불교문화사업단 Apps

Templestay Newsstand 1.0.7
Meet Korea's Tradition, Natureand Your True Self at TemplestayThe road to a mountain always leads to the temple;The road to the temple eventually merges with the road to thenature.Leave all worldly sufferings behind. Let the nature breathe intoyou.Reflect on yourself;'Tis the time for meditation and moderation.The temple stay gently reveals the wisdom of monastic life forthose who visit.It is a healing process invoked by seeing yourself, bared in themidst of the nature and made aware to every passing moment.Take a moment to rest your mind and body in the idyllic beauty of atemple and be introduced to your true self, the inner you.This special moment here and now is the temple stay.
Korea Temple Food 1.1
What is Korean Temple Food?With Gratitude for Life and Prayers for PeaceTemple food refers to the food eaten daily at Buddhist temples.At Buddhist temples, everything is considered a part of practice.From growing vegetables to preparing the food, monks and nuns aredirectly involved in the whole process. Monastic practitioners makeit a point to always be grateful for the efforts of all thoseinvolved in the preparation of food. They take only the amount needfor their physical sustenance, leaving no leftover food in theirbowls. This distinctive approach to food preparation has beengradually shaped over many centuries, based on a foundation ofBuddhist philosophy and practice. Temple food is natural, healthyand also a part of Buddhist life. Even today the 1700-year-oldtradition is alive at Korean Buddhist temples.Spirit and values contained in Temple FoodTemple Food constitutes a cultural core that gives a concreteform to the essential teachings of Buddhism on its path to healthyliving and ultimate enlightenment. It trains human beings on how tolive harmoniously with nature and take nature's offerings in thespirit of interbeing.In temple food, there is a strong emphasis on the importance of notbeing attached to food itself. Food is an agent to the goal ofproducing a pure and healthy vessel to hold and fulfillBuddha-dharma. It uses seasonal vegetables to satisfy both flavorand nutritional needs and as a result it comforts both mind andbody. Different ingredients are carefully combined to teach alesson of peaceful coexistence and the truth of interconnectednessof all beings.Temple Food reminds us of the circle of life by showing how allhumans, like food, are born from nature and ultimately returns toit.
Save the Child Monk 1.0.4
Child monk adventure!Child monks were having baru-gongyang, or formal monasticmeal,practice. But one of the child monks was too greedy and didn’tletother monks eat their food.The greedy child monk was scolded by the abbot, so he spilledthefood in his bowls and ran out of temple.As he left the temple, he was transformed into a hungry ghost andhestarted to regret what he had done, crying alone intheforest.The Buddha told the ghost that he needs to pass 8 tests withthebaru-gongyang spirit to regain his previous form.Let’s hurry up and save the child monk with thebaru-gongyangspirit!Mission1 - Please put only as much as you can eat.Mission2 - Share it with others.Mission3 - Please clean it thoroughly!Mission4 - Let’s make a cold bean-soup noodles!Mission5 - Please share the food with animals in the forest .Mission6 - Everyone starts and finishes together~Mission7 - Please offer appreciation to whom you arethankfulfor!Mission8 - Please complete the puzzle.
Korean Temple Food 1.7
This app introduces Korean Temple Food
사찰음식 1.8
Korea Buddhist temple food culture corporation Korea inspections offood is an application to introduce the culture and templesrepresenting seasonal food.