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Pauline Contents 1.0
The Daughters of St. Paul who communicateChrist’s love to all people using all forms of media have setup『Pauline Contents』for communication with God and communicationbetween people.『Pauline Contents』is ‘Catholic Contents licensed Creative CommonsLicense’ sharing website for free.We would like to answer your needs for catholic contents for yourprograms.We offer catholic images, photos, video-clips, flash games,sermons, prayers for your catholic programs such as liturgy,homily, catechism classes, retreat, camp, and othergatherings.We are waiting for angels! Share your talents. Be a donor of anykind of contents for『Pauline Contents』. You can assist us throughprayers, financial assistance, and so many other ways.
성모님과 함께하는 묵주기도 1.4.7
Catholics are the most beloved prayer Rosary (Rosario)'Application.
말씀사탕 1.9
Word daily and handwriting illustration of Seoul yundogwan parishpriest, and listen to the piano repertoire, you can meditate on theWord of God every day.