1.1.8 / March 3, 2016
(3.6/5) (32)


Camping Cheque e Holiday Cheque si unisconosotto il marchio Camping Travel Club.
Fidele allo spiritu Camping Cheque, fondatore de la formula a 16 €la note per 2 persone in fuori stagione, questa utile aplicazionevi permette di trovare ottimi luogi tra i piu belli campeggid’Europa.
In strada, in Francia oppure all’estero la rete Camping Travel Clubé accessibile in piena libertà e senza connessione internet perchedopo avere caricato l’applicazione, l’acesso e disponibile senzaessere collegato.
Potete localizzare i campeggi piu vicini da dove siete, o cercareun campeggio via il motore di ricerca e accedere ad una descrizionecompleta de ciascuno : date d’apertura, servizie e divertimenti,oppure delle photo per aiutarvi a fare la vostra scelta….
Potete anche contattare il campeggio con un clic sul numero ditelefono o sulla mail.

L’applicazione vi permette di registrare i vostri campeggipreferiti « i vostri favoriti » oppure nell’elenco d’indirizzi delvostro cellulare per ritrovarli piu facilmente.
Consultate e ricevete finalmente tutte le novità della rete CampingTravel Club.
Tante altre funzionalità vi aspettano ancora

Camping Cheque HolidayCheque and unite under the Camping Travel Club brand.
Faithful to the Camping Cheque spiritu, founder of the 16 € formulathe notes for 2 in the off-season, this useful application allowsyou to find great places among the most beautiful campsites inEurope.
On the street, in France or abroad, the Camping Club Travel Networkis available in full freedom and without an internet connectionsince once the application, access and helpful without beingconnected.
You can locate the most campgrounds close by where you are, or lookfor a campsite through the search engine and access a completedescription of each: opening dates, services and activities, oreven photos to help you make your choice ....
You can also contact the campsite with a click on the phone numberor email.

The application allows you to record your favorite campsites in'your favorites' or in your telephone's address to find them moreeasily.
Check and receive all the news of Camping Club TravelNetwork.
Further uses still await you

App Information Guida Camping Travel Club

  • App Name
    Guida Camping Travel Club
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    March 3, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Kawan Group
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Camping Travel Club 2.1.1 APK
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque und Holiday Cheque schließensich unter der Marke Camping Travel Club zusammen.Entsprechend der Philosophie von Camping Cheque ermöglicht diesepraktische App den Gästen mit Wohnwagen, Wohnmobil oder anderenBesuchern, die richtige Adresse der schönsten Campingplätze Europaszu finden.Unabhängig davon, wo Sie sich befinden, können Sie entdecken, wodie nächsten Campingplätze liegen, und sich eine Beschreibunganzeigen lassen: Öffnungszeiten, der Sie können die Fotos ansehen,um Ihre Wahl zu treffen…Mithilfe eines einfachen Klicks können Sie sich auch dieTelefonnummer oder die E-Mail-Adresse des Campingplatzes anzeigenlassen, um Kontakt aufzunehmen.Mit einer Auswahl an 600 Qualitätsreisezielen in Europa und Marokkobietet Ihnen der Camping Travel Club in der Neben- undZwischensaison das Beste vom Campen.Camping Check HolidayCheck and join together under the brand Camping Travel Club.According to the philosophy of Camping Check this handy app allowsguests with caravan, camper or other visitors to find the correctaddress of the most beautiful campsites in Europe.Regardless of where you are located, you can discover where thenext camping grounds, and view a description of: opening times, youcan view the photos to make your choice ...Through a simple clicks you can have a look at the phone number orthe email address of the campsite to contact.With a selection of 600 quality destinations in Europe and Morocco,the Camping Travel Club offers in the low and mid season the bestof camping.
Guide Camping Travel Club 2.1.1 APK
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque et Holiday Cheque se regroupentsous la marque Camping Travel Club.Campeurs, caravaniers, camping-caristes, voyagez l’esprit libre :fidèle à l’esprit Camping Cheque, cette application pratique etcomplètement gratuite vous permet de trouver les bonnes adressesparmi les plus beaux campings d’Europe.Vous pouvez localiser les campings les plus proches où que voussoyez, et accéder à une description de chacun : dates d’ouverture,ou encore photos pour vous aider à faire votre choixVous pouvez aussi contacter le camping avec un simple clic sur sonnuméro de téléphone ou sur son email.Avec une sélection de plus de 600 destinations de qualité en Europeet au Maroc, Camping Travel Club vous ouvre les portes du meilleurdu camping en basse et moyenne saison.Camping Check HolidayCheck and are grouped under the brand Camping Travel Club.Campers, caravans, motorhomes, travel free spirit: faithful to theCamping Check spirit, this practice completely free applicationallows you to find good addresses amongst the most beautifulcampsites in Europe.You can locate the nearest campsite where you are, and access adescription of each: opening dates, or photos to help you make yourchoiceYou can also contact the campsite with a single click on theirphone number or their email.With a selection of over 600 quality destinations in Europe andMorocco, Camping Travel Club opens the doors of the best camping inthe low and mid season.
Guía Camping Travel Club 2.1.1 APK
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque y Holiday Cheque se reagrupanen la marca Camping Travel Club.Fiel al espiritu Camping Cheque, esta util aplicación os permite deencontrar lugares idoneos entre los campings más lindos deEuropa.En carretera, en Francia o en el extranjero, la red Camping TravelClub esta accesible en total libertad.Podeis localizar los campings más cercanos desde donde esteis, yacceder a una descripción de cada camping : fechas de apertura, ofotos para ayudaros a elegir…Podeis incluso contactar el camping con un simple clic encima delnúmero de teléfono o del email.Camping Travel Club, con su selección de más de 600 destinos decalidad en Europa y Marruecos, le abre la puerta a los mejorescampings de temporada baja y media.Camping Holiday Check andcheck mark regrouped in Camping Travel Club.Faithful to the Camping Check spirit, this useful applicationallows you to find suitable places among the most beautifulcampsites in Europe.On the road, in France or abroad, the Camping Travel Club networkis accessible in total freedom.You can locate the closest campsites from wherever you are, andaccess a description of each site: opening dates, and photos tohelp you choose ...You can even contact the campsite with a simple click above phonenumber or email.Camping Travel Club, with your choice of over 600 qualitydestinations in Europe and Morocco, opens the door to the bestcampsites in low and middle season.
Camping Travel Club gids 2.1.1 APK
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque en Holiday Cheque wordengegroepeerd onder de naam Camping Travel Club.Met deze handige applicatie die trouw is aan de filosofie vanCamping Cheque, kunnen kampeerders met een camper, caravan enandere middelen, tegen de beste prijs en op ieder moment, de goedeadressen onder de mooiste campings van Europa vinden.U kunt overal de dichtstbijzijnde campings lokaliseren, en eenbeschrijving van iedere camping raadplegen: openingsperiodes, offoto’s die u kunnen helpen bij het maken van uw keuze…Daarnaast kunt u met één simpele klik op het telefoonnummer of hete-mailadres contact opnemen met de camping.Met een selectie van meer dan 600 kwaliteitsbestemmingen in Europaen Marokko, opent de Camping Travel Club u de deuren tot het bestewat u kunt beleven op vlak van campings in het laag- entussenseizoen.Camping Check HolidayCheck and are grouped under the name Camp Travel Club.With this handy application that is faithful to the philosophy ofCamping Check, campers can with a camper, caravan and otherresources, find the best price and at any time, the good addressesamong the most beautiful sites in Europe.You can locate the nearest campgrounds everywhere, and consult adescription of each camp: opening periods, or pictures that canhelp you in making your choice ...Additionally, with a single click on the phone number or emailaddress to contact the campsite.With a selection of over 600 quality destinations in Europe andMorocco, the Camping Travel Club opens its doors to the best youcan experience in the field of camping in the low and midseason.
Camping Travel Club Guide 2.0.5 APK
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque and Holiday Cheque are comingtogether under the single brand name Camping Travel Club.Faithful to the Camping Cheque spirit, this useful applicationallows the motor home owner, caravan owners and other campers tofind good addresses amongst the most beautiful campsites ofEurope.On the road, in France or abroad, the Camping Travel Club networkis within reach in all freedom.You can situate the closest campsites from wherever you are, andhave access to a description of each of them : opening dates,photos to help in your decision making process…You can also contact the campsite at the touch of a button on itsphone number or its email.With a selection of more than 600 quality destinations in Europeand Morocco, Camping Travel Club offers you the opportunity toenjoy a great low-to-mid season camping experience.
Camping Travel Club guiden 2.1.1 APK
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque og Holiday Chequesamles undermærket Camping Travel Club.Tro mod Camping Cheque ånden vil denne praktiske applikation givealle campister mulighed for til enhver tid at finde adresserne påde smukkeste pladser i Europa.Uanset hvor man befinder sig på sin rejse vil Camping Travel Clubnetværk være frit.I kan lokalisere de nærmeste pladser, der hvor I befinder Jer,eller søge en plads og få en beskrivelse frem af hver plads:åbningsdatoer, og billeder, der kan hjælpe med at vælge lige netopden plads, der passer til Jer…I kan også kontakte pladsen med et enkelt klik på telefonnummereteller e-mailen.Camping Check and HolidayChequesamles under the brand Camping Travel Club.Faithful to the Camping Check spirit, this useful applicationallows all campers the opportunity at any time to find theaddresses of the most beautiful squares in Europe.No matter where you are on his journey would Camping Travel Clubnetwork will be free.You can locate the nearest places that wherever you are, or lookfor a place and a description of each of them: opening dates, andimages that can help you choose exactly the place that suits You...You can also contact site with a single click on the phone numberor e-mail.
Guida Camping Travel Club 1.1.8 APK
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque e Holiday Cheque si unisconosotto il marchio Camping Travel Club.Fidele allo spiritu Camping Cheque, fondatore de la formula a 16 €la note per 2 persone in fuori stagione, questa utile aplicazionevi permette di trovare ottimi luogi tra i piu belli campeggid’Europa.In strada, in Francia oppure all’estero la rete Camping Travel Clubé accessibile in piena libertà e senza connessione internet perchedopo avere caricato l’applicazione, l’acesso e disponibile senzaessere collegato.Potete localizzare i campeggi piu vicini da dove siete, o cercareun campeggio via il motore di ricerca e accedere ad una descrizionecompleta de ciascuno : date d’apertura, servizie e divertimenti,oppure delle photo per aiutarvi a fare la vostra scelta….Potete anche contattare il campeggio con un clic sul numero ditelefono o sulla mail.L’applicazione vi permette di registrare i vostri campeggipreferiti « i vostri favoriti » oppure nell’elenco d’indirizzi delvostro cellulare per ritrovarli piu facilmente.Consultate e ricevete finalmente tutte le novità della rete CampingTravel Club.Tante altre funzionalità vi aspettano ancoraCamping Cheque HolidayCheque and unite under the Camping Travel Club brand.Faithful to the Camping Cheque spiritu, founder of the 16 € formulathe notes for 2 in the off-season, this useful application allowsyou to find great places among the most beautiful campsites inEurope.On the street, in France or abroad, the Camping Club Travel Networkis available in full freedom and without an internet connectionsince once the application, access and helpful without beingconnected.You can locate the most campgrounds close by where you are, or lookfor a campsite through the search engine and access a completedescription of each: opening dates, services and activities, oreven photos to help you make your choice ....You can also contact the campsite with a click on the phone numberor email.The application allows you to record your favorite campsites in'your favorites' or in your telephone's address to find them moreeasily.Check and receive all the news of Camping Club TravelNetwork.Further uses still await you