1.0 / March 16, 2017
(area.<br>- Pan or zoom in and zoom out using two fingers / pinch.<br>- Save edits photos in the gallery and share to various social media you like.<br><br>Additional features Hijab Fashion Arabic Dress :<br>- Can automatically create a photo into the box and the appropriate resolution for the share to sosmed.<br>- can add emoji and stickers in the frame.<br>- you can write the word / text in various sizes and styles.<br>- You can add cool filters into the frame.<br>- Does not require an internet connection<br><br>To obtain optimal results photo editing, we recommend you use a photo that has a pose and style face frame in accordance with the hijab.<br>You will get a perfect result and edits photo editor you will look as natural as wearing hijab dress and original.</div> <div class="show-more-end" jsaction="click:vhaaFf"></div> </div> </div> <div> <button class="play-button show-more small" jsaction="KoToPc"> Read more </button> <button class="play-button expand-close" 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Hijab Fashion Arabic Dress is a photoeditorapplication that provides a wide selection of frames with asleekand stylish hijab styles.
There is a wide variety of Pretty hijab and dress inthisapplication.
You can try an assortment of frame hijab provided onthisapplication very easily and memililh which is most suitableforyou.

With the app you can get the hijab references which are suitableforyou and still look stylish.
all models of the collection you can customize as you like andallfor free, do not forget to share your beautiful hijab stylephototo friends and family.

How to use the app Hijab Fashion Arabic Dress :
- Choose the appropriate frame style hijab that you want,providedmore than 30 frames selection
- Take photos from a gallery or camera
- Use finger gesture to adjust the image size and adjusttheframe.
- Position the photo you right in the face area yanngperforatedarea.
- Pan or zoom in and zoom out using two fingers / pinch.
- Save edits photos in the gallery and share to various socialmediayou like.

Additional features Hijab Fashion Arabic Dress :
- Can automatically create a photo into the box and theappropriateresolution for the share to sosmed.
- can add emoji and stickers in the frame.
- you can write the word / text in various sizes and styles.
- You can add cool filters into the frame.
- Does not require an internet connection

To obtain optimal results photo editing, we recommend you useaphoto that has a pose and style face frame in accordance withthehijab.
You will get a perfect result and edits photo editor you willlookas natural as wearing hijab dress and original.

App Information Hijab Fashion Arabic Dress HD

  • App Name
    Hijab Fashion Arabic Dress HD
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 16, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 3.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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All VIDYA VOX Song Remix 2017 1.0 APK
The app is a streaming mp3 All Vidya VoxRemixSong.In this application there are from All Vidya Vox Remix Songandthere is a bonus track on the other bollywood movie.This application provides a mp3 streaming and does notprovidefeatures download songs for violating copyright of thesong.Install the app and play the song with a fastinternetconnection.Title :Vidya Vox - Kuthu Fire (Official Video)The Chainsmokers - Closer - Kabira (ft. Casey Breves) (VidyaVoxMashup Cover)DJ Snake (ft. Justin Beiber) - Let Me Love You - Tum Hi Ho(VidyaVoxMashup Cover)Charlie Puth - We Don't Talk Anymore - Pani Da Rang (VidyaVoxMashup Cover) (ft. Saili Oak)Be Free (Original) - Pallivaalu Bhadravattakam (Vidya MashupCover)(ft. Vandana Iyer)Bonus Track :Aashiq Surrender Hua Video Song - Varun, Alia - Amaal Mallik,ShreyaGhoshal -Badrinath Ki Dulhania Badri Ki Dulhania (TitleTrack) VarunDhawan, Alia Bhatt, Tanishk, Neha - Badrinath KiDulhania Be Free(Original) - Pallivaalu Bhadravattakam (VidyaMashup Cover) (ft.Vandana Iyer) Charlie Puth - We Don't TalkAnymore - Pani Da Rang(Vidya Vox Mashup Cover) (ft. Saili Oak)Cheez Badi Video Song -Machine - Mustafa & Kiara Advani DJSnake (ft. Justin Beiber) -Let Me Love You - Tum Hi Ho (VidyaVoxMashup Cover) Gulabi ReduxFull Audio Song - Noor - Sonakshi Sinha- Amaal Mallik - YashNarvekar & Tulsi Kumar Guru Randhawa-TAARE Mann Bharrya (FullVideo Song) - B Praak - Jaani - HimanshiKhurana - Latest PunjabiSong 2017 Noor - Gulabi 2.0 Video Song -Sonakshi Sinha - AmaalMallik, Tulsi Kumar, Yash Narvekar -T-SeriesPhillauri - NaughtyBillo Video Song - Anushka Sharma, DiljitDosanjh - Shashwat SachdevRoke Na Ruke Naina Video Song - ArijitSingh - Varun, Alia - AmaalMallikBadrinath Ki Dulhania Sandcastles(Original) - Teri KhairMangdi (Vidya Vox Mashup Cover) (ft.Devender Pal Singh) Tamma TammaAgain - Varun , Alia - Bappi L,Anuradha P - Tanishk, Badshah -Badrinath Ki Dulhania TheChainsmokers - Closer - Kabira (ft. CaseyBreves) (Vidya Vox MashupCover) Vidya Vox - Kuthu Fire (OfficialVideo)
All KUMAR SANU Best Songs 1.0 APK
The app is a streaming mp3 All KUMAR SANUBestSongs.This application provides a mp3 streaming and does notprovidefeatures download songs for violating copyright of thesong.Install the app and play the song with a fastinternetconnection.Track Feature :1. Hai Bhari Bhari2. Ab Teray Bin Jee Lengay Hum3. Baazigar O BaazigarList Track :1. Hai Bhari Bhari ,2. Ab Teray Bin Jee Lengay Hum ,3. BaazigarOBaazigar ,4. Barsaat Ke Mausam Mein ,5. Barsaat ,6. Bas EkSanamChahiye ,7. Chand Se Parda Kijiye ,8. Chura Ke Dil MeraGoriyaChali ,9. Dil Ka Aalam Main ,10. Dil Ne Ye Kaha Hai Dil Sesung,11. Do Dil Mil Rahe Hain ,12. Hum Pyar Hain Tumhare ,13. HumUnseMohabbat Karke ,14. Jab Koi Baat Bigad Jaye ,15. Kasam KhakeKaho,16. Kitna Pyar Tumhe Karte Hain ,17. Ladki Badi Anjani ,18.MeraDil Bhi Kitna Pagal Hai ,19. Mohabbat Dil Ka Sakoon ,20.MohabbatHo Na Jaye ,21. Saajan ,22. Shikwa Nahi Kisi Se Kisi Se,23.Sochenge Tumhe ,24. Tera Mera Pyar
Sweet Selfie Hijab Style 2017 1.0 APK
Sweet Selfie Hijab Style is a photoeditorapplication that provides a wide selection of frames with asleekand stylish hijab styles.There is a wide variety of Pretty hijab and dress inthisapplication.You can try an assortment of frame hijab provided onthisapplication very easily and memililh which is most suitableforyou.With the app you can get the hijab hijab references whicharesuitable for you and still look stylish.all models of the collection you can customize as you like andallfor free, do not forget to share your beautiful hijab stylephototo friends and family.How to use the app Sweet Selfie Hijab Style:- Choose the appropriate frame style hijab that you want,providedmore than 30 frames selection- Take photos from a gallery or camera- Use finger gesture to adjust the image size and adjusttheframe.- Position the photo you right in the face area yanngperforatedarea.- Pan or zoom in and zoom out using two fingers / pinch.- Save edits photos in the gallery and share to various socialmediayou like.Additional features Sweet Selfie Hijab Style:- Can automatically create a photo into the box and theappropriateresolution for the share to sosmed.- can add emoji and stickers in the frame.- you can write the word / text in various sizes and styles.- You can add cool filters into the frame.- Does not require an internet connectionTo obtain optimal results photo editing, we recommend you useaphoto that has a pose and style face frame in accordance withthehijab.You will get a perfect result and edits photo editor you willlookas natural as wearing hijab dress and original.
The app is a streaming mp3 All ARIJITSINGHSong 2017.This application provides a mp3 streaming and does notprovidefeatures download songs for violating copyright of thesong.Install the app and play the song with a fastinternetconnection.Track Feature :Aaj Phir Tumpe Pyaar Aaya ,Ae Dil Hai Mushkil ,Agent Vinod,ChahunMain Ya Na ,Dekh Lena ,Dil Ke Paas ,Hamari Adhuri Kahani,Hamdard,Itni Si Baat Hai ,Kabhi Jo Baadal Barse ,Lo Maan LiyaLo,Muskurane ,Palat Tera Hero Idhar Hai ,Phir Kabhi ,PhirMohabbat,Raaz Aankhein Teri ,Samjhawan ,Suno Na Sangemarmar ,YaadHai Na,Yaariyan Love Me Thoda Aur,Thanks
All NOOR GULABI 2.0 Song 1.0 APK
The app is a streaming mp3 All NoorGulabiVideo Song.In this application there are from All Noor Gulabi Video Songandthere is a bonus track on the other bollywood movie.This application provides a mp3 streaming and does notprovidefeatures download songs for violating copyright of thesong.Install the app and play the song with a fastinternetconnection.Title :Noor - Gulabi 2.0 Video Song - Sonakshi Sinha - Amaal Mallik,TulsiKumar, Yash Narvekar -T-SeriesBonus Track :Aashiq Surrender Hua Video Song - Varun, Alia - Amaal Mallik,ShreyaGhoshal -Badrinath Ki Dulhania Badri Ki Dulhania (TitleTrack) VarunDhawan, Alia Bhatt, Tanishk, Neha - Badrinath KiDulhania Be Free(Original) - Pallivaalu Bhadravattakam (VidyaMashup Cover) (ft.Vandana Iyer) Charlie Puth - We Don't TalkAnymore - Pani Da Rang(Vidya Vox Mashup Cover) (ft. Saili Oak)Cheez Badi Video Song -Machine - Mustafa & Kiara Advani DJSnake (ft. Justin Beiber) -Let Me Love You - Tum Hi Ho (VidyaVoxMashup Cover) Gulabi ReduxFull Audio Song - Noor - Sonakshi Sinha- Amaal Mallik - YashNarvekar & Tulsi Kumar Guru Randhawa-TAARE Mann Bharrya (FullVideo Song) - B Praak - Jaani - HimanshiKhurana - Latest PunjabiSong 2017 Noor - Gulabi 2.0 Video Song -Sonakshi Sinha - AmaalMallik, Tulsi Kumar, Yash Narvekar -T-SeriesPhillauri - NaughtyBillo Video Song - Anushka Sharma, DiljitDosanjh - Shashwat SachdevRoke Na Ruke Naina Video Song - ArijitSingh - Varun, Alia - AmaalMallikBadrinath Ki Dulhania Sandcastles(Original) - Teri KhairMangdi (Vidya Vox Mashup Cover) (ft.Devender Pal Singh) Tamma TammaAgain - Varun , Alia - Bappi L,Anuradha P - Tanishk, Badshah -Badrinath Ki Dulhania TheChainsmokers - Closer - Kabira (ft. CaseyBreves) (Vidya Vox MashupCover) Vidya Vox - Kuthu Fire (OfficialVideo)
Best HARYANVI HITS Song 2017 1.0 APK
The app is a streaming mp3 Best HARYANVIHitsSongs 2017.This application provides a mp3 streaming and does notprovidefeatures download songs for violating copyright of thesong.Install the app and play the song with a fastinternetconnection.Track Feature :1. Haryanvi Jahangirpur2. Haryanvi DJ SongList Track :1. Haryanvi Jahangirpur ,2. Haryanvi DJ Song ,3. Haryanvi Dj Song1,4. Haryanvi New Song 7 ,5. Haryanvi Song 2016 ,6. Haryanvi Song4,7. Haryanvi Song 5 ,8. Hawa Kasuti ,9. Ka Dehati Dance ,10.KadarKaro Maa ,11. Kade Lagjya Nazar ,12. Ke Legi Muh ,13. Khol DEOlha,14. LALA JI KI CHORI ,15. Laad Piya Ke ,16. Latest Dj Gandas,17.Latest Haryanvi Ragni 1 ,18. Latest Haryanvi Ragni ,19.LatestHaryanvi Song 2 ,20. Latest Haryanvi Song 1 ,21. LatestHaryanviSong ,22. Latest Song 2016 ,23. Latest haryanvi ragni 2,24. MallPadosi Ka ,25. Marod Jatin ,26. Mein Pariya ,27. MorHaryanvi 4,28. Mor Haryanvi 1 ,29. Mor Haryanvi 2 ,30. Mor Haryanvi3 ,31.Mor Haryanvi ,32. Na Matak Matak Ke ,33. Na Satave Piya ,34.New2017 ,35. New Haryanvi Dance
The app is a streaming mp3 All ARMAN MALIKSong2017.This application provides a mp3 streaming and does notprovidefeatures download songs for violating copyright of thesong.Install the app and play the song with a fastinternetconnection.Track Feature :Auliya ,Besabriyaan ,Bol Do Na Zara ,Buddhu Sa Mann ,ChaarShanivaar,Dhitang Dhitang ,Dil Ke Paas Unplugged ,Dil Mein ChhupaLunga,Foolishq ,Hua Hain Aaj Pehli Baar ,Ishaara ,Jab Tak ,KavalaiVendam,Khwaishein ,Kuch To Hai ,Le Ja Zakhm Tere ,Love You Tillthe End,Main Hoon Hero Tera VIDEO Song - Armaan Malik, AmaalMallik ¦ Hero¦ T-Series[1] ,Main Hoon Hero ,Mujhko Barsaat Bana Lo,Mungaru M,Mungaru Male ,Naina ,Oye Oye ,Pyaar Manga Hai ,Sab Tera,SauAasmaan ,Sunny Leone ,Tum Jo Mile ,Tumhe Apna Banane ,Tumko ToAanaHi Tha ,Wajah Tum HoThanks
Lagu IDA LAILA Hits Lengkap 1.0 APK
Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi mp3streamingLLagu IDA LAILA Tebaik LengkapInstal aplikasi gratis dan mainkan lagunya dengankoneksiinternet.Aplikasi ini tidak menyediakan fitur download lagu karenamelanggarhak cipta lagu.List Lagu IDA LAILA Tebaik Lengkap:Akhir Hayat ,Berkasih Mesra ,Bertasbih ,Bunga Dahlia ,CintaAbadi,Cinta ,Dunia ,Gelisah ,Hanya Untuk Mu ,Hati Menawan ,HukumKarma,Ingin Jumpa ,Jeritan Hati ,Keagungan Tuhan ,Keinginan DuaHati,Kerinduan ,Kesepian ,Khayalan Masa Lalu ,Korban ,LembahDuka,Menanti Janji ,Pacaran ,Penyesalan Diujung Kisah ,PerintahIlahi,Peristiwa Silam ,Pintu Taubat ,Sakit Rindu ,SehidupSemati,Sepiring Berdua ,Seumur Jagung ,Sinis ,Suara Hati ,Tak TahanLagi,Tangan Dan Bibir ,Terlambat ,TermenungTerimakasih.The app is a mp3streamingLLagu IDA LAILA Complete tebaikInstall the free app and play the song with aninternetconnection.This app does not provide features download songs forviolatingcopyright of the song.IDA LAILA tebaik list Complete Songs:End Hayat, amorous Mesra, hymn, Bunga Dahlia, Enduring Love,Love,World, Restless, Just For You, Heart of Charming, Law of KarmaWantto Meet, Cry of the Heart, God's Grace, Desire Two Hearts,longing,loneliness, Imaginary Past , Victim, Valley of Grief,WaitingPromise, Courting, Regret At the end of Acts, Divinecommand,events Ago, Pintu Taubat, Sakit Rindu, Sehidup Semati, AplateTogether, Lifetime Corn, Cynic, Conscience, Tak Tahan Lagi,HandsAnd Lips, Too Late , TermenungThanks.