游戏玩家 Apps

天天抢红包 v1.0
尿了么 1.0.2
人生离不开“吃喝拉撒”,小便的知识还远远不止这一点,丰富等很,小便不仅是身体排除废物的途径,还是健康状况的“晴雨表”。尿频、尿急、尿等待、尿黄、尿臭等等问题都是健康问题的预警。每天排尿多少,尿频的原因,尿液颜色的改变,都代表着身体的某种反应,里面大有学问。Life can not do without"eating and sleeping," pee knowledge is far more than that, and sovery rich, urine is not only a way to eliminate waste in the body,or health of "barometer." Urinary frequency, urgency, urinary wait,dark urine, urine smell and so on are all early warning of healthproblems. How much daily urination, frequent urination causeschanges in urine color, represents a certain reaction of the body,which is very demanding.