Learn autonomously and actively • Test memoryand progress with quizzes • Be encouraged by a kind and friendlycharacter • Find motivation to progress and earn rewards •Gradually progress from the characters to real numbers A positiveand playful teaching method: • Discovering the characters • Anoverall look at the multiplication tables • The principle ofinversion (3 x 6 = 6 x 3) • Memorisation of the tables bydiscovering each story • Playful exercises to check the tables havebeen learnt • A parents section to follow the child's progress Forthose schools not equipped with tablets, please go to our Our commitments : - No advertising - Protectionfrom external links - Protection from in-app purchases - No sharingof personal datas Note : our application offers a method ofmemorization. The concept of multiplication (adding several timesthe same number) is not the subject of our application, thisconcept should be used in class with a teacher.---------------------------------------- Discover our applications: Interactive stories for kids aged 4 to 10: - The Witch With NoName - The Little Witch at School - Is the Witch in Love? - TheWitch and the Christmas Spirit - Peepo and the Unfinished Story -Alizay, Pirate Girl - Prehistoric Mystery - Victor's cold! (2 to 5)Edutainment apps for under 6 year-olds: - Cricket Kids: Opposites -Cricket Kids: School Day - Cricket Kids: Christmas Presents---------------------------------------- *Internet *Facebook: *Twitter: @SlimCricketBook