1.1 / December 23, 2016
(4.8/5) (5)


It is well known that solving crosswords isoneof the best ways to relax and learn new things. People in allagesare using crosswords to calm nerves and train their brains.

Our English Crosswords have following features:

- full English version
- crosswords save automatically so you can continue whenyouwant
- crosswords are generated automatically and randomly. Thereisalmost infinite number of possibilities!
- a lot of questions, watchwords to solve. We are constantlyaddingmore!
- 5 colour themes to choose
- SOS button in case you do not know the answer
- 3 different crosswords sizes to choose
- 3 difficulty levels:
+ easy - correct letters and answers are highlighted
+ normal - only correct answers are highlighted
+ hard - no highlighting
- screen auto adjustment
- thematic questions

Train your brain and have fun! You will improve your knowledgeinno time.

Our English crosswords are very good for learning English.Tryfor yourself!

Crosswords History*:

The title for the world's first crossword puzzle isdisputed.Some such puzzles were included in The Stockton Bee(1793–1795), anephemeral publication.[10] The phrase "cross wordpuzzle" was firstwritten in 1862 by Our Young Folks in the UnitedStates.Crossword-like puzzles, for example Double DiamondPuzzles,appeared in the magazine St. Nicholas, published since1873.[11]Another crossword puzzle appeared on September 14, 1890,in theItalian magazine Il Secolo Illustrato della Domenica. Itwasdesigned by Giuseppe Airoldi and titled "Per passare il tempo"("Topass the time"). Airoldi's puzzle was a four-by-four grid withnoshaded squares; it included horizontal and verticalclues.[12]

Crosswords in England during the 19th century were ofanelementary kind, apparently derived from the word square, agroupof words arranged so the letters read alike verticallyandhorizontally, and printed in children's puzzle books andvariousperiodicals.

On December 21, 1913, Arthur Wynne, a journalist fromLiverpool,England, published a "word-cross" puzzle in the New YorkWorld thatembodied most of the features of the genre as we know it.Thispuzzle is frequently cited as the first crossword puzzle, andWynneas the inventor. Later, the name of the puzzle was changedto"crossword".[13][14]

Although Eugene T. Maleska is usually credited with thefirstcrossword phrase (as opposed to a single word) in the NewYorkTimes, an 1862 puzzle in the Lady's Book had phrases thatareconsidered modern such as the expression "I did it".

Crossword puzzles became a regular weekly feature in theWorld,and spread to other newspapers; the Pittsburgh Press, forexample,was publishing them at least as early as 1916[15] and theBostonGlobe by 1917.[16]


Learning English

Similar games:

'jigsaw puzzle'
logic games
Word Search

App Information English Crosswords

  • App Name
    English Crosswords
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 23, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Email [email protected]
    Rogów Górowski 26, 56-200 Góra
  • Google Play Link

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Maze Planet 3D 2017 1.4 APK
!!! Check out the Pro version with NO ADS, more planets, bettermusic and lots of improvements! !!! Maze Planet 3D 2017 Completelynew type of maze ! Move a ball across a 3D Planet full of paths anddead ends. Find your way to the finish line and discover newplanets in the amazing and beautiful Maze Planet Universe. Thereare 30 unique Planets and 25 Balls waiting for being discovered!How much time do you think you need to go trough all the mazes? Youcan also try "Find The Key" mode to get extra stars! In the "FindThe Key" mode you have to first find a key that is locatedsomewhere on the planet in order to unlock the finish line. Seemseasy? Not really, the time is running and it`s running fast !! Inthe normal mode you do not have to hurry that much, only if youwant to get all 3 stars !! You need stars to unlock new Planets andBalls. Good Luck!! How To Play ? Find a path trough a maze fromstart to the finish line !! You can choose one of 2 Ball controloptions: - touchpad (joystick) on the right bottom side of thescreen - tilting your device You can switch from the 2 controltypes in the settings menu or during the game play (left topcorner) You can also change graphics quality to LOW in the settingsmenu in case your device is not very powerful If you like our gameplease rate it and leave a comment :) Thank you and have fun!!
Maze Planet 3D Pro 1.1 APK
Universe full of Maze Planets is waiting for you to explore
Polskie Krzyżówki 1.4 APK
Od zawsze wiadomo, że krzyżówki są jedną znajlepszych form relaksacji. Ludzie w każdym wieku używają ich dorozładowania nerwów oraz przy okazji ćwiczy nasz umysł.Nasze Polskie Krzyżówki są:- w polsiej wersji językowej- pytania są terytorialne, nawiązujące do Polski- Krzyżówki generują się automatycznie, wiec jest nieskończonailość kombinacji- Bardzo wiele haseł do odgadnięcia, liczbę tę zwiększamy zkolejnymi aktualizacjami- Możliwość wyboru wielkości planszy !- Trzy tryby trudności+ tryb łatwy - do wpisywania hasła podświetlają sie tylkoprawidłowe litery oraz podświetla prawidłową odpowiedź+ tryb średni - cała klawiatura do wpisywania haseł, ale prawidłoweodpowiedzi się podświetlają+ tryb trudny - cała klawtiatura oraz prawidłowe odpowiedzipoznajemy dopiero na końcu- gra działa także optymalnie na tabletach- wszystko automatycznie dopasowuję się do rozmiarów twojegoekranuNawet nie zorientujesz się, kiedy twoja wiedza się zwiększy.Koniec z grami, które tylko ogłupiają. Jeśl cierpisz na nerwy tojest także najlepsza forma rozrywki dla Ciebie. Grając w nasząkrzyżówkę, odciągasz myśli od twoich problemów co pozwala tobie napełną relaksację. Ćwiczysz swoje szare komórki, zwiększając tymsamym sprawność swojego mózgu.Historia krzyżówek*Pomysłodawcą krzyżówki jest Amerykanin Arthur Wynne, pracownik"działu sztuczek i kawałów" gazety New York World. Pierwsząkrzyżówkę zamieścił w niedzielnym dodatku "Fun" ("Zabawa") do "NewYork World" z dnia 21 grudnia 1913 r. Była ona wzorowana na grzetowarzyskiej, w którą grywał jego dziadek - "Magiczny kwadrat albopodwójny akrostych". "Original crossword puzzle" zawierała 32hasła. Rubryki oddzielone były czarnymi odstępami. Pomysł spotkałsię z tak dużym entuzjazmem ze strony czytelników, że w 1924 r.ukazała się książka "Crossworld puzzle". Zawierała wybór 50krzyżówek publikowanych dotychczas w "Fun". Okazała siębestsellerem. W ciągu miesiąca rozeszła się w nakładzie przeszłopół miliona egzemplarzy. Wynalazek nie został opatentowany. W kilkamiesięcy potem nowinka trafiła do Brytyjczyków, którzyrozprzestrzenili ją na inne kraje Europy. Pojawiły się teżczasopisma poświęcone wyłącznie temu rodzajowi rozrywek umysłowych,nad którymi łamią sobie głowy miliony ludzi na całym świecie.Krzyżówki w Polsce*W "Kurierze Warszawskim" z 31 stycznia 1925 r. w dziale zadańredagowanym przez autora licznych szarad, Karola Hoffmana,opublikowana została anonimowo "łamigłówka krzyżowa". Redakcjaufundowała 5 nagród dla osób, które nadeślą poprawne rozwiązanie. Wtydzień po tym krzyżówkę autorstwa Kazimierza Makarczyka załączonodo warszawskiego tygodnika "Ilustracja". To ten szachista właśniejako pierwszy podał nazwę "krzyżówka" będącą tłumaczeniemangielskiego wyrażenia "cross word puzzle". Wkrótce krzyżówkizaczęły publikować kolejne polskie gazety.*Źródło WikipediaNasze Krzyżówki świetnie pomagaja w nauce Polskiegonauka polskiegolearn polishjest to w pełni polska grapodobne gry:łamigłówkałamigłowkigry logicznewykreślankawykreślankiukładankaukładankiWe have always known thatcrossword puzzles are one of the best forms of relaxation. Peopleof all ages use them to discharge the nerves and the occasion ofpracticing our mind.Our Polish Crosswords are:- In polsiej version- Questions are territorial, referring to Polish- Crosswords are generated automatically, so there is an infinitenumber of combinations- A lot of passwords to guess, this number increase with subsequentupdates- Ability to choose the size of the board!- Three modes of difficulty     + Easy mode - to enter your passwordonly light up the correct letters and highlights the correctanswer     + Average mode - the entire keyboardto type passwords, but the correct answer to illuminate     + Hard mode - all klawtiatura andknow the correct answers until the end- The game also works optimally on tablets- All automatically adapts to the size of your screenI do not even know when your knowledge will increase. End ofgames that only fooling. JESLE suffer from nerves is also the bestform of entertainment for you. Playing in our crossword, youexpress thoughts away from your problems which allows you tocomplete relaxation. Do you exercise your brain, thereby increasingthe efficiency of his brain.History crossword puzzles *The originator cross is an American Arthur Wynne employee"department of tricks and jokes," the New York World. The firstcrossword puzzle published in the Sunday supplement "Fun" ("Sport")to "New York World" of 21 December 1913. It was modeled on thesocial game in which he played his grandfather - "magic square or adouble acrostic". "Original crossword puzzle" contains 32passwords. Rubric were separated by black spaces. The idea met withsuch great enthusiasm from readers that in 1924. Published the book"Crossworld puzzles". It contained a selection of 50 crosswordspublished so far in the "Fun". He became a best seller. Within amonth, it spreads with a circulation of over half a million copies.The invention was not patented. A few months later novelty went tothe British, who spread it to other European countries. There werealso a magazine devoted exclusively to this type of entertainmentmental over whom racking their brains millions of people around theworld.Crosswords in Poland *In the "Kurier Warszawski" January 31, 1925. In section Taskedited by the author of numerous charades, Charles Hoffman, waspublished anonymously "puzzle of the Cross". Editors funded fiveawards for people who have sent their correct solution. A weekafter the crossword by Kazimierz Makarczyk is annexed to the Warsawweekly "Illustration". It's that chess was the first gave the name"crossword" which is a translation of the English term "cross wordpuzzle". Soon crosswords began publishing another Polishnewspaper.* Source WikipediaOur Crosswords great help to learn PolishPolish sciencelearn polishIt is a fully Poland gamesimilar games:puzzle'jigsaw puzzle'logic gameswykreślankawykreślankijigsaw puzzlepuzzle
English Crosswords 1.1 APK
It is well known that solving crosswords isoneof the best ways to relax and learn new things. People in allagesare using crosswords to calm nerves and train their brains.Our English Crosswords have following features:- full English version- crosswords save automatically so you can continue whenyouwant- crosswords are generated automatically and randomly. Thereisalmost infinite number of possibilities!- a lot of questions, watchwords to solve. We are constantlyaddingmore!- 5 colour themes to choose- SOS button in case you do not know the answer- 3 different crosswords sizes to choose- 3 difficulty levels:+ easy - correct letters and answers are highlighted+ normal - only correct answers are highlighted+ hard - no highlighting- screen auto adjustment- thematic questionsTrain your brain and have fun! You will improve your knowledgeinno time.Our English crosswords are very good for learning English.Tryfor yourself!Crosswords History*:The title for the world's first crossword puzzle isdisputed.Some such puzzles were included in The Stockton Bee(1793–1795), anephemeral publication.[10] The phrase "cross wordpuzzle" was firstwritten in 1862 by Our Young Folks in the UnitedStates.Crossword-like puzzles, for example Double DiamondPuzzles,appeared in the magazine St. Nicholas, published since1873.[11]Another crossword puzzle appeared on September 14, 1890,in theItalian magazine Il Secolo Illustrato della Domenica. Itwasdesigned by Giuseppe Airoldi and titled "Per passare il tempo"("Topass the time"). Airoldi's puzzle was a four-by-four grid withnoshaded squares; it included horizontal and verticalclues.[12]Crosswords in England during the 19th century were ofanelementary kind, apparently derived from the word square, agroupof words arranged so the letters read alike verticallyandhorizontally, and printed in children's puzzle books andvariousperiodicals.On December 21, 1913, Arthur Wynne, a journalist fromLiverpool,England, published a "word-cross" puzzle in the New YorkWorld thatembodied most of the features of the genre as we know it.Thispuzzle is frequently cited as the first crossword puzzle, andWynneas the inventor. Later, the name of the puzzle was changedto"crossword".[13][14]Although Eugene T. Maleska is usually credited with thefirstcrossword phrase (as opposed to a single word) in the NewYorkTimes, an 1862 puzzle in the Lady's Book had phrases thatareconsidered modern such as the expression "I did it".Crossword puzzles became a regular weekly feature in theWorld,and spread to other newspapers; the Pittsburgh Press, forexample,was publishing them at least as early as 1916[15] and theBostonGlobe by 1917.[16]*WikipediaLearning EnglishSimilar games:puzzle'jigsaw puzzle'logic gamesWord Search
Runaway Hamster HD 1.2 APK
Please help our little friend! He is in abigdanger. The longer you run away the longer you keep him happy.What you have to do is stay away from her and run as fast andaslong as you can. But be careful! You have to remember to keepthebalance and remove obstacles from your way. Planes, birdsandballoons can give you more points if you tap them down!Every obstacle, object in the sky or second will improveyourscore.How to Play:- tilt your phone left and right to keep the balance- tap on RUN to keep running- tap on clips to gain points and remove obstacles- tap on birds, planes, baloons to gain more pointsNow you can also choose difficulty from easy to hard. In theeasymode you don`t have to think about balance but you gain lesspoints.You can always turn on the hard mode if you are not afraid:)HAVE FUN!- get the best record- beat your friends- run as long as possible- watch out for traps- get bonuses- don't fall down !- be the best !
American Crosswords 1.1 APK
It is well known that solving crosswords isoneof the best ways to relax and learn new things. People in allagesare using crosswords to calm nerves and train their brains.Our American Crosswords have following features:- full English version- crosswords save automatically so you can continue whenyouwant- crosswords are generated automatically and randomly. Thereisalmost infinite number of possibilities!- a lot of questions, watchwords to solve. We are constantlyaddingmore!- 5 colour themes to choose- SOS button in case you do not know the answer- 3 different crosswords sizes to choose- 3 difficulty levels:+ easy - correct letters and answers are highlighted+ normal - only correct answers are highlighted+ hard - no highlighting- screen auto adjustment- thematic questionsTrain your brain and have fun! You will improve your knowledgeinno time.Our English crosswords are very good for learning English.Tryfor yourself!Crosswords History*:The title for the world's first crossword puzzle isdisputed.Some such puzzles were included in The Stockton Bee(1793–1795), anephemeral publication.[10] The phrase "cross wordpuzzle" was firstwritten in 1862 by Our Young Folks in the UnitedStates.Crossword-like puzzles, for example Double DiamondPuzzles,appeared in the magazine St. Nicholas, published since1873.[11]Another crossword puzzle appeared on September 14, 1890,in theItalian magazine Il Secolo Illustrato della Domenica. Itwasdesigned by Giuseppe Airoldi and titled "Per passare il tempo"("Topass the time"). Airoldi's puzzle was a four-by-four grid withnoshaded squares; it included horizontal and verticalclues.[12]Crosswords in England during the 19th century were ofanelementary kind, apparently derived from the word square, agroupof words arranged so the letters read alike verticallyandhorizontally, and printed in children's puzzle books andvariousperiodicals.On December 21, 1913, Arthur Wynne, a journalist fromLiverpool,England, published a "word-cross" puzzle in the New YorkWorld thatembodied most of the features of the genre as we know it.Thispuzzle is frequently cited as the first crossword puzzle, andWynneas the inventor. Later, the name of the puzzle was changedto"crossword".[13][14]Although Eugene T. Maleska is usually credited with thefirstcrossword phrase (as opposed to a single word) in the NewYorkTimes, an 1862 puzzle in the Lady's Book had phrases thatareconsidered modern such as the expression "I did it".Crossword puzzles became a regular weekly feature in theWorld,and spread to other newspapers; the Pittsburgh Press, forexample,was publishing them at least as early as 1916[15] and theBostonGlobe by 1917.[16]*WikipediaLearning EnglishSimilar games:puzzle'jigsaw puzzle'logic gamesWord Search
Lords Of The Galaxy 3D - Build 1.4 APK
Build and fight other spaceships in spectacular battles!