App Information Fortress Under Siege
- App NameFortress Under Siege
- Package Namecom.easytech.fortress
- UpdatedNovember 12, 2014
- File SizeUndefined
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version
- DeveloperEasyTech
- Installs500,000 - 1,000,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryStrategy
- DeveloperVisit website Email [email protected]SISPARK A305,No.1355 Jingji Lake Avenue, Industrial Park ,Suzhou, Jiangsu Province,P. R. China.
- Google Play Link
Fortress Under Siege Version History
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Fortress Under Siege 1.2.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /5/10Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 33.6 MBTested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)File Sha1: 5451296551ee98a6a3ad4d417636cbd2c1a24f43 -
Fortress Under Siege 1.2.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2017 /3/21Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 33.6 MBTested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)File Sha1: 5451296551ee98a6a3ad4d417636cbd2c1a24f43 -
Fortress Under Siege 1.2.0 APK File
Publish Date: 2015 /12/11Requires Android: Android 2.3+ (Gingerbread, API: 9)File Size: 33.6 MBTested on: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API: 21)File Sha1: 5451296551ee98a6a3ad4d417636cbd2c1a24f43
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Fortress Under Siege APK
A conspiracy throws our kingdom into the mostdangerous moment, which needs you and your army to shoulder theresponsibility of safeguarding the kingdom. The powerful enemyalready launches the attack, which leaves you no choice as you arethe last hope of the kingdom.The particular fortress construction mode allows you to build theunique fortress of your own, which will bring you a strong sense ofproud especially when seeing tens of thousands of enemies fall infront of your elaborate fortress. Feel free to build walls andfortresses, set up gatehouses, pits, barriers and towers and paintpitch on the ground to launch fire attack against your enemy. Youcan also build all kinds of buildings to boost your soldier'sbattle efficiency. The establishment of magic towers enables you touse magic. Arrow towers and round towers of different scale helpyou to form solid defensive line.You can also have your archers shoot enemies on the wall…With 22 types of military units and numerous styles of bosses, thegame will impress you with rich and skillful playing methods, forexample, upgrading your soldiers' level or building function allmake your defensive line more strong. Weather your fortress cansurvive the surrounded enemies?With the vast battlefield and splendid background music, you aresure to throw yourself into this war in the Middle Ages.Story Mode:10 epic campaigns with 50 levelsGlory Mode:Hold fast to your fortress and stand firm against your enemy for 20days.Features:- 22 types of units- Various Bosses- 47 map types- Superior AI- Unit upgrade mode- Building upgrade mode- Magnificent background music- Auto save...Thanks for your support. EASYTECH
유럽 전쟁2 1.01 APK
유럽전쟁2는 세계2차대전을 배경으로한 신형 전술 게임(SuperRisk)입니다。게임에서 군사 단위를 이용하여 육지,도시,해양등 지역을 쟁탈하는 것입니다.자원을 쟁탈하여 경제와 군사를발전시키며 상대방의 도시를 점령하여 상대방을 소멸하는 것입니다.게임에는 28개 유럽국가가 나타나며 200여개의 육지지역과 해양 지역이 존재합니다.12개의 축심국과 동맹국을 선택하여 게임을 진행할수 있으며 여러가지 게임 모드도 즐길수있습니다.게임에서 합리적으로 사병,탱크,대포등 세가지 가장 기본적인 군사 단위를 조작하고 배치하면서 게임을 진행해 나갑니다.(사병은 생산량이 높지만 공격력은 일반적 입니다.탱크는 공격력이 높을 뿐만아니라 상대방을 이긴후에도 계속하여 움직일수있습니다.대포로 사병과 탱크를 공격할때 상대방은 반격하지 못합니다.) 수시로 현재 형세에 대하여 정확한 판단을 내려야합니다.왜냐하면 AI가 아주 뛰여납니다.매개 국가의 사병들의 특징은 각양각색합니다.예를 들면 독일의 탱크가 가장 강하지만가격도 아주 비쌉니다.그리고 소련의 사병은 가장 싸며 영국의 해군은 가장 훌륭합니다.게임에서는 게임 지령에 대한 군사 카드의 보조적 진행이 필요합니다.사병 카드(사병 단위를 생산함)탱크 카드(탱크 단위를 생산함)대포 카드(대포 단위를 생산함)군함 카드(군함이 갖추어지면 해상에서 작전할수 있음)토치카 카드(3개 회합사이에 이동,공격은 할수 없지만 방어를 증가할수 있음)건설 카드(토지를 건설하며 세금을 증가함。제일 높은 등급까지 건설하게 되면 그 토지위에서 사병을 모집할수있음)공습 카드(가까운 범위내의 적군으 공습할수 있음)장군 카드(군단에 장군을 세워서 공격력을 증가할수 있음)총사령 카드(군단에 총사령을 세워서 방어력을 증가할수 있음)특수 카드(오직 독일,소련,영국,프랑스,이탈리아가 가지고 있으며 7개 회합에 한번의 사용이 가능함)게임은 2개 모드가 설치되여 있음:정복 모드12개의 축심국과 동맹국 사이에서 하나를 선택하여 유럽을 쟁패합니다.각종 기타 세력은 당신의 맹우나 적군 그리고 중립자가될것입니다.전투 모드전투 모드는 4개 국가를 주요 라인(독일,영국,프랑스,소련)으로 선택하여 16개 전투 게임을 진행할수 있습니다.독일편【제1장】전격전【제2장】마지노 방어선【제3장】바바롯사계획【제4장】유럽의 정점영국편【제1장】영국 해협【제2장】북아프리카 전투【제3장】베를린 전투【제4장】동유럽의 결전프랑스편【제1장】조국을 보위하다【제2장】아펜니노 전투【제3장】발칸 전투【제4장】동유럽의 결전소련편【제1장】성밑까지 들이닥치다【제2장】벼랑끝에서의 반격【제3장】결전【제4장】유럽의 정점장엄한 전투 음악과 음향 효과는 당신으로 하여금 전쟁 분위기를 충분히 느낄수있게 합니다.게임 특징:전투 모드와 정복 모드200여개 토지28개 참전국30개 군사 단위15장 군사 카드5개 등급 난이도17개 전투자동으로 보존함European war 2 is a newbackground to World War II tactical game (Super Risk). Would usethe military units in the game to capture the local land, city,ocean, etc. to capture the development of the economic and militaryresources sikimyeo is occupied by the other party to destroy theother side of the city. appear in game 28 European countries canprogress through the game's land area and more than 200 marineareas exist, select the .12 of the axis and allies, and variousgame stations This mode is also enjoyable.Proceed to exit the game, including the three most basic militaryunit of soldiers, tanks, cannons, while the operation and placereasonably in the game. (The damage is usually when you cancontinue to move even though the damage is high, as well as theother tank is a tank cannon to attack the soldiers and the soldiersof the other side does not fight back higher yields) are often theexact current situation with respect to to make a judgment. appearsvery jump out the AI must enlisted the parameters characteristicof the huge variety of countries, for example, the tank of Germany,the strong, but the price is also very expensive, and the soldiersof the Soviet Navy in the UK is cheaper because most Thespectacular.In the game, you need a military command supplementary cards forthis game is in progress.Soldier Card (produce soldier unit also)Tank Card (produce tank unit also)Artillery Card (produce artillery units also)USS Card (When equipped warships at sea, is that operationscan)Tochika card (moving between the three meetings, you can not attackthat can increase the defense)Construction Card (If built to the highest grade construction landand tax increases. Available that can recruit soldiers onland)Raid card (flying enemy that can strike in close range)General card (which can increase the damage to the general uprightCorps)(Which can increase the defense erected a chongsaryeong the Corps)card chongsaryeongSpecial Card (only with the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom,Italy, Germany, France, and is available for use once in sevenmeetings)The game has two modes doeyeo installation that:Conquest modeThe European jaengpae between 12 to select one of the axis andallied countries is maengwoo and various other forces of the enemy,and you will be a neutral party.Battle ModeYou can progress to 16 combat game by selecting a main line(Germany, Britain, France, Soviet Union) is a four-country battlemode.German side[Chapter 1] Blitzkrieg[Chapter 2] majino Defence[Chapter 3] Baba rotsa plan[Chapter 4] peak of EuropeYounggukpyeon[Chapter 1] English Channel[Chapter 2] North African Battle- Chapter 3 - Battle of Berlin- Chapter 4 Battle of Eastern Europe;French sideThe Bowie - Chapter 1 - The Motherland[Chapter 2] battle Apennines[Chapter 3] Balkan battle- Chapter 4 Battle of Eastern Europe;Soviet sideThey dakchida [Chapter 1] by a castle[Chapter 2] Struck at the brink[Chapter 3] Battle[Chapter 4] peak of EuropeYou feel so full of war epic battle atmosphere with music andsound effects let you.Game Features:Conquest mode and battle modeMore than 200 land28 chamjeonguk30 military units15 military cardsLevel 5 rating17 BattleConservation should automatically
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HUGE update is here! See the changelog for thenew and exciting changes!Build your fortress, and defend it to the end!Block Fortress gives you the freedom to create a stronghold inalmost any way you can imagine, and then puts you in the middle ofthe action trying to defend it from the relentless attacks of themenacing Goblocks! Put your skills as both a builder and a fighterto the test as you try to survive as long as you can!Features:• a unique mix of TD and FPS gameplay• complete freedom to build your base any way you choose, fromtowering fortresses, to sprawling castles• customize your blocks, weapons, and equipment using a massivecrafting system• team up with your friends in 2 player cooperativemultiplayer• fortify your walls with over 30 different building blocks• defend your base with 16 advanced turret types• gear up your avatar with tons of weapons and equipment• lots of support blocks - including power generators, depthcharges, land mines, spotlights, teleporters, and more• day and night cycle - build lights and spotlights to prepareyourself for the harsh night!• several game modes, including a "free build" sandbox mode and amore intense survival mode• 6 different types of terrain to conquer• upload and share your creations, and download others