
This splendid town enclosed withinmightyRenaissance walls is the outcome of millenniums ofstratificationthat covered its original Roman layout whilemaintaining echoes ofit. The On-the-Road guide proposes a tourcovering the mostimportant points of the old town, and a closerlook at historicLucca. You can learn about the city’s mostsignificant features,divided by the principal periods of the past:churches, piazzas,buildings are connected in a historic sequencethat shows how theurban landscape evolved to become the real heartof thecontemporary city.

The guide consists of:
- 1 day long itinerary formed by 16 Points of Interest
- 33 Points of Interest
- 3 Historical layers
- 140 Photos 4 of which panoramic
- 29 informative file consisting of a descriptive text andphotogallery
- 20 minuts speech
- 1 map
- info about local restaurants and accommodation facilities

This splendidtownenclosed Within mighty Renaissance walls is the outcomeofMillenniums of stratification That covered its originalRomanlayout while Maintaining echoes of it. The On-the-RoadguideProposes a tour covering the most important points of the oldtown,and a closer look at historic Lucca. You can learn about thecity'smost significant features, divided by the principal periodsof thepast: churches, piazzas, buildings are connected in ahistoricsequence That shows how the urban landscape evolved tobecome thereal heart of the contemporary city.

The guides Consists of:
- 1-day-long itinerary formed by 16 Points of Interest
- 33 Points of Interest
- Historical 3 layers
- 140 Photos of 4 Which panoramic
- 29 informative file Consisting of a descriptive text andphotogallery
- 20 minuts speech
- 1 map
- Information about local restaurants andaccommodationfacilities

App Information Mansi Bernardini OntheRoad Eng

  • App Name
    Mansi Bernardini OntheRoad Eng
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    June 1, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    CB-Media di Barattini Mario Cristiano
  • Installs
    1 - 5
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Viale Zaccagna 47 54033 Carrara (MS) Italy
  • Google Play Link

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Lucca 1.0 APK
In assoluto il più importante esempio difortificazione all’italiana. Così si presenta Lucca al visitatoreche si appresti a varcarne le splendide mura rinascimentali,simbolo della città e tuttora carattere essenziale del suo assettourbano. All’interno della cinta muraria, la città è il risultato distratificazioni millenarie che hanno ricoperto, mantenendone lamemoria, l’originaria struttura di epoca romana. La giuda On theRoad rivela i punti essenziali di ogni strato e quindi di ogniepoca: chiese, piazze, palazzi, sono descritti nei loro caratteriprincipali e collegati tra loro in una sequenza storica che porta acapire come il paesaggio urbano si sia evoluto fino a divenirel’anima vera e propria della città odierna.In questo percorso storico la guida esce poi dalle muracittadine per toccare gli elementi più significativi del territoriolucchese: le molte ville nobiliari sorte soprattutto tra il ‘500 eil ‘700 nella campagna circostante la città. On The road propone unitinerario che collega tra loro gli edifici più importanti. Diquesti si riporta una scheda che ne descrive le caratteristiche e,in quanto elementi del paesaggio storico e attuale, ne evidenzia ilrapporto con il loro contesto di riferimento.Complessivamente la guida è formata da :- 1 Itinerario formato da 16 punti di intersse- 145 foto di cui 4 panoramiche di grande formato- 7 schede di approfondimento su argomenti specifici composte datesto e relative foto di corredo- 18 minuti circa di audio- 4 cartine- Riferimento di strutture e recettiveBy far the most importantexample of Italian fortification. Such is Lucca to the visitor thatis about to cross its impressive Renaissance city walls, the symbolof the city and still essential character of its urban structure.Inside the walls, the city is the result of thousands of years oldlayers that have covered, keeping the memory, the original Romanstructure. The guide On the Road reveals the essential points ofeach layer and then from every era: churches, squares, palaces, aredescribed in their main characters and linked together in ahistorical sequence that leads to understanding how the urbanlandscape has evolved up to become the soul of the city propertoday.In this historic route guidance comes out then the city walls totouch the most significant elements of the territory of Lucca: themany noble villas fate especially between the '500 and' 700 in thecountryside surrounding the town. On The Road offers a route thatconnects the most important buildings. Of these shows a card thatdescribes the characteristics and, as elements of the historiclandscape and present, highlights the relationship with theircontext.Overall, the guide is formed by:- Route 1 consists of 16 points intersse- 145 photos including 4-wide panoramic- 7 fact sheets on specific topics consist of text and photos ofkit- About 18 minutes of audio- 4 maps- Reference structures and receptive
Trenino rosso del Bernina 1.1 APK
Più che una guida intesa nel senso classicodel termine, sono soprattutto un compagno di viaggio che tiaccompagnerà alla scoperta del fantastico tracciato del TreninoRosso del Bernina, mostrandoti e parlandoti del territorio che staivisitando. Ho selezionato 18 punti lungo il tracciato ferroviarioda dove si vedono paesaggi e elementi di particolare interesse delterritorio attraversato, e li ho riportati su una cartina checostituisce la mia home page.Giunti in prossimità di una zona di particolare bellezza o diinteresse per capire i caratteri del territorio, ti parlerò percirca 1 o 1,5 minuti dandoti informazioni su ciò che staieffettivamente vedendo fuori dal finestrino del treno.Contemporaneamente, sul monitor del tuo tablet o smartphone timostrerò un’immagine del paesaggio che stai osservando. L’immaginedi dieci punti è panoramica, ingrandibile e navigabile, e riporta itoponimi delle principali emergenze paesaggistiche del luogo(montagne, ecc.). In ogni caso le immagini possono essere associatea foto di alcuni dettagli del territorio rappresentato e a unascheda di approfondimento delle informazioni relative al territorioattraversato.Riconosco i punti in cui ti troverai grazie al sistema GPS del tuosmartphone o tablet, e puoi decidere tu se mi devo attivare inautomatico o preferisci che ti mandi solo un segnaleacustico/sonoro per avvisarti della vicinanza al punto d’interessee poi penserai tu ad attivarmi toccando il pulsante relativo.Complessivamente sono formata da :- 28 foto di cui 10 panoramiche di grande formato-10 sezioni di approfondimento su argomenti specifici composte datesto e relative foto di corredo-25 minuti circa di audio-2 cartine-1 itinerario extra tratta ferroviariaSono stata concepita per accompagnarti sulla tratta Tirano - St.Moritz.Provami! Sono certa che non ti pentirai di avermi scelto come tuocompagno di viaggio alla scoperta dei paesaggi del Trenino Rossodel Bernina. A Presto!More than a guideunderstood in the classical sense of the term, it is mainly atraveling companion who will accompany you to discover thefantastic layout of the Bernina Express, showing and speaking tothe area you are visiting. I selected 18 points along the railwayline where you can see landscapes and elements of particularinterest of the territory crossed, and I brought them on a map,which is my home page.Once in the vicinity of an area of ​​special beauty or interest tounderstand the character of the area, I will speak for about 1 to1.5 minutes giving you information about what you are actuallylooking out the window of the train. At the same time, on thescreen of your tablet or smartphone'll show you a picture of thelandscape that you are observing. The image of ten points isPanoramic, zoomable and navigable, and shows the place names ofmajor emergencies landscape of the place (mountains, etc.).. In anycase, the images may be associated with photos of some details ofthe represented territory and a detailed file of information aboutthe surrounding territory.I recognize the points where you'll find thanks to the GPS systemof your smartphone or tablet, and you can decide if I need toactivate automatically or prefer that you send only a beep / soundto alert you of the proximity to the point of interest and thenthink attivarmi to you by tapping the corresponding button.In total, consisting of:- 28 photos including 10 extra-wide panoramic-10 Depth sections on specific topics consist of text and photos ofequipment-25 Minutes of audio-2 Maps-1 Extra railway routeThey are designed to take you on the route Tirano - St.Moritz.Try me! I'm sure you will not regret choosing me as your travelpartner to explore the landscapes of the Bernina Express. See yousoon!
CinqueTerre 1.02 APK
La costa ligure compresa tra l’ArcipelagodellaPalmaria e le 5 Terre ha ottenuto il riconoscimento comesitodell’Unesco con la seguente motivazione: sito di notevolevalore,dove l’armoniosa interazione tra l’uomo e la natura haprodotto unpaesaggio di eccezionale qualità scenica che illustra ilmodo divivere tradizionale, condotto da un millennio, e continua agiocareun importante ruolo nella vita socio-economicadellacomunità.”La guida On-The-Road di questo territorio propone unitinerarioarticolato sui dieci più belli e significativi puntipanoramiciesistenti tra Portovenere e Levanto. Ogni puntodell’itinerariopresenta una foto panoramica con i toponimi delleprincipaliemergenze paesaggistiche del luogo (borghi,luoghi, ecc.),un audioche descrive il territorio rappresentato, e un collegamentoaglielementi più caratteristici del territorio di pertinenza,comeborghi, chiese, località, ecc. Ogni elemento caratteristicoècorredato a sua volta di foto di dettaglio e/o di schedediapprofondimento formate da un testo descrittivo e una galleriadifoto. Tutti i punti e gli elementi di interessesonogeoreferenziati e se ne forniscono le coordinate geografichedainserire nel navigatore. Giunto in prossimità di unpuntodell’itinerario ti mostrerò l’immagine del paesaggio che haidifronte e ti parlerò per circa 1,5 minuti dandoti informazionisuquanto stai vedendo. Funziono offline e riconosco i punti in cuititroverai grazie al sistema GPS del tuo smartphone o tablet, epuoidecidere tu se mi devo attivare in automatico o preferisci chetimandi solo un segnale acustico/sonoro per avvisarti dellavicinanzaal punto d’interesse e poi penserai tu ad attivarmitoccando ilpulsante relativo.La cartina di riferimento dell’itinerario riporta anche la retedeisentieri segnati della zona e i dati utili allaloropercorrenza.Complessivamente sono formata da :- 102 foto di cui 11 panoramiche di grande formato- 23 sezioni di approfondimento su argomenti specifici compostedatesto e relative foto di corredo- 18 minuti circa di audio- 4 cartine- Lista dei sentieri e relative informazioniProvami! Sono certa che non ti pentirai di avermi scelto cometuocompagno di viaggio alla scoperta dei paesaggi delle 5 Terre.APresto!The Ligurian coastbetweenthe Archipelago of Palmaria and 5 Terre has been recognizedbyUNESCO as a site for the following reasons: the site ofconsiderablevalue, where the harmonious interaction between manand nature hasproduced a landscape of exceptional scenic qualitythat illustratesa traditional way of life, led by a millennium,and continues toplay an important role in the socio-economic lifeof the community."The guide On-The-Road This area offers an itinerary divided ontheten most beautiful and significant viewpoints betweenPortovenereand Levanto. Each point on the itinerary presents apanoramic photowith the place names of the main emergencieslandscape of the place(villages, places, etc)., Audio describingthe territoryrepresented, and a link to the most characteristicelements of theterritory of relevance, such as villages, churches,location, etc..Each item is accompanied by a characteristic turn ofphotos ofdetail and / or depth charts consist of a descriptive textand aphoto gallery. All points and items of interest aregeoreferencedand if they provide the geographical coordinates to beincluded inthe navigator. Arriving in the vicinity of a point ofthe routeI'll show you the picture of the landscape in front ofyou, and Iwill speak for about 1.5 minutes giving you informationabout whatyou're seeing. I work offline and I recognize the pointswhereyou'll find thanks to the GPS system of your smartphone ortablet,and you can decide if I need to activate automatically orpreferthat you send only a beep / sound to alert you of theproximity topoint of interest and then you think to attivarmitapping thecorresponding button.The reference route map also shows the network of marked trailsinthe area and data relevant to their journey.In total, consisting of:- 102 pictures with 11 extra-wide panoramic- 23 in-depth sections on specific topics consist of text andphotosof equipment- About 18 minutes of audio- 4 maps- List of paths and related informationTry Me! I'm sure you will not regret choosing me as yourtravelpartner to explore the landscapes of the 5 Terre. Seeyousoon!
Palestra Balance 1.0.0 APK
L'applicazione che ti tiene collegato con laPalestra Balance. Segui Le news e tieni d'occhio gli orari.Consulta i nostri corsi , o sfoglia il nostro sito dal link.The application thatkeeps you connected with Balance Gym. Follow news and keep an eyeon the times. See our courses, or browse our website from thelink.
CinqueTerre_Eng 1.0 APK
The Ligurian coast between thePalmariaarchipelago and the Cinque Terre was given UNESCO WorldHeritagestatus because it is a “site of great value, where theharmoniousinteraction between humans and nature has created alandscape ofexceptional scenic quality illustrating a lifestyle athousandyears old whose traditions continue to play a prominentrole in thesocio-economic life of the community”.
The On-the-Roadguide forthis territory offers an itinerary covering the 10 mostbeautifuland meaningful scenic areas lying between Portovenere andLevanto.Every point on the itinerary is provided with a navigablepanoramicphoto and an audio that describes the territory shown,pointing outits most characteristic elements such as villages,churches andother interesting sites. Each element is accompanied bydetailedphotos and/or informative files consisting of a descriptivetextand photo gallery.
The guide works offline and recognisesthepoints where you will be finding yourself thanks to the GPSsystemon your smartphone or tablet, and you yourself can decidewhetherthe guide should turn on automatically or just beep you whenyouare approaching the point of interest, after which you can turniton using the push button. 
All the scenic points andelementsof interest are geographically referenced, providingthecoordinates to be input into your GPS.
The map of theitineraryalso includes the network of trails in the area andinformationuseful in following them.The guide consists of
- 102 photo 11 of which large sizeandpanoramic 
- 23 informative files consisting of adescriptivetext and photo gallery 
- 18 minuts speech  
-4 maps
-Footpaths list and related information
Lucca Eng 1.0 APK
This splendid town enclosed within mightyRenaissance walls is the outcome of millenniums of stratificationthat covered its original Roman layout while maintaining echoes ofit. The On-the-Road guide proposes a tour covering the mostimportant points of the old town, and a closer look at historicLucca. You can learn about the city’s most significant features,divided by the principal periods of the past: churches, piazzas,buildings are connected in a historic sequence that shows how theurban landscape evolved to become the real heart of thecontemporary city.The guide consists of:- 1 day long itinerary formed by 16 Points of Interest- 33 Points of Interest- 3 Historical layers- 140 Photos 4 of which panoramic- 29 informative file consisting of a descriptive text and photogallery- 20 minuts speech- 1 map- info about local restaurants and accommodation facilities
CarraraQuarries 1.1 APK
Carrara marble has been quarried for morethantwo thousand years. Quarrying began with the Etruscansandimmediately afterwards the Romans created the first formsoflarge-scale extraction. From Carrara came the marblethatMichelangelo used for his major works and today more than everthewhite variety, Bianco Carrara, is used the world over forpremiumworks. For inhabitants of Carrara the marble quarries aretheirhistory, culture, pride and passion. A world that is firstandforemost an identity and as such goes well beyond quarrying.The On-the-Road guide will help you explore this world withanitinerary covering the essential sites of the Carrara districttiedto marble. From historic Carrara to the ancientquarrymen’svillages, passing through archeology, art andgastronomicspecialties down to the quarries themselves in theirmostspectacular expressions, both open-sky and subterranean. At11sites you can personally experience this very particular partofItaly, understand its significance and value but also becomeawareof quarrying’s deleterious effects on the environment: a factthatcan no longer be ignored but that is also, paradoxically, tiedtothe survival of marble culture itself.
Riviera Toscana - OnTheRoad 1.04 APK
Ciao,nei dintorni della riviera toscana ci sono molti posti interessantida vedere, sia lungo la costa che nell’entroterra. Se vuoivisitarli, il Consorzio Riviera Toscana ti mette a disposizionequesta app On The Road che ti propone alcune guide dei luoghi piùcaratteristici della zona. Le guide presentano degli itineraritracciati attraverso borghi, siti di interesse storico enaturalistico e le zone di produzione delle eccellenzeenogastronomiche locali. Gli itinerari comprendono anche moltipunti panoramici da dove potrai vedere dei paesaggi bellissimi chemostrano in che modo ogni punto di interesse dell’itinerario sialegato al territorio che stai visitando.Nell’applicazione troverai la presentazione delle guide disponibilie potrai scaricare direttamente quelle che ti interessano. Io saròdentro a ogni guida e ti accompagnerò per tutta l’escursioneparlandoti di quanto vedrai e fornendoti informazioni dettagliatesui punti dell’itinerario. Mi puoi consultare anche sottol’ombrellone e poi, magari, organizzare l’escursione il giornodopo. Provami! sono sicuro che non te ne pentirai.Hello,in the vicinity of the Tuscan Riviera there are many interestingplaces to see, both along the coast and inland. If you would liketo visit, the Consortium Tuscan Riviera provides you with this appOn The Road that offers you some guides of the most characteristicof the area. The guides have tracked the routes through villages,historical sites and natural areas and the production of local foodand wine specialties. The itineraries include many vantage pointsfrom where you can see some beautiful scenery that show how eachpoint of interest is linked to the territory of the route you arevisiting.In the application you will find the presentation of the guidesavailable and you can download directly those that interest you. Iwill be in each guide and accompany you throughout the tour byspeaking of what you will see and gives you detailed informationabout the route points. I can also see under the umbrella and then,perhaps, to organize the trip the next day. Try Me! I'm sure youwill not regret.