1.0.0 / September 4, 2013
(4.7/5) (3)


Guess at logos of popular infotech brandswithIT Logo Quiz!

How many of them are you able to recognize?

Taking part in the “IT Logo Quiz”, you will find out howmanylogos and products of different infotech brands you are abletorecognize!

App Information IT Logo Quiz

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Navigational Assistant for Tourist AttractionLocated in Iloilo (NATALI) is an android application that wouldhelp tourists locates different tourist spots in Iloilo. Thus, thiscontains and shows tourist spot information in Iloilo such aschurches, attractions, landmarks and beaches. Furthermore, NATALIalso provides important information’s, historical backgrounds,facts and trivia’s about Iloilo. NATALI also caters graphicalpositioning system (GPS) for real time location tracking and a mapthat shows tourist spot exact location.Added feature: Commuter’s Guide (from airport, seaports, orjeepney terminals with estimated fare)
uiStudent Pocket Portal 1.0.0 APK
This app will maximize the use of net fiberandbridge the student's of UI-PHINMA anywhere in the globe tochecktheir accounts and soon the availability of modularlearningresources using the method of constructivism. The UI-PHINMAstudentpocket portal is an exploratory type of modeling, using thewebstructure with representation state transfer (REST) tolessentedious tasks of the learners in doing physical visits to theUIcounters and other offices.With this app, the students can understand the significanceofinnovation by reinventing and inventing the wheel ofthetechnology.Developers:Jan Rey Gabasa BSIT 4May Flor Gentoleo BSIT 3Erlan Seguiza BSIT 3Effects and Animation by:CITE.MAS students
B-spot 1.0.0 APK
" B-spot is a tourism app for the 1stdistrictof Iloilo. It describes the various places of the southernlines ofIloilo with basic information of culture, peopleandhistory."Features:1. drag and drop pictures.
Jellyfishing 1.0 APK
Jellyfishing is inspired from thenickelodeonseries, spongebob squarepants. Its goal is reallysimple, just likewhat spongebob does, you have to catch thejellyfish as they rushdown (you might want to move the net a littlefaster). Game stopswhen you can't catch a jellyfish. Settings forthese app may not becompatible with tablets, resolutions are set tophones only.
Welcome to the dungeon of beautifulminds,always thinking of new possibilities to invent new ways tosupportthelife of the people. This app is very basic, no need to reinventthewhole structure of the platform but to maximize theexistingtechnology like the cool web program of weebly.The IDEA CLOUD app was born, it is a knowledge based name, nottomimic the robust cloud system but to dream unity among studentsandprofessionals across the globe.With this app the UI-PHINMA community can interact andexchangeideas what is happening in the PHINMA Community, discussabout thestars and the sky, the on and off issues in the politicalarena,myth of techology and computing, endless battle of LakersandBoston and other issues.Enjoy!
WheelsKo&I 1.0 APK
This apps was anchored to the applicationofgoogle maps maximizing the API of google system. This appscouldlocate the current position and of the iplace of the dividualusinghis/her hand held, cellp phone or tables (Android) It has aGPSfeatures. This app has a dual purpose, it could track vehicleandother devices with gps attached. This is the beta apps. You needtohave a net fiber connection (wifi) to test this apps.Features: (Shake your phone and this apps response toanotheraction:)Version 1.0******Developers:(Pls. check the "about" page of the apps.)
ZomEduventures 1.0 APK
ZomEduventures is an educational gamewhichallows players to answer questions of different subjects(English,Mathematics and Science). The game provides users auser-friendlyinterface that will allow them to make use of the gamemoreeffectively. There are provided reading materials used as basisforthe questions that are included thus far. The game isoperationaland open for added revisions depending on the schools’curriculum.ZomEduventures can be used in any mobile or tabletdevices withAndroid Operating System and in computers and laptopwith flashplayer installed.
Basic Draw (Light Sketch Pad) 1.0 APK
This app was develop using Blocks (Iconbasedtiles of program)Description. The Light Pad draw is a simple and friendly appforall ages. The user's can sketch any objects usingtheirfinger,draw, scrib an instant cartoon image, signs and symbol.Asimple sketch pad that uses the x and y coordinates toinstantiatepixels. Good for children and adults who are interestedinscribbling:) This is suited for the deaf and untutoredindividualswho want to explore the actuality of life:) Havefun.Features:1. User can clear the sreen by shaking it and it will go to thenewscreen2. User can save draw file(beta) using Jpg and Png FIles.The project is the product of PHINMA Education UI-CITEstudentstaking Animation Subjects. The developers are Ms. Balluran,Ms.DelaCruz, Mr.Dello and Mr.Diaz, all incoming 4th year BSIT.Adviser/Instructor- Dr.Arnold M. FuentesCITE Dean- Seth dA. Nono,MSCS