/ December 8, 2021
(3.1/5) (321)


King of Worlds is an SLG game with amazing war systems. The kingdomis now in your grip. Recruit ancient heroes to fight alongside you.Train your army and conquer to become the best of the best! [GameFeatures] ◆ Great heroes at your service ◆ Conquer with Greatheroes in any expedition A variety of skills for you to arrangeAccomplish the mission to conquer the world! ◆ Conquer the Wonders,Conquer the World ◆ The Wonders locate at different parts of theworld Whoever conquered it, can rule the world! Now, it’s time totest your ability as Leader It is no longer dream to become theKing of all! ◆ Form Alliance to strengthen your Power◆ It is betterto have one more friend than one more enemy Form Alliance anddevelop your Power Strengthen Alliance fortress to secure yourterritory! ◆ A good Adviser that can save your day ◆ Your adviserwill remind you on missions that needed to be complete and guideyou through the game. They also have special skills and extra buffthat could help you! By completing Adviser’s missions, you couldearn amazing rewards too. ◆ Grab amazing rewards even when you’reoffline ◆ Exclusive SLG idle gameplay, earn rewards without stayingonline Tons of Hero EXP, resources, speedups, Hero shards, crystalsand more amazing rewards are waiting for you! JOIN US ※ Facebookpage:https://www.facebook.com/KOW.mobile/ ※ Twitter:https://twitter.com/kow_mobile ※ Officialwebsite:https://kow.7senses.com/ Note: ※ This game is free fordownload. But it has a top-up store. You are advised to spendwisely according to personal interest and ability. ※ Playing gamefor long hours might affect normal work and rest. You are advisedto take rest and exercise appropriately. ※ The rules andprecautions for the use of this game are listed on the King ofWorlds Terms of Service (http://kow.7senses.com/terms-of-service)and SEVEN SENSES GAME CO., LTD. Privacy Policy(http://kow.7senses.com/privacy-policy). Optional access Camera:Allows the camera to take photos or videos and upload Photos:Allows the application to store or upload photos and videos Files:Allows the application to read, edit or delete from the externalstorage. ※ You can still use the service without allowing the aboveaccess. How to revoke approved access ※ Android 6.0 or above:Setting → APP → Choose “King of Worlds” → Permissions → Choose“Allow” or “Deny” ※ Below Android 6.0: Update the version or deleteAPP ※ When the APP didn’t ask for permissions individually, youcould use the above method to Allow or Deny permissions. SystemRequirements: ※ Later than Android 5.0 ※ With over 2.0 GB storagespace

App Information King of Worlds

  • App Name
    King of Worlds
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 8, 2021
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 5.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Unit 2408, 24/F., China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Road Central, H.K
  • Google Play Link

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King of Worlds APK
King of Worlds is an SLG game with amazing war systems. The kingdomis now in your grip. Recruit ancient heroes to fight alongside you.Train your army and conquer to become the best of the best! [GameFeatures] ◆ Great heroes at your service ◆ Conquer with Greatheroes in any expedition A variety of skills for you to arrangeAccomplish the mission to conquer the world! ◆ Conquer the Wonders,Conquer the World ◆ The Wonders locate at different parts of theworld Whoever conquered it, can rule the world! Now, it’s time totest your ability as Leader It is no longer dream to become theKing of all! ◆ Form Alliance to strengthen your Power◆ It is betterto have one more friend than one more enemy Form Alliance anddevelop your Power Strengthen Alliance fortress to secure yourterritory! ◆ A good Adviser that can save your day ◆ Your adviserwill remind you on missions that needed to be complete and guideyou through the game. They also have special skills and extra buffthat could help you! By completing Adviser’s missions, you couldearn amazing rewards too. ◆ Grab amazing rewards even when you’reoffline ◆ Exclusive SLG idle gameplay, earn rewards without stayingonline Tons of Hero EXP, resources, speedups, Hero shards, crystalsand more amazing rewards are waiting for you! JOIN US ※ Facebookpage:https://www.facebook.com/KOW.mobile/ ※ Twitter:https://twitter.com/kow_mobile ※ Officialwebsite:https://kow.7senses.com/ Note: ※ This game is free fordownload. But it has a top-up store. You are advised to spendwisely according to personal interest and ability. ※ Playing gamefor long hours might affect normal work and rest. You are advisedto take rest and exercise appropriately. ※ The rules andprecautions for the use of this game are listed on the King ofWorlds Terms of Service (http://kow.7senses.com/terms-of-service)and SEVEN SENSES GAME CO., LTD. Privacy Policy(http://kow.7senses.com/privacy-policy). Optional access Camera:Allows the camera to take photos or videos and upload Photos:Allows the application to store or upload photos and videos Files:Allows the application to read, edit or delete from the externalstorage. ※ You can still use the service without allowing the aboveaccess. How to revoke approved access ※ Android 6.0 or above:Setting → APP → Choose “King of Worlds” → Permissions → Choose“Allow” or “Deny” ※ Below Android 6.0: Update the version or deleteAPP ※ When the APP didn’t ask for permissions individually, youcould use the above method to Allow or Deny permissions. SystemRequirements: ※ Later than Android 5.0 ※ With over 2.0 GB storagespace
Mia Online 1.2.7 APK
World class 3D Fantasy Open World Action MMORPG at your fingertips!
Eternal:永恆聖約 1.5.0 APK
《ETERNAL:永恆聖約》是一款由日本打造、挑戰極致遊戲體驗的MMORPG。經歷日本四次CBT測試打磨、甫於日本正式上線隨即引爆熱烈話題!玩家可以盡情享受天野喜孝畫筆下的神奇國度、一窺OnlineGame般豐富內容及爽快戰鬥等流暢遊戲畫面,馬上加入體驗最正統的日製MMORPG手遊! 【正統日製JRPG 刻劃恢宏遊戲世界】由日本製作團隊歷時3年建構完整奇幻世界:「諾特尼亞神聖國」與「奧多聯盟」長年累積的衝突、一觸及發的戰爭,委屈求全還是正面交鋒?為了保護自己的家園,馬上上線和你的朋友拿起武器,一起守護洛古西亞大陸!【全景開放地圖 身歷其境奇幻國度】無拘無束的3D全視角的開放地圖,從廣闊無際的原野、夜晚世界樹的奇幻光影到潺潺溪流的波紋,搭配隨著時間、天氣變化的「呼吸的場景」系統,更加真實的天氣與光影轉換效果,讓你彷彿身歷其境《ETERNAL:永恆聖約》奇幻國度之中。【經典職業設定 一角三玩職業特性】沿用「坦補攻」經典職業設定:單雙手都擅長的「戰士」、遠程攻擊擔當的「法師」、輔助團隊的「祭司」還是坦補攻都拿手的「聖騎士」,每個職業都有三種不同特性,保護隊友的聖騎可以輔助補血、補血祭司也可以場控,搭配高自由的技能配點,一角三玩,玩出屬於自己的專屬玩法!【日系捏臉系統 輕鬆打造專屬角色】個性化的創角系統,自由打造你的百變姿態,除了基本的性別、膚色、臉型、體型、髮型、髮色外,更收錄獨家日系造型:精靈耳、貓耳、獸眼甚至異色瞳孔,超過千種以上組合隨心搭配,展現自我風格、創造屬於自己的角色!【真人職業配對 找回深度副本樂趣】擺脫戰力輾壓的無腦副本,獨特的單人配對系統、鮮明職業特色與副本定位,依不同職業、特性,玩家可以選擇合適的職業定位進行配對。多人共鬪、一起推倒地下城的強大BOSS、奪取稀有神裝。沒有最強的職業,每個人都是團隊不可或缺的一員!【號召軍團盟友 團結冒險不再孤單】不管是出團副本、地圖冒險還是開紅報仇,都少不了與朋友共享榮耀!只要成為軍團團員,透過特定活動一起提升軍團等級、增強軍團技能,使平時的戰鬥能力大幅提升,還可以使用自選圖案及外框來製作屬於你們的軍團徽章。快號召志同道合的夥伴讓你的軍團成長茁壯!【生產系統 享受豐富遊戲人生】厭倦了打打殺殺的遊戲人生嗎?除了精彩的戰鬥與副本玩法外,遊戲內還有採集、狩獵等豐富的生產系統、或是酷炫的寵物冒險夥伴與坐騎系統,不論你是想成為手工達人還是滿足自己收集慾望的捕獵高手,都能充分享受戰鬥以外的樂趣與成就。【官方資訊】 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/ETERNAL7s/官方網站:https://eternal.7senses.com/