1.0 / April 14, 2015
(4.9/5) (8)


If you are a word game lover, you will findthis Guess What Is It ? game to be quick, easy, & a lot of fun!Each level is a fun riddle, can you guess what Is It?

Brush up your brain with this simple and addictive guessing gameand improve your English vocabulary. It's never been so easy tolearn a new language.

Guess What Is It ? is a fun educational game for the entirefamily.

Guess What Is It ? is a great game that we create especially foryou who likes challenges and is useful to hone your knowledge andability in analyzing. Take a good look at the pictures we show, andthere will be a column answers that should be filled with thecorrect answer in accordance with the instructions of the image.All the answers in this picture guess game is one words. Guess WhatIs It ? is suitable to fill your spare time. All pictures areguaranteed to make you curious and be careful it can cause headache:p

If you were right in guessing there will be the addition ofcoins (+ 15), if not there will be a reduction of the coin (-5).You can only make three errors in guessing (just had 3 ' lives '),if more then it will go back to the beginning of the game. If youstuck in the game you can use the three HELP that are available onthe game. There are hide 3 letter, discover any letter, or discover1st letter.

HOW TO PLAY: You are given a picture and a set of instructionson it. Find out whats the meaning from the instruction to guess theright answer. Pay attention to the details and make some deductionsin order to crack this puzzle game.

Guess What Is It ? features:
- Addictive guessing gameplay
- Train the brain development if played regularly with the longterm
- Help understand new words and their meanings
- Improve your language skills
- Improve your ability to practice concentration
- Helps you keep the memory of the brain and maximize brainfunction
- Educational games and fun
- Ideal learning game for kids

Easy isn't it? come along to collect as many coins! Prove thatyou are the master in solving this riddles !!

Let's share 'Guess What Is It?' with your friends or family tohave a fun time together! Invite your friends to also play this funriddles for kids to be more cool and collect as many points as itproves you have a good knowledge. If there are things that are notacceptable in this free riddle quiz games, please contact us. Don'tforget to comment and rate for this application.

Well, what are you waiting for ? immediately play Guess What IsIt ? to Test your wits and have fun! Logic brain teaser – guess thepicture game !

Enjoy The Game

App Information Guess What Is It ?

  • App Name
    Guess What Is It ?
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 14, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Bate Interactive
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Biografi Ilmuwan Muslim 1.0 APK
Biografi Ilmuwan Muslim adalah aplikasiandroid yang memungkinkan Anda untuk belajar dan mengetahui lebihjauh mengenai tokoh-tokoh ilmuwan Muslim yang jasa-jasanya telahbermanfaat bagi kehidupan umat manusia.Biografi Ilmuwan Muslim terdiri dari beberapa fitur :1. Konten utama aplikasi (Konten membutuhkan koneksiInternet)2. Konten Biografi dan sejarah hidup ilmuwan muslim berpengaruh didunia.3. Fitur sharing ke media social4. Fitur Favourite5. Fitur SearchJika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam Biografi IlmuwanMuslim ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupun rate untuk aplikasiini.Terima kasihBiography of MuslimScientists is android application that allows you to learn and knowmore about the figures of Muslim scientists whose services havebeen beneficial to the life of mankind.Biography of Muslim Scientists consists of several features:1. The main content of the application (Content requiresInternet connection)2. Content Biography and history alive influential Muslimscientists in the world.3. Features sharing to social media4. Favourite Features5. Features SearchIf there are things that are not pleasing in the Muslimscientist's biography, please contact us.Do not forget to comment and rate for this application.Thank you
Tebak Profesi 1.0 APK
Tebak Profesi merupakan game yang kami buatkhusus untuk anda untuk membimbing putra-putri Anda dalam mengenaljenis-jenis profesi yang ada di dunia. Tebak Profesi ini bergunauntuk mengasah pengetahuan dan kemampuan dalam menganalisamenggunakan imajinasi dan wawasan untuk menebak jenis profesi daripetunjuk bergambar. Perhatikan dengan teliti setiap gambar yangmuncul karena semuanya itu adalah petunjuk untuk menemukan tebakankata yang tepat. Tebak Kata Bergambar cocok bagi kamu yang sukatantangan dan permainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan adakolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan lucu iniberupa dua kata. tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luangkamu bersama keluarga maupun sendirian. Beberapa petunjuk yangmengarah ke jawaban dari setiap tebakan, sehingga bisa menimbulkanrasa menarik, lucu dan menyenangkan. Semua gambar yang ada dijaminbikin kamu geregetan dan penasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi Tebak Profesi ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak tebakan gokil iniagar lebih asik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik. Jika ada hal-hal yang tidakberkenan dalam permainan tebakan lucu terbaik ini, silahkan hubungikami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupun rate untuk aplikasiini.Game Tebak Profesi ini sangat kreatif dan unik dalam mengujidaya ingat kosakata benda di memory otak kita, untuk bisa menemukanjawaban-jawaban dari setiap petunjuk yang disajikanNah tunggu apa lagi? segera mainkan Tebak Profesi untuk menambahwawasan kalian !Enjoy The GameGuess profession is agame that we made for you to guide your child in identifying thetypes of professions that exist in the world. Guess This professionis useful to hone the knowledge and ability in analyzing the use ofimagination and insight to guess the type of profession ofpictorial instructions. Look carefully every image that appears aseverything it is a clue to find guesses the right word. Guess theword Illustrated suitable for you who like a challenge and a gameguess the image to sharpen the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be ananswer column to be filled with the correct answer according to theinstructions drawings. All answers in this funny game guess theform of two words. guess this image is suitable for your leisuretime with family or alone. Some clues that lead to the answer ofevery riddle, so that it can cause a sense of exciting, funny andfun. All the pictures that are guaranteed to make you geregetan andcurious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if there would be a reduction of one coin (-5). You can onlydo 3 errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it willgo back to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options for help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.This profession Guess app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, usethe phone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play this gokil guess guess to bemore cool and collect as many points as it proves good knowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess thebest funny this, please contact us. Do not forget to comment andrate for this application.Game Guess This profession is very creative and unique in thevocabulary memory test memory objects in our brain, to be able tofind the answers from each user is presentedSo what are you waiting? Guess play immediately Profession toadd your insight!Enjoy The Game
Guess What Is It ? 1.0 APK
If you are a word game lover, you will findthis Guess What Is It ? game to be quick, easy, & a lot of fun!Each level is a fun riddle, can you guess what Is It?Brush up your brain with this simple and addictive guessing gameand improve your English vocabulary. It's never been so easy tolearn a new language.Guess What Is It ? is a fun educational game for the entirefamily.Guess What Is It ? is a great game that we create especially foryou who likes challenges and is useful to hone your knowledge andability in analyzing. Take a good look at the pictures we show, andthere will be a column answers that should be filled with thecorrect answer in accordance with the instructions of the image.All the answers in this picture guess game is one words. Guess WhatIs It ? is suitable to fill your spare time. All pictures areguaranteed to make you curious and be careful it can cause headache:pIf you were right in guessing there will be the addition ofcoins (+ 15), if not there will be a reduction of the coin (-5).You can only make three errors in guessing (just had 3 ' lives '),if more then it will go back to the beginning of the game. If youstuck in the game you can use the three HELP that are available onthe game. There are hide 3 letter, discover any letter, or discover1st letter.HOW TO PLAY: You are given a picture and a set of instructionson it. Find out whats the meaning from the instruction to guess theright answer. Pay attention to the details and make some deductionsin order to crack this puzzle game.Guess What Is It ? features:- Addictive guessing gameplay- Train the brain development if played regularly with the longterm- Help understand new words and their meanings- Improve your language skills- Improve your ability to practice concentration- Helps you keep the memory of the brain and maximize brainfunction- Educational games and fun- Ideal learning game for kidsEasy isn't it? come along to collect as many coins! Prove thatyou are the master in solving this riddles !!Let's share 'Guess What Is It?' with your friends or family tohave a fun time together! Invite your friends to also play this funriddles for kids to be more cool and collect as many points as itproves you have a good knowledge. If there are things that are notacceptable in this free riddle quiz games, please contact us. Don'tforget to comment and rate for this application.Well, what are you waiting for ? immediately play Guess What IsIt ? to Test your wits and have fun! Logic brain teaser – guess thepicture game !Enjoy The Game
Kuis Tebak Kata Indonesia 1.0 APK
Kuis Tebak Kata Indonesia merupakan gameyangkami buat khusus untuk anda pemuda-pemudi indonesia ! yangsukatantangan dan berguna untuk mengasah pengetahuan dankemampuankalian dalam menganalisa menggunakan imajinasi dan wawasanuntukmenebak kata dari petunjuk bergambar menguji daya ingatkitaterhadap benda-benda yang ada sekitar kita sehari-hari.Perhatikandengan teliti setiap gambar yang muncul karena semuanyaitu adalahpetunjuk untuk menemukan tebakan kata yang tepat. KuisTebak KataIndonesia cocok bagi kamu yang suka tantangan danpermainan tebakgambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benarsesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan lucuiniberupa dua kata. tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktuluangkamu. Beberapa kalimat petunjuk yang mengarah ke jawabandarisetiap tebakan, sehingga bisa menimbulkan rasa menarik, lucudanmenyenangkan. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamugeregetandan penasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin(+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanyabolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'),jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapirutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasitebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inchataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakanini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya !Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak tebakan gokil iniagarlebih asik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karenaitumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik. Jika ada hal-hal yangtidakberkenan dalam permainan tebakan lucu terbaik ini, silahkanhubungikami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupun rate untukaplikasiini.Kuis Tebak Kata Indonesia ini sangat kreatif dan unikdalammenguji daya ingat kosakata benda di memory otak kita, untukbisamenemukan jawaban-jawaban dari setiap petunjuk yangdisajikanNah tunggu apa lagi? segera mainkan Kuis Tebak KataIndonesiasupaya kamu gak boring!Enjoy The GameQuiz Guess theIndonesianword is a game that we made for you youngsters Indonesia!who likesa challenge and useful to hone your knowledge and abilityinanalyzing the use of imagination and insight to guess the wordofpictorial instructions to test our memory for objects thatexistaround us everyday. Look carefully each image appears becausetheyare clues to find the right words guesses. Quiz GuesstheIndonesian word suitable for you who like a challenge andguessinggames to sharpen images of the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be2columns answer must be filled with the correct answer accordingtothe drawing instructions. All answers in this funny game guesstheform of two words. guess this image is suitable to fill yoursparetime. Some sentences clue that leads to the answer of anyguesses,so that it can cause a sense of interesting, funny and fun.Allexisting images are guaranteed to make you geregetan andcurious..If you are correct in guessing there will be additionalcoin(+15), if one would be a reduction of coins (-5). You can onlydo 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'life'), if it is then it willgoback to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.Features guess guess hilarious applications include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using this app funny riddle, use thephonewith a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guessthisriddle, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible!Provethat you are the master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play gokil guess this riddle tobemore cool and collect as many points as it proves goodknowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the gameguess thebest funny this, please contact us. Do not forget tocomment andrate for this application.Quiz Guess the Indonesian word is very creative and unique inthetest recall the vocabulary of objects in memory of our brain,to beable to find the answers of each user is presentedSo what are you waiting? immediately play Quiz GuesstheIndonesian word that you're not boring!Enjoy The Game
Word Scramble Search 1.0 APK
If you are a word game lover, you will findthis Word Scramble Search game to be quick, easy, & a lot offun! Each level is a fun riddle, can you solve it? This is a fungame of finding words on a jumbled grid! Quickly slide your fingerover adjacent letters to form words forwards, backwards,sideways…anyway you can!Brush up your brain with this simple and addictive Word ScrambleSearch game and improve your English vocabulary. It's never been soeasy to learn a new language.Word Scramble Search is a fun educational game for the entirefamily.Word Scramble Search is a great game that we create especiallyfor you who likes challenges and is useful to hone your knowledgeand ability in analyzing. Take a good look at the pictures we show,and there will be a column answers that should be filled with thecorrect answer in accordance with the instructions of the image.All the answers in this picture guess game is one words. WordScramble Search is suitable to fill your spare time. All picturesare guaranteed to make you curious and be careful it can causeheadache :pIf you were right in guessing there will be the addition ofcoins (+ 15), if not there will be a reduction of the coin (-5).You can only make three errors in guessing (just had 3 ' lives '),if more then it will go back to the beginning of the game. If youstuck in the game you can use the three HELP that are available onthe game. There are hide 3 letter, discover any letter, or discover1st letter.HOW TO PLAY: In this game you will be given a set of scrambledletter tiles, and your goal is to rearrange them into valid words.Pay attention to the details and make some deductions in order tocrack this puzzle game.Word Scramble Search features:- Addictive guessing gameplay- Train the brain development if played regularly with the longterm- Help understand new words and their meanings- Improve your language skills- Improve your ability to practice concentration- Helps you keep the memory of the brain and maximize brainfunction- Educational games and fun- Ideal learning game for kidsEasy isn't it? come along to collect as many coins! Prove thatyou are the master in solving this riddles !!Invite your friends to also play this fun riddles for kids to bemore cool and collect as many points as it proves you have a goodknowledge. If there are things that are not acceptable in this freeriddle quiz games, please contact us. Don't forget to comment andrate for this application.Well, what are you waiting for ? immediately play Word ScrambleSearch to Test your wits and have fun! Logic brain teaser – guessthe picture game !Enjoy The Game
Tebak Tebakan Gambar APK
Tebak Tebakan Gambar merupakan game yangkamibuat khusus untuk anda pemuda-pemudi indonesia ! yangsukatantangan dan berguna untuk mengasah pengetahuan dankemampuankalian dalam menganalisa menggunakan imajinasi dan wawasanuntukmenebak kata dari petunjuk bergambar. Perhatikan dengantelitisetiap gambar yang muncul karena semuanya itu adalah petunjukuntukmenemukan tebakan kata yang tepat. Tebak Kata Bergambar cocokbagikamu yang suka tantangan dan permainan tebak gambar untukmengasahotak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benarsesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan lucuiniberupa dua kata. tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktuluangkamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetandanpenasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin(+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanyabolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'),jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapirutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasitebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inchataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakanini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya !Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak tebakan gokil iniagarlebih asik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karenaitumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik. Jika ada hal-hal yangtidakberkenan dalam permainan tebakan lucu terbaik ini, silahkanhubungikami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupun rate untukaplikasiini.Nah tunggu apa lagi? segera mainkan Tebak Tebakan Gambarsupayakamu gak boring!Enjoy The GameGuess Guess the Pictureisa game that we made for you youngsters Indonesia! who likesachallenge and useful to hone your knowledge and abilityinanalyzing the use of imagination and insight to guess the wordofpictorial instructions. Look carefully each image appearsbecausethey are clues to find the right words guesses. Guess thewordIllustrated suitable for you who like a challenge andguessinggames to sharpen images of the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be2columns answer must be filled with the correct answer accordingtothe drawing instructions. All answers in this funny game guesstheform of two words. guess this image is suitable to fill yoursparetime. All existing images are guaranteed to make you geregetanandcurious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additionalcoin(+15), if one would be a reduction of coins (-5). You can onlydo 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'life'), if it is then it willgoback to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.Features guess guess hilarious applications include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using this app funny riddle, use thephonewith a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guessthisriddle, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible!Provethat you are the master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play gokil guess this riddle tobemore cool and collect as many points as it proves goodknowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the gameguess thebest funny this, please contact us. Do not forget tocomment andrate for this application.So what are you waiting? immediately play Guess GuessPicturesthat you're not boring!Enjoy The Game
Neo Tebak Kata Bergambar 1.0 APK
Neo Tebak Kata Bergambar merupakan game yangkami buat khusus untuk anda pemuda-pemudi indonesia ! yang sukatantangan dan berguna untuk mengasah pengetahuan dan kemampuankalian dalam menganalisa menggunakan imajinasi dan wawasan untukmenebak kata dari petunjuk bergambar. Perhatikan dengan telitisetiap gambar yang muncul karena semuanya itu adalah petunjuk untukmenemukan tebakan kata yang tepat. Tebak Kata Bergambar cocok bagikamu yang suka tantangan dan permainan tebak gambar untuk mengasahotak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada 2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan lucu iniberupa dua kata. tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luangkamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetan danpenasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak tebakan gokil iniagar lebih asik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik. Jika ada hal-hal yang tidakberkenan dalam permainan tebakan lucu terbaik ini, silahkan hubungikami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupun rate untuk aplikasiini.Nah tunggu apa lagi? segera mainkan Neo Tebak Kata Bergambarsupaya kamu gak boring!Enjoy The GameNeo Guess Word Picture isa game that we made for you youngsters Indonesia! who likes achallenge and useful to hone your knowledge and ability inanalyzing the use of imagination and insight to guess the word ofpictorial instructions. Look carefully each image appears becausethey are clues to find the right words guesses. Guess the wordIllustrated suitable for you who like a challenge and guessinggames to sharpen images of the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be 2columns answer must be filled with the correct answer according tothe drawing instructions. All answers in this funny game guess theform of two words. guess this image is suitable to fill your sparetime. All existing images are guaranteed to make you geregetan andcurious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one would be a reduction of coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'life'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.Features guess guess hilarious applications include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using this app funny riddle, use the phonewith a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess thisriddle, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible! Provethat you are the master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play gokil guess this riddle to bemore cool and collect as many points as it proves good knowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess thebest funny this, please contact us. Do not forget to comment andrate for this application.So what are you waiting? Guess the word immediately play NeoIllustrated that you're not boring!Enjoy The Game
Pic to Words 2.0 APK
Pic to Words is a great game that we createespecially for you who likes challenges and is useful to hone yourknowledge and ability in analyzing. Take a good look at ourpictures show, and there will be 2 column answers that should befilled with the correct answer in accordance with the instructionsof the image. All the answers in this picture guess game is twowords. Pic to Words is suitable to fill your spare time. Allpictures are guaranteed to make you curious and be careful it cancause headache :pIf you were right in guessing there will be the addition ofcoins (+ 15), if not there will be a reduction of the coin (-5).You can only make three errors in guessing (just had 3 ' lives '),if more then it will go back to the beginning of the game. If youstuck in the game you can use the three HELP that are available onthe game. There are hide 3 letter, discover any letter, or discover1st letter.Easy isn't it? come along to collect as many coins! Prove thatyou are the master in solving this riddles !!Invite your friends to also play this fun riddles for kids to bemore cool and collect as many points as it proves you have a goodknowledge. If there are things that are not acceptable in this freeriddle quiz games, please contact us. Don't forget to comment andrate for this application.Well, what are you waiting for ? immediately play Pic to Wordsthat guarantee will make you not bored!Enjoy The Game