App Information King's Bounty: Legions
- App NameKing's Bounty: Legions
- Package Namecom.kranx.kbl
- UpdatedApril 19, 2017
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 4.0.3 and up
- Version
- DeveloperNival
- Installs1,000,000 - 5,000,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryStrategy
- DeveloperVisit website Email [email protected] Privacy Policy134 S Dixie Hwy, Suite 200 Hallandale, FL 33009
- Google Play Link
King's Bounty: Legions Version History
Select King's Bounty: Legions Version :-
King's Bounty: Legions 1.10.80 APK File
Publish Date: 2018 /10/4Requires Android: Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API: 16)File Size: 21.9 MBTested on: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API: 26)File Sha1: 3270a6f88ef86a7c980a7ef17fb5d0cee6c9a3cf -
King's Bounty: Legions 1.10.80 OBB Main File
File Size: 323.5 MBData: mainFetch Date: 2018/10/4File Sha1: 5c373d1c07bb5fdf7fb26193a531c8a2938c865b -
King's Bounty: Legions 1.9.215 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /4/26Requires Android: Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API: 15)File Size: 16.5 MBTested on: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API: 23)File Sha1: cd93f551f530abc857b15ec908af76763ebe43ab -
King's Bounty: Legions 1.9.215 OBB Main File
File Size: 278.9 MBData: mainFetch Date: 2017/4/26File Sha1: b59d51831f0a73da6343ba353a7e4a11076be8b5 -
King's Bounty: Legions 1.9.210 APK File
Publish Date: 2016 /11/14Requires Android: Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Size: 13.6 MBTested on: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean, API: 18)File Sha1: 23646e8045101bbeb122cb096d6d5b8878d22b1d -
King's Bounty: Legions 1.9.210 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /3/7Requires Android: Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 10)File Size: 13.6 MBTested on: Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean, API: 18)File Sha1: 3064c26fcd068bc6dfff05552c88cae904d30b4b
How to Install the OBB File (APK Expansion File)
- Firstly, Download APK file of the app King's Bounty: Legions for Android.
- Copy the APK file to your Android device's SD card and Install it. (Don't open it after installation)
- Download Obb files and copy the *.obb file named '' into the required location:
/SDCARD/Android/obb/com.kranx.kbl/ - The full/absolute path of the obb file should look like as the following (Case-sensitive):
If there is no such location, you need to create the path or folder manually on your SD card.
Nival Show More...
Defenders: TD Origins APK
Join over the 5 millions players in thePrime’s World Universe and fight off hordes of monsters createdfrom a mysterious cataclysm event!Defenders: TD origins merges classic tower defense gameplay withcollectible card mechanic.Your towers, spells and traps - all are the magic cards. Collectthem, fuse them and get them even more powerful! Freeze, burn,poison, explode and slash countless enemies with unique Magic andTower collection!Choose your cards carefully, play them strategically and expectheavy resistance along the way - from small and harmless mutatedfungi to powerful giant goblins and dragons!Enhance your hero spells and skills, be strategic and try HeroicMode to become the greatest Defender.KEY FEATURES:Stunning 3D-graphics with amazing effects truly best in theirgenre;Unique mix of tower defense strategy with collectible card gameelements;Over 26 battle towers - the greatest TD arsenal ever;Up to 25 levels of tower upgrades to improve the devastatingexperience;Over 13 kinds of deadly magic spells to burn the evil;Over 36 types of violent monsters: underground, exploding,swarming, intelligence, phantom and mighty bosses with uniqueabilities;Your own strategy for every map - find the unique combination oftowers and magic to build an incredible defense!Special placements on the map and anomalies to boost your powerfulattacks;Heroic mode for truly experienced TD VeteransCaptivating storyline with 23 missions, extra boss levels, andrandomly generated missions;HEARD ON THE MEDIA:«It is truly one of the most beautiful TD titles to ever hitAndroid» - AndroidHeadlines«The graphics are fantastic and the few changes in an establishedformula makes for a great little game» -«Getting strong towers and magic and using them intelligently is alot of fun, especially since there’s no arbitrary energy to limithow much you can play» -«TD That's More Than a Pretty Face» -«A lot of fun and one of the best tower defense games on themarket»- gamingnexus.comAwesome 3D graphics, ultimate TD arsenal, immersive environment,powerful towers, deadly spells, Runes, Totems, heroes and dragonsand even more amazing features!Try it right now and claim the Prime!Join us on Facebook at
Defenders 2: Tower Defense CCG 1.9.231260 APK
Meet the Defenders 2 - new TD strategy game inthe legendary Prime World series with unique combination of thetower defense and collectible card game!Enter a mysterious and magic land stricken by a cataclysm and nowthriving with powerful artifacts and immense treasure guarded byfurious monster hordes. Build up your defense and fight against thewaves of evil with magic and tower power! Let the world knows whois the real TD master here!Key features:- Collect all 40 unique towers and 20 deadly magic spells - theultimate TD arsenal;- Customize your tower and spell collection with powerfulRunes;- Use your defenses to crush Underground, Intelligent, Swarming,Exploding, Phantom and 20 other monster types and 29 uniquebosses!- Play the game the way you like - find the unique combination oftower and magic arsenal to build the superior defense!- Fight with other players to pump up your tower collection intomonster-slaughtering war ma-chines!- Used to good weather? Test your defense with survival nightlevels filled with tornado and storm power challenges!- Different TD game modes - Hunt, Raid and Assault levels and therule-them-all Hard mode for truly tower defense fans!Awesome 3D graphics, immersive environment, powerful towers, deadlyspells, Totems, Anomalies and many more! Try the game now and jointhe struggle for Prime!Note: A network connection is required to playJoin us on Facebook at
King's Bounty: Legions APK
Save worlds and fight alongside friends in oneof the finest strategy games!One of the world's best and most popular strategy games is now onAndroid! Remarkable 3D graphics allow the player to immerse intotheir beloved King's Bounty universe with the same depth as theseries' original games, and wage battle against their friends inPvP for the first time.Game Features and Elements:★ Extraordinary 3D graphics;★ Many locations, captivating quests;★ Play with hundreds of thousands of players from all over theworld, invite your friends;★ Choose the strongest soldiers and the best gear;★ One account for Android and Facebook – play your favorite gameboth on Android devices and on your computer;★ Assemble an invincible army and crush your enemies in PvPbattles;★ Take part in tournaments, unite in clans and discuss strategy inan online chat.★★★★★ "One of the top turn-based strategies. And free to boot.Truly free to play, allowing you to play your heart out withoutpaying for anything…"★★★★★ "… The finest game in its genre :) :) :)""Behind the sugary-sweet exterior (pastoral landscapes, "toy box"character models, bright colors) lurks a surprisingly cunningturn-based strategy game that's sure to take up all of your freetime…" – Kanobu.ruDefeat everyone in King’s Bounty: Legions!
Requirements: the game requires an Internet connection.
Blade of God (MMORPG) APK
Blade of God - эпическая сага в огромномволшебном мире, где Вам предстоит стать героем и вступить в битву сужасным демоном Балрогом. Вооружившись мечом и магией, Выотправитесь в долгое приключение, спасете наследницу Богини исразитесь со множеством необычных противников. Одержать победу заправое дело Вам помогут верные спутники, новые друзья и дажеГильдия.Игровые особенности:- Полноценная Action-RPG, адаптированная под Android- Более 400 сюжетных миссий, ежедневных квестов и игровыхсобытий- Красочные бои с яркой анимацией, уникальной для каждогогероя- Развитая механика персонажей, включающая более 500 умений икомбо- Система спутников, позволяющая тренировать, снаряжать и улучшатьредкость боевых питомцев и соратников- Множество PvP-режимов - Арена, Гильдейские схватки и дружескиебои- Героические подземелья, охота на монстров и рейд-боссы- Сочная трехмерная графика с невероятными спецэффектамиМНОГОСТОРОННЕЕ РАЗВИТИЕ ПЕРСОНАЖАЗахватывающие приключения в масштабном фэнтези мире бесплатной3D ММО Blade of God начинаются с создания персонажа одного из трехклассов: Мага, Воина или Стража. Для каждого класса предлагаютсяуникальные умения и навыки, тактика и экипировка. Каждый класспо-разному проявляет себя, встречаясь с противниками. Выберите, чтоближе Вам: отвага Воина, огненные чары Мага или кошмарные духи ипризрачные хранители, служащие Стражу!АРМИЯ ПИТОМЦЕВ ПОД ВАШИМ УПРАВЛЕНИЕМВ сражениях с волшебниками Братства Тьмы и древним злом -Балрогом, Вам придет на помощь волшебное существо: спутник. И неодно, а целая армия! В игре десятки спутников: драконы, духи,хранители, демоны, ангелы, волшебные звери. Каждый обладаетуникальными способностями, играет свою роль в сражении, взависимости от класса: атакующего, исцеляющего или защитного. Акомбинации питомцев делают их еще сильнее, открывая скрытыехарактеристики. Отвага поможет вам собрать отряд, который будетподходить Вашему игровому стилю и изматывать врага непробиваемойзащитой, уничтожать сокрушительными атаками или ослаблять ядом иогнем!ПРОДУМАННАЯ РОЛЕВАЯ СИСТЕМАКаждый класс персонажа, каждое существо или спутник интереснышироким набором улучшаемых характеристик: Free-to-play игра Bladeof God - настоящая фэнтези ММО с особенностями Action RPG! Деревонавыков и умений для персонажа, способности спутников, разнообразиеснаряжения: артефакты, геройская экипировка, стигматы, гербы,магические камни. Все это можно еще улучшать и эволюционировать,открывая скрытые свойства предметов! Смело можем сказать, что 3Dвселенная Blade of God предлагает больше возможностей длявдумчивого развития, чем многие другие ММО для мобильныхустройств!МНОЖЕСТВО ИГРОВЫХ СОБЫТИЙМасштабный 3D мир и запутанный фэнтези сюжет - не все, чем Васможет заинтересовать бесплатная ММО и Экшн РПГ Blade of God. Если вВас есть отвага, Вы завоюете славу в ежедневных PVP-турнирах:Колизее, Арене, Пике Славы. А когда Вам понадобится более мощнаяэкипировка, Вы покажете себя умелым тактиком в ежедневныхPVE-ивентах: Испытаниях и Сокровищнице Львиного сердца. А помешатьВам доказать удачу и везение не смогут даже кошмарные духи,хранители подземелий в PVE-рейдах. Стремитесь к вершинам рейтингови опережайте друзей: чем выше ваше место, тем большую награду Выполучите! Возможно, это будет невиданно сильное существо для Вашегоотряда!ВОЙНЫ ГИЛЬДИЙКогда каждый спутник и каждое существо в вашей армии окрепнут ивами будет создана мощная экипировка, ваша отвага позволит вамприсоединиться к одной из гильдий или даже создать свою. Вас будутждать рейды в подземелья, сражения с боссами, живое общение ссоклановцами. И еженедельная Битва Королей - двухдневныйPVP-турнир, в котором сражаются гильдии со всего сервера.Объединяйте вокруг себя умелых игроков, находите друзей и докажитесо своей гильдией, что вы лучшие хранители фэнтези мира нашейММОРПГ! Духи, служащие его владычице - богине Аоле - помогутВам!Присоединяйтесь к нашей группе Вконтакте: of God - an epicsaga in a vast magical world where you have to become a hero andjoin the battle with a terrible demon Balrog. Armed with a swordand magic, you go on a long adventure, save the heiress of theGoddess and play with a lot of unusual enemies. Defeat for what isright will help you faithful companions, new friends and even theGuild. Game features: - Full Action-RPG, adapted for Android- More than 400 story missions, the daily quests and gameevents- Colorful battles with striking animations unique to eachcharacter- The development of mechanics characters, including more than 500skills and combos- System of satellites, can train, equip and improve uncommoncombat pets and companions- Lots of PvP-modes - Arena, Guild fights and friendly fights- Heroic dungeons, hunting monsters and raid bosses- Juicy three-dimensional graphics with amazing special effectsMultilateral development CHARACTERExciting adventures in the fantasy world of large-scale free 3DMMO Blade of God begin with the creation of the character of one ofthree classes: Mage, Warrior or Guardian. For each class offersunique skills, tactics and equipment. Each class is differentmanifests itself, meeting with the enemy. Choose what is closer toyou: courage Warrior, Mage or fiery spell nightmarish ghostlyspirits and keepers serving Guard!ARMY pet under your controlIn battles with the wizards of the Brotherhood of Darkness andancient evil - Balrog, you come to the aid of magical creature:satellite. And not one but a whole army! The game has dozens ofsatellites, dragons, spirits, keepers, demons, angels, magicalbeasts. Each has unique abilities, it plays a role in the battle,depending on the class: attack, healing or protection. Acombination of pets make them even more, revealing the hiddencharacteristics. Courage helps you to assemble a squad that willfit your gaming style and harass the enemy impenetrable defense,destroy or weaken the devastating attacks of poison and fire!Thoughtful role systemEach character class, each being a satellite or a wide range ofinteresting characteristics are improved: Free-to-play game Bladeof God - a real fantasy MMO with features Action RPG! Tree skillsfor the character, ability of satellites, a variety of equipment:artifacts heroic equipment, the stigmata, the arms, the magicstones. All this can still improve and evolve, revealing the hiddenproperties of objects! We can safely say that the 3D universe Bladeof God offers more opportunities for the development of thoughtfulthan many other MMO for mobile devices!MANY gaming eventsLarge-scale 3D fantasy world and intricate plot - not all thatyou may be interested in free MMO RPG and Action Blade of God. Ifyou have courage, you will gain fame in the daily PVP-tournaments:Coliseum Arena, the peak of fame. And when you need a more powerfulequipment, you will show himself a skillful tactician in dailyPVE-of Event: Test and Treasury Lionheart. A stop you prove yourluck and luck can not even nightmarish spirits Dungeon Keepers inPVE-raids. Aim for the top ranking and staying ahead of friends:the higher your site, the more rewards you will receive! Perhaps itwill be unprecedentedly strong creature for your squad!Guild WarsAs each satellite and each creature in your army will getstronger and you will create a powerful industrial complex, yourcourage will allow you to join a guild, or even create your own.You will be glad to raid dungeons, battles with the bosses, livecommunication with clanmates. And the weekly Battle of Kings -PVP-two-day tournament in which the guild battle with the entireserver. Unites skilled players find friends and prove with hisguild, you are the best keepers of the fantasy world of our MMORPG!Spirits serving his Mistress - goddess Aole - will help you!Join our FaceBook group:
Prime World: Alchemy 1.0.3 APK
A wonderful original puzzle game! Create newingredients for your alchemical experiments!Use your special alchemy board to combine items in sets ofthrees and create new items. Three drops of Prime will give you abulb; three bulbs will give you a flask, and so on, all the way upto the intricate Prime Generator! Along the way, you will have toget rid of nasty Odd creatures that try to ruin your research.You have two minutes for each experiment, so use your timewisely to get new useful items and skills that will come in handydown the road. Help the young Alchemist finish her education andtake the world by storm!
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Warlords of Aternum 1.12.0 APK
EPIC STRATEGY. HEROIC PROPORTIONS.Meet your enemies on the battlefield, and put your tactics to thetest. Recruit, train and build your army to battle and conquerevery opponent in this turn-based strategy game.Collect and recruit dozens of units to turn your regiments from ahandful of militia into a steeled fighting force. Equip andcustomize each unit, develop weapons and armor, and mastergame-changing abilities.Compete in intense PVP battles against the Warlords of Aternumcommunity and climb to the top of the leaderboards. Do you havewhat it takes to become a true Warlord?JOIN THE FIGHTTake on the orc horde, roaming bandits and fellow warlords inintense turn-based PvE or PvP battlesYOUR MOVE, YOUR VICTORYMake the right tactical decisions to dominate intense 3D animatedcombat on the hexagonal battlefieldUNITE THE LANDBuild your army from the ground up and forge powerfulalliancesEQUIP YOUR TROOPSDiscover legendary weapons, and unlock tide-turning specialabilitiesDEFEND YOUR HOMEMarch through dozens of shires and explore the fantasy land ofDunmarDESTROY YOUR ENEMIESHoist your banner at the top of the PVP leaderboardsWarlords of Aternum is free to download and play, but it alsoallows you to purchase virtual items with real money inside thegame. You can disable in-app purchases in your device’ssettings.Warlords of Aternum requires internet access to play and access itssocial features. Warlords of Aternum may also containadvertising.Are you ready to join the fight?
Heroes 3 and Mighty Magic:TD Fantasy Tower Defence 2.0.2 APK
The Union series of the most devilishly addictive TD strategy TowerDefence games - a strategy where battle towers look like powerfulmonsters. Clash will be held between 8 fantasy factions. Now youcan choose against whom you will defend. Your enemy is one offantasy factions: unlimited Dungeon creatures from abandoned caves,mighty dragons and Minotaur. Against endless legion of skeletonsand zombies from wasteland In the Necropolis of undead. Or versusinfinite horde of darkness demon and devils from badlands hell inInferno. They decided to seize your peaceful fantasy kingdom whereyou a King (or empress) to smite you and turn your hero and hisdisciples to their slaves. Be the defender, save your castle andkill them. Like Tower Defence games about medieval ages? Then thisfantastic strategy game with lots of strategic decisions for you.Get ready for an epic adventure. Choose mighty heroes, exposedefences of your battle towers. Equip your hero in mighty artifactslike ancient sword, shield and armor, keep ready the powerfulspells from magic book, to defend the fortress from legion ofmighty monsters. FEATURES: • Tower Defence strategy, that will hookyou for hours! • 3 different TD campaigns against legendarypowerful black dragons and horde of Minotaur s from the Dungeon,skeletons, bloodthirsty vampires and legion zombies from theNecropolis, horde devils and demon s from the Inferno. • Tons ofancient artifacts that increase your skills of war and money, mightand magic, leadership and defence mastery • Over 42 (14 for eachcampaign) different enemies will rush your medieval ages fantasykingdom to smite you and turn your disciples into slaves. FromMinotaurs to Dragon, Fantastic Beasts with offensive and castledefence skills! (Beware of the Necromancer, Black Dragons andDevils!) You will enjoy the most addictive tower defense game ever!• 5 unique races of defenders: brave knight, sublime forest griffinand pure angel from Castle, arrogant elf, greedy dwarf (leprechaun)and mighty dragon from Rampart, disciples mage, gargoyles, gremlinsand golem from the Tower, orc sniper and ogre mage from Strongholdand Fantastic Beasts from swamp Fortress. • 73 battle towers withmight and magic skills will help you to stop monsters. • Chooseyour Hero! You can play with 40 legendary heroes and generals.Choose your champion to lead your TD turrets to the victory! Heroesand generals have unique specialties that fit different playstyles! One hero is a mage with ancient knowledge, and other amighty warrior with might, fighting and defence skills. • The magicof the 4 elements: fire, water, air, earth • Tons of ancientartifacts which increase your might, magic and leadership skills. •Three difficulty modes! Are you up for a real challenge? Go withHard mode! • Enjoy TDMM Fantasy Tower Defence games TD for Free! •Deathmatch mode that will challenge your tactical skills to thelimit. • A totally free tower defence If you like TD or games aboutthe medieval ages our tower defence games will not leave youindifferent. FOLLOW US: VK: FB: instagram:
Free Heroes 2 (T-800 mod) 3287.23 APK
Free realization of the Heroes of Might and Magic II withTournament and Campaign support. Free Heroes2 (T-800 mod) is up todate moditication of open source engine fheroes2. The main thing init is the Campaign support! Up to now it suports 3 Campaigns - 2original campaigns and new one T-800. Installing the game: As faras Free Heroes 2 (T-800 Mod) is an open source realization of thegame Heroes of Might and Magic II, you need the data files from theoriginal game which you can download with the DEMO Heroes2 versionfrom the Start up menu. If you have a FULL version of Heroes 2 gamefor PC (Dos or Windows version), simply copy the files from theoriginal game to the SD card in the directoryapp-data/ How to install Russian,Spanish other languages take a look in the video If you have anyquestions regarding to installation or configuration of the game Iwill be happy to help any time.
1943 Deadly Desert - a WW2 Strategy War Game 1.3.2 APK
Action-packed World War 2 battles for the desert territories awaityou. Your ingenuity and leadership skills as general will determinevictory or defeat. Will you survive the toughest fight in history?“1943 – A hot, dusty wind sweeps through the camp. Scouts report ofheavy Wehrmacht forces. The Desert Fox is rapidly pushing towardsthe western oasis. All combat-ready British troops are on highalert to fend off the invasion. At the same time, the Axis powersare preparing the assault on a vital resupply center. En route totheir next battle, with heavy tanks, artillery and supply vehicles.Which side will you choose?” TOTAL WORLD WAR This is the decisiveWorld War II battle between the Allied forces and the Axis powers!Choose your path and lead your army to victory! TURN-BASED TACTICALWARFARE The right war strategy is the key to the ultimate victory!Issue orders to your officers on the battlefield. They’ll motivate,inspire and strengthen the troops assigned to their command!DANGEROUS MISSIONS Become the greatest general of all time andprove your tactical skills in plenty of different war campaigns!Unlock new missions, maps and scenarios! MASSIVE WEAPON ARSENALYour tactical possibilities are nearly limitless. Fight with tanks,warplanes, infantry, paratroopers, artillery and many otherpowerful special forces and weaponry! VARIETY OF BATTLEFIELDS Breakthrough the enemy lines by land and air! Lead your soldiers intobattle and crush your enemies on the historical battlefields ofAfrica! STRATEGY AT ITS BEST Even more new units for your tacticalgenius! Order devastating air strikes or command a forced march.The stakes are high, but the prize of a glorious victory awaits!Features: ✔ FREE TO PLAY ✔ Turn-based strategy action in WW2 ✔Thrilling campaigns and challenging missions ✔ Continuously updatedQuests with fantastic rewards ✔ A must have for every strategy gamefan ✔ Many different military units ✔ PVP online multiplayerbattles ✔ Pass-and-Play multiplayer battles ✔ Detailed graphics andepic sounds ✔ Full tablet support ✔ Supports Google Play gameservices You can play ‘1943 Deadly Desert’ entirely for FREE,though various items are available via in-app purchase. If youdon’t want to use in-app purchases, please deactivate them in yourdevice settings. Thank you for playing ‘1943 Deadly Desert’! ©HandyGames 2019
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New fhx for coc 1.1.0 APK
Clash of Clans FHx Server Switcher * ROOT*Server FHx CoC Switcher allows you to connect to Clash of ClansPrivate Server, made by Ultrapowa, automatically modifying thehosts file. List currently contains 10 servers and made usinginformation shared by users on forums ultrapowa.* You have Unlimited Gem, Coins, Elixir* One application that contains Server UpdateLinking you to the CoC Private Server*Easy to use*Free!This application is used for smartphones already in ROOT
Castle Clash: Escuadrón Audaz 1.7.7 APK
●●● ¡Ensamble sus fuerzas para un choque másgrande y mejor! ●●●¡Envuelto con una emocionante y acelerada estrategia de combate,Castle Clash es un juego de proporciones épicas! Contrate a héroespoderosos para dirigir a su ejército de criaturas míticas. ¡Peleasu manera de convertirse en el mayor señor de la guerra del mundo!¡Pon tus estrategias a prueba en calabozos, redadas, y más! ¡Conmás de 100 millones de jugadores en todo el mundo, siempre esmomento de Clashear!Ahora disponible en Japonés, Francés, Alemán, Español, Italiano,Ruso, y Coreano.Características del juego:* Crea y fortalece un Castillo impenetrable!* Crea más grande ejército entre una docena de tropasdiferentes!* Recolecta y evoluciona docenas de poderosos héroes!* Reúne a tus héroes favoritos para el nuevo "Campeonato"!* Únete con amigos y clashers de todo el mundo para luchar contrajefes poderosos!* Inscríbete en la Guerra de Alianzas y la Batalla deFortaleza!* Modos co-op y PvP más emocionantes que cualquier otro juego deestrategia móvil!Nota: Este juego requiere una conexión a internet.Contacta con nosotrosFacebook:●●● Join your forces fora bigger and better shock! ●●●Wrapped with an exciting and accelerated strategy combat, CastleClash is a game of epic proportions! Hire powerful heroes to leadyour army of mythical creatures. He fights his way to becoming thebiggest warlord in the world! Put your strategies to the test indungeons, raids, and more! With over 100 million players worldwide,it's always time Clashear!Now available in Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian,Russian, and Korean.Game features:* Create and strengthen an impenetrable castle!* Create greatest army from a dozen different troops!* Collects and develops dozens of powerful heroes!* Gather your favorite heroes for the new "Champion"!* Join with friends and clashers around the world to fight powerfulbosses!* Enroll in the Guild War and the Battle of Fortaleza!* Modes co-op and PvP more exciting than any other mobile strategygame!Note: This game requires an internet connection.Contact usFacebook:
Mobile Strike APK
Become an action hero like ArnoldSchwarzenegger in the new game of modern war - Mobile Strike!Build a base, control the action, and test your elite troopsagainst enemies on the battlefield! With cutting-edge assaultvehicles in your arsenal this worldwide MMO game tests your abilityto wage a tactical and intelligent war.It's not whose arsenal is bigger, it's whose arsenal is best!Design a customized base to reflect the kind of hero you want tobe. Amass defenses to protect your base, or manufacture an arsenalunrivaled on the battlefield! In true MMO fashion you can join analliance and bring to bear the benefits of a multilateral force asyou dominate the action and become the Head of State in an entirelynew kind of action game!✔Join with millions of players from around the world✔ Forge powerful alliances with elite players against formidableenemies✔ Build and customize your base✔ Engage with rogue war machines on the battlefield to collectitems and experience✔Train, level up and supply your commander with superiorfirepower✔Use modern combat vehicles, artillery, and strategic units✔Command 4 military tiers consisting of 16 troop typesCheck out the elite new MMO Mobile Strike, a war game to end allwar games!Privacy Policy: of Service: Page:
Lords Mobile 2.96 APK
Want to clash with 50 million global players?Dive into LORDS MOBILE, the real-time-strategy mobile MMO gamenominated as Google Play's "Most Competitive Game of 2016!"Explore exotic magical lands thrown into chaos by terrifyingmonsters and powerful enemies. Choose your favorite heroes, makenew friends, and charge fearlessly into war! Strike down your foesand build an empire!FEATURES☆ An Open-World Mobile Game ☆Join with millions of players in an open world, on mobile! See,chat, and clash with other players in this MMO game!☆ Finding Friends ☆Unite your allies in your kingdom and ride into war together!☆ Rule as the Emperor ☆Claim the throne in a battle royale for the kingdom! Will yourlegacy as a ruler be just or cruel?!☆ Powerful Heroes ☆Recruit and upgrade heroes with unique skills and character! Letthem lead your kingdom to glory, or mix and match them to completean RPG-style campaign that you will want to play again andagain!☆ Master Your Strategy ☆How will you prepare your troops for the clash? Think of newlineups and perfect your strategy! Find the best way to strike downyour opponent in this top-notch mobile MMO SLG!☆ Animated Battles ☆Experience the thrill of war as armies clash in beautiful 3Dgraphics!☆ Switching Kingdoms ☆Establish your empire on new lands by moving to any server you wantwith a simple tap! Get mobile!☆ Choose Your Path ☆Will you conquer enemy kingdoms and imprison rival lords? Will youliberate prisoners of war? Or will your kingdom and empire crumbleto dust?Write your own legacy, only in LORDS MOBILE!Official Facebook Page: This game requires an internet connection to play.[App Permission]Devices running Lollipop (OS 5.1.1) or below can enable thefollowing to save game data on external storage.- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
SRPG Generation of Chaos APK
After “Spectral Souls”, HyperDevbox strikesagain with “Generation of Chaos”, a new 100-hour gameexperience.Build and govern your own kingdom. Engage in 30 vs 30 thrillingbattles in real time to defend and expand your territory. Immerseyourself into each kingdom’s story and play as over 150 charactersthrough 10 different campaigns.Story:The Dravanian revolution ended in 1701 leaving a nation in ruins.In the wake of this chaos, Minister Zeo deftly rose to emerge asDravania’s new leader. Before long, Zeo began to transform Dravaniainto a powerful military force. Now, Dravania has risen from theashes to restore peace and prosperity to the rest of LostGrounds…- 3D Battle Scenes- A massive unique Strategy RPG for Android- Over 150 unique commanders- 10 different campaigns- Over 100 hours of gameplay- 30 vs 30 epic battles in real-time- Animated special attacks and spoken events- Two touch configurations (including a tablet mode)- Support for Touch & Keyboard with key mapping (Left AnalogStick click for SELECT BUTTON and Right Analog Stick Click forSTART BUTTON when using XBOX360 controller)©2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensed andpublished by HYPERDEVBOX .
Block Fortress APK
HUGE update is here! See the changelog for thenew and exciting changes!Build your fortress, and defend it to the end!Block Fortress gives you the freedom to create a stronghold inalmost any way you can imagine, and then puts you in the middle ofthe action trying to defend it from the relentless attacks of themenacing Goblocks! Put your skills as both a builder and a fighterto the test as you try to survive as long as you can!Features:• a unique mix of TD and FPS gameplay• complete freedom to build your base any way you choose, fromtowering fortresses, to sprawling castles• customize your blocks, weapons, and equipment using a massivecrafting system• team up with your friends in 2 player cooperativemultiplayer• fortify your walls with over 30 different building blocks• defend your base with 16 advanced turret types• gear up your avatar with tons of weapons and equipment• lots of support blocks - including power generators, depthcharges, land mines, spotlights, teleporters, and more• day and night cycle - build lights and spotlights to prepareyourself for the harsh night!• several game modes, including a "free build" sandbox mode and amore intense survival mode• 6 different types of terrain to conquer• upload and share your creations, and download others