App Information Gothic 3D Live Wallpaper
- App NameGothic 3D Live Wallpaper
- Package Namecom.gothic3d.livewallpaper
- UpdatedJul 28, 2015
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.2
- Version1.1
- DeveloperRuslan Sokolovsky
- Installs10K+
- PriceFree
- CategoryPersonalization
- DeveloperKedushey Kair st. , 5/7, Bat Yam, Israel
- Google Play Link
Ruslan Sokolovsky Show More...
Real Zen Garden 3D LWP 1.0 APK
One of the most relaxing nature 3D live wallpapers on Google Playfor your phone or tablet! Modern life is full of pressure, so whynot to take a minute and have a walk in photo real japan zen gardenright on the screen of your phone? This app garanties relaxingimpact every time you stare at your display. Find your favoriteview out of 9 cameras, or just enable automatic cinematic view andenjoy cinematic tour. You can disable or enable some of sceneelements in settings menu. Have a nice day under sakura trees:-)Do not rely on screenshots, you have to download it to understandthe real 3D impact!If you want to keep updated, leave your suggestions or requests orjust "Like" visit me at Facebook, comment, thanks!REAL ZEN GARDEN 3D LWP made with OPEN GL 2.0 and optimized toconsume low resources and also not to drain your battery.Installation: The main screen (long press) → Live Wallpaper → REALZEN GARDEN 3D LWPOn some devices the first loading can be a little bit slow, justgive it half minute.
Oriental Garden 3D free 1.12 APK
Awarded by Appeggs as Top Rated App.An amazing 3D live wallpaper on Google Play for your phone ortablet! Fully 3d oriental garden scene will provide you great moodand keep you calm during a day. The original tea house, waterfalls,vegetation and landscape, flying birds and falling leaves give thislive wallpaper very realistic look.Paid version is available with great extra features! You canchoose between day and night and use additional settings!If you want to keep updated, leave your suggestions or requestsor just "Like" visit me at Facebook Garden 3D free made with OPEN GL 2.0 and optimized toconsume low resources and also not to drain your battery.Installation: The main screen (long press) → Live Wallpaper →Oriental Garden 3d FreePlease, rate!On some devices the first loading can be a little bit slow, justgive it half minute.
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Lively Koi Fish 3D Theme 2.4.2 APK
The Lively Koi Fish 3D Theme with incredible 3D water rippleanimation will be one of the supreme nifty therapeutic scenerythemes will bring your phone screen a brand posh new look. TheLively Koi Fish 3D Theme with nifty lotus leaf & balmy lotusflower icons will make your phone screen look more lively, hope youcan enjoy the serenity of water ripple and feel calm of the swimkoi fish. 🎁Features: - Fabulous 3D transition effects on screensand folders switching. - Elegant and simple 3D screen navigation. -Screen management interface with incredible 3D effect. -Astonishing 3D clock widget and aquatic lotus weather widget. -Dynamic display on All Apps alphabetical list, or “App drawer”. -Compatible with 99% Android phones device. - Very small, will notaffect system performance. - Battery save function. Why choose the🐟Lively Koi Fish 3D Theme🐟: ⭐The vibrant koi pond scenery themeslauncher shows the lively koi fishes swim around in the calm fishpond, with superlative balmy lotus flowers & slick cobblestoneas background. ⭐The vibrant koi fishes will keep swimming in thetherapeutic fish pond. ⭐It is impressive when you touch the screen,the therapeutic koi pond scenery background with slick cobblestonewill show you incredible 3D water ripple animation effects.⭐Download the Lively Koi Fish 3D Theme to own nifty lotus leaf& balmy lotus flower icons, swim koi fishes wallpapers and tonsof vibrant koi pond themes. ⭐The superlative nifty Lively Koi Fish3D Theme is a vibrant swim koi theme with wallpapers of the mosthigh definition classy calm serenity colors and nifty lotus leaf& balmy lotus flower icons. Lively Koi Fish 3D Theme is a newfree therapeutic scenery theme among tons of incredible 3D waterripple animation themes. If you download the Lively Koi Fish 3DTheme with exquisite 3D water ripple animation, you can enjoy: 💖More variety themes/wallpapers You can find all sorts of themecategories in the themes center, including anime, black, 3D, skull,pink, red, purple, love, white, blue, green, music, dragon, gold,cartoon, panda, girl, stars, artistry, people, football, wolf,graffiti, live, car, neon, cat, lion, joker, sports, tech, and hasa large variety of HD Backgrounds/Live Wallpapers/Themes/keyboardsupdated every day! You can find what you want here! 💖 More stylishlive wallpapers We are a creative team, and always make greatefforts to create more extraordinary live wallpapers for you. Wehave made: koi fish live wallpaper, cruelty flame tiger livewallpaper, gold butterfly live wallpaper, wolf live wallpaper,dolphin live wallpaper, skull live wallpaper, grim reaper livewallpaper, horse live wallpaper, etc. Lively Koi Fish 3D Theme is afree calm therapeutic scenery themes specially designed for ourlauncher users, including dozens of superlative nifty lotus leaf& balmy lotus flower icons and vibrant koi pond scenerywallpaper/background with exquisite 3D water ripple animation,which can personalize your phones easily. 🌈How to Apply the LivelyKoi Fish 3D Theme: Notice: The animation Lively Koi Fish 3D Themeis only available for phones with our launcher installed. 1.Download and install the Lively Koi Fish 3D Theme; 2. Install our3D launcher; 3. Start our launcher and then you can apply thetherapeutic scenery theme you downloaded. If you already have ourlauncher on your phone, you can also directly go to “Themes--Mine”to open the lively koi pond theme with therapeutic calm scenery andapply it to your phone. If you like this animation Lively Koi Fish3D Theme, please support us by rating it. If you have any ideas orsuggestions, contact us by email: [email protected], we are sohappy to receive your valuable advice. Your satisfaction is thebest payback for us!
3D DJ Skull & Rock Music Theme 2.1.0 APK
The vigorous 3D DJ Skull & Rock Music Theme with incredible3Danimation effect will be one of the supreme impressive DJmusicthemes will bring your phone screen a brand posh new look.Thecourageous 3D DJ Skull & Rock Music Theme with hip hopskullwallpaper & moving glow neon icons will make your phonescreenlook more fantastic, hope you can enjoy the impressive tempofromthe vigorous rock skull. 🎁Features: - Fabulous 3Dtransitioneffects on screens and folders switching. - Elegant andsimple 3Dscreen navigation. - Screen management interface withincredible 3Deffect. - Astonishing 3D clock widget and DJ musicmixer weatherwidget. - Dynamic display on All Apps alphabeticallist, or “Appdrawer”. - Compatible with 99% Android phones device.- Very small,will not affect system performance. - Battery savefunction. Whychoose the 🎵3D DJ Skull & Rock Music Theme 🎵: ⭐The3D DJ musictheme launcher shows the vigorous skull wobble headfollowing themusic tempo. ⭐ The glowing night club light keepflashing on thehipster skull, which makes the hip hop skull lookingfly. ⭐It isimpressive when you touch the screen, the hipster skullwill wobblehis head faster than usual. ⭐Download the 3D DJ Skull& RockMusic Theme to own glow neon icons, rock skull wallpapersand tonsof courageous DJ music themes. ⭐The superlative vigorous 3DDJSkull & Rock Music Theme is a rock music theme withwallpapersof the most high definition shiny neon colors and glowingneonicons. 3D DJ Skull & Rock Music Theme is a new freevigorous DJmusic theme among tons of incredible 3D animation effectthemes. Ifyou download the vigorous 3D DJ Skull & Rock MusicTheme withexquisite 3D animation effect, you can enjoy: 💖 Morevarietythemes/wallpapers You can find all sorts of theme categoriesin thetheme center, including anime, black, 3D, skull, pink, red,purple,love, white, blue, green, music, dragon, gold, cartoon,panda,girl, stars, artistry, people, football, wolf, graffiti,live, car,neon, cat, lion, joker, sports, tech, and has a largevariety of HDBackgrounds/Live Wallpapers/Themes/keyboards updatedevery day! Youcan find what you want here! 💖 More stylish livewallpapers We area creative team, and always make great efforts tocreate moreextraordinary live wallpapers for you. We have made: koifish livewallpaper, cruelty flame tiger live wallpaper, goldbutterfly livewallpaper, wolf live wallpaper, dolphin livewallpaper, skull livewallpaper, grim reaper live wallpaper, horselive wallpaper, etc.3D DJ Skull & Rock Music Theme is a freecourageous DJ musictheme specially designed for our launcher users,including dozensof superlative glowing neon icons and hip hopskullwallpaper/background with exquisite 3D animation effect, whichcanpersonalize your phones easily. 🌈How to Apply the 3D DJ Skull&Rock Music Theme: Notice: The courageous 3D DJ Skull &RockMusic Theme is only available for phones with ourlauncherinstalled. 1. Download and install the 3D DJ Skull &Rock MusicTheme; 2. Install our 3D launcher; 3. Start our launcherand thenyou can apply the vigorous DJ music theme you downloaded.If youalready have our launcher on your phone, you can alsodirectly goto “Themes--Mine” to open the impressive hip hop musictheme andapply it to your phone. If you like this vigorous 3D DJSkull &Rock Music Theme, please support us by rating it. If youhave anyideas or suggestions, contact us by email:[email protected], weare so happy to receive your valuable advice.Your satisfaction isthe best payback for us!
Red Love Heart Theme 2.4.4 APK
The Red Love Heart Theme is a valentine romance theme willbringyour phone screen a brand romantic new look.💖 TheamorousValentine's Day Love Heart Theme with affectionate beatingredhearts & charming gesture interaction & animationeffectwill make your phone screen look more lovable andromantic.🎁Features: - Fabulous transition effects on screens andfoldersswitching. - Elegant and simple screen navigation. -Screenmanagement interface with effect. - Astonishing clock widgetandaffectionate love heart weather widget. - Dynamic display onAllApps alphabetical list, or “App drawer”. - Compatible with99%phones device. - Very small, will not affect system performance.-Battery save function. Why choose the amorous 💖Valentine's DayLoveHeart Theme💖 💖 The hot red heart theme launcher with loveromanceshows the charming beating hearts floating around, withglitteringlight particles as background. 💖 It is impressive whenyou touchthe charming red hearts, it will begin beating. And itwill move asyou slide the lovable hearts. 💖 Download romantic RedLove HeartTheme to own shiny lovable red hearts icons, affectionatebeatingheart wallpapers and tons of romantic valentine’s daythemes. 💖 RedLove Heart Theme is a amorous valentine romance themewithwallpapers of the most high definition classy red colors andmodishgleaming red heart icons. Amorous Valentine's Day Love HeartThemeis a new free romantic love romance theme among tonsofaffectionate valentine’s day themes. If you download theromanticRed Love Heart Theme with beating red heart, you can enjoy:❤️ Morevariety themes/wallpapers You can find all sorts ofthemecategories in the theme center, including anime, black, 3D,skull,pink, red, purple, love, white, blue, green, music, dragon,gold,cartoon, panda, girl, stars, artistry, people, football,wolf,graffiti, live, car, neon, cat, lion, joker, sports, tech, andhasa large variety of HD Backgrounds/LiveWallpapers/Themes/keyboardsupdated every day! You can find what youwant here! ❤️ More stylishlive wallpapers We are a creative team,and always make greatefforts to create more extraordinary livewallpapers for you.Romantic Valentine's Day Love Heart Theme is afree affectionatevalentine romance theme specially designed for ourlauncher users,including dozens of lovable red heart icons andexquisite animationbeating heart wallpaper/background, which canpersonalize yourphones easily. 🌹How to apply the Love Heart LiveWallpaper: 1. Openthe Love Heart Live Wallpaper app. 2. Choose yourfavorite lovelyred heart wallpaper in the wallpaper list. 3. Clickthe applybutton to enjoy the romantic heart live wallpaper in thescreen. 4.Romantic love heart themes are prepared if you want tomake yourscreen more customized. Valentine's Day is coming, theamorousValentine's Day Love Heart Theme is just designed for alltruelovers and who desire for affectionate true love. Hope you canfeelromantic love from the charming love theme. Wish you allhappyvalentines day! If you like this romantic Valentine's DayLoveHeart Theme, please support us by rating it. If you have anyideasor suggestions, contact us by email: [email protected], weare sohappy to receive your valuable advice. Your satisfaction isthebest payback for us!
3D Love Rose Theme 1.1.18 APK
Personalize your phone with the world's leading 3Dlauncheranimation technology and gyro wallpaper. 3D Love Rose Themeis a 3Dlauncher theme with 3D glitter blue diamonds live wallpapersandrose petal style icon packs. Download and apply 3D Love RoseThemefor free to decorate your Android phone in valentine style,youwill get a 3D weather and 3D clock to enjoy a 3D theme visualandinteractive experience. Valentine 3D Love Rose Theme isdesignedfor better using experience. 3D Love Rose Theme isdesignedespecially for Launcher users. Long press to activate eachtheme’sunique set of 3D theme live interactive effects. Activateeach livewallpaper unique set of 3D launcher live interactiveeffects bylong press, there are endless gyro wallpaper surpriseswaiting foryou to explore. ☆ The Romantic Valentine 3D Love RoseTheme feature: Glitter blue diamonds lock screen with dreamy color.Cool fashionwallpaper will be there once you swipe up thefluorescent lockscreen. This provides security for your privacy.Using 3D Love RoseTheme will automatically apply sorting function.Sort your appsinto folders and make your desktop tidy. Romanticblue rose skinwith elegant stylish icon designs for 56 popular appsCool fashiondreamy 3D theme’s app icon packs give your phone abrand new lookAnimated dreamy stylish rose decorates your phonescreen Stunninginterface: 3D Motion weather forecast plus 3Dsparkle diamondswallpapers and rose petal app icons, vivid andlovely. ☆ Otherfeatures you can enjoy for free in 3D Love RoseTheme for HuaweiSamsung: Use 3D Love Rose Theme for 3D Launcher, noneed to root,you can easily protect some apps from peepers byhiding them in aspecial folder. 3D Love Rose Theme for HuaweiSamsung has worldleading 3D transition effects on screens andfolders switching andelegant and simple 3D screen navigation. LoveRose Theme for 3DLauncher screen lock (locker) protects your phonefrom strangersUse 3D Love Rose Theme for 3D Launcher automaticallysortingfunction. Sort your apps into folders and make your desktoptidy.Free romantic valentine rose theme stunning icons designedforpopular apps and system apps and amazing 3D transition effectswithsparkle blue live wallpaper Romantic Love Rose Theme for3DLauncher app tech icon packs to give you a new phone you neverused3D Love Rose Theme for Launcher DIY live wallpaper: you canbecomea designer to make your own 3D live wallpaper here Compatiblewithall phone models, including OPPO, Huawei etc. ☆ Things toexpect inour Launcher 3D live wallpaper center: - Over a thousandsets ofdifferent live wallpaper and tens of thousands ofbeautifulwallpapers. Regardless of your taste, there‘s alwayssomething herethat’s right for you. - The latest 3D launcheranimated livewallpaper and gyro wallpaper, along with a largevariety of 3D livewallpaper, VR live wallpaper, cartoon livewallpaper, with custommade recommendations based on yourpreferences. ☆ Before installingromantic 3D Love Rose Theme, youhave to install our Launcherfirst. If you love this theme, pleaserate and let us know yourfavorite features! 3D Love Rose Theme iscreated to make your phoneunique!
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L Launcher -Marshmallow Launch 2.87 APK
L Launcher, is the most polished, highlycustomizable native style launcher; Smooth, Cool, Rich features;Bring you the best Android™ 6.0 Marshmallow launcherexperience!L Launcher keep updating to Android 6.0 Marshmallow launcherexperience, we had added Android M style drawer, enable it indrawer menu if you want.L Launcher main features:1. Based on Android Lollipop launcher, support for Android 4.0+devices2. Support swipe right to Google Now; enable OK Google from all LLauncher screens(require Android 4.4+);3. Support icon theme, compatible with most icon packs4. Translucent status bar and navigation bar(for Android4.4 +devices and some supported devices, such as Galaxy S4, S5, S6,Galaxy Tab, etc )5. Transparent status bar clone for Android 4.0-4.36. Handy Sidebar, and can drag-out Sidebar anywhere7. Drawer main features: Hide app, Create folders, Sort app, QuickA-Z bar8. Drawer styles: Horizontal, Vertical, Vertical withcategory9. Many Desktop and Drawer transition effect10. Many gestures and Dock icon gesture11. Unread Counts/Notifier for missed Call, unread SMS,Gmail and WhatsApp12. Icon Size Mode: Small, Medium, Large, Extra large13. Live wallpapers: parallax effect, blur, multi-wallpaper14. Backup and restore launcher setting and layout15. Import layout from other launchers16. Android M Marshmallow style drawer17. Highly customizable, 100+ options, below are some mainoptions:[Launcher Desktop:]+ Set launcher desktop grid size+ Set icon size, icon text size/color, hide icon text+ Lock desktop option+ Hide search bar, status bar+ Desktop infinite scrolling; Wallpaper scrolling+ Theme and icon pack support[Launcher Dock:]+ Multi Dock pages; Set number of Dock icons+ Dock icon size+ Hide Dock[Launcher Drawer:]+ Set launcher drawer grid; Set icon size, icon textsize/color+ Drawer folder+ Background transparent[Launcher Sidebar:]+ Launch from everywhere+ Quick toggle; Favorite apps, Recent apps+ Have torch, cleaner and other handy tools[Launcher Folder:]+ Max rows and columns+ Folder background; Folder preview style+ Bulk add for folderPermissions explaination: Please refer to L Setting --HelpFeedback: [email protected] is a trademark of Google Inc.❤ If you like L Launcher, Lollipop Launcher, please rate us andhelp to spread L Launcher;If you meet error, please email us with detailed info, we willcheck and try to fix it ASAP, thanks
CleanUI 2.0.2 APK
CleanUI provides the best flat-style systemUIs for your Android devices. It provides not only the home screen(the launcher), but also the notification page, the lock screen,the control center, the contact and the dialer in flat-style.CleanUI DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY ADS.You can disable some components if this app running lagging on yourAndroid device.1) FLAT-STYLE* It brings clarity to the entire experience. Perfectimplementation the system UIs (the home screen, notification page,screen lock, control center, contacts and dialer) inflat-style.2) HOME SCREEN (LAUNCHER)* Dynamic clock and calendar icons, dynamic color of the titles andthe indicators based on the shade of wallpaper.* Flawless widget support; You can have multiple widget pages (upto eight).* Complete shortcuts management.* Dozens switches and options, which can help the app matches yourAndroid device perfectly: Use widget pages or not; Show all widgetsin one widget page; Show widget pages along with icon pages or showthe widget pages separately.* Powerful customization of icon layout, you can customize the iconsize, icon layout (columns and rows), the size of icon title, andthe color of the title.* Hide and/or Lock icons.* Design icon by yourself; you can apply one design to a specificcategory of icons, not only one icon.3) NOTIFICATION COMPONENT* You can select widgets in the size of 4*N or 5*N to show on theToday tab of the notification page.* You can customize of the color of the status bar for differentapps.* You can select three notification reminder styles: none, banner,or alert.* You can choose whether show the notifications from an app on lockscreen or Badge App Icon.4) LOCK SCREEN COMPONENT* Sliding to unlock and the simple password allows you toexperience the easy and secure lock screen.* You can quickly activate the camera to capture the beautifulscenery without unlock your devices.* Several customization options: you can customize the name of yourdevice, the text of “Slide to unlock”, the name of your operator,lock/unlock/charging sounds, wallpaper, and you can select a widget(4*1 or 5*1) to show on the lock screen.5) CONTROL CENTER COMPONENT* Rapidly control system functions, such as Airplane Mode, WiFi,Wireless, Bluetooth, and so on.* Quick launch the frequently used apps, such as flashlight, clock,calculator, and camera.* Control music player and sound volume by setting a 4x1 or 5x1widget.6) CONTACTS & DIALER* Alphabetical list of contacts helps you locate your contacteasily.* Favorites management helps you to manage your frequentcontacts.* Easily manage the call log ordered by all and missed.* Dial Pad provides support for intelligent matching.
GO Launcher - Free Themes & HD Wallpapers 3.30 APK
GO Launcher – 2017 New ThemesArrival!🎨Features on the Go Launcher include:√ GO Theme: Provide 10000+ free mobile themes for android√ Go Wallpaper: Update various sorts of HD wallpapers, includingbeauty, pet and the great landscape from all over the world√ Transition Effect: 20+ screen and drawer animation effects√ Widget: Weather forecast widget, search widget, switches widgetand 2017 calendar widget√ APPs management: Hide & Lock APPs to protect phonesecurity√ Dr. Clean: Boost your phone speedYou can find launcher themes, icons, HD wallpapers & widget inGO Launcher, and customize your home screen, menu and even lockscreen interface with 3D effects.2017 Personalized App with 10000 mobile themesGO Launcher Z is a stylish & personalized application forAndroid phone, which provides more than 10000 beautiful mobilethemes for you. We have professional designers who create abundantstylish launcher themes with a variety of styles every week,including stars, anime, game, cartoon and so on. Screen 3D effects,App Widgets & over 100000 free HD wallpapers are ready for youto customize your home screen, menu and lock screen.Cool launcher App of your mobile phoneWith an independent developed 3D Engine, GO Launcher provides youwith extremely fast and secure operating experience with simple,smooth and awesome 3D effects, dedicated to become the world's bestpartner of users who use Android mobiles in their life andwork.DIY Themer is a useful tool, which will help you design your ownthemes with your own photo and icon. GO Launcher will makes yourandroid phone more stylish and more personalized.It’s time to download GO Launcher Z and experience the best designof the android themes from Go Launcher! We trust that you will findyour favorite launcher themes for android in GO Theme Store.GO Launcher is deeply convinced that your support has drivendevelopment.You say awesome, we say thank you.There will be ad content shown in certain scenes in our app. Formore details, visit us: [email protected] usFacebook:
Fancy Switcher 3.1.1 APK
"This switcher isn't like otherrun-of-the-mill, pedestrian switchers. Launch your recent apps withone or two swipes, and enjoy swanky animations and variouscustomisation options" - Playboard.meLooking for a Switcher to fulfill your needs ? Unlimitedcustomization ?Welcome to your new SwitcherFancy Switcher rethinks your task manager experience. Thanks toFancy Switcher, mix business with pleasure. Explore every singlefeature and create YOUR Switcher.Style, customization and pleasureDesign your switcher as you wish.☆ Normal version:• 4 styles: classic, grid, coverflow or Android L• Smart-Slider : switch to last app or directly to Fancy Switcher,with a simple swipe• Sidebar for fast app switching• Background customization• Beta functionality: start automatically Fancy Switcher instead ofthe native one• Hide closed apps• 3D Icon effect☆ Gold version: Unlock all the features• Thumbnails: adjust size, orientation, items displayed, ...• Smart-Slider fully customizable• Unlimited number of apps displayed• Transition effects (Zoom, Slide, Open)• Close apps effects (Trash, Gravity)• Backup and restore your settings• Use your icon pack• Much moreMake it yours.Want to be a beta tester? Go here: the development on XDA: they say:Top 5 Task Switching Apps DroidViews"It lets you switch apps in a fancier manner, showcasing apppreviews in neat cards coupled with eye catching animations" -AddictiveTips"Want to Quickly Switch between Running Apps? Try FancySwitcher" - XDA"It looks amazing and can be used to completely replace thestock switcher. Swish swish swish" -
FancyKey Keyboard - Cool Fonts 4.7 APK
FancyKey Keyboard is a free, customizedkeyboard for Android with cool fonts, 3200+ emoji, emoji arts,emoticons, personalized themes, autocorrect input and wordpredictions.Download FancyKey keyboard for free to fancy your chattingnow!★★★★★ #1 iOS third-party keyboard, now available on Android!Millions of users ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ all over the 🌍🌎🌏, 💯😘😍★Main Features★✔ 3200+ emoji & emoticons & emoji arts✔ 70+ funky fonts✔ Advanced auto-correct & auto-suggest engine✔ 50+ themes available to choose from✔ Fully customizable keyboard wallpaper and layout✔ 50+ typing sounds✔ Integrated emoji & emoticon keyboard which is compatibleacross all popular apps✔ One tap to input nicely crafted emoji compositions✔ Multiple typing effects✔ SWIPE input method✔ Clipboard for multiple fast copy and paste✔ Multiple emoji styles, such as EmojiOne✔ 50+ languagesEasy steps to customize your own keyboard:• Take a photo or select a photo from your album or pre-loadedimages as background.• Customize key font and color.• Customize typing effect.• Customize swipe line & effect.• Customize typing sound.• Multiple key styles to customize: White, black, steel, wooden& modern.• Customize key shape, color, shadow, etc.Now you're ready to go with your custom cool keyboard.More themes, fonts, emoji, emoticons and exciting features will beintroduced in upcoming updates.Note: We don't collect or use any of your private information whileyou're typing nor we collect the photos you set as wallpapers. Weonly use the words typed by you to make the predictions moreaccurate.FOLLOW US:👍We love hearing from you. Contact us 📧 [email protected] rate us today!Twitter: @FancyKeyFacebook: @FancyKeySupported Languages:EnglishEnglish(GB)English(US)Francés(Canada)Francés(France)Francés(Suisse)Español(ES)Español(MX)Español(US)Português(BR)Português(PT)РусскаяالعربيةDeutschItalianoHinglishहिन्दीHinglish-Hindiதமிழ்తెలుగుবাংলাગુજરાતીಕನ್ನಡമലയാളംਪੰਜਾਬੀاردوDanskNorskSvenskaSuomiNederlandsPolskiČeskýHrvatskiLatviešuRomânăSlovenščinaСрпскиTürkçeΕλληνικήעבריתTiếng ViệtMelayuIndonesia한국어
Nova Launcher 7.0.58 APK
The highly customizable, performance driven,home screenAccept no substitutes! Nova Launcher is the top launcher for modernAndroid, embracing full Material Design throughout.Nova Launcher replaces your home screen with one you control andcan customize. Change icons, layouts, animations and more.For my money, Nova Launcher is the best of the AOSP-stylelaunchers available in Android. --Android PoliceNova Launcher has some very capable hands behind it--PhandroidOur favorite is Nova Launcher, which strikes a great perfectbalance between incredible performance and high customizabilitywithout getting too gimmicky and difficult to use--LifehackerChock full of features you won't find in the stock launcher, andcomes highly recommended --Android Central• Icon Themes - Find thousands of icon themes for NovaLauncher on the Play Store• Subgrid positioning - Much greater control than standardlaunchers, Nova Launcher allows you to snap icons or widgets halfway through the desktop grid cells• Color controls - for labels, folders, unread badges,drawer tabs and backgrounds• Customize App Drawer - Custom tabs, Vertical or Horizontalscrolling, Custom effects• Improved Widget Drawer - Widgets grouped by app makes itmuch faster to use• Infinite scroll - Never far from your favorite page, loopthrough the desktop or drawer continuously• Backup/Restore - Sophisticated backup/restore systemallowing you to backup your desktop layout and launchersettings• Scrollable Dock - Create multiple docks and scroll betweenthem• Widgets in dock - Place any widget in your dock, such as a4x1 music player widget• Import Layout - No need to rebuild your desktop fromscratch, Nova Launcher can import from most popular launchers.Including the one that came with your phone.• Fast - Nova Launcher is highly optimized to do it's workquickly and quietly, keeping the animations smooth and letting youuse your phone as fast as you can move your fingers.Nova Launcher PrimeUnlock the following extras by purchasing Nova Launcher Prime• Gestures - Swipe, pinch, double tap and more on the homescreen to open your favorite apps• Unread Counts - Never miss a message. Unread count badgesfor Hangouts, SMS, Gmail and more using the TeslaUnread plugin• Custom Drawer Groups - Create new tabs or folders in theapp drawer• Hide Apps - Keep a clean app drawer by hiding never usedapps• Icon Swipes - Set custom actions for swiping on appshortcuts or folders• More scroll effects - Such as Wipe, Accordion, andThrow
ChameleMAC - Change Wi-Fi MAC 1.0 APK
ChameleMAC is an application from theChamelephon suite of apps helping users avoid eavesdropping anddata mining. This particular application lets you change your MACaddress on the handset with a single click.This is helpful in a lot of scenarios and completes the ability ofChamelephon devices to stay undetected in networks for a long time.Key features :Simple InterfaceRealtime ChangesAbility to generate new MAC on every reboot!!! Requires ROOT access !!!Has been fully tested on chamelephon devices and is expected towork on MediaTek devices.Especially compatible with MediaTek 65XX devices.