5.0 / May 12, 2018
(4.4/5) (78)


Attachment gharelu nuskhe1.png successfully uploaded andadded.Conversation opened. 1 read message. Skip to content UsingGmailwith screen readers Move to Inbox More 1 of 1,055 (nosubject)sudhir kotadiya Attachments4:29 PM (8 minutes ago) toChamunda 10Attachments Click here to Reply or Forward 13.62 GB(90%) of 15 GBused Manage Terms - Privacy Last account activity: 44minutes agoDetails Chamunda Xerox's profile photo [email protected] Show details AyurvedicghareluUpchar or Home Remedies is great collection of best knownremediesfor diseases. Aayurveda nuskhe become a important role inour dayto day life and its best part is that there is no sideeffect ofAyurveda. India is origin of many novel things. Our GreatIndianSaints has done a lot of research on the benefits ofnaturalproducts and techniques to get better health and long age.Ayurvedais originated in Ancient India and many saints andspiritualleaders like Charak, Dhanwantri and many more done a lotofresearch on these. So, we come with this gharelu ilaj ofAyurvedawhich means you can cure some disease at home. You willfind asolution to almost everything right here. With the increasedstressand pollution, make sure your health, beauty and wellness istakencare of from head to toe. App Desc.txt

App Information Gharelu Nuskhe

  • App Name
    Gharelu Nuskhe
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    May 12, 2018
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 4.0.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Dudly World
  • Installs
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Hair Fall Tips 9.0 APK
Dudly World
Completely offline & free collection of hair fallsolutions,hair loss treatment ideas, hair growth and care tips.Hair fallcontrol and regrowth app name only suggest you that itmeant to befor hair loss control and to get new hairs. In this appwe haveexplained all about why people get hair loss and the reasonforthat and we have give you home made best remedy to controlhairloss and some tips to avoid hair fall.which you can gettheinformation about what to do and what not to do. Every humanbeingexperiences hair loss at sometime in their lives. It is veryrarethat any one does not suffer it. Any hair loss in excess of 10%ofall hair at any point of time can be called abnormal hair lossandmay require treatment or special care. This application issuitablefor someone that looking for solution for hair loss.Inthisapplication there are many treatment that can be use for thehairloss .The treatment is easy and simple to be apply.
Acupressure Guide in Hindi 1.1 APK
Dudly World
This app will shows the information about acupressure points.Thisapplication about Acupressure Points to help you get betterwhenyou pain. Acupressure is the most effective methodforself-treatment of tension-related ailments by using the powerandsensitivity of the human hand pontos,ailment,quicker. You canseetreatments by Symtoms like you have diabetes problem, thenappgives you actual solution for that. Acupressure treatment foralldiseases and will shows the information about acupressurepoints,reflexology points, hand acupressure, leg acupressure,neckacupressure, foot reflexology points, ear acupuncture,easyacupuncture 3d and acupuncture etc. acupressure points to helpyouget better when you suffering from pain.
लौंग के फायदे 1.1 APK
Dudly World
The other names for Cloves’s are (القرنفل) in Arabic,(丁香)inChinese, in (гвоздика) Russian, (dente de alho) inPortuguese,(kruidnagel) in Dutch, (Chiodo di garofano) in Italianand (Clavo)in Spanish, (karanfil) in Turkish. Learn the Cloveshealth benefitswith this app. Cloves offer many health benefits,some of whichinclude aid in digestion, fighting against cancer,protecting theliver, boosting the immune system, controllingdiabetes, preservingbone quality, and containing anti-mutagenic andanti-microbialproperties, as well as fighting against oral diseasesandheadaches, while also displaying aphrodisiac properties. Thisappcovers various topics like Cloves for hair loss, Cloves forweightloss, Cloves for skin, Cloves for Diabetes, Cloves nutrition,andetc. लौंग का रंग काला होता है। यह एक खुशबूदार मसाला है जिसेभोजनमें स्वाद के लिए डाला जाता है। भारतीय रसोईघर मे लौंग और लौंगकीउपयोगिता को कौन नहीं जानता। लौंग को दादी नानी के नुस्खों मेंएकविशेष स्थान प्राप्त है। इसमें प्रोटीन, आयरन,कार्बोहाइड्रेट्स,कैल्शियम, फॉस्फोरस, पोटैशियम, सोडियम औरहाइड्रोक्लोरिक एसिड भरपूरमात्रा में मिलते हैं। लौंग में बहुत सारेऔषधीय गुण पाए जाते है।जिनसे हम सर्दी- जुखाम जैसी समस्या में आसानीसे छुटकारा पा सकते है।एप्प में लौंग के अनेकों फायदों के बारे मेंविधिपूर्वक बताया गया है।जिनका आप आसानी से उपयोग कर सकते है। Clovesare the aromatic flowerbuds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae,Syzygium aromaticum. Theyare native to the Maluku Islands (orMoluccas) in Indonesia, andare commonly used as a spice. Cloves arecommercially harvestedprimarily in Bangladesh, Indonesia, India,Madagascar, Zanzibar,Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. Cloves areavailable throughoutthe year. People who eat the most vegetablesand fruits in the USAhave the lowest risk for chronic diseases.Cloves has the possibleto avoid hair loss, thanks to the presenceof soluble fiber,phenolic compounds in Cloves skin, antioxidants,and vitamins.Along with health, Cloves today has also consideredCloves as anelement of beauty benefit.
Aroma Therapy in Hindi 1.1 APK
Dudly World
Aromatherapy is a commonly known relaxation technique. Therearemany essential oils or fragrant essential oils extractedfromherbs, fruits and various kinds of flowers, which normally usedinAromatherapy. The healing power of the essential oil is theessenceof aromatherapy. Aromatherapy(Sungadh Chikitsa) is a typeofalternative medicine that uses essential oils and otheraromaticplant compounds which are aimed at improving a person'shealth ormood. Many consider this type of treatment as unscientificandwishful thinking - however, scientific evidence ofitseffectiveness is growing. In this age of modern medical sciencesitis very important to learn aromatherapy. One should learnconceptsof aromatherapy during one’s free time and thisaromatherapy appwill help you do just that. Aromatherapy uses plantmaterials andaromatic plant oils, including essential oils, andother aromacompounds for improving psychological or physicalwell-being. Thereare a lot of aromatherapy app that help you learnaromatherapyconcepts. With our aromatherapy app you can easilymaster thelanguage. With this aromatherapy app you can learnaromatherapyonline. You can learn aromatherapy and the examples areforbeginners.
Diabetes Control Tips 8.0 APK
Dudly World
Diabetes means a disorder of the metabolism causing excessivethirstand the production of large amounts of urine. Know whatcausesdiabetes actually. It is not a deadly disease but it mayresult incausing other dangerous diseases if proper treatment isnot taken.Get a brief information regarding the side effects ofDiabetes. hisapp is compiled by a team of Medical Doctorsspecifically forDiabetic individuals. Everybody wants to looksmart and healthy.However, diabetes is a common health problem inthe world. So, whatis the best way to control your blood sugarlevel? We bring you acollection of over 100 tips, which offerstime-tested techniques tohelp you control your sugar level fasternaturally.
Havan Ki Vidhi : हवन विधि 5.0 APK
Dudly World
The Havan App empowers everyone, from novices to experts, toperformthe ancient Vedic rituals of Havan and Sandhya. Userschoose theoccasion for the Havan, its duration, and then as theaudio plays,can swipe between Mantra and meaning. This app tellsyou thecomplete vidhi and mantras on how to perform a Havan...!!We havealso provided meaning of the mantras. There is everythingavailablethat is needed to perform in a hawan.. So download andlearn.
Gharelu Nuskhe 5.0 APK
Dudly World
Attachment gharelu nuskhe1.png successfully uploaded andadded.Conversation opened. 1 read message. Skip to content UsingGmailwith screen readers Move to Inbox More 1 of 1,055 (nosubject)sudhir kotadiya Attachments4:29 PM (8 minutes ago) toChamunda 10Attachments Click here to Reply or Forward 13.62 GB(90%) of 15 GBused Manage Terms - Privacy Last account activity: 44minutes agoDetails Chamunda Xerox's profile photo [email protected] Show details AyurvedicghareluUpchar or Home Remedies is great collection of best knownremediesfor diseases. Aayurveda nuskhe become a important role inour dayto day life and its best part is that there is no sideeffect ofAyurveda. India is origin of many novel things. Our GreatIndianSaints has done a lot of research on the benefits ofnaturalproducts and techniques to get better health and long age.Ayurvedais originated in Ancient India and many saints andspiritualleaders like Charak, Dhanwantri and many more done a lotofresearch on these. So, we come with this gharelu ilaj ofAyurvedawhich means you can cure some disease at home. You willfind asolution to almost everything right here. With the increasedstressand pollution, make sure your health, beauty and wellness istakencare of from head to toe. App Desc.txt
मैथी के फायदे 1.0 APK
Dudly World
मेथी के बीज में प्रभावी रोगाणुरोधी, एंटीऑक्सिडेंट,एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी,मधुमेह विरोधी और एंटीवायरल गुण पाएं जाते हैं।मेथी के पत्ते तथा मेथीके बीज बडी आसानी से उपलब्ध हो जाते हैं तथाइनमें पाये जाने वालेस्वास्थ्य गुणों के कारण भारतीय रसोईघरों मेंइनका इस्तेमाल बडे पैमानेपर किया जाता है। यह विटामिन B6, विटामिन A,विटामिन C, फोलिक एसिड,थायमिन, राइबोफ्लेविन तथा नियासिन के साथ-साथही आयरन, कैल्शियम,पोटेशियम, मैग्नेशियम, कॉपर, मैगनीज तथा ज़िंक काएक अच्छा स्रोत हैं।Effective antimicrobial, antioxidant,anti-inflammatory,anti-diabetic and antiviral properties are foundin fenugreek seeds.Fenugreek leaves and fenugreek seeds arereadily available and dueto the health qualities found in them,they are used on large scalein Indian kitchens. These vitamins area good source of vitamin B6,vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid,thiamine, riboflavin and niacin aswell as iron, calcium,potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese andzinc. what are thebenefits of Fenugreek? how Fenugreek helps inheart problems,improves digestive problems and cholesterol levels,reducinginflammation inside the body, increases libido in men,promotesmilk flow in Breastfeeding, lowers Inflammation fromoutside thebody, adds flavor and spice to food? how to curediseases by homeremedies? home remedies of Fenugreek, fruits guide,nutritioninformation of Fenugreek.