財團法人釋迦牟尼佛救世基金會 Apps

救世會 1.1.0
財團法人釋迦牟尼佛救世基金會官方APP正式上線!財團法人釋迦牟尼佛救世基金會,由禪宗第八十五代宗師 悟覺妙天禪師所創。本基金會的宗旨,致力於扭轉目前錯誤的修行觀念,喚醒所有修行人,妙轉意識及相法修行,轉為世尊二千五百多年前所傳之正法修行。讓更多修行人,因修持禪宗正法而能明心見性,見佛成佛。希望同修與各方信眾大德,共同禪修見性佛法,達成「地球佛國,人人成佛」的和平世界!【功能簡介】【宗師介紹】:介紹禪宗第八十五代宗師 悟覺妙天禪師之簡傳,以及禪師弘法三十年之行誼。【禪修會館】:提供救世會全省禪修會館之最新資訊,包含各會館最新禪修/講座資訊、會館地址、電話等,並提供定位、導航功能,幫助大家找到離自己最近的會館。【心得見證】:提供完整的師兄師姐禪修心得見證影片,除了觀看之外,更可透過手機分享給其他朋友。讓救世會官方APP陪伴您禪修,體驗靈性的殊勝美好,並將禪的美好分享給更多有緣人,一同邁向開悟解脫的道路!Sakyamuni BuddhaSalvation Foundation Foundation formally launched the official APP!Foundation Buddha Salvation Foundation, the Zen Master Wu Jueeighty fifth-generation created by Zen wonderful day.The purpose of the Foundation is committed to reverse thecurrent practice of wrong ideas, wake up all spiritual people,wonderful turn awareness and practice phase method, into twothousand five hundred years ago, Buddha preached the Dhammapractice. Practice so that more people, because the Zen practiceDhamma and can clear your heart, Xianfo Buddha. I hope fellowbelievers with the parties Dade common Buddhist meditationvisibility, reach "Earth Buddha, everyone Buddha" world peace![Features][Guru] Introduction: Introduction to Zen eighty fifth-generationmaster of Wu Jue Miao Jane Jackson's passing day, and Jackson'sthree decades of friendship preaching trip.[Meditation Center]: Salvation will provide the latest informationon the province's meditation hall, contains the latest meditationhall / seminar information, Hall address, phone, etc., and providepositioning, navigation features to help you find the nearestHall.[Experience witness]: to provide a complete experience to witnessthe brothers senior sister apprentice meditation videos, inaddition to watching outside, but also to share with other friendsphone.Let salvation will accompany you to the official APP meditation,spirituality auspicious wonderful experience and a better sharingof Zen destined to more people work together towards enlightenmentrelief road!