2.6 / January 20, 2015
(4.2/5) (141)


We had to shut this down for the moment. We sincerely thank youforall your supports until now, as it's the only thing that keepsusgoing.

But it seems that we cannot continue for the moment, aswehaven't had enough resource for the development of this app.

Again, thank you!

Nominee of
INAICTA 2013, INCREFEST 2013, and IDEABOX 2013

Indonesian City Explorer is a City Explorer/CityDirectory/CityGuide application that helps you to get almost anyinformation ofcities in Indonesia easily.

Indonesian City Explorer features:
1. Information about a city's public transportations such astaxi,and train.
2. Navigation feature using public transportation (only forJakartacity at the moment).
2. Information about Point of Interests of the city suchasTransport Stations, Parks, Malls, and many more. You can evengetthe direction to go to that particular place from you currentspotusing Google Maps Navigation.
3. Information about culinary served by street vendors
4. A list about some emergency calls to help you when you'regettingstuck in a certain urgent situation.

- Indonesian City Explorer is now providing information forSurabayaand Jakarta city only. We hope we can expand to the othercities aswell in the future.
- For train schedule, we provide all schedule on Java island.
- For "Navigation" feature, the start and destination pointaretaken from our POI data.
- And we're always updating our database, so please be patient.

If you happen to find any bugs, please report it with adetailedexplanation to help us fix it as soon as possible. Thankyou.

tag : city explorer, city directory, city guide,publictransportation, points of interest

Contact :
Website : upwardproject.com
Twitter : @ICityExplorer
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/indonesiancityexplorer
Email : [email protected]

App Information Indonesian City Explorer

  • App Name
    Indonesian City Explorer
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 20, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 3.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Upward Project
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Visit website Email [email protected]
    Spazio, Forward Factory Office, floor 7th JL Letjend Yono Soewoyo Kav 3, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Google Play Link

Upward Project Show More...

Jejakku - Travel Marketplace v1.7.6 APK
Jejakku Travel Marketplace-menjelajahi Negeri,Menjejakkan Arti*Pemenang kompetisi NextDev 2015 oleh Telkomsel*Jejakku adalah aplikasi marketplace travel yang memudahkanmuuntuk menemukan paket wisata Indonesia yang diselenggarakan olehtrip organizer berpengalaman. Paket wisata Indonesia yang ada diaplikasi Jejakku disertai dengan Challenge kegiatan sosial, sepertikonservasi hewan langka, penghijauan, konservasi terumbu karang,mengajar di sekolah pedalaman, aksi pungut sampah, ataupun donasibuku.Jejakku menghubungkan antara traveler , trip organizer ataulocal yang memiliki pengalaman, serta masyarakat/lingkungan sekitartempat wisata yang membutuhkan bantuan menyelesaikan masalahsosial.Pilih paket wisata indonesia yang kamu inginkan, kerjakan Challengeyang ada, dapatkan point-nya, dan tukarkan dengan diskon promomenarik di aplikasi Jejakku!Paket wisata yang bisa kamu pilih antara lain : Paket wisataBromo, paket wisata Banyuwangi, paket wisata Malang, paket wisatapulau Komodo, paket wisata Raja Ampat, ataupun paket wisataBaliDi dalam aplikasi Jejakku, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan informasiwisata Indonesia yang lengkap, mulai dari lokasi, deskripsi, hargatiket, ataupun informasi wisata lainnya sehingga bisa menjadipanduan wisata yang lengkap untukmu. Informasi wisata yang adamerupakan kontribusi dari user Jejakku yang telah dikurasi danterpercaya.Selain itu, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan info event wisata diIndonesia, seperti event wisata Yadnya Ksada di Bromo, event wisataSekaten, ataupun event wisata Jazz Gunung.Sering bingung ketika mau berangkat traveling? Simak juga tips& trik traveling, ataupun catatan perjalanan dari kontributorJejakku yang bakal membuat travelingmu semakin bermakna!Rencana fitur selanjutnya:Kamu akan bisa mendaftar sebagai salah satu trip organizer Jejakku,membuat trip sendiri dan menghasilkan pemasukan untuk kamu sendiri.Kamu juga akan mendapatkan rating dari peserta tripmu untukmembangun reputasi.Ciptakan pengalaman traveling yang unik untuk para traveler, danjangan lupa untuk melakukan kontribusi sosial!Fitur :- Sistem "Poin & Hadiah". Semakin banyak kontribusimu untukJejakku, semakin banyak poin yang bisa kamu dapatkan!- Promo-promo spesial yang bisa kamu dapatkan dengan mengumpulkanpoin di Jejakku.- Info paket wisata Indonesia dengan tantangan sosial untukberkontribusi.- Tantangan sosial untuk berkontribusi di tempat wisata yang kamukunjungi. Beberapa diantaranya diselenggarakan oleh komunitassosial 1000_guru dan Trash Hero Indonesia.- Bagikan kisah dan pengalaman perjalananmu dengan seluruh penggunaJejakku lainnya.- Info wisata di seluruh Indonesia beserta cerita-ceritadibaliknya.- Info event-event yang berkaitan dengan wisata di seluruhIndonesia.- Bantu Jejakku menjadi lebih baik dengan berbagi tentang tempatwisata kamu ketahui.- Berbelanja barang-barang wisata ataupun traveler gear yang bisakamu dapatkan dengan harga terjangkau.Jika kamu menemukan bug, segera laporkan agar dapat diperbaikisecepatnya.Komunikasikan apa yang anda inginkan untuk membuat Jejakku lebihbaik#inijejakku #pesonaindonesia #wisataindonesiaFanpage Facebook : /jejakkuofficialOfficial Twitter : @jejakkuofficialGoogle Plus : JejakkuInstagram : jejakku.coWebsite : jejakku.coTravel Marketplaceexploring my tracks-State, set down Meaning* Winner of the competition NextDev 2015 by Telkomsel *In my footsteps is a travel marketplace application that makesit easy to find travel packages Indonesia organized by anexperienced organizer trip. Indonesia travel package that is in mytracks applications Challenge accompanied by social activities,such as conservation of endangered animals, reforestation,conservation of coral reefs, teaching in schools inland, garbagecollection action, or a book donation.My trail connects the traveler, trip organizer or a local whohas experience, and community / neighborhood where the tourist whoneeds help solve social problems.Select Indonesian travel package you want, do Challenge there, gethis points, and redeem the discount promo attractive inapplications in my footsteps!Travel packages that you can choose, among others: Bromo tourpackages, travel packages Banyuwangi, Malang travel packages,travel packages Komodo, Raja Ampat travel packages, travel packageor BaliIn the application in my footsteps, you can also get completetravel information Indonesia, ranging from locations, descriptions,prices, or other travel information so that it can be a completetravel guide for you. No tourist information is a contribution frommy trail user who has curated and reliable.In addition, you can also get info travel event in Indonesia,such as travel events Yadnya Ksada in Bromo, event Sekaten travel,or travel event Jazz Mountains.Often confused when about to leave to travel? Consider also tips& tricks traveling, or travel records of contributorstravelingmu my tracks that would make more meaningful!Plan the next feature:You will be able to register as one trip organizer in my footsteps,make the trip themselves and generate income for your own. You alsowill get a rating of participants tripmu to build a reputation.Create unique traveling experience for the traveler, and do notforget to make a social contribution!features:- System "Points & Prizes". The more your contribution to mytrail, the more points you can get!- Promo-special promos that you can get by collecting points in mytracks.- Info travel packages Indonesia with social challenges tocontribute.- Social challenge to contribute to the tourist attractions youvisit. Some are organized by social communities 1000_guru and TrashHero Indonesia.- Share the story and experience the journey with all other usersin my footsteps.- Info travel throughout Indonesia and the stories behindthem.- Info events related to travel throughout Indonesia.- Help my tracks better by sharing on sites you know.- Shopping goods or traveler travel gear that you can get at anaffordable price.If you find a bug, report it immediately to be remedied as soon aspossible.Communicate what you want to make better my trail#inijejakku #pesonaindonesia #wisataindonesiaFacebook Fanpage: / jejakkuofficialOfficial Twitter:jejakkuofficialGoogle Plus: my trailInstagram: jejakku.coWebsite: jejakku.co
Indonesia Memilih 2014 1.2 APK
Indonesia Memilih adalah aplikasi yangmenyediakan informasi terkait Pemilu Indonesia 2014, terutamaPemilu capres dan cawapres pada Juli mendatang. Data-data yangdigunakan diambil dari API Pemilu dan sumber data lain (contoh :website KPU).Fitur-fitur yang disediakan1. Countdown : Perhitungan mundur sampai hari pemilihan disertaidengan reminder ketika sampai pada hari H.2. Event : Event-event terkait pemilu disertai dengan reminder yangbisa diaktifkan sendiri oleh Anda.3. Berita : Berita-berita terkait Pemilu 2014.4. DPT : Anda dapat mengecek status sebagai DPT (Daftar PemilihTetap) dengan memasukkan NIK. Fitur ini disertai juga denganinformasi langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan bagi para perantauyang ingin mencoblos di daerah perantauan.5. Info Kandidat : Informasi para capres dan cawapres pada Pemilu2014 (biodata, riwayat-riwayat, janji-janji).6. Pertanyaan Umum : Pertanyaan-pertanyaan umum seputar Pemilu,contoh kertas suara, cara mencoblos yang benar.
Indonesian City Explorer 2.6 APK
ANNOUNCEMENT===============We had to shut this down for the moment. We sincerely thank youforall your supports until now, as it's the only thing that keepsusgoing.But it seems that we cannot continue for the moment, aswehaven't had enough resource for the development of this app.Again, thank you!===============Nominee ofINAICTA 2013, INCREFEST 2013, and IDEABOX 2013Indonesian City Explorer is a City Explorer/CityDirectory/CityGuide application that helps you to get almost anyinformation ofcities in Indonesia easily.Indonesian City Explorer features:1. Information about a city's public transportations such astaxi,and train.2. Navigation feature using public transportation (only forJakartacity at the moment).2. Information about Point of Interests of the city suchasTransport Stations, Parks, Malls, and many more. You can evengetthe direction to go to that particular place from you currentspotusing Google Maps Navigation.3. Information about culinary served by street vendors4. A list about some emergency calls to help you when you'regettingstuck in a certain urgent situation.NOTE:- Indonesian City Explorer is now providing information forSurabayaand Jakarta city only. We hope we can expand to the othercities aswell in the future.- For train schedule, we provide all schedule on Java island.- For "Navigation" feature, the start and destination pointaretaken from our POI data.- And we're always updating our database, so please be patient.If you happen to find any bugs, please report it with adetailedexplanation to help us fix it as soon as possible. Thankyou.tag : city explorer, city directory, city guide,publictransportation, points of interestContact :Website : upwardproject.comTwitter : @ICityExplorerFacebook : http://www.facebook.com/indonesiancityexplorerEmail : [email protected]