蜜友工作室 Apps

疯狂猜歌精灵 最全最新答案 1.2
疯狂猜歌又开始疯狂了,为了大家能够更方便完成任务,特推出本 猜歌精灵。使用帮助:1、启动猜歌精灵后,桌面上会显示《猜歌精灵》图标,该图标会一直显示在桌面之上,即使您进入游戏后,也会一直显示,除非您长按该图标可以退出《猜歌精灵》。2、单击《猜歌精灵》图标可以显示或者隐藏提示区域。3、在提示区域中顶端的分类可以左右滑动,内容区域可以上下滚动以查看更多提示答案。4、如果精灵启动了,退出本界面不会影响精灵正常工作。Crazy crazy guess songbegan, in order that we can more easily accomplish tasks, speciallaunch of the guess song wizard.Help:1, start guessing song wizard on the desktop will show "Guess SongWizard" icon, the icon is always displayed on top of the desktop,even if you enter the game, he will always show unless you longpress the icon to exit the "Guess Song Wizard. "2, click the "Guess Song Wizard" icon to show or hide the tiparea.3, in the prompt area classification can be sliding around the topof the content area to scroll up and down to view more promptanswer.4, If the wizard starts, exit this wizard interface will not affectnormal operation.
疯狂猜歌名III精灵 最新版答案 1.0.0
疯狂猜歌精灵第三季闪亮登场!最新答案全在掌握中。针对前2季玩家的意见反馈,第三季我们专门针对港台及新加坡马来西亚的用户需求,加入了大量港台、新加坡、马来西亚华语流行音乐。并且添加繁体中文支持。使用帮助:1、启动疯狂猜歌名III精灵后,桌面上会显示《疯狂猜歌名III精灵》图标,该图标会一直显示在桌面之上,即使您进入游戏后,也会一直显示,除非您长按该图标可以退出《疯狂猜歌名III精灵》。2、单击《疯狂猜歌名III精灵》图标可以显示或者隐藏提示区域。3、在提示区域中顶端的分类可以左右滑动,内容区域可以上下滚动以查看更多提示答案。4、如果精灵启动了,退出本界面不会影响精灵正常工作。5、新增提示区点击可播放音乐,方便与游戏中的音乐对比。6、调整音乐直接从游戏中提取,更省流量,更稳定。7、调整了精灵服务运行级别,不会再被系统杀死。8、如果有什么要求或者建议请给我的微博留言。请 google+中加我,也可以微博中给我留言。http://weibo.com/askmiwhttps://twitter.com/askmiwhttps://www.facebook.com/askmiwGuess the song CrazyElfthird quarter debut! Last answer all in his fists.For the first two quarters player feedback, we specialize inthethird quarter for the Hong Kong and Taiwan and Singapore,Malaysia,user needs, adding a lot of Hong Kong and Taiwan,Singapore,Malaysia, Chinese pop music. And added support forTraditionalChinese.Help:1, start crazy guess the song III wizard, will be displayed onthedesktop "crazy guess song III Wizard" icon, the icon isalwaysdisplayed on top of the desktop, even if you enter the game,hewill always show unless you long press This icon can exitthe"crazy guess title III Wizard."2, click the "crazy guess title III Wizard" icon to show or hidethetip area.3, in the prompt area classification can be sliding around thetopof the content area to scroll up and down to view morepromptanswer.4, If the wizard starts, exit this wizard interface will notaffectnormal operation.5, the new prompt area click to play music, to facilitatecomparisonwith the music in the game.6, adjusting the music directly from the game to extractmoreprovincial traffic, more stable.7, adjusting the level of service to run the wizard, will nolongerbe killed by the system.8, If you have any requirements or suggestions, please givememicroblogging message.Please google+ adding me, you can also leave a message tomemicroblogging.http://weibo.com/askmiwhttps://twitter.com/askmiwhttps://www.facebook.com/askmiw
疯狂猜成语精灵 最新V1.35答案 1.35b
疯狂猜成语作为最火热的休闲文化游戏给大家带来了寓教于乐的休闲游戏,但有的确有些词是你意想不到的,有了猜成语精灵,一切都不在话下,即娱乐了,又增长知识。猜成语精灵 搜遍所有市场还没有这么全的答案,希望带给您更好的体验。使用帮助:1、启动猜成语精灵后,桌面上会显示《猜成语精灵》图标,该图标会一直显示在桌面之上,即使您进入游戏后,也会一直显示,除非您长按该图标可以退出《猜成语精灵》。2、单击《猜成语精灵》图标可以显示或者隐藏提示区域。3、在提示区域中顶端的分类可以左右滑动,内容区域可以上下滚动以查看更多提示答案。4、如果精灵启动了,退出本界面不会影响精灵正常工作。5、答案及图形来自网络,请在启动精灵前确保您的手机已经正常联通互联网。
疯狂猜歌名II精灵 最新V1.05答案 1.0.5
你的乐感怎么样?你是音乐达人吗?疯狂猜歌名第二季强势来袭。考验你的耳朵,挑战你的听觉。可有的音乐的确听不出来,怎么办?来使用《疯狂猜歌名精灵》吧。使用帮助:1、启动疯狂猜歌名精灵后,桌面上会显示《疯狂猜歌名精灵》图标,该图标会一直显示在桌面之上,即使您进入游戏后,也会一直显示,除非您长按该图标可以退出《疯狂猜歌名精灵》。2、单击《疯狂猜歌名精灵》图标可以显示或者隐藏提示区域。3、在提示区域中顶端的分类可以左右滑动,内容区域可以上下滚动以查看更多提示答案。4、如果精灵启动了,退出本界面不会影响精灵正常工作。5、新增提示区点击可播放音乐,方便与游戏中的音乐对比。6、调整音乐直接从游戏中提取,更省流量,更稳定。7、调整了精灵服务运行级别,不会再被系统杀死。8、如果有什么要求或者建议请给我的微博留言。How about your senseofmusic? You are the music of people do? Crazy guess thesecondquarter of strong incoming song. Test your ears, challengeyourhearing.Some music can not really listen to it, how to do? To use the"guessthe song Crazy Wizard" it.Help:1, start crazy guess the song wizard, will be displayed onthedesktop "crazy guess the song Wizard" icon, the icon isalwaysdisplayed on top of the desktop, even if you enter the game,hewill always show unless you long press the icon You can exitthe"crazy guess the song Wizard."2, click the "guess the song Crazy Wizard" icon to show or hidethetip area.3, in the prompt area classification can be sliding around thetopof the content area to scroll up and down to view morepromptanswer.4, If the wizard starts, exit this wizard interface will notaffectnormal operation.5, the new prompt area click to play music, to facilitatecomparisonwith the music in the game.6, adjusting the music directly from the game to extractmoreprovincial traffic, more stable.7, adjusting the level of service to run the wizard, will nolongerbe killed by the system.8, If you have any requirements or suggestions, please givememicroblogging message.
疯狂猜歌名精灵 最新V1.09答案 1.0.9
你的乐感怎么样?你是音乐达人吗?来挑战疯狂猜歌名吧!考验你的耳朵,挑战你的听觉。可有的音乐的确听不出来,怎么办?来使用《疯狂猜歌名精灵》吧。使用帮助:1、启动疯狂猜歌名精灵后,桌面上会显示《疯狂猜歌名精灵》图标,该图标会一直显示在桌面之上,即使您进入游戏后,也会一直显示,除非您长按该图标可以退出《疯狂猜歌名精灵》。2、单击《疯狂猜歌名精灵》图标可以显示或者隐藏提示区域。3、在提示区域中顶端的分类可以左右滑动,内容区域可以上下滚动以查看更多提示答案。4、如果精灵启动了,退出本界面不会影响精灵正常工作。5、新增提示区点击可播放音乐,方便与游戏中的音乐对比。6、调整音乐直接从游戏中提取,更省流量,更稳定。7、调整了精灵服务运行级别,不会再被系统杀死。8、如果有什么要求或者建议请给我的微博留言。How about your senseofmusic? You are the music of people do? Guess the title bartochallenge crazy! Test your ears, challenge your hearing.Some music can not really listen to it, how to do? To use the"guessthe song Crazy Wizard" it.Help:1, start crazy guess the song wizard, will be displayed onthedesktop "crazy guess the song Wizard" icon, the icon isalwaysdisplayed on top of the desktop, even if you enter the game,hewill always show unless you long press the icon You can exitthe"crazy guess the song Wizard."2, click the "guess the song Crazy Wizard" icon to show or hidethetip area.3, in the prompt area classification can be sliding around thetopof the content area to scroll up and down to view morepromptanswer.4, If the wizard starts, exit this wizard interface will notaffectnormal operation.5, the new prompt area click to play music, to facilitatecomparisonwith the music in the game.6, adjusting the music directly from the game to extractmoreprovincial traffic, more stable.7, adjusting the level of service to run the wizard, will nolongerbe killed by the system.8, If you have any requirements or suggestions, please givememicroblogging message.