0.0.1 / February 6, 2015
(2.8/5) (10)


Enjambre es una banda mexicana que inicioenSanta Ana, California en 2001. Actualmente está compuesta porloshermanos Luis Humberto Navejas (voz), Rafael Navejas (bajo)yJulián Navejas (teclado), así como Ángel Sánchez (batería) yJavierMejía (guitarra).

Enjambre es una banda que desde un principio fue integradaporlos hermanos ciudadanos de Zacatecas Luis Humberto (voz yguitarra)y Rafael Navejas, (bajo), Juancho Navejas (batería) en el2001. Conesta formación la banda empieza a tocar presentaciones enel Sur deCalifornia y graban un demo de 3 canciones.

A finales del 2001 Romeo deja la banda y es reemplazadoaprincipios del 2002 por el baterista chileno Nico Saavedra.Duranteel verano de este mismo año la banda como trio ensayaarduamente ygraba un demo de 2 canciones donde figuran "Gravedad" y"Volver aCaer". Luego de empezar con una serie de variaspresentaciones enCalifornia, Osamu Nishitani, de origenjapones/britanico, seintegra al grupo en Agosto de este año tomandola posición deguitarrista trayendo también un nuevo elemento parala música víasintetizadores de guitarra.

Una vez como cuarteto, el grupo comienza una serie intensivadepresentaciones en vivo, televisión y giras locales durante el2003.En Abril la banda graba un demo de 8 canciones el cual fuevendidodurante las presentaciones de este año. Luego enSeptiembrecomienzan a grabar su primer disco "Consuelo En Domingo"en SantaAna, California.

La banda continuo con su ciclo de presentaciones y girasdurantela grabación del disco el cual culmino en el verano del2004. EnOctubre de este año, "Consuelo En Domingo" es lanzado enformato CDy digital via iTunes con una presentación un día DomingoenHollywood, California en el Roxy Theater donde tocan eldiscocompleto + un set de canciones antiguas y otras que figuran en"ElSegundo Es Felino" como "Nectar", "...Fe, linea Recta" y"MadameSiames".

Giras, promoción de radio, TV y shows locales continuaronduranteel 2005 con el 1.er sencillo de la banda "Biografía". Elvideo delsencillo tuvo mucha rotación en EEUU via MTVs + una grandemanda enradio en el pais la cual lleva a la banda a liderar loscharts deRadio & Records en el lado rock alternativo.

A principios del 2006 Enjambre es nominado a Los PremiosLoNuestro de Univision en 3 categorías "Mejor Album", "ArtistadelAño" y "Mejor Canción" junto a artistas como Juanes,AndreaEcheverri, Molotov y Circo. Lo cual lleva al grupo atenerreconocimiento nacional en los Estado Unidos.

Luego de seguir con giras, sesiones de composicion para el2.ºdisco "El Segundo Es Felino", el lanzamiento delsencillo"Atentado" y promoción, la banda llega a un periodo decrisis elcual culmina en Noviembre del 2006 donde Nico y Osamudejan labanda.

Después de un cambio de alineación se integra al grupo elhermanomenor de los Navejas, Julián (teclados) al igual que susamigos yantiguos compañeros en la música de la infancia deFresnilloZacatecas, Angel Sánchez (batería) y de Anaheim,California, JavierMejía (Guitarra).Para su segundo disco, "Elsegundo es Felino"(2008/09), Enjambre decide residir en Méxicodonde a través deconstantes tocadas, publicidad de boca en boca,redes sociales yestaciones de radio independientes se dan aconocer de una manerasorpresivamente rápida haciéndose de un grannúmero de seguidores. Afinales del 2010 Enjambre es firmado porEMI y lanzan su tercerálbum; Daltónico, con este álbum Enjambre seproyecta a un públicoaún más grande y esta vez reconocidos no sóloen el ámbito "indie"sino que su música más aceptada y difundidapor medios decomunicación masivas. Ahora, enjambre lanza su cuartoálbum titulado"Huéspedes del Orbe" (2012) ya con un granrecibimiento del público,mismo que los ha establecido como uno delos grupos de rock con másconvocatoria en la escena

Swarm is a Mexicanbandthat started in Santa Ana, California in 2001. It iscurrentlycomposed of brothers Luis Humberto Navejas (vocals),Rafael Navejas(bass) and Julian Navejas (keyboard) and AngelSanchez (drums) andJavier Mejia (guitar).

Swarm is a band from the beginning was built by thebrotherscitizens of Zacatecas Luis Humberto (vocals and guitar) andRafaelNavejas (bass), Juancho Navejas (drums) in 2001. Withthisformation the band begins to play presentations SouthernCaliforniaand recorded a demo of 3 songs.

In late 2001 Romeo left the band and was replaced in early2002by the Chilean drummer Nico Saavedra. During the summer of thesameyear the band as a trio tested hard and record a demo of 2songswhich include "Gravity" and "Back to Fall". After startingwith aseries of several presentations in California, OsamuNishitani, ofJapanese / British origin, he joined the group inAugust of thisyear, taking the position of guitarist also bringinga new elementto the music via guitar synthesizers.

Once as a quartet, the group begins an intensive series ofliveperformances, television and local tours during 2003. In Apriltheband recorded a demo of 8 songs which was sold duringpresentationsthis year. Then in September begin recording theirfirst album"Consuelo In Domingo" in Santa Ana, California.

The band continued its cycle of presentations and toursduringthe recording which culminated in the summer of 2004. InOctober ofthis year, "Consuelo On Sunday" is released on CD anddigitally viaiTunes with a presentation on a Sunday day inHollywood, Californiaat the Roxy Theater where they play the wholealbum + a set of oldsongs and others listed in "El Segundo isFelino" as "Nectar", "...Faith Straight line" and "MadameSiames".

Tours, radio promotion, TV and local shows continued during2005with the 1.er single from the band "Biography". The video forthesingle was a lot of turnover in the US via MTVs + radio inhighdemand in the country which takes the band to lead the chartsofRadio & Records in the alternative rock side.

In early 2006 Swarm is nominated for The Univision LoNuestroAwards in 3 categories "Best Album", "Artist of the Year"and "BestSong" with artists such as Juanes, Andrea Echeverri,Molotov andCircus. This leads the group to have nationalrecognition in theUnited States.

After following with tours, sessions composition for the2ndalbum "El Segundo is Felino" the release of the single "Attack"andpromotion, the band reaches a crisis period which ends inNovember2006 where Nico and Osamu left the band.

After a change of alignment joins the group younger brotherofNavejas, Julian (keyboards) like his friends and formercolleaguesin the music of the childhood of Fresnillo Zacatecas,Angel Sanchez(drums) and Anaheim, California, Javier Mejia (Guitar).For theirsecond album, "The second is Felino" (2008/09), Swarmdecides toreside in Mexico where through constants touched, word ofmouthadvertising, social networks and independent radio stationsexistto know how surprisingly quickly becoming a huge following. Inlate2010 Swarm is signed by EMI and released their thirdalbum;Colorblind, with this album Swarm is projected to an evenlargeraudience and this time recognized not only in the field"indie" butmost accepted their music and disseminated by means ofmasscommunication. Now, swarm launches its fourth album titled"Guestsof the Orb" (2012) and with a great reception from thepublic,which has established itself as one of the most rock groupscall onthe scene

App Information Enjambre letras

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    Enjambre letras
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  • Updated
    February 6, 2015
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    Android 2.3.3 and up
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lyrics The Pussycat Dolls 0.0.1 APK
The Pussycat Dolls were an American pop girlgroup and dance ensemble, founded in Los Angeles, California, bychoreographer Robin Antin in 1995 as a burlesque troupe. Afterattracting media attention, Antin negotiated a record deal withInterscope Geffen A&M in 2003 turning the group into a musicfranchise comprising Nicole Scherzinger, Carmit Bachar, AshleyRoberts, Jessica Sutta, Melody Thornton and Kimberly Wyatt.Overseen by Antin, Interscope and various partners, the group wastransformed into a global image and commercial brand. The PussycatDolls were launched into mainstream recognition following therelease of PCD, which contained the number-one singles "Don't Cha","Buttons", and "Stickwitu". However, despite their commercialsuccess, the group was plagued by internal conflict due to theoveremphasis on Scherzinger, the group's lead member, and thesubordinate treatment of the other members. Bachar's departure fromthe group preceded the release of their second and final studioalbum Doll Domination, which contains singles "When I Grow Up", "IHate This Part" and "Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny)".In 2009, they announced a minor hiatus and was later revealed tobe an official break up. The Dolls brand diversified intomerchandise, reality television programs, a Las Vegas act, productendorsements, spin-off recording groups (Girlicious, ParadisoGirls, G.R.L.) and other ventures. Billboard ranked the PussycatDolls as the 80th most successful musical act of the 2000s.[1] Thegroup has sold 54 million records worldwide, making them one of thebest-selling girl groups of all time.[2][3] In 2012, The PussycatDolls ranked 100th on VH1's 100 Greatest Women in Music, and as thetenth all-girl group.1995–2002: Beginnings as burlesque dance troupeAntin began exploring the idea of a modern burlesque troupeduring 1990 with Carla Kama and Christina Applegate asperformers.[5][6][7] The troupe began to perform in 1995, with arepertoire of 1950s and 1960s popular music standards while dressedin lingerie or old-fashioned pin-up costumes. They secured aThursday night residency at a Los Angeles nightclub, the ViperRoom, where they stayed from 1995 to 2001. They appeared briefly inthe 1998 films Matters of Consequence (dancing to Mancini's "HubCaps and Tail Lights", and Keely Smith's "When Your Lover hasGone"),[8] and The Treat (directed by Jonathan Gems).[9] From 1995to 2003 there were numerous guest vocalists, and many changes tothe dance personnel.The troupe received wider press coverage during June 1999, whenPlayboy featured a Pussycat Dolls pictorial, featuring at leastseven contemporary members posing semi-nude (Kasey Campbell, KivaDawson, Antonietta Macri, Erica Breckels, Katie Bergold, EricaGudis and Lindsley Allen). Three years later, the Pussycat Dollsmoved to the Roxy. They were featured in magazines, televisionspecials for MTV and VH1, ad campaigns, and films. Some of thePussycat Dolls appeared in the 2003 film Charlie's Angels: FullThrottle,[5] dancing to Mancini's "The Pink Panther Theme". Theywere also featured in Pink's "Trouble" music video. Along withApplegate, Christina Aguilera and Carmen Electra (who was thegroup's lead performer for many of their shows) the troupe wasfeatured in a Maxim magazine shoot in 2002,[10] which increasedpublic interest in them (Aguilera later appeared in the similarlythemed 2010 film Burlesque directed by Robin Antin's brotherSteve).Following their growing popularity, music producers Jimmy Iovineand Ron Fair became involved with the group helping them totransform into a franchise. The former dance troupe evolved into apopular music recording group and became employees of Iovine'slabel Interscope Records. The only troupe members who remainedafter the re-casting process were Robin Antin (taking on thecreative, executive and managerial roles), Carmit Bachar, CyiaBatten, Kasey Campbell, Ashley Roberts, Jessica Sutta and KimberlyWyatt.
Cheryl Cole lyrics 0.0.1 APK
Cheryl Ann Fernandez-Versini[2] (née Tweedy,formerly Cole; born 30 June 1983) is an English recording artist,dancer, and television personality who is known by the mononymCheryl[3] in the context of her recording promotions. She rose tofame in late 2002 when she auditioned for the reality televisionshow Popstars: The Rivals on ITV. The programme announced that Colehad won a place as a member of the girl group Girls Aloud.[4] Thegroup's line-up remained the same throughout their history andduring that time the group achieved a string of twenty consecutivetop ten singles in the United Kingdom (including four number onesingles) and six platinum albums (two of which went to number one)and earned five BRIT Award nominations from 2005 to 2010. In 2009,Girls Aloud won "Best Single" with their song "The Promise". Inearly 2013, Girls Aloud announced that they had split up.Cole embarked on a solo career and released her first solostudio album 3 Words (2009), the album became a commercial successand spawned three successful singles including the lead single fromthe album, "Fight for This Love," which debuted at number one onthe UK charts, becoming the best selling single of the year. 2010saw the release of Cole's second studio album Messy LittleRaindrops, which produced two singles, the first being "PromiseThis" which also debuted at number one. Cole released her thirdsolo album A Million Lights on 18 June 2012, with lead single "CallMy Name" becoming her third number one single.[5] Only Human wasreleased in 2014 and spawned two singles "Crazy Stupid Love" and "IDon't Care". Both singles went to number one in the UK and madeCole the only British female to have five number ones in theUK.[6]Cole has become a recognised and photographed styleicon;[7][8][9] referred to as a fashionista by the press.[10] Shehas been photographed for the covers of British Vogue,[9] Elle andHarper's Bazaar, while becoming the new face of cosmetic companyL'Oréal.[11] Cole was married to England footballer Ashley Colefrom July 2006[12] until September 2010, when she divorced himfollowing the announcement of their separation earlier thatyear.[13][14] Cole became a judge on the UK version of The X Factorin 2008,[15][16] becoming the winning judge twice out of the threeseries she judged. In 2011, Cole left the UK version of The XFactor to judge the American version. However, Cole left the showduring the auditions stage, fueling rumours that she had beensacked.[17][18][19] Cole's net worth was estimated at £20 millionin October 2014.[1] On 10 March 2014, it was announced that Colewould return as a judge on the U.K. version of The X Factor for itseleventh series, signing a £1.5 million contract.[20][21]
DLD Dildo letras 0.0.1 APK
DLD (anteriormente conocidos como Dildo),esuna banda de rock mexicana proveniente de Naucalpan deJuárez,Estado de México formada en noviembre del 1998.Formación (1998-2006)Dildo se formó a finales del año 1998 en Ciudad Satélite. Peronofue sino hasta el año 2002 en que Dildo capturó la atención delosmedios especializados y la industria musical, después deconseguirel 2° lugar en el concurso “Rastreo de bandas 2003”,organizado poruna estación de radio de rock de la Ciudad deMéxico. Dildo llamó laatención de varias compañías discográficas,logrando conseguir suprimer contrato con una compañía de rockindependiente deMéxico.Su disco homónimo que fue bien acogido por la gente y porlaprensa; Dildo (como se hacían llamar) comenzó a realizarconciertospor toda la República Mexicana alternando con lasagrupaciones máspopulares de la escena del rock de hablahispana.En el 2005 presentaron su segundo álbum, incluyeron cincotemasinéditos, nueve del primer disco grabados en vivo y todoslosvídeos que ya tenían ese momento. La banda por primera veztocófuera del país en una gira que abarcó más de 14 fechas porEstadosUnidos, incluyendo un show como estelares en el roxy delosángeles, escenario legendario que ha tenido a personalidades delatalla de The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa y David Bowie.Participaron en la edición 2006 del festival “Rock al Parque”enColombia, sólo tres grupos mexicanos encabezaron elcartel:Jaguares, Nortec y DLD. También participaron por segundaocasión enel festival Vive Latino, aquí asistieron más de 20milpersonas.Ventura (2007)Comenzaron a figurar como una de las bandas independientesmásfructíferas por su interesante récord de shows en México y enelextranjero. En el 2007 presentan su tercer álbum Ventura,proyectocuyo concepto simula un viaje en carretera.En esta época la banda decide abreviar el nombre de Dildo aDLDpara evitar problemas legales y al mismo tiempo no ofenderlasusceptibilidad de la gente que sentía muy fuerte lapalabra.Por Encima (2009)En 2009, ya como DLD, lanzan el álbum Por Encima y lopresentanen vivo con un desenfrenado sold-out.Debido a su popularidad cada vez mayor han sido invitadosadiversos festivales como “Rock al Parque” de Colombia, “Quilmes”enArgentina y en múltiples ocasiones al “Vive Latino” deMéxico.Ganaron del premio Telehit 2010 como “Mejor banda derock”.1Primario (2012-presente)2012 marcó una nueva etapa en la carrera de DLD ya que SonyMusiclos convenció de salir de la independencia para lograrconsolidarloscon un nuevo álbum de estudio que lleva por nombrePrimario.Para su presentación oficial, realizaron un concierto el 25deenero del 2013 en el Auditorio Nacional.En 2013 recibieron el Disco de Oro por las ventas en México yenlos Latin Grammy de ese año, la academia latina de lagrabaciónreconoce el tema "Todo Cuenta" al nominarlo como "Mejorcanción derock" y así mismo Primario es nominado en la categoría"Mejor álbumpop/rock". El grupo participa en el segundo tributo aJosé José conuna versión del clásico "Mi Vida".2DLD (formerly knownasDildo) is a Mexican rock band from Naucalpan, State ofMexicoformed in November 1998.Formation (1998-2006)Dildo was formed in late 1998 in Ciudad Satelite. But it wasnotuntil 2002 that Dildo captured the attention of thespecializedmedia and the music industry, after getting 2nd place inthe"Tracking bands 2003" competition, organized by a radiostationRock Mexico City. Dildo caught the attention of severalrecordcompanies, managing to get their first contract with acompanyindie rock of Mexico.Their self-titled album was well received by the people andthepress; Dildo (as they called themselves) began performingconcertsthroughout Mexico alternating with the most popular groupsof therock scene speaking.In 2005 they presented their second album, includedfivepreviously unreleased tracks, nine of the first album recordedliveand all videos already had that time. The band first playedabroadon a tour that spanned more than 14 US dates, including ashow likestar in the roxy angels, the legendary scene that hashadpersonalities like The Doors, Led Zeppelin Frank Zappa andDavidBowie.Participated in the 2006 edition of the festival "Rock alParque"in Colombia, only three Mexican groups led the cartel:Jaguars,Nortec and DLD. Also participating for the second time inthe ViveLatino festival, here attended by over 20,000people.Ventura (2007)They began to rank as one of the most successful foritsinteresting record shows in Mexico and abroad independent bands.In2007 presented his third album Ventura, whose conceptprojectsimulates a road trip.At this time the band decided to abbreviate the name DLD Dildotoavoid legal problems while not offending the susceptibilityofpeople who felt very strong word.Above (2009)In 2009, and as DLD, released the album Above and presentinglivewith unbridled sold-out.Due to its increasing popularity have been invited tovariousfestivals like "Rock al Parque" in Colombia, "Quilmes" inArgentinaand on multiple occasions to "Vive Latino" of Mexico.TeleHit wonthe 2010 award for "Best Rock Band" .1Primary (2012-present)2012 marked a new stage in the career of Sony Music DLDsinceleaving convinced to achieve independence consolidate with anewstudio album which bears the primary name.For its official launch, performed a concert on January 25,2013at the National Auditorium.In 2013 they received a gold record for sales in Mexico andLatinGrammy that year, the Latin Recording Academy recognizes thesong"Everything Counts" to nominate him as "Best Rock Song" andlikewisePrimary is nominated in the category "Best pop album /rock". Thegroup participates in the second tribute to José Joséwith a versionof the classic "My Life" .2
Madison Beer lyrics 0.0.1 APK
Madison Elle Beer (born March 5, 1999) is anAmerican singer and actress. She gained media attention after popstar Justin Bieber tweeted a link to a video of her singing. Shelater signed to Island Def Jam.[1][2]Early lifeBeer was born on March 5, 1999, in Jericho, Long Island, NewYork, to Robert Beer,[3] a luxury home builder,[4] and Tracie Beer,an interior designer. She has a younger brother named Ryder.[5] Herparents are divorced, and her father has remarried. She went toJericho Middle School before being homeschooled beginning in2012.[citation needed]CareerBeginning in early 2012, Beer posted videos on YouTube of hersinging covers of popular songs.[6] Beer finally gained theattention of pop star Justin Bieber who tweeted a link to her coverof Etta James' "At Last" to his over 25 million followers. Thiscaused Beer to trend worldwide on Twitter and gain substantialmedia coverage.[7][8] Bieber signed Beer personally to the recordlabel he's signed to, Island Records.[9] Beer is now managed byBieber's manager Scooter Braun.Beer partnered with Monster High, and recorded a theme song forthe franchise titled "We Are Monster High". In February 2013, CodySimpson re-released his song "Valentine" with Beer which was playedon Radio Disney,[10] but was never officially released. OnSeptember 12, 2013, Beer released her debut single and music videocalled "Melodies" which was written by Peter Kelleher, Ben Kohn,Thomas Barnes and Ina Wroldsen.[11][12] The video featured a guestappearance by Bieber.Beer is working on her debut album which she said has an R&Bpop vibe." Beer said there will be a mixture of songs by saying,there "will be slow songs, sad songs, happy songs, songs aboutboys, and songs about being who you are. I'm making sure I'm happywith all of the songs, because if I am not happy with them, I can'texpect anyone else to be, you know?"[13] Beer plans to release heralbum in 2014. She is an avid fan of Justin Bieber and quotes himas an inspiration. In April 2014 she was spotted with Justin Bieberand Selena Gomez in the studio.[14]"Unbreakable" is the second single from Beer's upcoming debutstudio album.[15] The song was released on June 17, 2014 and waswritten by Jessica Ashley, Evan Bogart, Heather Jeanette Miley,Matt Schwartz, Emanuel Kiriakou and Andrew Goldstein and wasproduced by the latter two.[16] On December 6, 2014 Beer reachedone million followers on Twitter
Meghan Trainor lyrics 0.0.1 APK
Meghan Elizabeth Trainor (born December 22,1993) is an American singer-songwriter and record producer. Trainorbegan singing at the age of 6 and songwriting at age 11. She laterbecame a member of a band called Island Fusion and a jazz band athigh school. At the age of 15, Trainor produced and released aself-titled album. She then attended the Berklee College of Musicand found success at a variety of songwriting contests across theUnited States. In 2011, she released two acoustic albums, I'll Singwith You and Only 17. The latter earned her a song publishing dealwith Big Yellow Dog Music, where she wrote for Rascal Flatts andSabrina Carpenter, among others.In February 2014, Trainor was signed to Epic Records by L.A.Reid after performing her song "All About That Bass" on the ukulelefor him. The song was later championed by Reid as Trainor's debutsingle and saw a release on June 30, 2014. "All About That Bass"became a best-selling single. It was number one on the U.S.Billboard Hot 100 for eight consecutive weeks. The single precededTrainor's debut EP Title, which debuted at number 15 on theBillboard 200 in September 2014. Trainor's second single, "Lips AreMovin", marked her second consecutive top five hit on the BillboardHot 100, peaking at number four. Her debut album, Title, wasreleased on January 9, 2015.Trainor's music is predominantly bubblegum pop, blue-eyed soul,doo-wop and pop in sound. Her lyrics mainly deal with subjects of21st-century womanhood and self-empowerment. Trainor's work hasbeen recognized with a variety of award nominations, includingRecord of the Year and Song of the Year for "All About That Bass"at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards.Life and career1993–2008: Early lifeMeghan Elizabeth Trainor was born on December 22, 1993, inNantucket, Massachusetts.[1] Her parents, Gary and Kellie Trainor,are the owners of jewelry store, Jewel of the Isle.[2] Outsidetheir business, Trainor's father taught music for eight years andbeing a musician all his life, plays organ in a Methodistchurch.[3][4] Trainor's mother runs her Facebook page.[5] She hasan older brother, Ryan (born 1992), and a younger brother, Justin;and considers Ryan to be her "twin".[3] As a baby, her mother wouldsing her lullabies and "get totally freaked out" when she startedsinging them back in harmony.[2] Trainor began singing at the ageof six, and writing songs at age 11.[3] She told her father at thisage that she had an "awesome voice and needed to record it".[6]According to Trainor, radio became "her life" when she was growingup.[7] She played American football between her third and fifthgrade at school.[8] Her first live performance was in 2004 at thewedding of her aunt and uncle, Lisa and Burton Toney,[9] where sheplayed the song "Heart and Soul" from the piano.[10] At the age of12, Trainor began performing professionally.[4]
Canserbero Letras 0.0.1 APK
Canserbero, cuyo verdadero nombre es TyroneGonzález Oramas, nació en el hospital Lídice de Caracas, Venezuela,hijo de José Rafael González Ollarves y Leticia Orama. Creció hastalos 4 años en Caracas para luego mudarse a Maracay, Estado Aragua,en donde transcurrió parte de su infancia y adolescencia en unvecindario llamado Animas 1 de La Pica en Palo Negro. A los nueveaños, su vida sufre un cambio drástico con la muerte de su madre,terminó siendo criado solo por su padre, eso no impidió que sesintiera atraído por la música, desde los once años y con ningunaexperiencia al respecto, comienza practicar la improvisación conritmos de Reggaeton.Canserbero, whose realname is Tyrone Oramas González, born in hospital Lidice in Caracas,Venezuela, son of José Rafael González Ollarves and Leticia Orama.He grew up to four years in Caracas and then move to Maracay,Aragua State, where he spent part of his childhood in aneighborhood called Animas 1 of La Pica in Palo Black. At nineyears old, his life undergoes a drastic change with the death ofhis mother, ended up being raised alone by his father, that did notstop was attracted by music, from eleven years with no experiencein this regard, begins practice improvisation with rhythms ofReggaeton.
Bea Miller lyrics 0.0.1 APK
Beatrice Annika "Bea" Miller (born February 7,1999) is an American singer, songwriter and actress. Miller came inninth place on season two of The X Factor (U.S. version). She issigned to Hollywood Records and Syco Music.2013–present: Record deal and debut albumOn April 11, 2013, it was officially announced that she wassigned to Syco Music and Hollywood Records, making the firstcollaborative arrangement between these two labels.[1] Miller iscurrently working on her debut album which is due to be releasedsometime in 2015. She is working with Autumn Rowe.[2] Shortly afterthe ending of the second season of The X Factor, Miller changed hername to simply Bea Miller.[3] Her album is set to be released thisspring with the lead single releasing between March and May. Shehas been having photo shoots for the album artwork as well, showingone of her outfits on Instagram.[4] She uploaded her a new song,"Rich Kids" online on YouTube, but is yet to officially release it.Her single received over 150,000 views in less than a week.Miller is set to release an extended play this summer and afull-length album later this year.[5] She released a clip of a newsong called "Enemy Fire".[6] "Enemy Fire" premiered on her own Vevochannel in April. Bea worked with busbee, Jarrad Rogers, Mike DelRio, and other noteworthy producers for her album. Her debut EPYoung Blood was released on April 22, 2014[7][8] with the leadsingle "Young Blood". Her EP peaked at #2 on the iTunes pop albumschart. Her EP had a great debut on the Billboard 200 peaking at#64. Bea contributed her voice towards the audio book for JenniferDonnelly's new book, Deep Blue: Songspell. She also contributed hervoice to the book's song, "Open Your Eyes" sung by Bea herself.Miller will be opening up for Demi Lovato on select cities for herDemi World Tour.
Bonde do Rolê letras 0.0.1 APK
Bonde do Rolê é um trio musical brasileiro quemistura samples de rock, axé, forró e folk com as batidas típicasdo funk carioca, resultando numa espécie de electropop comcaracterísticas únicas. Sempre abordando temas escatológicos epouco convencionais, o grupo de Curitiba é atualmente formado porPedro D'Eyrot, Laura Taylor e Rodrigo Gorky.HistóriaO Bonde do Rolê foi formado pelos DJs e produtores RodrigoGorky, Pedro D'Eyrot e pela vocalista Marina Vello no meio de 2005.No final do mesmo ano, começaram a fazer sucesso após colocaremsuas músicas no site MySpace e chamaram atenção da imprensa e deprodutores nacionais e internacionais pelo modo despojado de suamúsica, com letras descomprometidas e politicamente incorretas eatitude de não ligar para o que pensam sobre a música quetocam.Em 2006, lançaram um CD promo e um vinil pelo selo Mad Decent,do DJ americano Diplo, onde estão vários sucessos do grupo, comoMelo do Tabaco (com letra de Alemão UC, do Smoke My Tabaco),Caldinho (letra de Cello, do Bonde das Impostora) e Jabuticaba. Nomesmo ano o grupo assinou com a Domino Records e em 2007 lançaramseu primeiro álbum de estúdio: With Lasers.Em março, a revista Rolling Stone escolheu o trio como uma dasDez bandas para se ligar no mundo inteiro, no já famoso 10 Bands toWatch, onde foram descritos como Brazilian party starters (Osbrasileiros que agitam as festas - numa tradução livre).No mês seguinte o jornal americano The New York Times elogiou otrabalho do grupo. Em maio, a banda fez 6 shows em diversos paísesda Europa.Em julho de 2006 a banda fez uma turnê pelos Estados Unidos eCanadá com Diplo e a banda Cansei de Ser Sexy.1No final de 2007, o grupo cancelou algumas apresentações naEuropa, o que gerou especulações quanto ao relacionamento internodos integrantes. No mesmo mês, o grupo anunciou a saída davocalista Marina, por razões não claramente expostas. Em entrevistaa um jornal curitibano, Marina afirmou que pretendia lançar suacarreira solo, com estilo musical diferente do funk da ex-banda.2Ainda neste ano, o Bonde do Rolê teve uma de suas faixas maisfamosa, "Solta o Frango", reproduzida em várias mídias, como nojogo "FIFA 08", no filme The Ruins e em uma campanha promocional decelulares da Nokia.Bonde do Role is aBrazilian musical trio that rock samples mixture, axé, forró andfolk with typical beats funk, resulting in a kind of electropopwith unique features. When addressing eschatological andunconventional themes, the group of Curitiba is currently composedof Peter D'Eyrot, Laura Taylor and Rodrigo Gorky.HistoryThe Bonde do Role was formed by DJs and producers Rodrigo Gorky,Peter D'Eyrot and the vocalist Marina Vello in the middle of 2005.Later that year, began making success after putting their music onMySpace and called attention of the press and national andinternational producers by eclectically his music, with uncommittedletters and politically incorrect and attitude of not caring whatthey think about the music they play.In 2006, they released a promo CD and vinyl through the labelMad Decent, American DJ Diplo, where are various successes of thegroup, as Melo Tobacco (with lyrics by German UC, the Smoke Mytobacco), Caldinho (Cello letter, Tram of Impostora) andJabuticaba. In the same year the group signed to Domino Records andin 2007 released their first studio album: With Lasers.In March, Rolling Stone chose the trio as one of the Ten bandsto connect worldwide, the now famous 10 Bands to Watch, which weredescribed as Brazilian party starters (Brazilian shaking parties -a free translation).The following month the American newspaper The New York Timespraised the work of the group. In May, the band played 6 shows inseveral European countries.In July 2006 the band toured the United States and Canada withDiplo and Tired of Being band Sexy.1In late 2007, the group canceled some shows in Europe, which ledto speculation about the internal relationships of the members. Inthe same month, the group announced the departure of vocalistMarina, for reasons not clearly stated. In an interview to anewspaper Curitiba, Marina said that he intended to launch a solocareer, with different musical style funk of former banda.2 Laterthis year, the Bonde do Role had one of his most famous tracks,"Release the Chicken" reproduced in various media, as in the game"FIFA 08", in the movie The Ruins and a promotional campaign ofNokia phones.