赞美诗网 Apps

赞美诗网客户端(赞!) 1.9
赞美诗网收录了过万首基督教歌曲,为了方便弟兄姊妹随时随地敬拜赞美 神,我们推出了移动客户端。赞!v1.9赞!是由赞美诗网推出的在线免费听诗歌的移动应用客户端,系国内首款专业的赞美诗移动播放程序。本程序中所有歌手、专辑、歌曲以及用户信息均与赞美诗网同步,您可以方便使用赞美诗网的盒子和收藏等功能。我们开发此程序的目的旨在帮助弟兄姊妹们随时随地敬拜赞美主!由于在线试听和下载会消耗大量网络流量,建议弟兄姊妹在WIFI环境下使用本程序,以免产生不必要的通信费用。更多内容请访问:赞美诗网 http://www.zanmeishi.comZMS Team http://team.zanmeishi.com如您在使用过程中遇到困难,或有任何建议或意见,请来信告诉我们。Email : [email protected]
读圣经 3.6.0
圣经都是神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义都是有益的,叫属神的人得以完全,预备行各样的善事。——《圣经》功能:一款集读圣经、听圣经、每日灵粮、读经计划、灵修参考、圣经搜索、经节收藏、读经笔记、分享传福音于一体的圣经软件。特色功能:1、首创圣经语音导航,只需对着圣经说书卷名章节号即可导航到圣经对应位置,甚至可以精确到节号2、创新的“自动链接”,自动链接笔记和灵粮中的“圣经引用”到圣经界面3、“离线同步”技术,无需实时联网,读经进度、收藏经节,您的笔记都可在多台设备同步4、完整的圣经朗读功能,可以在线收听,也可以批量下载《读圣经》缘由:有一年一位杨爷爷来我们教会开培灵会,会中他说:“我这两天讲的内容,你们回去以后可能把这两天的内容都慢慢忘记了。但只要记住三个字就算没白来,这三个字就是——读圣经。回去以后好好地、认真地读圣经!”。可惜的是,后来培灵会过去的久了,部分弟兄姊妹不仅记不起培灵会里讲了些什么,同时把老传道人的嘱咐也给忘记了。所以《读圣经》软件的初衷就是让大家记住平时多读圣经,认真地读圣经,按圣经教导的来生活,效法基督,到神面前得生命,且得地更丰盛。同时也有另外一个初衷:带动身边的年轻弟兄姊妹兴起为主做一点卑微的事工。《读圣经》还有非常多不完善的地方,敬请弟兄姊妹谅解。如果可以,请弟兄姊妹耐心陪伴我们一起成长、完善,同奔天路,将好消息传到地极。All Scripture isGod-breathed and is useful for teaching, reproof, Reformed people,for instruction in righteousness are beneficial, the man of God maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work. - "The Bible"Features:A set of reading the Bible, listening to the Bible, the dailyspiritual food, reading plans, devotional reference, Bible search,verse collections, reading notes, share the gospel in one Biblesoftware.Features:1, the first voice navigation Bible, just in front of the bookswere the Bible says that the chapter number to navigate to thecorresponding position of the Bible, or even accurate to thesection number2, "AutoLink" Innovation automatically link notes and spiritualfood in the "Bible references" to the Bible interface3. "offline sync" technology, without real-time networking, readingprogress, collections verses, your notes can be synchronized acrossmultiple devices4, a complete Bible reading function, you can listen online, youcan also batch download"Bible" reasons:One year, a grandfather to our church open Yang Pei Ling will,would, he said:. "I'm talking about the contents of these days, youcould put two days after the contents are slowly forgotten, butjust remember to go back three Even if the word is not in vain,those words is - go back later to read the Bible properly,carefully read the Bible! ".Unfortunately, later Pei Ling will last a long time, somebrothers and sisters will not only remember where 讲了些什么 Pei Ling,while the old preacher asked also to forget.Therefore, the "Bible" Software intention is to let everyoneremember to read the Bible more than usual, carefully read theBible, according to the teachings of the Bible to life, likeChrist, to God they may have life and have it more abundantlyground.There is also another mind:Driven young brothers and sisters around the rise mainly to do alittle humble ministry."Bible" There are many imperfections, brothers and sisters,please understand.If you can, please be patient brothers and sisters together toaccompany us to grow, improve, with Ben Tin Road, will be good newsto the ends.