1.1 / September 26, 2016
(into the cloud computing administered by the National Authority for Government lnnovation a platform Smart Social Comunity of information, communication, participation and services that allows users of a community live a mobile experience with its surroundings. The platform is designed to connect a community, understanding why the group of individuals who share common elements, such as values, goals, tasks, geographic location, etc. while guaranteeing a unique and personalized user experience.<p>Mobile application "Mobile Public Directory and Points of RNI", located Public Services of the Republic of Panama: Ministries, health centers, parks and points of the National Internet Network. Shown in a clean and visible on a map their geolocation and contact data, and directory paths.<p>Real-time information is obtained, continuously updated those new elements are added to the centralized management platform apps.<p>All information on this application comes a hosted server computing cloud of the National Authority for Government Innovation.</div> <div class="show-more-end" jsaction="click:vhaaFf"></div> </div> </div> <div> <button class="play-button show-more small" jsaction="KoToPc"> Read more </button> <button class="play-button expand-close" jsaction="vhaaFf"> <div class="close-image"> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="details-section-divider"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="details-wrapper"> <div class="details-section metadata"> <div class="details-section-heading"> <h1 class="heading"> Additional information </h1> </div> <div class="details-section-contents"> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Updated</div> <div class="content" itemprop="datePublished">September 26, 2016</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Size</div> <div class="content" itemprop="fileSize"> 3.0M </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Installs</div> <div class="content" itemprop="numDownloads"> 50 - 100 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Current Version</div> <div class="content" itemprop="softwareVersion"> 1.1 </div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Requires Android</div> <div class="content" itemprop="operatingSystems"> 3.0 and up </div> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Content Rating</div> <div class="content" itemprop="contentRating">Everyone</div> <a class="content" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay?p=appgame_ratings" target="_blank">Learn more</a> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title">Permissions</div> <button class="content id-view-permissions-details fake-link" data-docid="com.silice.directoriopublico"> View details </button> </div> <div class="meta-info contains-text-link"> <div class="title">Report</div> <a class="content" href="https://support.google.com/googleplay/?p=report_content" target="_blank"> Flag as inappropriate </a> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title"> Offered By </div> <div class="content">Silice</div> </div> <div class="meta-info"> <div class="title"> Developer </div> <div class="content contains-text-link"> <a class="dev-link" href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.silice.si&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNHgnseXZM7pB-vTJlaA-VcK21LLqA" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> Visit website </a> <a class="dev-link" href="mailto:[email protected]" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> Email [email protected] </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="details-section-divider"></div> </div> </div><div class="details-wrapper"> <div class="id-cluster-container details-section recommendation"> <div class="details-section-contents"> <div class="rec-cluster" data-server-cookie="CAMiLAgCEAMaJBIiChxjb20uc2lsaWNlLmRpcmVjdG9yaW9wdWJsaWNvEAEYAygB" data-uitype="400"> <h1 class="heading"> Similar </h1> <div class="cards expandable id-card-list"> <div class="card no-rationale square-cover apps small" data-docid="com.myaddressbook" data-original-classes="card no-rationale square-cover apps small" data-short-classes="card no-rationale square-cover apps tiny" data-thin-classes="card no-rationale square-cover apps small"> <div class="card-content id-track-click id-track-impression" data-docid="com.myaddressbook" data-server-cookie="CAIaHQoZEhcKEWNvbS5teWFkZHJlc3Nib29rEAEYA0IA" data-uitype="500"> <a class="card-click-target" data-server-cookie="CAIaHQoZEhcKEWNvbS5teWFkZHJlc3Nib29rEAEYA0IA" data-uitype="500" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.myaddressbook" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a> <div class="cover"> <div class="cover-image-container"> <div class="cover-outer-align"> <div class="cover-inner-align"> <img alt="AddressPhoneBook" class="cover-image" data-cover-large="//lh6.ggpht.com/RBU9WuM6GykZzBT-8W-LwN31-fLauUHhvFpXUOw4j3bFkdD53SOmK9B07u9WyWuwJXNz=w340" data-cover-small="//lh6.ggpht.com/RBU9WuM6GykZzBT-8W-LwN31-fLauUHhvFpXUOw4j3bFkdD53SOmK9B07u9WyWuwJXNz=w170" src="//lh6.ggpht.com/RBU9WuM6GykZzBT-8W-LwN31-fLauUHhvFpXUOw4j3bFkdD53SOmK9B07u9WyWuwJXNz=w170" aria-hidden="true"> </div> </div> </div> <a class="card-click-target" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.myaddressbook" aria-label=" AddressPhoneBook "> <span class="movies preordered-overlay-container id-preordered-overlay-container" style="display:none"> <span class="preordered-label"> Pre-ordered </span> </span> <span class="preview-overlay-container" data-docid="com.myaddressbook"> </span> </a> </div> <div class="details"> <a class="card-click-target" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.myaddressbook" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> </a> <a class="title" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.myaddressbook" title="AddressPhoneBook" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> AddressPhoneBook <span class="paragraph-end"></span> </a> <div class="subtitle-container"> <a class="subtitle" href="/store/apps/developer?id=Olga+Pelipets" title="Olga Pelipets">Olga Pelipets</a> <span class="price-container"> <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <span class="apps is-price-tag buy-button-container is_not_aquired_or_preordered" data-doc-fetch-skip-cache="0" data-doc-fetch-vouchers="0" data-docid="com.myaddressbook"> <div class="pon" style="display:none">1</div> <button class="price buy id-track-click id-track-impression" data-server-cookie="CAIaHQoZEhcKEWNvbS5teWFkZHJlc3Nib29rEAEYA0IA" data-uitype="223"> <span class="display-price">Free</span> </button> </span> </span> </div> <div class="description"> Write, load, edit, save and keep Your Contacts with photos and images. <span class="paragraph-end"></span> <a class="card-click-target" href="/store/apps/details?id=com.myaddressbook" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="reason-set"> <span class="stars-container"> <a href="/store/apps/details?id=com.myaddressbook"> <div class="reason-set-star-rating"> <div class="tiny-star star-rating-non-editable-container" aria-label=" Rated 4.0/5) ()


Bajo la filosofía de Panamapps: “Vemos unmundo global donde las personas están conectadas entre sí y suentorno. Donde vivir experiencias ciudadanas y poder compartirlas.Vemos la tecnología como aliada para lograr una sociedad conectada.Vemos redes móviles donde ser actores principales”, promovido porla Junta Asesora de Servicio y Acceso Universal (JAS) se hadesarrollado e integrado en la Nube Computacional administrada porla Autoridad Nacional para la lnnovación Gubernamental unaplataforma Smart Social Comunity de información, comunicación,participación y servicios que permite a los usuarios de unacomunidad vivir una experiencia móvil con su entorno. La plataformaestá diseñada para conectar una comunidad, entendiendo por ello alconjunto de individuos que comparten elementos en común, tales comovalores, objetivos, tareas, ubicación geográfica, etc. garantizandoen todo momento una experiencia única e individualizada al usuario.

Aplicación movil “Directorio Público mobile y Puntos de RNI”,localiza los Servicios Públicos de la República de Panamá:Ministerios, Centros de Salud, espacios verdes y Puntos de la RedNacional de Internet. Mostrados de forma limpia y visible en unmapa su geolocalización así como de los datos de contacto,directorio y rutas de acceso.

Se obtiene la información en tiempo real, actualizándose de modocontinuo aquellos nuevos elementos que se añadan en la plataformade gestión centralizada de apps.

Toda la información de esta aplicación procede un servidoralojado en el cloud computacional de la Autoridad Nacional deInnovación Gubernamental.

Under the philosophy ofPanamapps: "We see a global world where people are connected toeach other and their environment. Citizens to live and to shareexperiences. We see technology as an ally to achieve a connectedsociety. We see mobile networks where being major players,"sponsored by the Advisory Board Service and Universal Access (JAS)has been developed and integrated into the cloud computingadministered by the National Authority for Government lnnovation aplatform Smart Social Comunity of information, communication,participation and services that allows users of a community live amobile experience with its surroundings. The platform is designedto connect a community, understanding why the group of individualswho share common elements, such as values, goals, tasks, geographiclocation, etc. while guaranteeing a unique and personalized userexperience.

Mobile application "Mobile Public Directory and Points of RNI",located Public Services of the Republic of Panama: Ministries,health centers, parks and points of the National Internet Network.Shown in a clean and visible on a map their geolocation and contactdata, and directory paths.

Real-time information is obtained, continuously updated thosenew elements are added to the centralized management platformapps.

All information on this application comes a hosted servercomputing cloud of the National Authority for GovernmentInnovation.

App Information Directorio Público

  • App Name
    Directorio Público
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 26, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 3.0 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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