2.0.0 / February 4, 2016
(3.6/5) ()


Travelergid - oferă o aplicație simplă,comodăși foarte utila pentru călătorii independente. Avetiposibilitateca din timp sa va organizati excursia perfecta: singuriputetidecide ce, când și unde sa plecati, si ce sa vedeti. Cuaplicatianoastra o sa aveti mereu in buzunar cele mai importanteatractiituristice, programe, adrese si cum sa ajungeti fara arataci prinoras.
Cu aplicația noastră, puteți:
- Sa duceti evidența tuturor locurilor turistice, fără a pierdeniciun monument important si cu o scurtă descriere.
În afară de faptul că va usura vizionarea Madridului, vetiaveainformații detaliate despre locurile de vizitat, cum ar fi:tarife,adrese, orare, descriere, restaurante faimoase, unde afacecumpărături cu reduceri bune, cum și unde să vă relaxați cucopiii,numere de telefon și site-uri web, muzee și parcuri cuatractii,autobuze turistice pentru a face tururi prin oras, centredeinformații pentru turisti, în cazuride situații de urgență, șimultmai mult ..
Bucurați-vă de călătoria dvs. spre Madrid, cu cele maibuneaplicații de la travelergid - Ghidul in Madrid!

Ce să vezi în Madrid:
Atracțiile principale din Madrid:
- Palatul Regal (Palacio Real)
- Catedrala Almudena (Catedral de Almudena)
- Piața Puerta del Sol (Plaza Puerta del Sol)
- Tempul Debod (Templo de Debod)
- Fântâna lui Neptun (Fuente del Neptuno)
- Fântâna Cibeles (Fuente de Cibeles)
- Piata Plaza de Oriente (Plaza de Oriente)
- Piata Plaza de la Villa (Plaza de la Villa)
- Palatul Telecomunicații (Palacio de Telecomunicaciones)
- Piata Plaza Mayor (Plaza Mayor)
- Gran Via (Gran Via)
- Bazilica Regal de San Francisco el Grande (Real BazilicaSanFrancisco el Grande)
Muzee din Madrid:
- Muzeul Prado din Madrid (Museo del Prado)
- Muzeul Thyssen Bornemisza din Madrid(MuseoThyssen-Bornemisza)
- Muzeul Reina Sofia din Madrid (Museo de Reina Sofia)
- Muzeul Arheologic din Madrid (Museo Arqueologico)
- Muzeul Aviației din Madrid (Museo del Aire)
- Muzeul Naval din Madrid (Museo Naval)
- Muzeul American de Madrid (Museo de America)
- Academia de Arte Frumoase San Fernando din Madrid (AcademiadeBellas Artes de San Fernando en Madrid)
Tablao Flamenco la Madrid:
-Tablao Flamenco Las Carboneras (Tablao Las Carboneras)
-Tablao Flamenco Villa Rosa (Tablao Villa Rosa)
-Tablao Corral de la Morera (Tablao Coral de la Moreria)
-Tablao Casa Patas (Tablao Casa Patas)

Travelergid - offersaneasy, convenient and very useful for independent travelers.Whileyou have the possibility to organize your perfect trip: alonecandecide what, when and where to go, and what to see. With ourappyou will always have in your pocket the most importanttouristattractions, programs, addresses and how to get around townwithoutgetting lost.
With our app you can:
- Let's go track of all tourist sites, without losing anyimportantmonument and a brief description.
Besides that ease viewing Madrid, you will have detailedinformationabout places to visit, such as prices, addresses,schedules,description, famous restaurants, where to shop with gooddiscounts,how and where to relax with children , phone numbers andwebsites,museums and parks with attractions, tourist buses to maketoursthrough the city, tourist information centers incazurideemergencies, and much more ..
Enjoy your trip to Madrid with the best applicationsfromtravelergid - Guide in Madrid!

What to see in Madrid
Madrid's main attractions:
- The Royal Palace (Palacio Real)
- Almudena Cathedral (Catedral de Almudena)
- Puerta del Sol Square (Plaza Puerta del Sol)
- Temple Debod (Templo de Debod)
- Neptune Fountain (Fuente del Neptuno)
- Cibeles Fountain (Fuente de Cibeles)
- Plaza de Oriente Square (Plaza de Oriente)
- Market Plaza de la Villa (Plaza de la Villa)
- Telecommunications Palace (Palacio de Telecomunicaciones)
- Plaza Mayor Square (Plaza Mayor)
- Gran Via (Gran Via)
- Royal Basilica of San Francisco el Grande (Real Basilica ofSanFrancisco el Grande)
Museums in Madrid:
- Madrid's Prado Museum (Museo del Prado)
- Thyssen Bornemisza Museum in Madrid(MuseoThyssen-Bornemisza)
- Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid (Museo Reina Sofia)
- Archaeological Museum of Madrid (Museo Arqueologico)
- Aviation Museum of Madrid (Museo del Aire)
- Naval Museum of Madrid (Museo Naval)
- American Museum of Madrid (Museo de America)
- Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid (Academia deBellasArtes de San Fernando en Madrid)
Tablao Flamenco in Madrid:
-Tablao Flamenco Las Carboneras (Tablao Las Carboneras)
-Tablao Flamenco Villa Rosa (Tablao Villa Rosa)
-Tablao Corral of Morera (Tablao from Coral Morera)
-Tablao Casa Patas (Tablao Casa Patas)

App Information Ghidul de Madrid

  • App Name
    Ghidul de Madrid
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    February 4, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    Ezequiel Solana 109 - Madrid
  • Google Play Link

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77 Снов Пресвятой Богородицы 4.0.0 APK
Заговоры-обереги всегда были популярны улюдей.Сила этих заговоров велика. Пользуясь этими заговорамиможноизбежать многих проблем. Среди сильных оберегов на первомместестоят обереги, которые в народе называют "СныПресвятойБогородицы". Даже простое ношение оберега с собой являетсямощнойзащитой. Существует поверье, что сильнее этих молитв ничегонет. Итот, кто соберет все 77 снов Богородицы, будет иметьнеограниченнуювласть над судьбой, у того человека будет всего вдостатке, и егоминует любая беда.В народе считается, что Сны Пресвятой Богородицы служатоберегом.Некоторые люди их переписывают от руки на бумагу и носят ссобой.Сны Богородицы – это самые сильные обереги, какие толькоможнонайти. Эти обереги называют в народе Охранной грамотой.Всегосуществует 77 «Снов», все они чем-то похожи друг на друга,нодействие у них совершенно, различное.Читают их до 40 раз в день. Некоторые сны читают тольковопределеные дни.Charms, charms havealwaysbeen popular with the people. The strength of thesegreatconspiracies. Using these plots, you can avoid many problems.Amongthe strong wards in the first place are the amulets, whichispopularly called "Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary." Evensimplywearing a talisman with a powerful protection. It is believedthatmore of these prayers is nothing. And those who collect all77Virgin Dreams will have unlimited power over destiny, thatpersonwill be only in prosperity, and his pass any trouble.The people believed that dreams serve as a guardian of theBlessedVirgin. Some people have them copied by hand on paper andcarrywith them. Virgin Dreams - is the most powerful charms, whichonlycan be found. These charms is popularly called writ. In totalthereare 77 "again", they are somewhat similar to each other, buttheeffect they have completely different.Read them up to 40 times a day. Some dreams are read only oncertaindays.
Мумиё - шиладжит (Shilajit) 1.0.0 APK
Мумиё — это богатый органа-минеральныйкомплексприродного происхождения. В его составе более 85необходимыхчеловеку минералов и микроэлементов.Мумиё представляет собой твёрдую горькую на вкус массу,отличнорастворимую в воде, имеющую тёмно-коричневый или чёрныйцвет, сровной поверхностью, которая отполирована временем. Мумиёявляетсямалотоксичным веществом, а нагреваясь, легкостановитсямягким.Наилучшим мумиё признано сырьё, имеющее чёрный цвет,блестящее,которому присущ запах нефти. Проверяется оно вот так:берётемаленький кусочек мумиё и кладёте на ладонь, и если оттемпературыруки он начнёт немного плавиться, станет мягким, каквоск, значит,это мумиё отличного качества. Если же от тепла рукивещество неразмягчится – его качество довольно низкое. Однаконаилучшеедоказательство – это стремительное лечебное действие, вособенностипри переломе костей.Отличного результата достигают при лечении язвы желудкаидвенадцатиперстной кишки, расстройств кишечника,печеночныхболезней, ревматизма, геморроя, гнойных ран, ожоговкожи,костнотуберкулезных заболеваний, болей головы, мигрени,озноба,головокружения, эпилепсии, общего паралича и параличалицевогонерва, воспалений молочной железы, лёгочныхкровотечений,аллергических заболеваний хронического характера,ангин, ринита,болезней бронхов, эрозий, разного рода воспалений,дефекта тканиполовых органов и иных женских заболеваний, бесплодияу мужчин,снижения половой функции, гипоаспермий (некачественнаясперма),тромбофлебита и радикулита.Мумиё лечит отравления, укусы скорпионов, заикание, оказываяприэтом общеукрепляющее действие. Благодаря мумиё ускоряетсяпроцессзаживления костных переломов, мозоль в кости формируется на8-17суток быстрее обычного.Всего выделено четыре основных вида мумиё: «золотое мумие»—красного цвета, «серебряное» — белого цвета, «медное» —синегоцвета, «темное» — коричнево-черного цвета. Последние двавиданаиболее распространены.Mummies - arichbody-mineral complex of natural origin. It includes more than85essential minerals and trace elements to man.Shilajit is a solid mass of bitter taste, well soluble inwater,having a dark brown or black color, with a smooth surface,which ispolished by time. Shilajit is a low toxic substance, andheated,easily becomes soft.Best mummy found raw materials having black color, brilliant,whichis inherent in the smell of oil. Checking it like this: takeasmall piece of mummy and puts on hand, and if the temperatureofhis hand he will begin to melt a little, is soft as wax, then itisthe mummy of excellent quality. If the heat from the hands ofthesubstance is not softened - it pretty low quality. However,thebest proof - a rapid therapeutic effect, especially whenbonefractures.Excellent results are achieved in the treatment of gastric ulcerandduodenal ulcers, bowel disorders, liver diseases,rheumatism,hemorrhoids, festering wounds, skin burns,kostnotuberkuleznyhdiseases, pain of the head, migraine, chills,dizziness, epilepsy,general paralysis and facial paralysis,inflammatory breastprostate, lung bleeding, allergic diseases ofchronic nature,angina, rhinitis, bronchial tubes disease, erosion,various kindsof inflammation, tissue defects of genitals and otherwomen'sdiseases, infertility in men, decreased sexualfunction,gipoaspermy (poor-quality sperm), thrombophlebitisandsciatica.Mummies treats poisoning, bites of scorpions, stuttering,whileproviding a restorative effect. Thanks mummy acceleratingthehealing process of bone fractures in the bone callus formed at8-17days earlier than usual.Total allocated to the four main types of mummies: the"goldenmummies" - red, "silver" - white, "copper" - blue, "dark" -abrownish-black color. The last two types are the mostcommon.
Гид по Барселонe 1.0.0 APK
Travelergid предлагает простое иудобноеприложение для самостоятельных путешественников. Мы хотимчтобы вы,смогли создать сами себе идеальный отдых, где вы самибудете решатьЧто, Где и Когда вам посмотреть.С помощью нашего приложения Гид по Барселоне, вы сможетебеззатруднений любоваться главными достопримечательностямиБарселоны изнаменитыми шедеврами Гауди: Храм Святого Семейства(SagradaFamilia), Готический Квартал (El Barrio Gotico), Дом сШипами (CasaTerrades), Гора Монжуик, уникальный музыкальный иразноцветныйфонтан Монжуика, Парк Лабиринт Орта, Парк Цитадели,Парк Гуэля,монастырь Монсерат, Храм Святого Сердца, Музей Пкассо,МузейШоколада, Стадион Камп Ноу, Музей Саграда Фамилия, Дом музейГауди;лучшие таблао Фламебко в Барселоне: Театр Лисео, таблаоКордобес,центр музыки Л Аудитори; главные достопримечательности длядетей:Фуникулер Тибидабо, Голубой Трамвай, Парк Тибидабо, зоопарквБарселоне, Аквариум в Барселоне и знаменитый парк развлеченийПортАвентура и многие другие.Конечно не обошли стороной и ночной отдых: ночной клуб"Bikini",ночной клуб-ресторан "Opium Mar", ночной клуб "CDLC" имножестводругих мест где вы сможете наслаждаться лучшей кухней ииспанскимивинами: ресторан "4 Gats", ресторан "Leopoldo Gil",ресторан "RoigRobi", ресторан "Can Cortada" и множество другихуютных иромантических ресторанов которые знамениты во всеммире.Уважаемые путешественники, в нашем приложении, кромеглавныхдостопримечательностей Барселоны, вы легко сможетенайтиместоположение каждого из них, адреса, как доехать икакойобщественный транспорт удобнее для вас, расписание рабочегографикаи необходимая информация которую любой из туристов должениметьвсегда при себе: адрес и телефон Консульства России, всеточкиТуристических Информационных Центров и телефон дляэкстренныхслучаев. Скачав наше приложение от Travelergid, Вамостанетсятолько наслаждаться отдыхом, прогуливаться по каталонскойстолицеБарселона, и без каких либо трудностей посетитьглавныедостопримечательности Барселоны.Travelergid offersasimple and user-friendly application for independent travelers.Wewant you could create yourself a perfect holiday, whereyouyourself will decide what, when and where you look.With our application guide Barcelona, ​​you can easily enjoythemain attractions of Barcelona and the famous Gaudi'smasterpiece:the Temple of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia), theGothic Quarter(El Barrio Gotico), House with spikes (CasaTerrades), MountMontjuïc, unique musical and multicolored Fountainof Montjuic ParkHorta Labyrinth Park Citadel Park Guell, MontserratMonastery,Temple of the Sacred Heart, Pkasso Museum, ChocolateMuseum, CampNou Stadium, Museum of the Sagrada Familia, Gaudi HouseMuseum;Flamebko best tablao in Barcelona: Liceu Theatre, tablaoCordobes,music center L auditors; the main attractions forchildren:Funicular Tibidabo Blue Tram Tibidabo Park, a zoo inBarcelonaAquarium in Barcelona and the famous Port Aventura themepark andmany others.Of course not spared and night's rest nightclub "Bikini", anightclub and restaurant "Opium Mar", night club "CDLC" and manyotherplaces where you can enjoy the best cuisine and Spanishwinerestaurant "4 Gats", the restaurant " Leopoldo Gil ",therestaurant" Roig Robi ", a restaurant" Can Cortada "and manyotherromantic and cozy restaurant that is famous all overtheworld.Dear travelers, in our application, in addition to Barcelona'smainattractions, you can easily find the location of each ofthemaddresses how to get and what kind of public transportation ismoreconvenient for you, schedule work schedule and thenecessaryinformation that any of the tourists must be always withyou: eRussian Consulate and phone, all the points of touristinformationcenters and phone for emergencies. Download our appfromTravelergid, you just need to enjoy your vacation, strollingalongthe Catalan capital Barcelona, ​​and without any difficultiestovisit the main attractions of Barcelona.
Что такое мудра. Мудра - "печать, знак"—символическое, ритуальное расположение кистей рук, ритуальныйязыкжестов.Целительное воздействие, которое получаем обыкновеннымсложениемпальцев одной или обеих рук.Откройте в себе резерв сил, который поможет вам сохранить здоровьеижить долго и счастливо!What is wise. Mudra-"stamp, mark" - a symbolic ritual arrangement of the hands,aritual sign language.Healing effects that obtain ordinary addition fingers of one orbothhands.Open a reserve of strength that will help you stay healthy andlivehappily ever after!
Ghidul de Madrid 2.0.0 APK
Travelergid - oferă o aplicație simplă,comodăși foarte utila pentru călătorii independente. Avetiposibilitateca din timp sa va organizati excursia perfecta: singuriputetidecide ce, când și unde sa plecati, si ce sa vedeti. Cuaplicatianoastra o sa aveti mereu in buzunar cele mai importanteatractiituristice, programe, adrese si cum sa ajungeti fara arataci prinoras.Cu aplicația noastră, puteți:- Sa duceti evidența tuturor locurilor turistice, fără a pierdeniciun monument important si cu o scurtă descriere.În afară de faptul că va usura vizionarea Madridului, vetiaveainformații detaliate despre locurile de vizitat, cum ar fi:tarife,adrese, orare, descriere, restaurante faimoase, unde afacecumpărături cu reduceri bune, cum și unde să vă relaxați cucopiii,numere de telefon și site-uri web, muzee și parcuri cuatractii,autobuze turistice pentru a face tururi prin oras, centredeinformații pentru turisti, în cazuride situații de urgență, șimultmai mult ..Bucurați-vă de călătoria dvs. spre Madrid, cu cele maibuneaplicații de la travelergid - Ghidul in Madrid!Ce să vezi în Madrid:Atracțiile principale din Madrid:- Palatul Regal (Palacio Real)- Catedrala Almudena (Catedral de Almudena)- Piața Puerta del Sol (Plaza Puerta del Sol)- Tempul Debod (Templo de Debod)- Fântâna lui Neptun (Fuente del Neptuno)- Fântâna Cibeles (Fuente de Cibeles)- Piata Plaza de Oriente (Plaza de Oriente)- Piata Plaza de la Villa (Plaza de la Villa)- Palatul Telecomunicații (Palacio de Telecomunicaciones)- Piata Plaza Mayor (Plaza Mayor)- Gran Via (Gran Via)- Bazilica Regal de San Francisco el Grande (Real BazilicaSanFrancisco el Grande)Muzee din Madrid:- Muzeul Prado din Madrid (Museo del Prado)- Muzeul Thyssen Bornemisza din Madrid(MuseoThyssen-Bornemisza)- Muzeul Reina Sofia din Madrid (Museo de Reina Sofia)- Muzeul Arheologic din Madrid (Museo Arqueologico)- Muzeul Aviației din Madrid (Museo del Aire)- Muzeul Naval din Madrid (Museo Naval)- Muzeul American de Madrid (Museo de America)- Academia de Arte Frumoase San Fernando din Madrid (AcademiadeBellas Artes de San Fernando en Madrid)Tablao Flamenco la Madrid:-Tablao Flamenco Las Carboneras (Tablao Las Carboneras)-Tablao Flamenco Villa Rosa (Tablao Villa Rosa)-Tablao Corral de la Morera (Tablao Coral de la Moreria)-Tablao Casa Patas (Tablao Casa Patas)Travelergid - offersaneasy, convenient and very useful for independent travelers.Whileyou have the possibility to organize your perfect trip: alonecandecide what, when and where to go, and what to see. With ourappyou will always have in your pocket the most importanttouristattractions, programs, addresses and how to get around townwithoutgetting lost.With our app you can:- Let's go track of all tourist sites, without losing anyimportantmonument and a brief description.Besides that ease viewing Madrid, you will have detailedinformationabout places to visit, such as prices, addresses,schedules,description, famous restaurants, where to shop with gooddiscounts,how and where to relax with children , phone numbers andwebsites,museums and parks with attractions, tourist buses to maketoursthrough the city, tourist information centers incazurideemergencies, and much more ..Enjoy your trip to Madrid with the best applicationsfromtravelergid - Guide in Madrid!What to see in MadridMadrid's main attractions:- The Royal Palace (Palacio Real)- Almudena Cathedral (Catedral de Almudena)- Puerta del Sol Square (Plaza Puerta del Sol)- Temple Debod (Templo de Debod)- Neptune Fountain (Fuente del Neptuno)- Cibeles Fountain (Fuente de Cibeles)- Plaza de Oriente Square (Plaza de Oriente)- Market Plaza de la Villa (Plaza de la Villa)- Telecommunications Palace (Palacio de Telecomunicaciones)- Plaza Mayor Square (Plaza Mayor)- Gran Via (Gran Via)- Royal Basilica of San Francisco el Grande (Real Basilica ofSanFrancisco el Grande)Museums in Madrid:- Madrid's Prado Museum (Museo del Prado)- Thyssen Bornemisza Museum in Madrid(MuseoThyssen-Bornemisza)- Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid (Museo Reina Sofia)- Archaeological Museum of Madrid (Museo Arqueologico)- Aviation Museum of Madrid (Museo del Aire)- Naval Museum of Madrid (Museo Naval)- American Museum of Madrid (Museo de America)- Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid (Academia deBellasArtes de San Fernando en Madrid)Tablao Flamenco in Madrid:-Tablao Flamenco Las Carboneras (Tablao Las Carboneras)-Tablao Flamenco Villa Rosa (Tablao Villa Rosa)-Tablao Corral of Morera (Tablao from Coral Morera)-Tablao Casa Patas (Tablao Casa Patas)
Kefir: a probiotic drink 1.0.0 APK
Kefir guide:• What is kefir?• Their benefits• How to make kefir• Care of kefir• Kefir precautions.• Kefir diets.• List of kefir probiotics,• List of diseases that kefir can treat or improveKefir is a rich in calcium and phosphorus, and high leanproteincontent.Kefir is a great source of tryptophan.The bioactive compounds (healthy bacteria) found in kefirhelpdevelop and maintain a healthy gut flora and gooddigestion.Those who are lactose intolerant or are vegan can also benefitfromconsuming kefir made out of plant sources such as soy,rice,coconut, almond etc.Kefir has many reputed health benefits. It has antibioticandantifungal properties. It's been used in the treatment of avarietyof conditions, including metabolic disorders,atherosclerosis, andallergies, tuberculosis, cancer, poordigestion, candidiasis,osteoporosis, hypertension, HIV and heartdisease. You might findit odd that that a drink containing yeastswould be good fortreating candidiasis but it has been helpful tomany people, bothby restoring a better balance to the gut flora andbecause someelements of the microflora will kill off CandidaAlbicans. Not allyeasts are harmful.
Cifuentes - Villa Condal 1.0.0 APK
Cifuentes, cuna de personajes ilustres (DªAnade Mendoza Princesa de Eboli, Duquesa de Pastrana y CondesaMélito,D. Diego Ladron de Guevara, Obispo de Panamá, Huamanga yQuito yXXV Virrey del Perú y D. Diego de Landa Calderón, Obispo deYucatány cronista de la civilización maya)Ubicado en La Alcarria, cuenta con un patrimonio envidiable,elCastillo del Infante D. Juan Manuel, del s. XIV, La iglesiadelSalvador de finales del s. XIII... También existen otrascapillas,iglesias y conventos, así como casonas antiguas.Fué lugar de paso de Camilo José Cela en su famoso Viaje alaAlcarria. Por esta localidad transcurre la Ruta de la Lana,antiguocamino que aprovecha parte de una antigua vía romana,comunicandoel Levante español con Burgos, donde enlaza con elCamino aSantiago.Cifuentes, birthplaceoffamous people (Ms. Ana de Mendoza Princess Eboli, PastranaandCountess Duchess of Melito, D. Diego Ladron de Guevara, BishopofPanama, Quito and XXV Huamanga and Viceroy of Peru and Don DiegodeLanda Calderón, Bishop Yucatan and chronicler of theMayancivilization)Located in La Alcarria, it has an enviable heritage, CastleInfanteD. Juan Manuel, the s. XIV, Church of the Savior of the lates.XIII ... There are other chapels, churches and monasteries andoldhouses.It was a stopping point for Camilo Jose Cela in his famousJourneyto the Alcarria. For this town runs the Ruta de la Lana, oldroadthat takes advantage of an old Roman road, communicating withtheSpanish Levante Burgos, where it joins the Road toSantiago.
Ghidul de Toledo 3.0.0 APK
Centrul istoric al orasului Toledo, esteunansamblu dintr-o bucata de oras medieval neatinse detrecereatimpului, cu un labirint de strazi pietruite inguste si unnumarmare de monumente arhitecturale, care inclue:Catedrala Sfintei Maria, construită în secolele XIII-XVCetatea Alcázar de ToledoMuzeul Sefardi, situat în Sinagoga El Transito (secolulalXIV-lea)Fosta Sinagoga Santa Maria la Blanca (secolul XII), cea maivechesinagoga din Europa, existentaRuinele amfiteatrul roman și apeduct romanCastillo de San Servando, XIVFosta Moschee Cristo de la Luz, construita in anii 999-1000.Muzeul Spitalul Santa Cruz, secolul XVIManastirea Franciscana din San Juan de los Reyes în stilgoticFlamboyant, 1477-1504Manastirea Cisterciana de Santo Domingo el Antiguo, fondatăîn1085Spitalul Tavera (1541-1603).Biserica Santo Tome cu îngroparea Contelui Orgaz de (1586)Museul El Greco cu o colectie de picturi saleBiserica San Roman, din secolul al XIII-lea, cu un muzeul deCulturăVizigotaBiserica de San Ildefonso în stil baroc, secolul XVIIIBiserica Santiago de Arrabal, stil Mudejar, reconstruit însecolulal XIII-lea. Moscheea din secolul al XII-leaPoarta veche de BisagraPoarta del SolPodul AlcantaraPoarta de Valmardon si multe alte atractii a orasului Toledo,primacapitala a Spaniei.The historical centerofToledo, is a set-piece of medieval city untouched by time, withamaze of narrow cobblestone streets and a large numberofarchitectural monuments, which had included:Cathedral of St. Mary, built in XIII-XV centuriesAlcázar de Toledo citySefardi Museum, El Transito Synagogue located (XIV century)Former Synagogue Santa Maria la Blanca (XII century), theoldestsynagogue in Europe, existenceThe ruins of the Roman amphitheater and Roman aqueductCastillo de San Servando, XIVFormer Cristo de la Luz Mosque, built in the years 999-1000.Hospital Santa Cruz Museum, the sixteenth centuryFranciscan Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes FlamboyantGothic,1477-1504Cistercian Monastery of Santo Domingo el Antiguo, foundedin1085Hospital Tavera (1541-1603).Church Burial of Count Orgaz Santo Tome with the (1586)El Greco Museum with a collection of his paintingsSan Roman Church, XIII century, a Visigoth Culture MuseumSan Ildefonso Church Baroque eighteenth centurySantiago de Arrabal Church, Mudejar style, rebuilt in theXIIIcentury. Mosque century XIIOld Gate of BisagraGate del SolAlcantara bridgeValmardon Gate and many other attractions of the city of Toledo,thefirst capital of Spain.