14.3 / August 28, 2020
(4/5) (145)


Formotus Pro Mobile Forms App The Formotus mobile forms servicedistributes forms in 2 free mobile apps (Formotus Now and FormotusPro). Use the Formotus Pro app to complete Formotus mobile businessforms in the field—online or offline. Formotus Pro Data CollectionApp Formotus Pro is a free mobile forms companion app that workswith the Formotus Mobile Form SaaS. Create a form using theweb-based Formotus form builder. Registered team members can accessand update forms on a mobile device, without a data connection.Once they have an internet data connection, the captured info isautomatically uploaded to your data collection repository. TheFormotus Pro app has a client-side workflow feature so you can moveassignments from one mobile user to other mobile users. TheFormotus SaaS business form solution is GDPR and HIPPA compliant.Build Secure GDPR Compliant Mobile Forms in Minutes 1. Start aFormotus free trial at www.formotus.com. 2. Use the easydrag-and-drop form builder to create business forms. Add dataconnectors to populate drop-downs and submit data to your company’sdata store. 3. Registered team members open the Formotus Pro appand complete the form securely online or offline and submit it toyour company’s backend or cloud data stores. Data collected in theform never passes through Formotus’ servers. Formotus Mobile FormsBuilder Advantages • Formotus never stores any data collected informs • Add complex business logic with no coding • Secure offlinedata collection • Formotus integrates (no code required) forms withmany backend databases including SharePoint, Google, Salesforce,SQL, and custom SOAP/REST web services • Unique, flexible licensing• Turn existing InfoPath forms into mobile forms Formotus DigitalForm Features • Add photos and signatures • Image/diagramannotations • Location/GPS • Maps • Date & time controls •Calculations • Checkbox lists • Barcode scanning • Repeatingcontrols • Assignment rules • Master/detail controls • Submit formsas PDF/XML/HTML • Robust offline data validation/error checking •Migrate existing InfoPath forms to Formotus and add photos,signatures, and other custom controls. How the Formotus Pro MobileForms App Works Download the Formotus Pro app to see sample forms.Create custom mobile business forms by opening a free Formotustrial account at www.formotus.com. Common Use Cases for FormotusPro App Customers use the Formotus Pro app for: construction forms,building inspections, punch lists, work orders, service dispatch,material and equipment logs, job safety analysis, risk assessmentmatrix, daily job reports, job routing, delivery tickets, servicerequests, security audits, merchandising, healthcare forms, salesforms, and more. Easily send Formotus forms to your registeredFormotus users. • Distribute forms to licensed users • Licensedusers can submit an unlimited number of forms • Forms run in theFormotus Pro app • Account admins deploy forms to licensed users •Admins control form access • Users can create a new draft of a formoffline Anyone registered with your Formotus account can use theFormotus Pro app. If you’re looking for an app-click option, checkout the free Formotus Now app. Anyone with a link to your Formotusform can complete it on their mobile device or Windows 10 machine.You pay a fee each time a mobile user opens the form.

App Information Formotus Pro (Mobile Forms)

Formotus Inc. Show More...

Formotus Pro (Mobile Forms) 14.3 APK
Formotus Inc.
Formotus Pro Mobile Forms App The Formotus mobile forms servicedistributes forms in 2 free mobile apps (Formotus Now and FormotusPro). Use the Formotus Pro app to complete Formotus mobile businessforms in the field—online or offline. Formotus Pro Data CollectionApp Formotus Pro is a free mobile forms companion app that workswith the Formotus Mobile Form SaaS. Create a form using theweb-based Formotus form builder. Registered team members can accessand update forms on a mobile device, without a data connection.Once they have an internet data connection, the captured info isautomatically uploaded to your data collection repository. TheFormotus Pro app has a client-side workflow feature so you can moveassignments from one mobile user to other mobile users. TheFormotus SaaS business form solution is GDPR and HIPPA compliant.Build Secure GDPR Compliant Mobile Forms in Minutes 1. Start aFormotus free trial at www.formotus.com. 2. Use the easydrag-and-drop form builder to create business forms. Add dataconnectors to populate drop-downs and submit data to your company’sdata store. 3. Registered team members open the Formotus Pro appand complete the form securely online or offline and submit it toyour company’s backend or cloud data stores. Data collected in theform never passes through Formotus’ servers. Formotus Mobile FormsBuilder Advantages • Formotus never stores any data collected informs • Add complex business logic with no coding • Secure offlinedata collection • Formotus integrates (no code required) forms withmany backend databases including SharePoint, Google, Salesforce,SQL, and custom SOAP/REST web services • Unique, flexible licensing• Turn existing InfoPath forms into mobile forms Formotus DigitalForm Features • Add photos and signatures • Image/diagramannotations • Location/GPS • Maps • Date & time controls •Calculations • Checkbox lists • Barcode scanning • Repeatingcontrols • Assignment rules • Master/detail controls • Submit formsas PDF/XML/HTML • Robust offline data validation/error checking •Migrate existing InfoPath forms to Formotus and add photos,signatures, and other custom controls. How the Formotus Pro MobileForms App Works Download the Formotus Pro app to see sample forms.Create custom mobile business forms by opening a free Formotustrial account at www.formotus.com. Common Use Cases for FormotusPro App Customers use the Formotus Pro app for: construction forms,building inspections, punch lists, work orders, service dispatch,material and equipment logs, job safety analysis, risk assessmentmatrix, daily job reports, job routing, delivery tickets, servicerequests, security audits, merchandising, healthcare forms, salesforms, and more. Easily send Formotus forms to your registeredFormotus users. • Distribute forms to licensed users • Licensedusers can submit an unlimited number of forms • Forms run in theFormotus Pro app • Account admins deploy forms to licensed users •Admins control form access • Users can create a new draft of a formoffline Anyone registered with your Formotus account can use theFormotus Pro app. If you’re looking for an app-click option, checkout the free Formotus Now app. Anyone with a link to your Formotusform can complete it on their mobile device or Windows 10 machine.You pay a fee each time a mobile user opens the form.
Formotus Now (Mobile forms) 12.5 APK
Formotus Inc.
A unique and powerful way to reach wideraudiences with your Formotus mobile forms. Just share a link byemail or on a Web page, and anyone who clicks it will access yourform in Formotus Now.Why Formotus? Formotus forms offer what others cannot:• Sophisticated business logic that requires no coding and worksoffline• Connectors that go straight to your data systems, not throughours• Built-in SharePoint support – Connect anonymous users to yourSharePoint dataHOW IT WORKSDownload the app and click the splash screen to visit a Web pagewith links to some sample forms. Notice how you open the formswithout being prompted for credentials. In order to create your owncustom forms you’ll need a Formotus account, which is available asa free trial for 30 days.WHICH TO CHOOSE: FORMOTUS PRO OR FORMOTUS NOW?Good news, you don’t have to choose! A Formotus account lets youuse either or both apps to distribute your forms, depending on yourbusiness scenarios. Both apps run exactly the same Formotusforms.Formotus Now is for reaching a wider audience with your forms andnot requiring credentials. You can share forms with employees,partners, suppliers, customers, and even the general public.Licensing is per use of a form.Formotus Pro is for equipping your mobile workforce withoffline-optimized forms and tightly controlling exactly who hasaccess to which forms. Licensing is per user per month.COMMON SCENARIOSFormotus Now is suitable for a wide variety of scenarios including:employee surveys, customer surveys, checklists, service requests,helpdesk, HR forms, expense reports, timesheets, vacation requests,confidentiality NDA forms, tax forms, I-9 forms, W-4 forms,healthcare forms, patient registration, health history, treatmentforms, release forms, HIPAA privacy forms, research studies,clinical trials, lead capture, and the list goes on.RICH DATA COLLECTION. Formotus forms enable rich data collectionincluding photos, signatures, diagrams, GPS locations, maps,barcodes, and more.DIRECT DATA CONNECTORS. Formotus enables direct data connectionsbetween your devices and your own data systems. Formotus does notstore your sensitive business data – you do.BUILT-IN SHAREPOINT SUPPORT. You can connect anonymous users withSharePoint lists and libraries by attaching encrypted credentialsto your forms.INFOPATH COMPATIBLE. You can upload InfoPath forms to the Formotuscloud console and share them using Formotus Now.