1.2 / January 5, 2013
(version of this app lacks this feature: that warm fuzzy feeling that you get allowing from purchasing this app me to buy another cup of Milo :)<br>It would mean A LOT to me that if you like this app, and can afford it, please do me a favour and purchase it. Take it as a donation to me. If you own a nice Android phone, surely $0.99 isn't a lot to ask for?<br>YOU MAY REQUEST ADDITIONAL CONTENT!<br>Contact me at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><p>Naturally, I appreciate feedback on how I can make the app better. DO report any errors(content, bugs, language) you may have found! While I have looked through the content, I may have accidentally missed out something, and typos do occur.<br>Contact me at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><p>A little refresh update coming next!</p></p></p></p></div> <div class="show-more-end" jsaction="click:vhaaFf"></div> </div> </div> <div> <button class="play-button show-more small" jsaction="KoToPc"> Read more </button> <button class="play-button expand-close" jsaction="vhaaFf"> <div class="close-image"> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="details-section-divider"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="details-wrapper"> <div class="details-section whatsnew"> <div class="details-section-contents show-more-container" jscontroller="G7YeLc" jsaction="rcuQ6b:rcuQ6b"> <h1 class="heading"> What's New </h1> <div class="recent-change">-Release 1.2-</div><div class="recent-change">Some minor edits, new content and fixes.</div><div class="recent-change">Calculus!</div><div class="recent-change">Old:</div><div class="recent-change">1.1 - Cleaned up a bit.</div><div class="recent-change">Added a few new formulas.</div><div class="recent-change">1.0 -Algebra and Trigonometry</div><div class="recent-change">Please report any errors you may have found!</div> <div class="show-more-end" jsaction="click:vhaaFf"></div> <div> <button class="play-button show-more small" jsaction="KoToPc"> Read more </button> <button class="play-button expand-close" jsaction="vhaaFf"> <div class="close-image"> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="details-section-divider"></div> </div> </div> <div class="details-wrapper"> <div class="details-section metadata"> <div class="details-section-heading"> <h1 class="heading"> Additional information </h1> </div> <div class="details-section-contents"> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Updated</div> <div class="content" itemprop="datePublished">January 5, 2013</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Size</div> <div class="content" itemprop="fileSize"> 1.0M </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Installs</div> <div class="content" itemprop="numDownloads"> 1 - 5 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Current Version</div> <div class="content" itemprop="softwareVersion"> 1.2 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Requires Android</div> <div class="content" itemprop="operatingSystems"> 2.1 and up </div> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Content Rating</div> <div class="content" itemprop="contentRating">Unrated</div> <div class="content">Warning – content has not yet been rated. Unrated apps may potentially contain content appropriate for mature audiences only.</div> <a class="content" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay?p=appgame_ratings" target="_blank">Learn more</a> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Permissions</div> <button class="content id-view-permissions-details fake-link" data-docid="com.tlkh.mathspro.formulas"> View details </button> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Report</div> <a class="content" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay/?p=report_content" target="_blank"> Flag as inappropriate </a> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title"> Offered By </div> <div class="content">Timothy Liu</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title"> Developer </div> <div class="content contains-text-link"> <a class="dev-link" href="mailto:[email protected]" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> Email [email protected] </a> <div class="content physical-address">Singapore</div> </div> 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MathsPro Formulas
Made with love by a student, for students

A handy and comprehensive reference app for mathematics,tailored to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE O Levels and other similarsyllabi. A great maths study companion! Includes most formulas(youmay request more!) as well as some extra tips and content!

No worrying about available space!
Want to check out the Double Angle Formula? Type "dou" and entryfor the relevant formula(s) is already presented to you!(seescreenshot)
I took the exams, I studied the syllabus. I have designed the appin such a way that students will have a better time understandingthe concepts and formulas. Little infoboxes around the app thathelpful snippets of information, with more coming soon!
I built this app, by myself, from scratch, in my own free time. AndI just want to say something: YOU ARE FREE TO PIRATE THIS APP. I donot want to deprive any students who cannot buy this app of thiswonderful app! However, any pirated version of this app lacks thisfeature: that warm fuzzy feeling that you get allowing frompurchasing this app me to buy another cup of Milo :)
It would mean A LOT to me that if you like this app, and can affordit, please do me a favour and purchase it. Take it as a donation tome. If you own a nice Android phone, surely $0.99 isn't a lot toask for?
Contact me at [email protected]

Naturally, I appreciate feedback on how I can make the appbetter. DO report any errors(content, bugs, language) you may havefound! While I have looked through the content, I may haveaccidentally missed out something, and typos do occur.
Contact me at [email protected]

A little refresh update coming next!

App Information MathsPro Formulas

  • App Name
    MathsPro Formulas
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 5, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Timothy Liu
  • Installs
    1 - 5
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Timothy Liu Show More...

FeedSpeed Pro 1.1 APK
Timothy Liu
The best(and best looking) no-frills Feed andSpeed calculator out there! Nice, clean and easy to use, and FREEnow! Plus, it's small!Enter the RPM directly or use the app to calculate it, then enterthe other values to obtain the feed rate!Were you expecting more steps? Well, sorry to disappoint, this appis just this simple. :)Note: Want to enter a tool diameter of under 1 inch? Type "0.X",not ".X"
ChemDef 1.9 APK
Timothy Liu
A lightweight dictionary and definitions appfor physical and inorganic chemistry, hand coded with love by astudent, for other students. Best handy guide (and tutorialcompanion) for Chemistry students!FEATURES:- Definitions and data tailored towards the Cambridge InternationalAS and A Level Chemistry Syllabus and equivalent syllabi. You canalso copy information to clipboard.- Intelligent autocomplete search engine (see screenshots)- Extra useful information for interested students- Contains a list of useful external resources- Small and lightweight!Do give this a try and leave comments! Works on most Androidsmartphones and tablets! (but since it's meant to be a quick andhandy reference I think it's a weird thing to have on tablets :P )Free web app also coming soon!Report any errors or leave requests here. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Mehw6UsoBqbW-kPeioUQv1RK0lSDipuhtatAfLKQZ-Y/viewform
Timothy Liu
A simple and lightweight app to accessLMS@NJC,the learning management system at NationalJuniorCollege(Singapore). Because, you know, using the browser istoomainstream.Learning Management System powered by ASKnLearn byWizlearnTechnologies.This app is not endorsed by Wizlearn Technologies or NationalJuniorCollege, and is the private work of a NJC student, done attheexpense of his Maths tutorials(nah, kidding).Known Issues:-Sometimes ASKnLearn decides that it's in a bad mood. Out ofmycontrol!-Pinch to zoom doesn't always work. I think. I'm workingonit!-I'm not sure why login credentials are saved for some peopleandnot for the others.Kinda touching reviewthere:http://njcscitech.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/review-lms-apps-iphone-and-android/Hey, thanks :')
MathsPro Formulas 1.2 APK
Timothy Liu
MathsPro FormulasMade with love by a student, for studentsA handy and comprehensive reference app for mathematics,tailored to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE O Levels and other similarsyllabi. A great maths study companion! Includes most formulas(youmay request more!) as well as some extra tips and content!*! SGD$0.99 EARLY ADOPTER PRICE !*-FEATURES-SMALL SIZENo worrying about available space!FAST REAL TIME SEARCH FILTERWant to check out the Double Angle Formula? Type "dou" and entryfor the relevant formula(s) is already presented to you!(seescreenshot)DESIGNED BY A STUDENTI took the exams, I studied the syllabus. I have designed the appin such a way that students will have a better time understandingthe concepts and formulas. Little infoboxes around the app thathelpful snippets of information, with more coming soon!WARM FUZZY FEELING HAVING SUPPORTED A FELLOW STUDENT'SEFFORTSI built this app, by myself, from scratch, in my own free time. AndI just want to say something: YOU ARE FREE TO PIRATE THIS APP. I donot want to deprive any students who cannot buy this app of thiswonderful app! However, any pirated version of this app lacks thisfeature: that warm fuzzy feeling that you get allowing frompurchasing this app me to buy another cup of Milo :)It would mean A LOT to me that if you like this app, and can affordit, please do me a favour and purchase it. Take it as a donation tome. If you own a nice Android phone, surely $0.99 isn't a lot toask for?YOU MAY REQUEST ADDITIONAL CONTENT!Contact me at [email protected], I appreciate feedback on how I can make the appbetter. DO report any errors(content, bugs, language) you may havefound! While I have looked through the content, I may haveaccidentally missed out something, and typos do occur.Contact me at [email protected] little refresh update coming next!
Transition Metals 0.4 APK
Timothy Liu
A Transition Metals reference appspeciallytailored for Singapore 'A' Level H2 Chemistry, UK/CIE 'A'Level orhigh school and college-level Chemistry in general,designed to aidself-directed and independent learning.All the content you need, at your fingertips:- Quick intelligent search by name, formula or observation(viewvideo demo!)- Relevant explanations with full chemical equations- Self-directed learning: explore further reactions thatarepossible- Graphics and photos for easy understanding andmemoryretentionThe perfect companion app for a chemistry student for thethemeof transition metals! No more running to your teachersorclassmates the moment problems you face duringtutorials,assignments or homework.