3.1.0l / March 19, 2017
(0/5) ()


¿Bueno o malo? ¿Héroe o término? Supongo quealos héroes de cómics y películasen en este multiverso.
¿Buena o mala? ¿Héroe o antihéroe? Este juego es sobrenuestrosídolos de cómics de héroes poderosos y sorprendentespelículas y suno menos famoso y dotados con el carisma de rivales.Adivina que yque en este universo, un conocedor o un ventiladorpueden encontrarhéroes e ídolos como Superman, Batman, Cyclops,Logan, deadpool.¿Sí? Oh, y sabes de héroes conocidos comoSteppenwolf, deathstroke,la vida del Tribunal. ¿Sabes? ¿Sí? Esomismo Felicidades, pero sino hay nada de malo sabrás) conjetura nomás precisa.
Good or bad? ¿Heroorterm? I guess the heroes of comics and películasen inthismultiverse.
Good or bad? ¿Hero or antihero? This game is about ouridolspowerful comic heroes and amazing films and his equally famousandendowed with the charisma of rivals. Guess you and inthisuniverse, a connoisseur or a fan can find heroes and idolsasSuperman, Batman, Cyclops, Logan, Deadpool. Yes? Oh, and youknowSteppenwolf known as heroes, Deathstroke, the life of theTribunal.You know? Yes? That same Congratulations, but if there isnothingwrong know) no more accurate guess.

App Information es de héroes?

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Угадай знаменитость 2.1.5e APK
Замечательная викторина игра который даётвашшанс отгадать своих любимых звезд в ином визуальном плане.Wonderful quiz gamethatgives your chance to guess their favorite stars in adifferentvisually.
Это Герой Комикса 3.1.0l APK
Хороший или плохой? Герой или антигерой?Этоигра про наших кумиров могущественных и удивительныхгероевкомиксов и фильмов и их не менее знаменитых и наделённойхаризмойсоперников. Сможешь ли угадать кто и кто в этой вселенной,знатокты или фанат сможешь ли узнать героев и кумиров такихкаксупермена, бэтмена, циклопа, логана, дэдпула... да? Ну что-же,азнаешь ли ты таких известных героев Как Степпенвулф,дэвстроук,живой трибунал... знаешь? Да? Что же поздравляем, но еслинетничего страшного узнаешь) нет точнее угадаешь.Good or bad? Herooranti-hero? This game is about our idols powerful and amazingheroesof comics and movies and their no less famous and endowedwithcharisma rivals. Whether you can guess who and who inthisuniverse, you're an expert or a fan can find out whetherthecharacters and heroes such as Superman, Batman, Cyclops,Wolverine,Deadpool ... yes? What, though, and if you are suchwell-knowncharacters How Steppenvulf know devstrouk, lively court... youknow? Yes? What congratulations, but if there is nothingwrongknow) no more accurate guess.
Stickman Transformer 1.0 APK
To overcome the obstacle, change your structure! Make your way!
kahramanlar? 3.1.0l APK
İyi mi kötü mü? Kahraman ya daanti-kahraman?Bu oyun bizim putlara güçlü ve harika kahraman çizgiroman ve filmve kendi daha az ünlü ve yetenekli karizma rakipleriile ilgili.Kim ve kim bu evren, bir uzman veya fan kahramanlar veSuperman,Batman, Tepegöz, Logan, deadpool gibi putlarabulabilirsiniz tahminedebilirsiniz. Evet? Oh, ve böyle tanınmışkahramanları olarakSteppenwolf, deathstroke, mahkeme yaşambiliyorsun. Yani? Evet? Buaynı Tebrikler, ama yanlış bir şey olupolmadığını bileceksin)Hayır daha doğru tahmin.Good or bad? Herooranti-hero? This game is our idols powerful and wonderfulherocomics and movies, and about their less famous andtalentedcharisma competitors. Who is and who is this universe, anexpert orfan of heroes and Superman, Batman, overhead projector,Logan, youcan imagine you can find the idols as Deadpool. Yeah? Oh,andSteppenwolf in such well-known heroes, deathstrok, you knowcourtlife. So? Yeah? This same Congratulations, but you know thatthereis anything wrong) No more accurate forecasts.
Guess the hero 3.1.0l APK
Good or bad? Hero or anti-hero?This game is about our idols of powerful and amazing heroescomicsand movies and their no less famous and gifted withcharismarivals.Can guess who and who in this universe, a connoisseur or fancanfind heroes and idols such as Superman, Batman, Cyclops,Logan,deadpool. Yes? Oh, and do you know of such well-known heroesAsSteppenwolf, deathstroke, the living Tribunal. You know? Yes?Thatsame congratulations, but if there is nothing wrong you willknow)no more accurate guess!
der held 3.1.0k APK
Gut oder böse? Held oder Schurke? ErratenSiedie Helden, Comics und Filmen in diesem Multiversum.Gut oder schlecht? Held oder Antiheld? Dieses Spiel wird überunsereIdole der mächtig und unglaublich Helden Comics und Filmeund ihrenicht weniger berühmten und begabt mit Charisma Rivalen.Könnenerraten, dass, wer und wer in diesem Universum, ein Kenneroder FanHelden und Idolen wie Superman, Batman, Cyclops, Logan,Deadpoolfinden können. Ja? Ach, und kennst du solche bekanntenHelden wieSteppenwolf, deathstroke, die lebenden Tribunal. Weißtdu? Ja? Diesegleichen herzlichen Glückwunsch, aber wenn es nichtsfalsch wirstdu) nicht mehr korrekt erraten!Good or evil? HeroorVillain? Guess the heroes, comics and movies inthismultiverse.Good or bad? Hero or antihero? This game is about our idolsofpowerful and incredible hero comics and movies, and their nolessfamous and gifted with charisma rivals. Can you guess that whoandwho can not find an expert or fan heroes and idols suchasSuperman, Batman, Cyclops, Logan, Deadpool in this universe.Yes?Oh, and do you know those famous heroes such as Steppenwolf,deathstroke, the living Tribunal. You know? Yes? Thesesamecongratulations, but if there is nothing you will) nolongerincorrectly guessed correctly!
Это Герой? 3.1.0k APK
Хороший или плохой? Герой или антигерой?Этоигра про наших кумиров могущественных и удивительныхгероевкомиксов и фильмов и их не менее знаменитых и наделённойхаризмойзлодеев) соперников.Сможешь ли ты угадать кто и кто в этой вселенной, знаток тыилифанат сможешь ли ты узнать героев и своего кумира такихкаксупермена, бэтмена, циклопа, логана, дэдпула... да? Ну что-же,азнаешь ли ты таких известных героев Как Степпенвулф,дэфстроук,живой трибунал... знаешь? Да? Что же поздравляем, но еслинетничего страшного узнаешь) нет точнее угадаешь!Good or bad? The herooranti-hero? This game is about our idols powerful and amazingheroesof comics and movies and their no less famous and endowedwithcharismatic villains) rivals.Can you guess who and who in this universe, you're an expert orafan if you can learn the characters and their idol suchasSuperman, Batman, Cyclops, Logan, Deadpool ... huh? What,though,and if you are such well-known characters Steppenvulf As youknow,Deathstroke, lively court ... you know? Yes? Wellcongratulations,but if there is nothing terrible will know) is notaccuratelypredict!
es de héroes? 3.1.0l APK
¿Bueno o malo? ¿Héroe o término? Supongo quealos héroes de cómics y películasen en este multiverso.¿Buena o mala? ¿Héroe o antihéroe? Este juego es sobrenuestrosídolos de cómics de héroes poderosos y sorprendentespelículas y suno menos famoso y dotados con el carisma de rivales.Adivina que yque en este universo, un conocedor o un ventiladorpueden encontrarhéroes e ídolos como Superman, Batman, Cyclops,Logan, deadpool.¿Sí? Oh, y sabes de héroes conocidos comoSteppenwolf, deathstroke,la vida del Tribunal. ¿Sabes? ¿Sí? Esomismo Felicidades, pero sino hay nada de malo sabrás) conjetura nomás precisa.Good or bad? ¿Heroorterm? I guess the heroes of comics and películasen inthismultiverse.Good or bad? ¿Hero or antihero? This game is about ouridolspowerful comic heroes and amazing films and his equally famousandendowed with the charisma of rivals. Guess you and inthisuniverse, a connoisseur or a fan can find heroes and idolsasSuperman, Batman, Cyclops, Logan, Deadpool. Yes? Oh, and youknowSteppenwolf known as heroes, Deathstroke, the life of theTribunal.You know? Yes? That same Congratulations, but if there isnothingwrong know) no more accurate guess.