1.400 / October 12, 2013
(5.0/5) (8)


His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, the37th throne holder of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage anKyabgönd 7threincarnation of the Chetsang Rinpoche is a manifestation ofChenrezig (Avalokiteshvara).
The Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, Konchog Tenzin Kunsang ThrinleLhundrup, was born on the 4th day of the 6th Tibetan month of theFire-Dog-Year 1946 into the aristocratic family of Tsarong inLhasa. This auspicious day marks the anniversary of the Buddha’sfirst turning of the Wheel of Dharma. Many prodigious signs andvisions accompanied his birth. His grandfather, Dasang DamdulTsarong (1888-1959), has been the favorite of the 13th Dalai Lama(1876-1933), Commander General of the Tibetan army and one of themost influential political figures in the early 20th century inTibet. Chetsangs father, Dundul Namgyal Tsarong (b. 1920), held ahigh office in the Tibetan Government and he was still active inimportant positions for the Exile Government in Dharamsala afterthe escape of the Dalai Lama and the cabinet ministers. His mother,Yangchen Dolkar, is from the noble house of Ragashar, whichdescended from the ancient royal dynasty.
Few years after the passing of the previous Drikung Kyabgön, ShiweLodro (1886-1943), two parties began to look for his reincarnationthroughout Tibet. Based on a vision of the Drikung regent TritsabGyabra Rinpoche (1924-1979) at the oracular lake Lhamo Latso and onmany additional divinatory signs, in 1950 the son of the Tsarongfamily was recognized as the reincarnation of the Drikung Kyabgön.The boy subsequently passed numerous tests, such as identifyingreligious items and ritual objects of his former incarnations. Hisincarnation was further confirmed by divinations performed byTaktra Rinpoche (the Regent of Tibet), H.H. the 16th KarmapaRangjung Rigpe Dorje, and H.H. Taklung Matrul.
In the fall of 1950 the formal enthronement as Drikung KyabgönChetsang took place at Drikung Thil, the main monastery of theDrikung Kagyu order.
His Holiness the DrikungKyabgön Chetsang, the 37th throne holder of the Drikung KagyuLineage anKyabgönd 7th reincarnation of the Chetsang Rinpoche is amanifestation of Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara).
The Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, Konchog Tenzin Kunsang ThrinleLhundrup, was born on the 4th day of the 6th Tibetan month of theFire-Dog-Year 1946 into the aristocratic family of Tsarong inLhasa. This auspicious day marks the anniversary of the Buddha'sfirst turning of the Wheel of Dharma. Many prodigious signs andvisions accompanied his birth. His grandfather, Dasang DamdulTsarong (1888-1959), has been the favorite of the 13th Dalai Lama(1876-1933), Commander General of the Tibetan army and one of themost influential political figures in the early 20th century inTibet. Chetsangs father, Dundul Namgyal Tsarong (b. 1920), held ahigh office in the Tibetan Government and he was still active inimportant positions for the Exile Government in Dharamsala afterthe escape of the Dalai Lama and the cabinet ministers. His mother,Yangchen Dolkar, is from the noble house of Ragashar, whichdescended from the ancient royal dynasty.
Few years after the passing of the previous Drikung Kyabgön, ShiweLodro (1886-1943), two parties began to look for his reincarnationthroughout Tibet. Based on a vision of the Drikung regent TritsabGyabra Rinpoche (1924-1979) at the oracular lake Lhamo Latso and onmany additional divinatory signs, in 1950 the son of the Tsarongfamily was recognized as the reincarnation of the Drikung Kyabgön.The boy subsequently passed numerous tests, such as identifyingreligious items and ritual objects of his former incarnations. Hisincarnation was further confirmed by divinations performed byTaktra Rinpoche (the Regent of Tibet), HH the 16th Karmapa RangjungRigpe Dorje, and HH Taklung Matrul.
In the fall of 1950 the formal enthronement as Drikung KyabgönChetsang took place at Drikung Thil, the main monastery of theDrikung Kagyu order.

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Bhumang 4.5.0 APK
Most Venerable Bhumang Rinpoche Born in March30th, 1983, Taipei City, Bhumang Rinpoche (Lobsang Jigme) is thefirst Tibetan Rinpoche incarnated in Taiwan. His parents wereexiled-Tibetans whoimmigrated and worked in Taiwan. The search for the fourthincarnation of Bhumang Rinpoche was guided and authenticated in1984 by H. H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang.The search was no easy task since there had never been anyTibetan rinpoche incarnated to Taiwan. For three years thesearching team had tried several areas in Tibet, Nepal and India,but with no success. Until April 16th, 1987,H. H. Drikung KyabgonChetsang in San Francisco announced that the Bhumang Rinpoche'sincarnation had successfully being located in Taoyuan County,Taiwan.Drikung Kagyu Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche was immediately ordered totravel to Taiwan and met with the 4-year-old child Lobsang Jigme.Two years later, Lobsang Family immigrated to Kathmandu, Nepal. Atage of 6, Bhumang Rinpoche started learning Tibetans, Nepali,English, and Buddhism texts.In November 20th, 1992, Bhumang Rinpoche at age of 9 was officiallyrecognized as a Ven. Rinpoche at Jangchubling, India, and receivedhis Dharma name “Konchok Thinly Namgyal Tempei Nyima.” It wasduring these years that Bhumang Rinpoche received education andcompleted most Buddhism courses in India.In February 2005, Bhumang Rinpoche established the Drikung KagyuBhumang Jampaling in Taipei, Taiwan, providing disciples a place topractice Buddhism teachings. In the following month, his first book“Bhumang Rinpoche– the First Rinpoche Incarnated to Taiwan” waspublished and released to the general public. This book documentedBhumang Rinpoche's previous incarnations, childhood, yearsin school, emotional stories and finally Rinpoche'steachings.The book received an overwhelming response and became number onetop seller in national-chain Eslite Bookstores and second place inKingstone Bookstores.In 2006, Bhumang Rinpoche also devoted much effort to build anotherDrikung Kagyu Bhumang Jampaling in Chauntra, North India. Thismonastery aims at helpingsentient beings for learning Buddhism and conducting rituals.Bhumang Rinpoche truly hopes that all sentient beings to walk oncorrect paths guided by religions, to purify one's own mind andsoul, obtain inner peace, and contribute one's ability to make abetter society.尊貴的 菩曼仁波切1983年誕生於桃園大溪,父母取名為「羅桑吉美」(Lobsang jigme),四歲時 (1987年)經過直貢澈贊、瓊贊兩位法王閉關修法認證指出當時居住在桃園大溪眷村的羅桑吉美是洛吉佩仁波切的轉世。1992年農曆11月20日,印度強久林舉行莊嚴隆重的坐床典禮,當時他才八歲,澈贊法王為羅桑吉美提取法名「konchok thinleynamgyal tempei nyimo」(昆秋 赤列 南杰 滇貝 尼瑪),藏意為「三寶 事業 尊勝 弘揚 太陽」。此後菩曼仁波切一直都在強久林佛學院,接受正統的藏密教育,學習佛法、經論。仁波切一個人在印度接受嚴厲的管教雖是高僧轉世,但是艱苦的訓練並沒有因此減少,生活清苦但心靈富饒。仁波切在佛學院學得十三部大論,如中觀、阿毘答論、唯識論、釋量論、現觀莊嚴論等。又在 澈贊法王的教導下接受祖師吉天頌恭全集的口傳、吉天頌恭甚深法教的口傳、大乘心要教法的口傳、直貢教派五十本尊灌頂、直貢教派所有護法灌頂、八大黑嚕嘎灌頂又習得吉天頌恭密意的教法...等各種心法。仁波切亦在尼泊爾接受頂果法王賈春貝觸的彩虹六部灌頂、取經大寺嚴藏大師持明賈春寧布的全集六部灌頂、又接受堪布吉昆法王十二因緣除障灌頂...等重要教法。經過長15年的嚴謹的佛學課程與僧侶生活,菩曼仁波切對藏語、尼泊爾語、印度語、英語都十分精通,從小就背負著的眾生期待,最大的心願便是再世仍能修成人身,繼續學佛,繼續對眾生弘法。Most Venerable BhumangRinpoche Born in March 30th, 1983, Taipei City, Bhumang Rinpoche(Lobsang Jigme) is the first Tibetan Rinpoche incarnated in Taiwan.His parents were exiled-Tibetans whoimmigrated and worked in Taiwan. The search for the fourthincarnation of Bhumang Rinpoche was guided and authenticated in1984 by HH Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang.The search was no easy task since there had never been anyTibetan rinpoche incarnated to Taiwan. For three years thesearching team had tried several areas in Tibet, Nepal and India,but with no success. Until April 16th, 1987, HH Drikung KyabgonChetsang in San Francisco announced that the Bhumang Rinpoche'sincarnation had successfully being located in Taoyuan County,Taiwan.Drikung Kagyu Lamchen Gyalpo Rinpoche was immediately ordered totravel to Taiwan and met with the 4-year-old child Lobsang Jigme.Two years later, Lobsang Family immigrated to Kathmandu, Nepal. Atage of 6, Bhumang Rinpoche started learning Tibetans, Nepali,English, and Buddhism texts.In November 20th, 1992, Bhumang Rinpoche at age of 9 was officiallyrecognized as a Ven. Rinpoche at Jangchubling, India, and receivedhis Dharma name "Konchok Thinly Namgyal Tempei Nyima." It wasduring these years that Bhumang Rinpoche received education andcompleted most Buddhism courses in India.In February 2005, Bhumang Rinpoche established the Drikung KagyuBhumang Jampaling in Taipei, Taiwan, providing disciples a place topractice Buddhism teachings. In the following month, his first book"Bhumang Rinpoche- the First Rinpoche Incarnated to Taiwan" waspublished and released to the general public. This book documentedBhumang Rinpoche's previous incarnations, childhood, yearsin school, emotional stories and finally Rinpoche'steachings.The book received an overwhelming response and became number onetop seller in national-chain Eslite Bookstores and second place inKingstone Bookstores.In 2006, Bhumang Rinpoche also devoted much effort to build anotherDrikung Kagyu Bhumang Jampaling in Chauntra, North India. Thismonastery aims at helpingsentient beings for learning Buddhism and conducting rituals.Bhumang Rinpoche truly hopes that all sentient beings to walk oncorrect paths guided by religions, to purify one's own mind andsoul, obtain inner peace, and contribute one's ability to make abetter society.Noble Bodhisattva Manrenboqie1983 was born in Taoyuan Dasi, parents named "Luo Sangji Beauty"(Lobsang jigme), the age of four (1987) through satin Che Chan,Joan King Retreat Like two certified pointed out at that time toamend the law to live in Taoyuan Dasi US military dependentsLuosang Ji Luo Jipei Rinpoche is the reincarnation.1992 Lunar November 20, India-long forest held solemn enthronementceremony, when he was only eight years old, Che Chan Mei Luo SangjiHoliness to extract Farmington "konchok thinley namgyal tempeinyimo" (Queensland autumn red Lie Nanjie Dian Bei Nima), Tibetanword for "sun promote Sambo career Holiness." ThereafterBodhisattva Manrenboqie been strong for a long time I'm BuddhistInstitute, accepted orthodox Tibetan Buddhism education, studyBuddhism, by the theory. Rinpoche a person to accept strictdiscipline in India although monks reincarnation, but hard traininghas not decreased, but the soul lives impoverished rich.Rinpoche Buddhist Institute to learn thirteen big theory, such asthe concept of the Arab-Israeli border A theory of Consciousnesson, release the amount of theory, abhisamayalankara like. Alsoaccepts Chung Ji-day founder Christine Collection's mouth,Christine Chung Ji-day oral profound teachings of Mahayanateachings heart to mouth, satin sect fifty deity initiations, satinsect Che Like all law enforcement in the teachings of His Holinessinitiations, initiations and eight black chatter Ga Acquisitionsoulful Christine Chung Ji-day teachings ... and othermiscellaneous.Rinpoche also accept in Nepal His Holiness Dilgo JIA Chun Puitouch of rainbow six initiations, learn Tibetan Temple Yan Chunmaster who 明贾 Ningbu complete works six initiations, and to acceptHis Holiness Origination Chu Zhang Kan 布吉昆 initiations ... andother important teachings.After 15 long years of rigorous curriculum and Buddhist monksliving Bodhisattva Manrenboqie of Tibetan, Nepali, Hindi, Englishare very proficient, childhood beings burdened with expectations,then the world's largest wish is still coming into personalcontinue to Buddhism, Dharma beings continue.
法妍珠寶 4.0.3 APK
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夏之戀泳裝 4.1.2 APK
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美兆健檢向振亞 1.401 APK
追求全品質健康生活 讓您「活得久、活得好、老得慢」!美兆國際健康管理機構1988年以自動化健檢服務投入預防保健行列,致力推廣健康管理。在追求全品質健康生活目標下,以三階段—檢查、評估、對策,和八步驟—檢測、監測、分析、評估、預測、預警、干預、追蹤,為每一位重視健康的人,做好健康管理與疾病預防。20多年來的耕耘,美兆在台灣、香港、大陸、馬來西亞四地建構國際級連鎖健康管理服務網絡,「MAJOR美兆自動化健檢服務系統」已累積150萬筆資料量,美兆朝向「一億人使用之健康管理平台」前進,建構健康世紀的新藍圖!美兆理念─活得久、活得好、老得慢對美兆來說,健康除了不生病、少生病,更要透過多元化的健康管理,讓人們「活得久、活得好、老得慢」活出健康的積極意義!美兆核心─「MAJOR美兆自動化健檢服務系統」「MAJOR美兆自動化健檢服務系統」自1994年起以「高效率、高產能、高品質、低成本」的獨創特色,提供美兆會員安全、舒適、獨立、隱私、便利的優質服務,創造高品質高效率的預防保健服務。「MAJOR美兆自動化健檢服務系統」以富人性化且高效率的「電腦交叉排檢」讓受檢者於4小時完成百項檢查,更全球首創「受檢當日提供報告」的高效能服務,成為全球健康管理服務的先驅。美兆願景─打造「一億人使用之健康管理平台」為了發展一條龍健康管理產業,美兆集團整合旗下四大事業體,連結健康產業的點、線、面,發揮企業最大效益,並透過雲端運算,要打造一億人使用之健康管理平台,實現追求全品質健康生活的企業使命。Pursuit of full-qualityhealthy life you "live longer, live better, age slower"!MJ 1988 international health management organizations to automatehealth check services to conduct preventive care ranks, iscommitted to promoting health management. In the pursuit of ahealthy lifestyle full quality objectives to three stages -examination, assessment, response, and eight steps - detection,monitoring, analysis, assessment, forecasting, early warning,intervention, tracking, for every health-conscious people, goodhealth management and disease prevention.20 years of hard work, MJ in Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland China,Malaysia, four to construct world-class health management chainservice network, "MAJOR MJ Health Screening Services AutomationSystem" has accumulated 1.5 million document volume, MJ toward "abillion people use health management platform, "Forward, a newblueprint for building a healthy century!MJ philosophy ─ live longer, live better, age slowerTrillion for the United States, health, in addition to not getsick, less illness, but also to the health management throughdiversification, so that people "live longer, live better, ageslower" live a healthy positive sense!MJ core ─ "MAJOR MJ automated health check service systems.""MAJOR MJ automated health check service system" since 1994, with"high-efficiency, high-capacity, high-quality, low-cost" of theoriginal features, providing MJ member safety, comfort,independence, privacy, convenience services, creating high qualityand high efficiency of preventive health services. "MAJOR MJautomated health check service system" for the rich and efficientnature of the "Computer cross-row location" allows subjects to fourhours to complete one hundred checks, but the world's first "datesubjects provide reporting 'high-performance service , to become apioneer in global health management services.─ MJ vision to create "one hundred million people use the healthmanagement platform."In order to develop one-stop health management industry, MJ Groupconsolidated its four business units, link health industry point,line, surface, enterprises play the maximum benefit and throughcloud computing, to build one hundred million people use the healthmanagement platform, the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle fullquality corporate mission.
詹浩數學 1.399 APK
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KagyuDrikung 1.400 APK
His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, the37th throne holder of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage anKyabgönd 7threincarnation of the Chetsang Rinpoche is a manifestation ofChenrezig (Avalokiteshvara).The Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, Konchog Tenzin Kunsang ThrinleLhundrup, was born on the 4th day of the 6th Tibetan month of theFire-Dog-Year 1946 into the aristocratic family of Tsarong inLhasa. This auspicious day marks the anniversary of the Buddha’sfirst turning of the Wheel of Dharma. Many prodigious signs andvisions accompanied his birth. His grandfather, Dasang DamdulTsarong (1888-1959), has been the favorite of the 13th Dalai Lama(1876-1933), Commander General of the Tibetan army and one of themost influential political figures in the early 20th century inTibet. Chetsangs father, Dundul Namgyal Tsarong (b. 1920), held ahigh office in the Tibetan Government and he was still active inimportant positions for the Exile Government in Dharamsala afterthe escape of the Dalai Lama and the cabinet ministers. His mother,Yangchen Dolkar, is from the noble house of Ragashar, whichdescended from the ancient royal dynasty.Few years after the passing of the previous Drikung Kyabgön, ShiweLodro (1886-1943), two parties began to look for his reincarnationthroughout Tibet. Based on a vision of the Drikung regent TritsabGyabra Rinpoche (1924-1979) at the oracular lake Lhamo Latso and onmany additional divinatory signs, in 1950 the son of the Tsarongfamily was recognized as the reincarnation of the Drikung Kyabgön.The boy subsequently passed numerous tests, such as identifyingreligious items and ritual objects of his former incarnations. Hisincarnation was further confirmed by divinations performed byTaktra Rinpoche (the Regent of Tibet), H.H. the 16th KarmapaRangjung Rigpe Dorje, and H.H. Taklung Matrul.In the fall of 1950 the formal enthronement as Drikung KyabgönChetsang took place at Drikung Thil, the main monastery of theDrikung Kagyu order.His Holiness the DrikungKyabgön Chetsang, the 37th throne holder of the Drikung KagyuLineage anKyabgönd 7th reincarnation of the Chetsang Rinpoche is amanifestation of Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara).The Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang, Konchog Tenzin Kunsang ThrinleLhundrup, was born on the 4th day of the 6th Tibetan month of theFire-Dog-Year 1946 into the aristocratic family of Tsarong inLhasa. This auspicious day marks the anniversary of the Buddha'sfirst turning of the Wheel of Dharma. Many prodigious signs andvisions accompanied his birth. His grandfather, Dasang DamdulTsarong (1888-1959), has been the favorite of the 13th Dalai Lama(1876-1933), Commander General of the Tibetan army and one of themost influential political figures in the early 20th century inTibet. Chetsangs father, Dundul Namgyal Tsarong (b. 1920), held ahigh office in the Tibetan Government and he was still active inimportant positions for the Exile Government in Dharamsala afterthe escape of the Dalai Lama and the cabinet ministers. His mother,Yangchen Dolkar, is from the noble house of Ragashar, whichdescended from the ancient royal dynasty.Few years after the passing of the previous Drikung Kyabgön, ShiweLodro (1886-1943), two parties began to look for his reincarnationthroughout Tibet. Based on a vision of the Drikung regent TritsabGyabra Rinpoche (1924-1979) at the oracular lake Lhamo Latso and onmany additional divinatory signs, in 1950 the son of the Tsarongfamily was recognized as the reincarnation of the Drikung Kyabgön.The boy subsequently passed numerous tests, such as identifyingreligious items and ritual objects of his former incarnations. Hisincarnation was further confirmed by divinations performed byTaktra Rinpoche (the Regent of Tibet), HH the 16th Karmapa RangjungRigpe Dorje, and HH Taklung Matrul.In the fall of 1950 the formal enthronement as Drikung KyabgönChetsang took place at Drikung Thil, the main monastery of theDrikung Kagyu order.
首席時尚醫美診所 4.1.7 APK
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open house 履保自售網 4.1.1 APK
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